Is HIIT Training Aerobic Or Anaerobic? (Best Benefits Of Exercise For Health & Fitness)

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Is HIIT training aerobic or anaerobic? Today we're going to explain it so that you can

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set some good goals both for your fitness and your health.

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Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly

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master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. There's

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a lot of confusion about training and aerobic and anaerobic, cortisol, blood

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sugar... so we're gonna talk a little bit about this today so that you can set

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some good goals and understand why you're doing it depending on what your

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health and fitness goals are. So let's assume that you have a resting heart

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rate of about 60 that's if you're in pretty good shape a lot of people are

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anywhere from 60 up to 80 so if you can get it closer to 60 then you've got a

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stronger heart and a little bit better oxygen utilization. So that's about

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thirty percent of your maximum heart rate and from 60 up to about 120 is what

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we call the aerobic range that means that your body is providing oxygen or

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air at a sufficient pace to keep up with the exercise so because you're keeping

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up you can keep doing it for hours this would be leisurely - a fast walk it

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could be a bike ride something that you can keep up for hours and still not feel

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totally beat the next day that's about 60% of maximum heart rate then from that

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point up we're getting into the an aerobic that means without oxygen

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meaning we can't breathe fast enough to completely satisfy the body's oxygen

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need so we're falling a little bit behind we can't rely on fat burning and

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using oxygen we have to rely on sugar and glycolysis and there's some other

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videos I've done in the past where you can check that out so between a heart

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rate of 120 to 160 or 60 to 80 percent approximately we're in the an aerobic

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range now we're huffing puffing and we can keep it up not for

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hours but minutes we can push it and do it for 20 30 40 minutes if we have

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enough willpower but it's sort of painful and and we're totally beat

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afterwards if we do that and then we get into what we call high-intensity

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interval training this is the all-out that give it all you got

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do-or-die kind of exercise and because it's it should be so intense you can

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only keep it up for seconds and if you could keep it up for minutes then you're

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really more in the anaerobic range you haven't really hit the zone of high

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intensity where you get some of those specific benefits so your maximum heart

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rate is going to vary a little bit and typically it'll probably be somewhere

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between a hundred and sixty to 220 and that's because the maximum heart rate

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goes down as we age everyone's a little different but typically you're gonna

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find it to be roughly 220 minus your age so I am 54 years old so if I subtract my

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age from that I should have a maximum heart rate of about 166 so when I really

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push myself if I do some uphill sprints or something I can still get my heart

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rate to about 175 so it's a ballpark number but it'll give you a pretty good

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range of where you need to be and the 220 heart rate would be basically a

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teenager so if you're 60 years old shoot for 160 if you're a teenager shoot for

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200 220 and that means you're in within a few percent of your maximum heart rate

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so I put a hundred-plus here because myself for example can get over a

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hundred percent of my theoretical maximum heart rate but once in order to

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get in to hit you want to push yourself to where you're very very close to that

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maximum heart rate so let's look at what's happening in the body in these

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different areas in these different stages so let's look at stress level how

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much stress is it to the body and we we talk about cortisol general stress level

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and how much does it break the body down because we want to realize that exercise

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does not build you up exercise breaks you down

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it's the recovery and the proper nutrition that builds you back up so you

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can do the exercise again even better so with aerobic exercise when you're

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just walking leisurely when you're on a bike ride in the park then it's a very

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mild stress so you're not making much cortisol and there is not much breakdown

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so there's not much need for recovery or rebuilding there's no challenge you

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don't have to get better really to do the bike ride next time then as we get

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up we go from mild to moderate cortisol and stress and breakdown to severe to

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extreme and what this means is every one of these has some benefits because the

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closer we get the more extreme we get the higher the stress level which breaks

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us down and that's not a great thing but it is sort of a great thing because it's

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the challenge to the body so it tells the body hey you got to really really

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get your act together you got to grow stronger so that you can

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handle this next time because if you do this on a regular basic basis the body

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quickly gets the idea that this is going to happen again and we'd better get our

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act together next we look at growth hormone and this is sort of related to

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what I just mentioned growth hormone is a rebuilding hormone it's a rejuvenating

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hormone it's extremely powerful for anti-aging so powerful that they often

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give it as an as a drug but of course when they give it as a drug you

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unbalance the body because you're pushing it in from the outside when you

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make it on your own you always remain in balance in your

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body so the growth hormone impact on aerobic is very low you're not

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challenging your body much as we go up you get some and then you get more and

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at the hit level now you're making as much as three to four hundred percent

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the normal amount of growth hormone and this stays up for 48 to 72 hours it

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degrades gradually so even doing a HIIT workout twice a week is gonna keep you

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at a pretty high level of growth hormone in a sustained way fitness now this

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depends on what you're after now we're talking more about what's your goal the

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fitness impact on aerobic is pretty low with anaerobic you get more and more and

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once you get into hit you have a lot of fitness impact so now we have to look at

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what is your goal I was an Olympic decathlete so my goal was extremely

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event specific at a very very high level so that meant I had to practice at the

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level and in the same way that I was going to compete because if you're if

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you're a sprinter and you're gonna run the hundred meters and it's gonna last

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10 seconds and you're gonna be all out you're gonna be on a hundred percent you

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can't practice at 70 percent and then believe that the body is ready to go to

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a hundred same thing if you're a tennis player or a rower or a mountain biker or

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a triathlete you have to do some base training but then you have to gear it

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toward your specific goal now let's look at what some different goals might be so

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obviously if your goal is fitness if you are a triathlete then you got to figure

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out how to balance this in a way to fit your event if you're a triathlete you're

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gonna spend a lot of time right around the lower end of an aerobic because

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you're going to be going for six seven eight hours so you can't be

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up in here because you couldn't sustain it

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but you also can't be down here because then you're not really getting the

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fitness level that you need but let's just say someone's goal is health you

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don't have any particular not going to compete you're not gonna race you just

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want to be moderately fit you want to be healthy you want to maximize the growth

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hormone and the all these different variables let's say it and now it also

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depends on how old you are so if you're 20 or 50 or 80 years old you're probably

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going to have a little bit different goals but let's say you're 20 years old

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and your goal is just to be healthy then I would suggest and these are just rough

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numbers it's not like I researched this and said this is exactly what you need

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to do for this situation but it'll give you an idea I think of where how you can

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kind of fit this together so if you're 20 years old then you probably just want

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to do somewhere between 60 and 90 percent of your training in the aerobic

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range meaning you're breathing slowly you're breathing fully but steadily but

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you're not panting and panicking and this is tricky for a lot of people

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because they think training is pain they think they have no pain no gain that

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they have to hurt in order to get something out of it and that's not true

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because at this level you have still doubled your heart rate you have more

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than doubled your circulation because each heartbeat pumps more blood

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so you're tripled or quadrupled your circulation your drainage your detox

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your oxygenation of tissues all of these things are tremendously increased even

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at a moderate level long before you actually feel pain or discomfort so if

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you're just looking for health then do the vast majority of your time in

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training in the arabic range meaning 120 or less in heartrate then you probably

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want to do some if you enjoy it if you want like to

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Tenace if you like to do spin classes if you like to do aerobics then do some of

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that if you enjoy it do some because it's going to get you some fitness it's

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moderately stressful and again this depends on how healthy you are to start

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with if you're already a little bit fragile then you probably don't want to

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get into this range at all if you're just trying to get started you might

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spend as much as a hundred percent of your time in in this range and then I

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would encourage you to still do a little bit of high-intensity training even if

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you do ninety five percent down here and you do nothing here do a little bit of

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high-intensity but this also has to do with how fit you

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are how healthy are you if you have pain if you have knee pain or back pain or

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Achilles pain you're not going to be able to do sprints so you have to adapt

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it to what you're capable of doing something that's relatively safe would

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be a stationary bike for example you sit down and you pedal as hard as you can

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for seconds not minutes or hours thirty seconds you take a few seconds ten 20

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second break you go all out again 30 seconds and you just do that until

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you get your heart rate up and you do this no more than once or twice a week

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if you're if you're young and fit you might do it a little bit more you might

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want to do it three or four even five times if it's event-specific but the

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older you get and the less event-specific you are you probably

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don't want to do this more than once or twice a week for just a few minutes just

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long enough to get your heart rate into that 95 to 100 percent range and now you

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are dramatically increasing your growth hormone your anti-aging circumstances

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and so forth so if you're 50 you might want to go somewhere between 70 to 95

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percent in the aerobic range if you enjoy it do a little bit of anaerobic

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and do a little bit of high intensity and even if you're 80

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years old if you can you might do as anywhere from 80 to as much as a hundred

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percent in this range you may do something here if you're really youthful

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80 year old and you like playing tennis keep doing that or if you have some

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specific hobby and do what you can if you're if you're not fit enough if you

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have pain or something keeping you from it then your high intensity is going to

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be zero which holds true for the 50 year olds as well but if you can try to do at

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least once a week maybe twice a little bit of high intensity because now you

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are challenging your body you're telling your body hey we need some growth

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hormone we need something to build up the body so that it can get better

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so you can get stronger so you can have more vitality and deal with this stress

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tomorrow because it is very stressful that's why even though the tremendous

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benefits we want to keep this to a minimum very very short duration not

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every day because this is low low stress you can do as much as you like do it for

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hours if you enjoy it and in the anaerobic range then you do as much as

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you enjoy but don't let it become most of the training that you do because now

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you're just stressing your body without really getting the health or fitness

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benefits so is hit training Arabic or anaerobic well it's on the spectrum so

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hit is an extreme version of anaerobic stay tuned to our channel so you can

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learn more about health make sure you subscribe and hit that notification and

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share this video with as many people as you can because there's a lot of people

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who want to be healthy but they're not quite sure how thanks for watching

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