Is HIIT Better Than Steady Cardio?

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is hiit better than steady cardio there are three main benefits to exercise and

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hiit or high-intensity interval training uniquely provides that third benefit so

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make sure you stay tuned and hear it all out I am doctor Ekberg with wellness for

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life and if you'd like to get as healthy as possible and truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you hit that subscribe button

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and the notification bell so that you don't miss anything why do we exercise

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in the first place what's the purpose why is exercise necessary for human

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health to optimize human health well we can look at it three different ways the

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first and primary benefit of exercise is that it stimulates the brain and

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movement stimulates the brain so this is dancing or doing Taichi

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or stretching or playing hopscotch or tossing a ball all those things activate

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your nervous system there involve coordination and movement so that's the

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primary purpose of exercise the second purpose is circulation it increases

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circulation you increase your heart rate you increase the output of the heart so

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the increased heart rate multiplied by the increased heart output how much it

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pumps with each heartbeat means that even something like walking where you

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might double your heart rate you might actually increase your heart output your

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blood flow your circulation many times more than that and what the circulation

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do the blood circulating more and faster and reaching more cells means that

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you're delivering more nutrients and you're taking more toxins away

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that's called drainage and that's a very healthy that's part of detoxification

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it's part of staying healthy is eliminating the waste products the third

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thing that a lot of people kind of miss is that exercise is stress and that can

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be a good thing and can be a bad thing so without stress our

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bodies would continuously degenerate they would just get weaker and weaker

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and weaker and weaker until they just fade away and die stress is absolutely

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necessary it's the only reason the body has to respond to anything to grow and

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get better so think about a muscle if you lift some weights you build some big

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strong muscles and then you hurt yourself you sprain the wrist you put it

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you put your arm in a cast you break a bone then a couple of months later when

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that cast comes off there is no muscle there because you didn't activate it you

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put didn't put any stress on it you didn't give the body a reason to

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maintain that strong muscle and the body says hey must not be important I'm not

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gonna send precious resources to rebuild that muscle when it obviously has no use

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so everything in the body has a purpose there's that there's a reason it's there

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and we have to stress it a little bit so high-intensity exercise has the purpose

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of stressing the body it's a challenge it's a reason for the body to become

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more if we don't push the limits ever then the body is very comfortable and

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there may not be anything wrong with that if you're just content walking and

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creating some circulation then that may be enough for you but there are

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tremendous benefits to high-intensity exercise because in order for your brain

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in order for your nervous system to repair in order for your nervous system

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to learn learning involves making new synapses when nerve cells connect to

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each other they create synapses and what's called

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neural networks and the same process is involved with repair and rebuilding so

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they're kind of the same thing learning and repairing and there are two hormones

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that are required and they're called human growth hormone

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and brain-derived neurotrophic factor don't worry about the name it's BDNF and

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just know these two hormones aren't necessary they're essential for the

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brain to make new synapses and they have also shown very recently that with

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enough of these two hormones and enough of a challenge your brain can actually

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make new brain cells all together not just synapses but new brain cells and

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they have found that it can make those in the areas of the brain responsible

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for memory and that's a major concern for a lot of people as they age they

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lose their memory well there is now a known mechanism that you can restore

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some of those cells but it depends on human growth hormone and brain derived

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neurotrophic factor and the number one thing to produce more of these two

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hormones is high intensity exercise but you have to really really challenge your

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body you have to do something you have to push your body to failure so if

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you're doing push-ups or you're doing squats or you're doing high-speed

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stationary bike you have to do it as if your life depended on it

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until you fail because then your body says hey what I did this time wasn't

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good enough I need to get better I need to become more so I can handle this

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challenge next time and it produces as much as three to four hundred percent

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more of these hormones these hormones are so powerful as rejuvenating hormones

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that they're often given to the elderly as a way of restoring their health the

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problem is when you add it from the outside when you give it as a drug it

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has side effects and it has the potential of increasing risk of cancer

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if you do it naturally through exercise there are none of the side effects none

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of the ill effects you have only benefits

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natural benefits from it in the thing to keep in mind with the high-intensity

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exercise also is that because it is so incredibly stressful you don't want to

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do much of it because you want to do enough that you create a challenge but

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not so much that you break the body down remember exercise breaks the body down

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then recovery allows the body to rebuild so if you break it down too much then it

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doesn't have the time and the resources in between workouts to recover and

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rebuild so the key to high-intensity exercise is to increase gradually so

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that you know that your body's health and your physical shape can can tolerate

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it so you don't go right into just all-out

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you you build up and make sure that your body can tolerate it and you check with

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your physician if there's any contraindications or any reasons why you

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shouldn't be able to do that and then when you do it you can do as little as

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five or ten minutes there are different programs you can check various different

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videos look on the Internet age I I T high-intensity interval trainings and

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some of these workouts you can do in as little as three or four minutes if you

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include warm-up you might spend 10 15 20 minutes but the active time that you're

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doing this should be just a couple of minutes so that also makes it very time

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efficient for people who don't have a lot of time to exercise you don't have

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to have hours and hours you have 15 minutes you can do it often times you

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won't even break a sweat because it is so brief and you also don't need to do

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it very often because once you trigger that growth hormone 2 3 400 percent

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increase it stays high for up to 48 72 hours it declines gradually but even 3

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days later you're gonna have some residual increased level of that growth

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hormone and therefore you don't want to do it more than 2 or 3 times a week

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because it is very stressful but the benefits stay with you for several days

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and another nice benefit for people to know is that growth hormone is a fat

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burning hormone so even though you don't exercise for a very long time and you

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technically don't burn all that many calories during the workout you burn

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much much more energy much much more fat for fuel in the days after the workout

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because you increase your metabolism and you're increasing this growth hormone if

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