Is FLUORIDE BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reveals The TRUTH)

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Fluoride toothpaste poison or nutrient? Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with

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Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything. So one of my viewers Magdalena (Koh) asked about

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fluoride toothpaste, so I thought I would add a little bit information on that

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subject. So once upon a time they introduced a lot of fluoride they they

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added to the drinking water and they added to toothpaste believing that it

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somehow helps to strengthen teeth and there was like one study early on that

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said it does strengthen teeth but then there's been hundreds of studies that

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try to duplicate and try to find out for sure and there's never been any

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conclusive evidence on the contrary while there's very few studies that

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would indicate that there's any benefit there's several that indicate there are

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some side effects and detrimental effects that it can increase staining

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and pitting and even cracking of teeth it can reduce the IQ and children and it

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increases the risk for fractures so there's a lot of reasons to educate

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yourself a little about this and the one thing that we see in our office

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primarily is thyroid problems and what's going on here well fluoride is in the

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family of halogens it's on the right side of the periodic table and it's in

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the same family as chlorine bromine and iodine so these guys are very related

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they look the same they have the same kind of molecular arrangement so they

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have a tendency to displace each other in the body

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so while iodine is a nutrient necessary for the thyroid to make thyroid hormone

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the other three are neurotoxins they are not nutrients they have never been shown

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to have any essential function in the body

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no metabolic pathway ever has been found to depend on the

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first three therefore they are poisons and because they look the same though

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they have a tendency to displace iodine from the thyroid and make the thyroid

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more toxic it also because they displace iodine we can become and we're more

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likely to become iodine deficient by being exposed to these three how did

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this all get started where is this controversy was the beginning well like

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we said there was one study that showed some benefit and then they had an

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industry of aluminum production and synthetic phosphate fertilizer

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production that produced a lot of fluoride as a by-product so they wanted

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a place to dump it and it is illegal to dump it into the ground and into the

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water because they found the cat it poisoned the cattle and it killed off

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vegetation when it's being transported its transported with skull and

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crossbones because it is a poison but for some reason they figured that it's a

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good idea to put it in our drinking water and to put it in toothpaste so

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back when this all started they elicited the help of Edward Bernays

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and he's been called the father of public relations he's been called a

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father of spin as in spinning the truth and the father of propaganda he called

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he wrote a book called propaganda and one of his more famous campaigns was

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called torches of freedom where he convinced women in 1929 to increase

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smoking because it would help them get equality with a man so he used the

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emancipation struggle as a as an incentive for women to smoke more and of

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course it sounds crazy but it worked and a lot more women smoked as a result so

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he was very good at what he did and that's why they asked him to help

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convince people that fluoride in the water was a good idea so today as a

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result we have it in the drinking water we do have it in the toothpaste so in

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the drinking water is sort of mandatory because wherever you live if it's there

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it's there with toothpaste however you do have a choice because you can buy it

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with fluoride or without fluoride and if you stick around a little bit longer I'm

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gonna give you one piece of advice that's going to blow you away that is

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going to make up your mind for sure in Europe they have gotten smart about this

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so at one point they were fluoridating the water for most of Europe but as

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people learn more and as people became more aware they gradually bandit country

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by country until today there's only 3% of Western Europe that has fluoridated

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water the number in the u.s. is about 70 percent at this time however even the US

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have gotten a little bit smarter because in 2015 for the first time in 50 years

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they lowered the level so now they said zero point 7 parts per million would be

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the maximum limit that was allowed so it is making some sort of progress even

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here but here's the kicker I want you all after this to go and find

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a tube of toothpaste and if you use fluoridated toothpaste then you want to

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get out your magnifying glass and look very carefully in the back it says the

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following and I didn't believe it so you're not going to believe it unless

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you go read it if an amount larger than normally used for brushing is

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accidentally swallowed contact poison control center immediately does that

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sound like a nutrient to you if you a tiny amount as pea an amount normally

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used is accidentally swallow contact poison control center immediately ok go

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check it out you won't believe me I didn't so as a result Europe has banned

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it and the u.s. is a bit stubborn and in that regard so what you can do is

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obviously you can get the tooth pay has no fluoride which I'm sure you'll do

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after this you can also get a water filter unfortunately chlorine is very

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easy to remove fluoride fluorine is very difficult to remove so while most carbon

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filters will remove chlorine very few filters will remove fluoride and it's

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very difficult to remove it entirely it's kind of frustrating that you have

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to go to great expense just to remove something that the government put there

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in the first place you do have to spend a little bit more money and I would

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recommend for a lot of people it would probably be worth it to get a house

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filter and some of the good ones can remove anywhere from maybe 50 to 70 to

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80 percent of the fluoride in the water so here's the thing to understand about

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fluoride it has never been shown to be a nutrient there's no agency in the world

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today that claims that it is a nutrient or that it is part of any essential

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function or any metabolic activity that's necessary in the body at all ever

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so it is not a nutrient it is a poison and do what you can to reduce it so

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