Is Fish Oil Good For You? Dr Ekberg

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the most important fats are DHA and EPA  and those are the two things that are in  

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high quality fish oil that's why we talk so  much about everyone should take fish oil if  

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you don't you start today and never stop DHA  which you only get a few hundred milligrams  

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from from a good quality official is 40 percent  of the bulk of your brain consists of DHA and  

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50 percent of every cell membrane that's every  cell membrane on a hundred trillion cells in  

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your body is 50 percent DHA and since the sub  membrane is responsible for the signaling and  

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the communication it determines what's inside  and outside the cell that's hugely important  

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and the DHA and the quality of that sub memory  membrane depends largely on the quality of the  

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facts making it up 60 percent of your retina is  DHA so vision also depends on it then EPA is not  

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so much a building block it is a precursor but  it's a precursor for prostaglandin 3 which makes  

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it a very very important anti-inflammatory  it's the body's most important natural  

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anti-inflammatory it's what balances things out  in the body and what they have found which we'll  

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get into in another talk is virtually all  degenerative disease is related to a chronic  

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state of inflammation much due to toxicity  so the EPA here will counteract some of that

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