Is CHOLESTEROL BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)

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12 truths about cholesterol to survive the HDL and LDL myths is there good

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cholesterol is there bad cholesterol is cholesterol bad today went to give you

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the bigger picture we're gonna give you 12 truths so that you can avoid all the

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pitfalls and you can stay healthy coming right up

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hey I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything as all of you know cholesterol has been a big deal in the

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news for the last 50 years and every so-called nutrition label has warnings

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about how much cholesterol is in the food so that you can avoid that kind of

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food well here's some news for you the first thing that you need to understand

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about cholesterol is that your body makes it your body manufactures

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cholesterol your body makes about two to three thousand milligrams every day

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that's about 75% of all the cholesterol that your body needs yes

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your body needs cholesterol so if you eat less cholesterol your body has to

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make more cholesterol if you eat zero cholesterol in your diet then your body

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will make a hundred percent of the cholesterol that you need so dietary

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cholesterol has absolutely nothing to do with your blood cholesterol levels and

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again we're going to talk about how the body is really really smart it has some

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incredible wisdom and it would not manufacture a substance that is harmful

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for you everything the body does is on purpose it's doing the right thing at

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the right time in the right amount to the right degree depending on the

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circumstances okay so your body makes cholesterol when it needs it

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number two why does the body make cholesterol what is the body use

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for why is it needed it's an essential nutrient it is a component of every cell

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wall in every cell of your body so the cell membrane that's what determines the

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properties the signaling ability of the cell the cells ability to determine the

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difference between inside and outside that is what the cell wall does and

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cholesterol is an essential component in that structure one of your most

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important cell membrane is your brain because there is some very specific

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signaling going on in the brain and again cholesterol is very important

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there most of your hormones are cholesterol based have you heard of

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steroid hormones that's the testosterone and the estrogen and so forth that's

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where the stero in cholesterol comes from they're called steroid hormones

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because they're made from cholesterol all right they are essential if you

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don't have enough cholesterol then your body has a hard time manufacturing those

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hormones your liver produces bile and that's like a detergent and emulsifier

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to help you break down fats so it's essential for your digestion to have

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bile if you can't break down fats properly also can't absorb the fat

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soluble vitamins the vitamin A D E and K and vitamin D is actually a hormone

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which is also made from cholesterol your body uses cholesterol for repair because

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cholesterol is part of every cell wall every cell membrane any time that you

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get damage to your tissues the body has to repair it has to repair the tissue

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which has cell membranes so it has to have more cholesterol available for

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repair and it's also important in wound healing and blood clotting so anytime

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that you have stress and your body anticipates or prepares for additional

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damage your LDL cholesterol goes up so your

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body can prepare so it's so smart it will anticipate the damage and have a

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little extra cholesterol handy just in case number three fact you have to know

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there are a few unfortunate people to whom cholesterol is a problem and that's

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called familial hypercholesterolemia that just means it runs in the family

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they have a genetic defect that prevents them from reabsorbing and regulating the

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LDL so LDL just keeps going up and up and up and up

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so they have a genetic defect that prevents them from regulating it so now

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cholesterol does become a problem and the genetic defect could be heterozygous

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meaning that one out of the pair of genes is faulty and that happens in

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about one in five hundred people and then there's something called homozygous

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defect and that's when both parts of the pair is faulty so if you have one part

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faulty then your cholesterol is going to run between 350 to 550 if you have both

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of them wrong then it's going to run 650 to a thousand your total cholesterol

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level so these are levels that we're done we're not going to see in the

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general population right most times we're talking about cholesterol we're

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talking they consider it marginally high from 200 up to 280 that's where 98% of

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people are going to fall this is a diseased condition this is a problem and

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these people do want to seek some medical attention because this will

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typically shorten their life span but again it's even though these are

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disastrously extremely high levels there's still a lot of these people who

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never notice anything even at these levels number four fact about

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cholesterol lower is not better oK we've been told we've been made to believe

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that lower is better I've had patients come in with a cholesterol of a hundred

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and thirty and they're still on a stand drugged because their doctor tells them

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lower is always better well if we look at the graph of all-cause mortality that

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meaning that all the reasons that people die the overall death rate of for

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whatever reason when people have a cholesterol level of a hundred and

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thirty they have a very high death rate then it drops the death there all cause

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mortality drops down to a point of cholesterol about 220 and then it starts

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going up again but it's more dangerous to have a cholesterol of 130 than it is

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to have a cholesterol of 300 now this graph doesn't tell us everything because

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a lot of these people with the cholesterol of 300 they're gonna have a

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very unbalanced cholesterol ratio which we'll talk about in a little bit so you

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could have even though 220 is the bottom of the graph you could still be very

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healthy even with a higher level of cholesterol as long as you have a good

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ratio number five dementia brain health cognition your thinking ability your

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mental capacity is directly related to cholesterol so when they checked people

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as they get older once they get into their 80s they found that the people

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with the lowest cholesterol had the highest rates of dementia they had the

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lowest cognitive function and the late rate of dementia decreased and the

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people who had a cholesterol of total cholesterol of 240 had a better

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cognitive function than anybody with a lower cholesterol so cholesterol is

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neuroprotective because it's an essential nutrient to the brain it makes

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your brain function better as you age number six what is HDL and LDL well HDL

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is not even cholesterol LDL is not even cholesterol

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they are what's called carriers they are vehicles HDL stands for high density

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lipoprotein it's a protein with some fats mixed in and it helps the body

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carry the cholesterol around why does it do that why doesn't it just dump the

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cholesterol in the bloodstream because cholesterol is not water-soluble blood

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is mostly water-based and cholesterol is not water-soluble it's what's called

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hydrophobic so the carriers are there to help the fat mix with water so we can

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transport the cholesterol where they need to go so we often hear that HDL is

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good and LDL is bad why why do we call it that well they say that HDL goes to

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pick up it brings excess cholesterol back to the liver and therefore we

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consider it good whereas LDL delivers cholesterol to the tissues and therefore

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increases cholesterol deposits and the tissues and therefore we call it bad but

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that's assuming that they're doing it for no reason whatsoever it's assuming

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that it's a bad thing to deliver cholesterol and why does it deliver

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cholesterol because we need it for these reasons especially repair so if we have

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a repair to perform and the LDL brings repair materials is that bad of course

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not it's about a balance the body makes appropriate cholesterol and it makes

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appropriate cholesterol it depends on the circumstances your body is not the

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stupid one so an analogy would be if you've ever been to Disney World or one

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of these amusement parks where they have huge parking lots and there's a hundred

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thousand people in the morning or trying to get to the amusement park and then in

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the evening there's a hundred thousand people trying to get back to their car

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that's what a carrier does it carries something so these carry

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cholesterol the parking buses trains carry people so in the morning they send

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empty carriers out to the parking lot to pick up two people so that would be like

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the HDL it's it's empty it's ready to pick something up and then in the

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evening they bring the empty ones with the people and they deliver them back to

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the car so in the morning it's like HDL bringing it bringing people one way and

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then in the evening its LDL but we would never call those parking trains good or

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bad they are appropriate depending on the situation so number seven the mix-up

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how did we get so confused about this stuff well it's because we tend to not

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think in terms of cause and effect humans can be kind of short-sighted and

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just observe something and say oh look there is a person with heart disease

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they have a lot of cholesterol that cholesterol must be the problem they're

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confusing cause-and-effect they're observing an association and then

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they're just implying they're guessing they're assuming that whatever shows up

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at the problem site is the cause and one of my favorite analogies of how

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ridiculous that is is every time that I see a traffic accident I also see

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emergency vehicles okay there's police there's ambulance

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and there's fire trucks every time so if I just used Association then I would

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assume that the blinking lights the vehicles with the blinking lights cause

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the accident because they're always there every time there's an accident

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there are those vehicles those evil bad vehicles are always present

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so obviously the emergency vehicles didn't cause the problem they came after

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the problem and they're trying to help same thing with cholesterol the LDL the

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deposits come after the problem and they try to help they're there to help the

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body is intelligent it doesn't do things that are stupid it doesn't randomly send

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LDL there number eight so the treatment for cholesterol is and

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again the problem is that they think lower is better even though we

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definitely know that it's more dangerous to have very very low cholesterol than

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it is very high but still the treatment is just to lower cholesterol

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indiscriminately and they use statin drugs and what the statin drug does it

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goes in and it blocks a step in the liver where the body converts something

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into cholesterol preventing the liver from producing the necessary amount of

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cholesterol so in the analogy of the traffic accident the treatment would be

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like let's shoot the messenger let's set up road blocks for the fire

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trucks let's put out some spike strips for the police car so they can't get

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there let's let's reroute the ambulance so it never finds the accident okay it's

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it's ridiculous we're interfering with the solution and

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leaving the problem unattended that's what we're doing so I'm going to try to

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get an idea of what sort of videos are out there I was shocked I was it was

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frightening how 90 plus percent of all the videos just talked about how to

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lower cholesterol this is how you lower cholesterol and we're just assuming we

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hear this we take this association instead of a cause effect this loose

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association which is not true and we assume that it's true and then all the

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effort goes to lowering cholesterol as if that was a good thing it's like

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saying we don't believe intelligence is good

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we think that your kids are too smart and now everybody goes out and make

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videos on how to lower your child's intelligence or how to lower health in

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the body or how to lower muscle mass lower vitality we hear that's a good

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thing everybody should go make videos on how to lower it it's not about that okay

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it's about balance the body makes the right amount the right amount of HDL the

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right amount of LDL for the situation at hand so what we're looking for is

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balance number ten you can have a balanced cholesterol when there is the

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appropriate amount of delivery and the appropriate amount of bringing back of

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recovery and that is usually in healthy people it's a three to one ratio of

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total cholesterol to HDL they have found that anyone with a about a three or less

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than a three point three ratio has less than half they have a fraction of the

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average risk of heart disease regardless of what the total levels are because the

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HDL is considered protective it's not the total level that matters it's about

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the balance are we in a situation where there's balance between how much we take

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out versus how much we bring back and again that's just an indicator of health

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it's not the cause of health when you're healthy when your body is in balance

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your body will produce these ratios of cholesterol so you could have a 270 over

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90 and be healthy you could have a 180 over 60 and be healthy and right now

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last time I checked my cholesterol was 225 over 75 it was a 3.0 and I'm very

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very happy with that even though according to the official guidelines I

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have high cholesterol so what is the problem then if these are just

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indicators if there's no such thing as good or bad cholesterol and what's the

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real problem the real problem is called inflammation inflammation produces

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damage to the body there's a balanced amount of inflammation just like

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everything else needs to be in balance but when we have excessive inflammation

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the body has to create excessive repair responses and now when the LDL is always

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out there repairing then we have excess damage now

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we get excess plaquing and the so called the only so called bad LDL is when LDL

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gets oxidized from inflammation and we have what's called a small LDL so

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there's large LDL it'll kind of large and fluffy there are perfectly healthy

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they're good and those are typically the ones that increase when you go on a

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low-carb diet so some people see that the cholesterol levels are going to

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climb usually that's temporary it'll come up and and it will come right back

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down again but what's increasing is not the bad

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small oxidized it's typically the fluffy ones but regardless as you reduce your

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inflammation your body gets into balance so if the cause is inflammation then

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obviously the solution is to reduce the things that cause the inflammation so

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the twelfth truth that you have to know about cholesterol is that the cause of

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inflammation is sugar and starch and allergens grain and dairy are the top

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two allergens especially modern wheat we've never seen people so many people

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being sensitive to it so many people having a low-grade inflammation to a

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food as to the modern wheat so if you want to reduce inflammation obviously

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reduce sugar reduce grain and reduce anything else that you might be allergic

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to and what do you eat instead you eat foods that are anti-inflammatory or

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inflammation neutral so you eat good saturated fats

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such as egg including the egg yolk if you're gonna throw something away throw

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away the egg white because that's a more common allergen you want to eat

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grass-fed butter grass-fed beef and especially you want to eat fish fatty

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fish or take a fish oil supplement you've got to be a little careful with

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the fish because some of the larger predatory fish have a lot of mercury and

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toxins in them since they live in the water for a long time salmon and small

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fish like sardines and mackerel are the best choices for fatty fish and then you

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can also eat the flat small white fish that are very low in mercury so if you

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understand these twelve truths then you also understand that for most people the

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lifestyle intervention is the most appropriate thing to do and for most

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people a lot of the cases that are being called high cholesterol is not a problem

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the people that have a problem like we said are people with extremely high

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cholesterol levels they have a genetic defect and the treatment in their case

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is appropriate because when you do a treatment and you lay out in the analogy

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if you lay out road blocks for the fire truck then that'll be appropriate

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because they have so much of the cholesterol the fire truck is out

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running over people all right so then it'd be a good thing to put some road

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blocks out but that's an extreme situation all right most people do not

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fit in here it's 1 in 500 so 499 out of 500 people do not have that problem even

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though it's often quoted as a major issue if you learn something and enjoyed

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this video you'll probably love that one thank you so much for watching I'll see

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you next time

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