Is Chiropractic Safe After Back Surgery? - Dr Ekberg

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Is chiropractic safe after spinal (or back) surgery? And why would you want to get

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adjusted after spinal surgery? I'll explain. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with

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Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything. Is chiropractic safe after spinal surgery a

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lot of people ask that we get phone calls some people wonder but before we

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can answer that question we need to understand what chiropractic truly is

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because chiropractic is not about twisting and popping and cracking the

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spine that is not the mechanism by which chiropractic works so how does it work

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well in the body there is a passive system so the bones they can be aligned

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or misaligned but only based on how the muscles are acting on them and the

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muscles are only going to act on the bones based on what sort of information

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what kind of signals the regulating system or the brain is sending to the

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muscles so if we have a misalignment in a bone it's because we're lack of

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movement in a bone it's because the brain is not sending the right signals

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so that's either because the brain is incapable or because the brain doesn't

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have the true picture it doesn't know what to do because it's misinformed or

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confused so the brain controls everything in the body but it can only

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do that based on feedback because the brain is essentially blind it's never

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seen or heard or touched or felt anything all the brain knows is based on

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the signals the billions of bits of information that the brain receives that

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paints a picture for the brain so that it knows what the world looks like if it

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has a true picture of the world it can act perfectly if it doesn't know what

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the world looks like it has to guess and once we understand that everything is

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about signals that the brain regulates by sending out signals it

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understands the worlds by receiving signals we also have to look at what are

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the different factors that can influence signals so the human body mind is

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chemical structural and emotional we have chemical aspects we have structural

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aspect we have emotional aspects to our body to our physiology and all of these

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things can influence how signals are processed so in addition to getting

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chiropractic and moving which is the structural mechanical influence we also

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need to understand how to take care of our emotions by relaxing by meditating

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by feeling good and not least by getting proper nutrition and not being toxic so

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this is the triad of health this is what influences signals the brain runs on

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signals the body runs on signals so what does that have to do now with spinal

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surgery the movement the movement of the joint the movement attention and

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movement of a muscle these receptors from joints and muscles provide about

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90% of all the information that gets to the brain and that's the purpose of the

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brain is to receive that information if the brain gets plenty of information it

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is being stimulated it's being activated it's like a muscle that's being made to

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work out if you work out a muscle it stays healthy and strong if you're a

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couch potato where you get your arm in a cast then that muscle atrophies the same

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thing happens in the brain if we don't send it a certain amount of signals then

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it's going to atrophy so when you have spinal surgery you are typically going

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to fuse one or more segments together to two or more segments together and the

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motion that used to generate signals for the brain is no

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longer there so now the brain is suffering the brain is starving for

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signals and the brain starts atrophy so you're essentially starting to get soft

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spots of degeneration in the brain so what can chiropractic do for that well

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it's not just the moving of bones or moving of joints that generate signals

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it is also any kind of pressure or activation of muscles and receptors in

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the tissues surrounding the bones and the joints so we can't move the joint if

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we think that chiropractic is moving the bone then obviously then this person's

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not supposed to have chiropractic because a fused joint is never moving

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again but if we understand there's many other ways to activate receptors there's

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still plenty that we can do for that person so not only is chiropractic safe

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but it is more important than ever because there's less movement in the

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spine there is less stimulation from the brain and the brain is starving we need

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to do everything we can to get as much signals as much information as possible

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up to that brain so that it can function and manage the rest of the body best it

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can so if you know someone who has had spinal surgery then make sure that they

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get to share this information that you you share this information with them so

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that they can start understanding this and then go look for a good chiropractor

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understands the neurology of the adjustment don't go to someone who

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thinks he's gonna crack that joint that has been fused obviously that's not

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going to happen but find someone who can use a gentle adjusting method like

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activator or arthri stem or some other tools some other adjusting tool so this

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is very important information it is life-saving and if you enjoy this kind

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of information and you're new to this channel make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that we can keep this information coming your

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way and as always thank you so much for

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