Is Chewing GUM BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reveals The TRUTH) Dr Ekberg

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Chewing gum dangers what do you need to

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know to not get hurt and damage your

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health. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr.

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Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you

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like to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit

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that notification bell, so that you don't

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miss anything. So someone asked me

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recently about chewing gum because she

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wanted to chew gum because it helped her

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skip meals, and not get so hungry, and

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so many cravings, so I thought I'd

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explain a few things. And people will

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chew gum for a variety of reasons. I saw

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a long list and I disagree with most of

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those reasons. The only true benefit is

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that it's been shown to improve your

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focus your cognitive abilities and the

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reason is along the lines of what we

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talked on some other videos on different

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afferentation on proprioception so that when

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you chew when you move then you create

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signals that stimulate the frontal lobe

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and the frontal lobe controls focus so

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when you chew that's a form of movement

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with a lot of receptors in the jaw so

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that's a very intense form of

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stimulation for the brain so you fire up

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the frontal lobe. Now there are much

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better ways to increase your frontal

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lobe activity I would suggest exercise,

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getting up standing, and stretching those

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and postural exercises you can check out

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the three winged friends right here and

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doing breathing exercises and meditation

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those are way better methods of

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improving focus and afferentation and

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proprioception. The cons, the disadvantage,

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is though... that's a big long list and I

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want to touch on a few of them. The first

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I think of is that it's rather unnatural

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to chew when you're not consuming any

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food because chewing is in neurological

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signal that there's food supposed to be

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delivered to the stomach so you the

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chewing activates hydrochloric acid and

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enzymes and at best you're just wasting

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at worst you're sort of creating ulcers

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and digestive issues. So we have to think

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about what what's natural what what is

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nature intending with all of these

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mechanisms what what are we stimulating

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what's happening. Another thing of course

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is that if the lot of gum has sugar so

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we're consuming additional sugar, but

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even worse is all the toxic chemicals

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that they put in chewing gum these days.

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So just a brief history on how this has

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gone about so it used to be that regular

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gum had sugar and people chewed it and

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they got cavities and that wasn't a good

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thing. So they said, "Oh let's do sugar

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free". And then of course they put

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artificial sweeteners in the gum instead

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and then they figured out well

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artificial sweeteners they're toxic so

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let's go back to regular but then by

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then they had discovered that the

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artificial sweeteners made the flavour

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last much longer so now they added

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artificial sweeteners to the sugar so

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now every (commercial/popular) gum on the market has

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artificial sweeteners whether there are

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regular or sugar-free so check this it

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is every commercial brand out there if

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you read the fine print it's gonna say

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aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame

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potassium maybe one or maybe all three

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or any combination. The only chewing gum

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out there there are a few that have some

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sugar alcohol some xylitol some maltitol

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some alternatives and those would be

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okay in moderation especially if you

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don't have problems with gas or bloating

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if you have a tendency to get bloated

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you have a bacterial imbalance and the

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sugar alcohols such as xylitol are

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feeding those bacteria so you can upset

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that balance further. The problem with

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the xylitol is people don't like it much

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because the flavor lasts like 10 seconds

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and then it's gone so you spit it out

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and have to take another so what's so

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bad about the

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artificial sweeteners well let's take a

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look the the two main ones out today is

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aspartame and sucralose and aspartame

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was marketed as NutraSweet sounds good

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right it's sweet

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and it's a nutrient Wow got to go for

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that but what is it really well it

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breaks down into aspartate or aspartic

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acid which in the body is a

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neurotransmitter and if you have a

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neurotransmitter in the body that's

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excitatory then it it serves fulfills a

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function in the body but it's very

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finely regulated very tightly regulated

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in the body and when you add it in large

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quantities through your diet or from the

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outside then it becomes known as an

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excitotoxin so if you stimulate a brain

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cell a little bit that's a good thing if

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you stimulate it until it works itself

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to death then that's an excitotoxin so

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msg is an excitotoxin and aspartate is

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an excitotoxin and part of what makes

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this diet coke and this these aspartame

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products so addictive is the fact that

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this is an excitatory and it stimulates

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the brain so that it wants more it also

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breaks down into phenylalanine which is

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also a precursor for a neurotransmitter

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so anytime we add a lot of stuff from

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the outside we create brain imbalances

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we upset that delicate balance and

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people who are have what's called

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phenylketonuria they have to avoid this

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at all costs because they can't break it

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down at all so it'll actually kill them

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it breaks down into methanol also known

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as wood alcohol that's that backwoods

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party stuff that makes you blind okay

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really good stuff and one soda contains

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twice the amount of the EPA limit for

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wood alcohol or methanol

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methanol so they kind of get around this

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because the aspartame itself doesn't

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have any methanol in it it only becomes

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ethanol at body temperature so if they

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keep the can cool there's none in the

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can but as soon as you drink it it's at

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body temperature right and the last

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component it breaks down into is

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formaldehyde okay so if I didn't get

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your attention yet formaldehyde is

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embalming fluid it's a very very toxic

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substance that they used to preserve

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corpses and tissue with so that's the

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aspartame so I hope that that got your

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attention and that you never touch the

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stuff again it is one of the worst

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poisons that they have ever put into our

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food supply so then they this got a bad

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rap and it's still around despite that

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bad rap but it's been largely replaced

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by Splenda or sucralose so when they

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marketed this they told people that oh

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well this is so natural it is just made

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from sugar so we use that the carbon

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from from a glucose ring and then we

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just add chlorine which is nothing but

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sea salt that's a natural substance in

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sea salt but they fail to mention that

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the sea salt has a form that's called

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chloride that's the salt version

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chlorine is a poison gas it's sort of

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like the difference between salt water

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and Clorox bleach all right a little

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molecular shift makes a big difference

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and when you put chlorine onto the

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carbon in sugar you're you're making a

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new compound called a chloro carbon and

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these are the most common family of

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pesticides and most of these are so

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toxic that they've come up with a new

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one every few years and every time they

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find that it's one of the most powerful

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potent carcinogen and environmental talk

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that humans have ever produced so it

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started with DDT which almost wiped out

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the American population of Eagles before

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they put a stop to it and the bird

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slowly started started coming back so

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that was banned in 1972 died Dieldrin found

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to be toxic carcinogen banned in 1974

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Aldrin banned in 1974 chlordane banned

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trichloroethane banned and now we have

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Splenda which is a chloro carbon it is

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in the family of pesticides so it may

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not be as quite as toxic as the others

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but it surely is not a health food

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it surely is not something that needs to

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get into the human body. So if you

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haven't got it yet

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just realize that when nature makes

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things life forms animals have coexisted

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with nature nature has produced food

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Nature has produced environment for

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thousands and millions of generations

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and there is a match there is say a

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collaboration there's a fit between

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nature and animals and then humans have

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gone in and just the last couple of

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generations and we start manufacturing

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all these chemicals in and all these in

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test tubes and in labs and we alter and

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we changed and if nature didn't make it

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it doesn't belong in your body just keep

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it that simple and no so there are

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different degrees of poison but none of

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them belong in your body so please share

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this this content with as many people as

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you can because these toxins are ruining

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lives and the more people that you can

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tell the more people that you can share

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and inform about this the better off

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they will be so if you're new to this

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channel and you enjoy this sort of

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content where you can learn about how

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the body really works

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get the

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find the scenes and get a deeper

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understanding please subscribe and hit

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that notification bell so that we can

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keep this content coming your way

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thank you

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