Is Chewing GUM BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reveals The TRUTH) Dr Ekberg
Chewing gum dangers what do you need to
know to not get hurt and damage your
health. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr.
Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you
like to truly master health by
understanding how the body really works
make sure that you subscribe and hit
that notification bell, so that you don't
miss anything. So someone asked me
recently about chewing gum because she
wanted to chew gum because it helped her
skip meals, and not get so hungry, and
so many cravings, so I thought I'd
explain a few things. And people will
chew gum for a variety of reasons. I saw
a long list and I disagree with most of
those reasons. The only true benefit is
that it's been shown to improve your
focus your cognitive abilities and the
reason is along the lines of what we
talked on some other videos on different
afferentation on proprioception so that when
you chew when you move then you create
signals that stimulate the frontal lobe
and the frontal lobe controls focus so
when you chew that's a form of movement
with a lot of receptors in the jaw so
that's a very intense form of
stimulation for the brain so you fire up
the frontal lobe. Now there are much
better ways to increase your frontal
lobe activity I would suggest exercise,
getting up standing, and stretching those
and postural exercises you can check out
the three winged friends right here and
doing breathing exercises and meditation
those are way better methods of
improving focus and afferentation and
proprioception. The cons, the disadvantage,
is though... that's a big long list and I
want to touch on a few of them. The first
I think of is that it's rather unnatural
to chew when you're not consuming any
food because chewing is in neurological
signal that there's food supposed to be
delivered to the stomach so you the
chewing activates hydrochloric acid and
enzymes and at best you're just wasting
at worst you're sort of creating ulcers
and digestive issues. So we have to think
about what what's natural what what is
nature intending with all of these
mechanisms what what are we stimulating
what's happening. Another thing of course
is that if the lot of gum has sugar so
we're consuming additional sugar, but
even worse is all the toxic chemicals
that they put in chewing gum these days.
So just a brief history on how this has
gone about so it used to be that regular
gum had sugar and people chewed it and
they got cavities and that wasn't a good
thing. So they said, "Oh let's do sugar
free". And then of course they put
artificial sweeteners in the gum instead
and then they figured out well
artificial sweeteners they're toxic so
let's go back to regular but then by
then they had discovered that the
artificial sweeteners made the flavour
last much longer so now they added
artificial sweeteners to the sugar so
now every (commercial/popular) gum on the market has
artificial sweeteners whether there are
regular or sugar-free so check this it
is every commercial brand out there if
you read the fine print it's gonna say
aspartame, sucralose or acesulfame
potassium maybe one or maybe all three
or any combination. The only chewing gum
out there there are a few that have some
sugar alcohol some xylitol some maltitol
some alternatives and those would be
okay in moderation especially if you
don't have problems with gas or bloating
if you have a tendency to get bloated
you have a bacterial imbalance and the
sugar alcohols such as xylitol are
feeding those bacteria so you can upset
that balance further. The problem with
the xylitol is people don't like it much
because the flavor lasts like 10 seconds
and then it's gone so you spit it out
and have to take another so what's so
bad about the
artificial sweeteners well let's take a
look the the two main ones out today is
aspartame and sucralose and aspartame
was marketed as NutraSweet sounds good
right it's sweet
and it's a nutrient Wow got to go for
that but what is it really well it
breaks down into aspartate or aspartic
acid which in the body is a
neurotransmitter and if you have a
neurotransmitter in the body that's
excitatory then it it serves fulfills a
function in the body but it's very
finely regulated very tightly regulated
in the body and when you add it in large
quantities through your diet or from the
outside then it becomes known as an
excitotoxin so if you stimulate a brain
cell a little bit that's a good thing if
you stimulate it until it works itself
to death then that's an excitotoxin so
msg is an excitotoxin and aspartate is
an excitotoxin and part of what makes
this diet coke and this these aspartame
products so addictive is the fact that
this is an excitatory and it stimulates
the brain so that it wants more it also
breaks down into phenylalanine which is
also a precursor for a neurotransmitter
so anytime we add a lot of stuff from
the outside we create brain imbalances
we upset that delicate balance and
people who are have what's called
phenylketonuria they have to avoid this
at all costs because they can't break it
down at all so it'll actually kill them
it breaks down into methanol also known
as wood alcohol that's that backwoods
party stuff that makes you blind okay
really good stuff and one soda contains
twice the amount of the EPA limit for
wood alcohol or methanol
methanol so they kind of get around this
because the aspartame itself doesn't
have any methanol in it it only becomes
ethanol at body temperature so if they
keep the can cool there's none in the
can but as soon as you drink it it's at
body temperature right and the last
component it breaks down into is
formaldehyde okay so if I didn't get
your attention yet formaldehyde is
embalming fluid it's a very very toxic
substance that they used to preserve
corpses and tissue with so that's the
aspartame so I hope that that got your
attention and that you never touch the
stuff again it is one of the worst
poisons that they have ever put into our
food supply so then they this got a bad
rap and it's still around despite that
bad rap but it's been largely replaced
by Splenda or sucralose so when they
marketed this they told people that oh
well this is so natural it is just made
from sugar so we use that the carbon
from from a glucose ring and then we
just add chlorine which is nothing but
sea salt that's a natural substance in
sea salt but they fail to mention that
the sea salt has a form that's called
chloride that's the salt version
chlorine is a poison gas it's sort of
like the difference between salt water
and Clorox bleach all right a little
molecular shift makes a big difference
and when you put chlorine onto the
carbon in sugar you're you're making a
new compound called a chloro carbon and
these are the most common family of
pesticides and most of these are so
toxic that they've come up with a new
one every few years and every time they
find that it's one of the most powerful
potent carcinogen and environmental talk
that humans have ever produced so it
started with DDT which almost wiped out
the American population of Eagles before
they put a stop to it and the bird
slowly started started coming back so
that was banned in 1972 died Dieldrin found
to be toxic carcinogen banned in 1974
Aldrin banned in 1974 chlordane banned
trichloroethane banned and now we have
Splenda which is a chloro carbon it is
in the family of pesticides so it may
not be as quite as toxic as the others
but it surely is not a health food
it surely is not something that needs to
get into the human body. So if you
haven't got it yet
just realize that when nature makes
things life forms animals have coexisted
with nature nature has produced food
Nature has produced environment for
thousands and millions of generations
and there is a match there is say a
collaboration there's a fit between
nature and animals and then humans have
gone in and just the last couple of
generations and we start manufacturing
all these chemicals in and all these in
test tubes and in labs and we alter and
we changed and if nature didn't make it
it doesn't belong in your body just keep
it that simple and no so there are
different degrees of poison but none of
them belong in your body so please share
this this content with as many people as
you can because these toxins are ruining
lives and the more people that you can
tell the more people that you can share
and inform about this the better off
they will be so if you're new to this
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