Is ALCOHOL BAD For You? (Real Doctor Reviews The TRUTH)

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Is alcohol good if you can have some then how much can you have are they

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healthy is it a no no? I'll explain coming right up

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Hey I'm doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. A lot of patients

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ask me if they can drink when they're on a nutrition program, so I wanted to share

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with you some of my opinions about alcohol. First of all I'd really like to

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emphasize that this is not okay I'm not saying that alcohol is alright but I

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want to say that if you're going to drink I think that there are certain

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things that you want to think about so that you minimize the detrimental

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effects of alcohol so first of all alcohol is a result of fermentation so

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alcohol is not a poison per se it's not like aspartame or sucralose or arsenic

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or plutonium those are poisons there is no purpose there is no place for them in

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the body alcohol however is a natural product that's a result of fermentation

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and as a result we have something in the liver called alcohol dehydrogenase we

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have an enzyme that can break down alcohol and turn it into useable

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substances however in nature that happens very very small amounts and when

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we drink an alcoholic beverage we're drinking something that has been

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amplified it has been increased tremendously and therefore if we drink a

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lot then it becomes a burden on the liver so the alcohol dehydrogenase that

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we have it's made to take care of small amounts of alcohol like we have in

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fermentation of sauerkraut or yogurt or kombucha but when we make alcohol and we

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distill it now there's a lot more and the liver has to work really really

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hard and it takes the place of other work that the liver has to do plus it

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also depletes certain B vitamins if we drink we should drink in moderation

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so the things that we get from alcohol from alcoholic drinks is first of all of

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course alcohol but then there can be other things along side so we might get

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grain we might get gluten we might get starches we might get sugar high

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fructose corn syrup artificial colors artificial flavors artificial sweeteners

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even so we want to learn which drinks have what so that if we want to have a

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little bit of alcohol then we avoid as much as possible of the other things

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that are in there so if we have a beer for example that is I happen to like the

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flavor of beer but I don't drink beer because it has so many bad things for us

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as alcohol it has grain it has gluten and it has partially digested starches

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so this is like a triple quadruple whammy on the body and there's nothing

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good about it if we have a mixed drink it is guaranteed to have large amounts

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of sugar or high fructose corn syrup if you have a margarita in a restaurant God

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knows what's in that mix that they give you there's some artificial colors and

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flavors and high-fructose corn syrup and on and on and on so if you drink you

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want to avoid all the things that are grain that is beer you don't avoid

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anything sugary because a lot of these drinks like Cointreau or Grand Marnier or

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the sweet the course or the flavored vodkas they're gonna have tremendous

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amounts of sugar added man-made sugar in them so if you're gonna drink

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I would suggest drink something natual something that has been fermented

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and aged and has interacted with wood that there's a certain culture around it

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maybe dry wine white or red dry wine the sweet wines are gonna have sugar the

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dry wines are going to have very little sugar 2 3 4 grams maybe per glass or

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maybe even better vodka whiskey gin cognac has zero sugar in them because

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they're distilled so they have some flavors they have flavors from oak they

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have flavors from whatever they interacted with or however they're

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developed and cultured but they have no added sugar and if you can make a mixed

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drink you can make it with Zevia so you can have some of your the the mixed

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drinks that you enjoy but use Zevia which is a soft drink sweetened only

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with stevia it has no coloring it has no flavoring nothing artificial in there it

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is clear so it looks kind of funny if you get a Coke or an orange soda or

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something because there's no color in it but that's a good thing so if you get a

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drink I would also suggest that you have no more than one to two drinks per day

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and that you also make sure that you have at least two days a week that are

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clean days where you don't drink at all this would lessen the burden on your

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body and make it more easy for your for your liver and your body to to cope with

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this so don't drink because you heard that there's some health benefit to it

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the possible health benefit from drinking is that you relax when you

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drink and your body heals better when you drink then when you're stressed but

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you can also accomplish those things with relaxation exercises and meditation

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and so forth if you're going to drink make sure that you really enjoy it and

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that you like the flavor and that you do it for the

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right reasons if it's a good wine with some food or if it's a nice social

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gathering or some interaction then I think it's okay again this is my opinion

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and this these recommendations would be for someone who is reasonably healthy if

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you're trying to recover from something that's a different story if you're

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trying to recover from a digestive disorder or from some kind of liver

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issue or from some hormonal issue or a thyroid problem then I would say that

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the less that you have the better so in some future videos I'll probably try to

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come up with some recipes and show you how to make maybe a margarita or some

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mixed drinks with Zevia that would give you basically zero sugar that are

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still very very good drinks please share this content this these videos are for

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people to learn more about the body these things that we all need to know if

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you're going to drink don't drink beer it is probably the worst thing out there

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it's up there with donuts and if you enjoy this sort of content make sure

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that you subscribe and you hit that notification bell so that we can keep

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this content coming your way thanks for watching

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