Intermittent Fasting: When To Eat And Not To Eat

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Hello Health Champions.

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Have you noticed how there's so much information about how much food to eat and what type of

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food to do and how many calories and so forth, but there's very little talk about when to

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eat and when not to eat?

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So today I want to make really sure you understand the mechanism of intermittent fasting and

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why it can be such a powerful jump start to your weight loss and your health restoration

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Journey coming right up former Olympic Athlete and if you want to truly Master Health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe hit that Bell and turn

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on all the notifications so you never miss a life-saving video I think it's pretty obvious

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to most people that when you stop eating you're going to lose some weight but fasting and

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in fasting have mechanisms that go far far beyond that and some people they're not so

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particular with a quality of food when they do the intermittent fasting because they lose

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weight anyway but let me say that the quality of food is critical for your long-term Health

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sure you can lose weight but long-term you want to be healthy so always take whole food

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over processed food always pick real food over fake food today however we're going to

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focus primarily on the timing of the reason that we eat food in the first place instead

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he gives us things that we need the first thing is fuel fuel can be converted into energy

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and energy is measured in calories that's the short-term goal and those are things like

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fats carbohydrates protein they have energy but we also are looking for building blocks

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and this is where whole food is so much better than processed foods because whole food has

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essential amino acids essential fatty acid has whole complex vitamins and minerals delivered

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in the package that nature always intended and when you process food then you're cutting

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out a lot of those building blocks and these building blocks they are replacement parts

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if you're going to take care of your car do you want genuine replacement parts or do you

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want cheap knock-off well the better the quality the better your health is going to be long-term

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now we do have current needs and future needs so we have each because we need some stuff

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right now but if food is always available then we need to be able to save some for future

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needs so whenever there's Feast whenever there's more food available then we need for right

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this moment we can store some and then when there's less food available such as in famine

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then we can burn we can use up those energy stores until we have a feast so this storing

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a lot of times people think of this that oh why do I have all this fat on my body that's

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so stupid why is my body so stupid well it's not so stupid because it's about survival

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if we couldn't store energy than humans would never have been able to live more than a few

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hours the on the last meals so storing is critical and this cycle has always been in

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place for every species on the planet that a problem is in the last 50 years or so there's

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just no Fallas we've disrupted to cycle if you have more fat on your body than you want

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that's because your body is storing more than it's burning so basically you're really good

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at storing fat your great Survivor if you will but unfortunately you suck at burning

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fat and then some people say well of course it's just you're eating too many calories

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and of course that's true but why why has your body develop that pattern why is your

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body not burning so many calories and why is it making you Hood more calories than you

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spend and all of these are questions are because of hormonal imbalances in these hormonal imbalances

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and turn comes from the types of food that we eat different foods trigger different hormones

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and lately in the last 50 years or so humans have eaten a lot of carbs than eating a lot

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of processed carbs in a lot of sugar and you want to think of carbohydrates as kindling

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if she make a bonfire you start with tingling because it burns quickly it catches fire but

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it would be really really hard to keep the fire going all day all night with kindling

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only you would have to refill you have to put more stuff on the fire every few minutes

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and that's exactly how it works with food and carbohydrates that when you eat a lot

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of carbohydrates then you have to refill your end up with frequent meals and now that is

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what your body adapts to the deaths in two ways it adapts first of all to your habit

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of always putting in meal frequently but it also adapts to depending on the carbohydrates

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for fuel because of carbohydrates always there then you can't burn fat so now when you take

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away the carbohydrates you still can't Barb fast because it's been so long since you did

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it most of your energy regulation revolves around blood sugar blood glucose whenever

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you feel up on food on fuel then that creative rise in blood glucose blood sugar and if you

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eat whole food with protein and fat and fiber and its package by Nature not processed or

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pulverized been you're going to keep your blood sugar right around a hundred when your

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fasting it might drop about 80 and after meal if my kid up 224th are no huge swings because

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the food you eat enters the bloodstream very very slowly so it's like a Log on the Fire

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you put the log on it creates a moderate amount of heat and it keeps going for a long long

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time when you eat carbohydrates when it's like kindling now it burns very very fast

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because it enters your bloodstream super quick and this is a huge problem because high blood

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sugar like 300 mg per deciliter is extremely dangerous and this is not that uncommon a

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lot of people with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes which is most of the population

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today to some degree they can have blood sugar in that range and this is very toxic to the

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brain high blood glucose and ruins blood vessels and some of the most delicate blood vessels

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are in the kidney in the back of the eye and in the extremities so high blood sugar is

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the number one cause of kidney failure blindness and amputation so this is a big deal your

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body react to this high blood glucose the brain doesn't like it the blood vessels unlike

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it so the body has to get rid of it so often we hear that carbohydrates are the body's

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preferred you that we absorb it quickly we use it quickly and it's not the preferred

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fuel but we have to use it quickly we have to get rid of the stuff first when we have

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really high blood pressure and we're creating all these problems the body needs to get rid

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of it and not only that but the excess must be stored when you eat food and it enters

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the bloodstream faster than you can use it up then you have to store the excess so anything

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above this line is going to have to be stored or converted to fat and because we have a

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very limited ability to store carbohydrates most of that gets converted to Fat insulin

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is the hormone that takes the glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cell so anytime

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that you have high spikes of blood glucose you're also going to have high spikes of insulin

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to glucose goes up insulin goes up then the insulin pushes glucose down so the insulin

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can draw along with the glucose dropping but if we need frequent

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then the insulin never has a chance to get down to reasonable low levels before we trigger

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it one more time so because of this they can insulin stay high and insulin resistance insulin

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promote fat storage that's one of the main mechanisms that it does taking the glucose

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from the blood into the cell and then having to sell to the excess fat in affect insulin

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promotes faster but also in the High insulin the body cannot burn fat insulin prevents

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fat burning soup insulin is high and you keep refilling carbohydrates than that is why you

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suck at burning fat so now we want to lose some fat and conventional wisdom tells us

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2 coming out when you cut calories and reduce the quantity of food but then they tell you

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so you won't be so hungry you eat more frequently so they tell you to eat small meals throughout

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the day every few hours if you eat five meals at 300 calories.

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1500 calories and theoretically that should cause a deficit but it won't her because the

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body has adapted mechanism what happens to the insulin that when you fast while you're

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sleeping then insulin goes down but all the rest of the time everytime you eat you're

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creating an insulin Spike which is a message it's a mechanism that which store more fat

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transfer to the only time that you are actually moving toward insulin sensitivity only.

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Of time during the day that you have to reverse insulin resistance is when you sleep and the

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rest of the time to insulin is basically moving toward insulin resistant even though you're

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eating it won't talk a little bit more about the calories in a second

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now let's compare that scenario with its weakness couple of larger meals at we have a longer

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Fast and Furious and we have our first meal at noon or shortly thereafter and then we

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have a second wheel around 6 or 8 now to rest of the time suming it takes 2 hours after

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a meal moving toward insulin sensitivity we spend 16 hours a day or two thirds of the

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day moving toward insulin sensitivity moving away from insulin resistance and only 8 hours

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of 1/3 moving toward insulin resistance to this is the key factor of why intermittent

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fasting is so much more powerful than juicing calories by themselves weight loss and fat

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burning only when insulin is going down and that can only happen when we eat less food

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when we can less carbs and when we eat less what happens if we do a calorie restriction

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diet the classic diet a yo-yo diet is that we have some great results in the beginning

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because the only restrict the food and not the other two factors the body adapt in an

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unfavorable way you lose some weight but then the body produces its metabolic rate because

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it says hey there's not enough food here and you start eating the way and the best evidence

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of this is the fact that 90 percent of all time people losing weight and then after a

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while after 2 weeks a month then they gained all the weight back partially because of the

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tablet but also because they can stand it any longer low carbohydrate high fat diet

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lchf now we have the same results in the beginning pretty much but then cause we're reducing

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insulin the body gets better at fat burn because of the lesson insulin we have more access

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to the body's fat stores and now the body doesn't sense that lack of food and it doesn't

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need to reduce its metabolic and if we do low-carb high-fat and intermittent fasting

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now we have the same results may be a little faster in the beginning but we can continue

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with a permanent yourself underlying cause insulin resistant let's look at this a couple

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of more way you are reducing food that you are probably reducing carbs some people may

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some some won't but it's not typically associated with calorie counting and most of the people

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tell you to eat to reduce calories between their percentage of carbs typically go up

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the frequency is not going to go down because you're told to eat more frequent meals and

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you're hungry all the time she just look into these little low-calorie snacks and insulin

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resistance may go down a little bit maybe initially but because you're not addressing

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him Netflix short quick low-carb high-fat diet keto or low other forms of low carb you

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may or may not reduce it's not a goal in itself but because your body gets better access to

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the food store and because the food typically is more satiating you probably will end up

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needing less automatically that's what happened to most of the time you definitely will reduce

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the carbs you may or may not which is the frequency initially people probably about

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the same amount from you but then they feel satiated the blood sugar doesn't go all over

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the place they don't have that roller coaster of blood sugar anymore so now they stop eating

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the snacks and then they might say hey I'm going to skip lunch or breakfast as well so

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the frequency tends to go down but it's not necessary part of of doing that and insulin

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resistance definitely goes down because reduce or eliminate the carbohydrates which is the

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primary trigger for that with intermittent fasting the idea is also not to reduce food

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on purpose but it's probably going to happen because when you eat your meals and just eat

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until you're full you probably are you going to eat less carbs well a lot of people will

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because they'll get information about low carb but other people actually have great

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success only with intermittent fasting not reducing any carbs what about the frequency

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will last the whole point and we are also reducing insulin resistance based on the time.

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That we talked about previously now what if you combine the best of the best gift then

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you do intermittent fasting and low carb at the same time and now you will definitely

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check off all four of his check now the next question is how does length of the situation

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of the Fast Track these variables them talked about intermittent fasting pattern is that

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means you eat all your meals during a 6 hour shift but some people might want to eat the

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point is you're not eating for 18 hours now let's look what insulin like you on an 18-6

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fasting pattern to 8 the night before and then we start at midnight and you don't eat

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until noon the next day so your insulin keeps dropping keeps dropping because as soon as

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you don't put food in the body your insulin is going to go down then you have your lunch

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and then saline drops after lunch but not very far and then you have the second me to

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leave and then insulin spikes and then it starts going down and if you continue this

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pattern and you have a longer fasting.

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Then insulin is going to keep dropping a little bit every day so you never get back to the

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previous levels as long as you're maintaining this pattern and eating the soup people want

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to go one step further when they found this for a while and they say you know I'm not

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even really all that for lunch then you could do old man one meal a day spend an hour or

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so eating every day in this past the rest and this is not as hard as it seems if you

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just do this razaleigh and now when we look at the car it's identical in the beginning

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was the first meal and the first fasting is the same but then when you skipped your second

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wheel insulin keeps dropping any time you don't eat the low insulin to keep dropping

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when you have your meal and it goes up but not as high as cause you had a longer fasting.

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And again as you repeat this pattern and you're consistent it's going to keep dropping but

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it's going to drop faster because you have longer fasting.

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And fewer opportunities to stimulate insulin The Next Step Beyond that would be to do a

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longer fastest 48 hours to between a 4 days 5 days and again in the beginning to 8 the

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day before so in the beginning it's all the same but then as you don't stimulate insulin

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it just keeps dropping to stopping to stop it has for some people what really really

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stubborn they don't seem to make too much of a change in their insulin with an intermittent

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fasting like 18 6 or even home at but once they go into a longer fast then the body really

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has no choice but face the truth and start burning some energy off the body and he's

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doing that at insulin is coming down now here's a reason why you might want to consider a

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longer fast even if you're having success with weight loss and Insulin with longer fat

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now you're starting to trigger growth hormone as much as twelve times the base rate and

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you're triggering something called of coffee spell eating basically is from your body eat

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Reese's If We Cycling mechanism and some of the things that the cycling is waste products

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and foreign Intruders like bacterial upregulate your immune system regulates cleaning and

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detox and doing some up regulate the expression of anti-aging genus of longevity genes so

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there's a lot of different benefits to this and you don't have to do it all the time I

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try to do something like that maybe once a quarter and it's not for insulin purposes

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of purely for growth hormone and the autography. if you enjoy this video and you'd like to

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learn more about how the volume thank you so much for watching

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