Intermittent Fasting vs Eating 6 Meals A Day For Best Fat Burning

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Intermittent fasting versus eating six meals a day for best fat burning. Is fat

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burning really just about having a calorie deficit or are there other

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factors that matter, such as the types of food that we eat and how often we eat. Do

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they actually influence our hunger and our behavior and our metabolism? Today we

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went to sort all of that out so you understand all the basics. Coming right

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up. Hey I'm dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works, make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything. So the government guidelines tell us to eat a diet of high

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carb and low fat because fat has too many calories. So if we eat less fat, then

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we eat fewer calories, and they say that's the key to losing weight and most

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guidelines around the world have similar messages. Then why is it that obesity and

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being overweight and insulin resistant has shot through the roof not just in

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the US but all around the world. It's pretty much a majority in the Western

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world who is overweight now and the rest of the world is is catching up pretty

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quick. So either it's just that the planet has all of a sudden become

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inhabited by a bunch of people who are too lazy to exercise, they have voracious

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appetites, they eat too much, and they have no willpower to stop eating. It's

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either that or there's something wrong with the guidelines or the food. So let's

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talk about which one it might be. If we just look at the math it makes a lot of

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sense that it would just be calories in calories out. And if you want to lose

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weight then if you eat fewer calories and you maintain your calorie

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expenditure you should lose weight right. And then the math would say that if you

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let's say you burn 23 hundred calories and you eat 1,800 calories, then you have

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a deficit, and it wouldn't matter what kind of food you ate or how often you

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ate. So if you ate a thousand calories of butter or a thousand calories of potato

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chips shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter if

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you eat 300 calories six times a day or 1800 calories once a day or 900 calories

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twice a day. Mathematically it should be the same. Then why is it so different in

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people's experience. When people try the intermittent fasting,

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why are they getting better results. The first thing we have to understand is

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what insulin is and what it does. So every time you eat something, you put

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food in your body; you put fuel in your body your blood sugar goes up. And

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there's always an insulin response to that. If you eat fat there's a tiny tiny

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insulin response if you eat protein it's a moderate and if you eat

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carbohydrate it's a large insulin response and if you eat processed carbs

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or sugar it's a huge response. Insulin is released in response to that blood sugar

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and it helps open up the cells. It's like the key that opens the cell to let the

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blood sugar out of the bloodstream and into the cell. That's the role. That's

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what insulin is. That's what it does. That's the purpose. Now here's what

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happens that if we have more glucose. If we have more fuel available than we can

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burn in this moment, the excess blood sugar has to be stored and therefore

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insulin promotes the conversion of glucose to fat because when we can't

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burn all the glucose right in this moment and we can't store very much, we

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have to convert we have to turn the rest of the glucose into fat. That's called

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lipogenesis. And you can look that up in any physiology textbook medical

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physiology. Insulin promotes, insulin drives lipogenesis - the formation of fat.

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That's a fact that we just need to know about insulin. The second thing insulin

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does is because it's so good at sort of guiding fuel into the cell, it also

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prevents the exit of fuel from the cell. So when there's a lot of insulin

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fuel tends to go into the cell and become fat, but it also becomes a whole

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lot harder for the fat to leave the cell. And therefore insulin stops lipolysis -

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the breakdown of fat. Okay so those are two things we absolutely have to

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understand about insulin besides the fact that it takes glucose into the cell

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it promotes the formation of fat and it stops the breakdown

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the usage of fat. So you can store the fat but if there's a lot of insulin in

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your body then you can't use it. So another way of saying that is

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lipogenesis, the formation of fat, happens at the same time, it's part of

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the same mechanism that promotes storing of fuel. And lipolysis is part of the

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breakdown of fat is part of burning fuel so insulin promotes storing and it

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prevents burning so we're going to look at that in terms of these in the context

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of these graphs. So let's say that you're doing intermittent fasting that you've

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cut back your carbs you eat fewer meals you skip breakfast and you've learned to

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eat twice a day. What does that look like well the black here is your blood sugar

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and once you have established a balance then your blood sugar is going to be

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stable and then you eat and your blood sugar goes up and then insulin rises in

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response to that blood sugar just like we said. And insulin is the red one. And a

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little bit after thirty to sixty minutes after the meal we have an insulin peak.

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That's when the blood sugar has been the highest and that's when insulin has been

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mobilized to get that blood sugar out of the bloodstream and then insulin starts

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falling again. So if we have six or eight hours between the meals there's going to

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be enough time for that insulin to drop down especially if we're insulin

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sensitive. So there's going to be a period where we are actually in fat

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burning again. And then we eat our second meal and insulin rises, insulin takes the

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fuel out of the bloodstream, insulin drops and we're back in fat burning. So

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if you eat twice a day and your insulin stays high for a couple of hours each

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time and you're in fat burning the rest of the time then the blue here would

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represent when you're in storage mode. That would be this long and this long so

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probably about four hours that your insulin is elevated and you're in

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storage mode. The rest of the time your body backs off on the insulin and

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you have access to burn the fuel. So let's look at a graph example of what it

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might look like if you're doing intermittent fasting. So let's say that

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you have started eating twice a day . So you start the day with fasting you don't

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eat anything at first and the black line here represents your blood sugar and

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your food intake so it's flat and stable then around a few hours into the day you

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eat a meal and your blood sugar Rises that's the black line your insulin the

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red line increases in tandem it increases in response to that it Peaks

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shortly after the food it starts dropping and if you have long enough

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between the meals then chances are then it'll drop pretty low before you eat

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again and then insulin rises and it falls a couple hours later. So all in all

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in terms of storage versus burning you will spend most of the morning in fat

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burning and then you'll after each meal you spend a couple of hours in fat

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storage and then you spend the rest of the evening in fat burning so all in all

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you're probably about four hours four five six hours maybe in storage mode and

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you're about 20 hours in fat burning mode so your body has a lot of

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flexibility in retrieving the fuel when it needs it. When insulin backs off when

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we get out of storage mode and into fat-burning mode we have a lot of time

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to balance out the body. But then let's look at if we eat the same number of

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calories so let's say here that we ate nine hundred calories twice a day for a

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total of 1,800 calories then the math would say we can eat the same calories

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six times a day if we eat 300 calories per meal it still comes out 1,800 and

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then it would look like this we wake up we have a quick shower and then we

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breakfast and then we have a morning snack and we have lunch and an afternoon

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snack and dinner and an evening snack. So six times a day we raise our blood sugar

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and the insulin stays low during the night but then it rises with the first

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meal but because of the frequent meals it doesn't have time to go down before

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there's some more fuel. there some more food in the bloodstream that provokes that

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stimulates a new spike of insulin. So insulin kind of stays high it bobs here

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on top and we are in fat storing mode for probably about 14 hours a day under

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this model most people are going too fast during the night unless you just

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eat very very late or you wake up in the middle of the night and got to have

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something most people probably get about 10 hours of fasting but that means

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you're more in a storage mode than you are in a burning mode. There's more time

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for the body to store stuff than it is to burn, so even though you're eating

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fewer calories your body tends to not lose as much weight so that's factor

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number one that the frequent meals never lets the insulin go down so you spend

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more time in that's a big deal but there's more to it

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so now what happens because you don't have access because insulin is high and

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it prevents, it stops lipolysis - you don't have access to your

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energy stores it's gonna make you hungry. That's something that's rarely mentioned

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that you can look this up in the physiology textbook they're not

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typically going to mention this because that's more an experiential thing that

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insulin makes you hungry. Frequent meals make you hungry. The more often you eat

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the hungrier you get because you teach your body you make your body dependent

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on the frequency because of the more often you eat the more insulin you have

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the harder it is to get to the fat so you become dependent on frequent meals.

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You get hungrier and you want to eat more frequently the more frequently you

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eat so it's like a vicious cycle. And then one more thing happens that the

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body is all about survival so right in the beginning you're eating 1,800

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calories and let's say that you're burning 2300 now you have a 500 calorie

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deficit so according to the math you will be losing one pound a week. So

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initially you'll actually lose a little bit more because you lose water. You lose

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about 3 pounds of water the first few days and then after that according to

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the math and this holds true for a while you will lose probably a pound a week

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for a while. Then what happens is because you're more in storage than burning mode

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and because you're getting fed all the time but you're never getting fed quite

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enough and now your body starts sensing that there's a famine there's all this

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food here but I'm never getting quite enough so in order to preserve resources

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because the body can't really see the fat stores that you have. They're sort of

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invisible in in the presence of insulin so the perception is that there's not

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enough food even though you're feeding the body six

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times the perception becomes there's not enough food I'd better slow down the

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metabolism I'll better save my energy for later. So now the body slows its

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metabolism it saves up and it drops the metabolism for example hypothetically to

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2050 so now even though you are eating the same number of calories now all of a

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sudden you're only losing half a pound a week. And this is the experience of

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virtually every person who have ever tried calorie restriction diets is they

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notice the math does not hold true the math lies because the you're not a

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machine you you're you're an organism with behavior that the organism wants to

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survive so it's going to change the rules to make it longer to live longer.

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And if you keep this up what typically people find is there comes a time where

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they plateau where their body simply adjusts to the fuel intake and even if

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you eat 1,800 or 1500 or even 1200, your body just burns less and

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less and less. It down regulates the metabolism to the point where you

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plateau no matter how little you eat and unfortunately this is the experience of

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millions and millions of people. If you've tried this you know how true that

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is. So your weight loss curve typically looks like this you drop a lot of weight

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in the beginning then it slows down and then it plateaus and then it starts

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going up again even though you're eating less than ever. And then you say I can't

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stand it anymore. I give up and you go back to eating your 2,000 calories or

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2500 calories and now not only do you gain the weight back

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but you probably end up weighing more than you did. And now all you

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accomplished was you lowered your metabolism. So you can't lose weight

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without reducing the insulin long-term. And if you have gained weight over time

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you are most likely, 98 percent chance you are insulin resistant so there's no

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way of losing that weight long-term unless you reduce the insulin resistance

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and you can't do that if you keep your insulin high for 14 hours a day. And if

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you're very insulin resistant you might have to even go from two meals a day to

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one meal a day and the principles would hold the same that you're fasting during

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during all the time that you're fasting you're in fat-burning you eat one meal

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somewhere in the day your insulin spikes but you're only in fat storing for a

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couple of hours and then a couple hours later your body gets into fat-burning so

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you have 22 hours out of 24 where your body can lower the insulin level and

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that is the only way that you're going to lose weight long term. So now if we do

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the math again then 1800 calories ingested in to or one meal 2300 calories

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burned a deficit of 500 calories because the deficit is necessary to lose weight

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the question is what is the body going to do to compensate. And in this case

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you're going to lose hypothetically the predicted one pound a week but you're

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not going to reach a plateau because the insulin is lower you have access to the

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body's fat stores. You're not in a state of deprivation. You're not like in in

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this case your body perceives a shortage of food. That's not going to happen here

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because there is no shortage when insulin is low because then you have

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access to the fat stores and there's plenty of food whether you put it in

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through your mouth or whether the body gets it from from the stores so now

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you're going to find that the weight loss curve it is going to slow down

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inevitably because people lose the most it's kind of in as a percentage of what

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you weigh so the less you weigh the more weight

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you lose the lower that percentage is. So it will drop down and it typically won't

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plateau until you reach your normal weight your ideal weight. Because the

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body is wise. It knows how much it's supposed to weigh if you allow it

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balance. If you allow it a set of circumstances where it has the

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flexibility to decide these things for themselves in the presence of insulin

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and force feeding it doesn't have the option to decide. Whenever you eat so

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much that the insulin has to rise the body is pushed it doesn't have the

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choice to do one thing or the other. It has to get rid of that blood sugar it

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has to get the blood sugar out of the bloodstream into the cell and and that's

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the only way it's going to work. So if you want to burn fat the way to do it is

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to reduce insulin and the two factors to reduce insulin is one to reduce

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carbohydrates the second is to reduce the frequency. And that's why a calorie

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is not a calorie is not a calorie. It makes all the difference if it

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stimulates insulin more or less they're different calories. They're different calories

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both in how they affect your behavior - your hunger - but also in how they affect

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your body's survival instincts and the metabolism. So try this out for yourself

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because if you have trouble losing weight it's not because you'll have a

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voracious appetite and can't control yourself it's not because you're too

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lazy to exercise and it's not because you don't have any willpower. It's

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because you have insulin resistance. So how often you eat is not only important

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it makes all the difference. If you enjoyed this video then I'm sure you're

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going to love that one thank you so much for watching and I'll

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see you next time

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