Insulin Resistance Test (Best Test for IR & Stubborn Weight Loss) Homa-IR

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what is the best test for insulin resistance insulin resistance is linked

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to the majority of modern disease obesity diabetes cardiovascular disease

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all have a component of insulin resistance so people want to know how to

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measure it for a lot of people it's enough just to

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measure your basic glucose and maybe an a1c but for some it's not enough that's

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not going to tell them the whole picture so today we're going to talk about Homa

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IR what it can measure and when it's a good idea to ask your doctor for a test

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coming right up

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Homa IR stands for homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance glucose

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is one indicator of insulin resistance but glucose varies it fluctuates a whole

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lot through the day so depending on when we catch it we may or may not get a

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representative value a1c is a blood glucose average it measures how much

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glucose sticks to a red blood cell and the red blood cell lives about three to

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four months so by measuring how much is stuck to a red blood cell we can get a

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three to four month average of the glucose so that's a better measurement

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but it still doesn't tell us the whole picture because you could still be

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insulin resistant and have a normal blood sugar so let's talk about that and

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Homa IR measures insulin and glucose and the homeostatic means how good is the

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body's ability to return to balance these two factors out to return to

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homeostasis so we multiply the blood glucose by the insulin and we divide by

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a constant to come up with a score so there's two factors that drive the score

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it's both blood glucose and insulin so either one could drive up the score and

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that where it gives us the value so if you have a normal blood glucose but a

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high insulin you still insulin-resistant and if both are

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high then obviously you are also insulin resistant so let's look at a few

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examples here every time you eat your body raises blood sugar the food gets

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into the bloodstream blood sugar goes up if you eat carbs it goes up a lot

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if you eat protein it goes up a little bit and if you eat fat it hardly rises

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at all then that blood glucose the purpose is not to be in the blood the

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blood is just a transportation system to get the fuel to the cells because the

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cells are going to do some work with that fuel and insulin is what allows the

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glucose to get out of the blood and into the cell so it's like a lock key into a

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lock to open up the door to let the cell use that fuel so we eat something our

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glucose goes up insulin goes up it delivers it to the cell when the cell

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has the food then insulin is no longer lead that needed and insulin goes back

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down so that's kind of the normal sequence of things and the system is set

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up beautifully because it's self managing as long as we live a natural

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life and eat whole healthy foods if we have a moderate or low amount of blood

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glucose it doesn't take much insulin to control that and we have a balanced a

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homeostatic situation and our Homa IR score would be 1 or less so let's look

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at a few examples there the first example is a person who goes get their

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blood work their fasting glucose is 90 we measure their insulin levels their

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fasting insulin levels which come out to 4.5 we plug it into the formula we

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multiply glucose by insulin divided by the constant and we have 1.0 so this is

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a person with good insulin sensitivity meaning it doesn't take a lot of insulin

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the body doesn't have to work very hard to deliver that food to the cell the

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cell is receptive it's sensitive because it wants that food so this is a

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good situation there a 1 C measures 5.5 so their average glucose is about 110

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and so they start the day off at 90 and then they eat but they eat reasonably

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well so the blood sugar goes up it goes a little bit outside of the zone maybe

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if they eat some rice and potatoes and things but it doesn't climb excessively

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because they eat whole food and it comes back down in the range and the body

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doesn't have to work very hard the next example though that person comes in get

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their blood work their fasting glucose is 85 so if that was all we measured for

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that person we go hey congratulations you're in tip-top shape don't worry

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about a thing just keep doing what you're doing and the person goes off and

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he's heading into trouble because if we had also measured insulin we'd see that

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it was 10 and this person that insulin is more than twice that one even though

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they're fasting glucose is lower so when we calculate the home IR we get a two

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point one meaning the body can maintain the blood sugar especially after a while

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when you've been fasting but it has to work really hard at doing so then we

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measure the a1c and we see this person has a 6.3 indicating an average glucose

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of 134 and there's a big big difference between the fasting the fasting they

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look good but their average is pretty high so this person is pre-diabetic and

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even though if we had sent him off with the congratulations based on the fasting

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glucose and he keeps doing what he's doing he is heading for diabetes so what

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is he doing well he starts off the day low but then he eats his milk and cereal

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and toast with a jam and orange juice and then he has a hamburger and a coke

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and every time he eats his blood sugar goes very very high it goes way

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outside that ideal range which is an emergency and the body has to make a ton

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of insulin but the body can still keep up so the insulin is sufficient to bring

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it back down to a normal level especially if you let it work overnight

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which is when we take that fasting glucose so here's an example of where

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you're developing insulin resistance you are eating a lot of carbs a lot of

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processed food the blood sugar goes high a lot of insulin is pushing all that

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fuel into the cell and the cell is happy in the beginning and then after a while

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it says hey this is too much I can't use all this fuel so the sugar gets

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converted into fat and the fat starts filling up the cells of the body

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especially the liver which is usually the first place to develop insulin

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resistance the cell has had enough the cell says I don't want any more so it

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starts resisting insulin the longer you go without food the more the cell can

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start burning off those stores and then it welcomes insulin you become more

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insulin sensitive so this person would do well to start changing some habits

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before it's too late the earlier you can catch something the quicker and easier

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it is to turn it around it's never too late

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but this quickly you get at it the easier it is this is a full-blown type-2

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diabetes patients fasting glucose is 200 their insulin is at 20 a 1 C is a 10

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average glucose 240 we calculate their score and it's a nine point nine so

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here's a very insulin resistant person and of course we had no doubt because

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every marker indicates that there's something out of whack here there if we

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charted their blood glucose they are never in the normal range they never

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ever get down there because they push their body too far they start off high

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every meal they eat which is probably frequent they increase it they make mass

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of amounts of insulin but the cells are so resistant that the massive amount of

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insulin is not can't make a dent in it it fluctuates a little bit up and down

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but it stays at a very high level even so the moment this person stops eating

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carbohydrate the blood sugar will start to go down so there is hope even in this

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case but what I really wanted to focus on with the Houma IR is this special

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case and this is the person who has tried everything they might have lost

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some weight maybe they plateaued maybe nothing

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happened maybe it's a person who managed to lose a good bit of weight but all the

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remaining weight sits on the midsection and this could be someone who has eaten

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really really well for a long time maybe for years

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so we checked them their fasting glucose is a hundred so it's a little bit on the

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high end but not alarming we check their insulin and it's a whopping twenty it's

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it's as high with half the blood sugar it's as high as this one so their score

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calculates 26.2 so they're very very insulin resistant but they've eaten well

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for quite some time so their blood sugar never goes crazy and we check their a1c

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it's a 5.4 their average glucose is about 108 so there's hardly any

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difference between the fasting and the a1c and in some cases they could be the

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same this person's blood sugar never really budges and yet they can't lose

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weight so if we think about this and and these are these are I have seen people

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like this and every person with this might be different so don't think that

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I'm just talking about you but it could be a large range of cases if this

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doesn't look exactly like you then just look at the the principal's so this

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person might have been on keto they might be fully fat

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adapted the body burns fat for fuel perfectly they don't get hungry much

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they have no cravings but they're so insulin resistant that the cells won't

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release the fuel okay they have all this fuel stored on the body but it takes

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extreme measures to release any of it the body there's so much insulin there

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that the body that that packs the fuel into the cell that locks the cell down

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that the body prefers to eat fat to as opposed to burning it so this person if

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they're on keto they probably feel a strong urge to maintain their calories

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their intake they get hungry when they don't get food because even though their

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fat adapted and they have all this fat they still can't get to it because of

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all that insulin so in this case you probably have to get a little bit more

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drastic so a lot of these people have already tried the the keto they've tried

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the calorie restrictions they've done all those things so Kido may not be the

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thing that's going to do it for them they it might low-carb is absolutely

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necessary because if you start loading up the carbs then their system is going

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to get even more insulin crazy but keto may not be enough so they need to stay

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keto and/or low-carb but they need to start doing some other things as well

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exercise would be one thing and they want to do low intensity exercise

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something that gets their heart rate to a hundred hundred and twenty not higher

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because then you start burning a lot of cortisol which drives more insulin they

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might want to play around with fasting so even if they've done intermittent

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fasting 16 hour fast 18 hour fast they probably want to go more toward ohm add

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one meal a day or even longer fasts like 36 48 72 hours and they might be a

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little uncomfortable because the body is so

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resistant to releasing that energy that fat for fuel but if they can get over

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the hump then they'll probably see some results and then of course then there

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are also cases where even that may not be enough because there can be other

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factors that are underlying the problem so things like hypothyroid if you're

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toxic with metals chemicals immune toxins or if you have nutritional

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deficiencies then your body is just not in a strong enough place to to bounce

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back all of the things we talked about are still appropriate but they may not

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be enough where you may get very slow results so this is what we specialize at

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in our office we analyzed the body and find out what are the hidden root causes

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so if you've tried everything then try this and then maybe look if there's

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someone locally that can help you as well we do nutrition response testing

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which is the best method I've ever found of identifying those things so let me

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know if this answers your questions on insulin resistance or if there's

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anything that you want more clarity on if you enjoy learning and understanding

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more than just sort of getting a few facts bailed out if you feel this is

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valuable information then make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification

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bell also share this information with as many people as you can because there's a

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lot of people out there who need to get healthy thanks for watching

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