I Ate NO FOOD For 100 Hours: Here's What Happened To My Blood

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Hello Health Champions I just finished eating  nothing for 100 hours and today I want to talk  

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about what happened to my blood work before and  after as well as to some markers that you can  

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track yourself while you're fasting so 100 hours  is the same as four days and four hours obviously  

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and during that time I had nothing but water  and black coffee so no milk no butter nothing  

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like that zero calories and as a result I burned  off a lot of body weight so I lost about seven  

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pounds in that time about three kilos but as  you also probably know by now if you've been  

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watching this channel is that most of the weight  you lose in the beginning is water you're losing  

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glycogen you're burning through the glycogen  which is stored carbohydrate and as you've  

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used up your glycogen then that release this  is water because the glycogen binds water and  

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then there's nothing to hold it so you flush  out the water and as soon as you start eating  

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again about half of that is going to come right  back but you still will burn some fat however  

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weight loss is not the primary reason that you  want to do this this is a little bit drastic  

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you don't want to do that all the time just to  lose weight but we're going to talk about what  

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some of the benefits are and the markers that you  can track yourself through a little finger prick  

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is glucose and ketones and then what you can do is  you can calculate a glucose Ketone ratio at gki or  

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index and in doing that you can get a rough idea  of how deep into autophagy you are so there's no  

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simple way of measuring autophagy that can only  be done in a lab setting with very sophisticated  

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equipment but you can get an idea by using this  gki ratio and why are we interested in autophagy  

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it is because it stimulates all sorts of positive  health effects and one would be that it stimulates  

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sirtuins which are survival genes and it also  stimulates immune function and it has been shown  

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to be potential for cancer prevention or even in  some cases cancer reversal because cancer lives  

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off it thrives in a high sugar environment so when  you fast and your glucose drops and your ketones  

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go up then that's a very inhospitable environment  for the cancer cells and you can actually starve  

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the cancer cells doing that and autophagy is also  something that can extend life so it's great for  

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longevity but the other big reason that you might  want to consider a longer fast once in a while is  

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that you can break through plateaus if you've done  keto if you've done intermittent fasting you've  

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had some results but then you sort of plateau a  longer fast can be a very powerful way to break  

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through that and if you had a plateau regarding  weight if you had a plateau regarding insulin that  

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maybe you monitor your insulin and you drop some  insulin you are moving away from type 2 diabetes  

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and you had some success but then that insulin  just plateaus a longer fast can break through that  

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so very often what you find with low carb and  intermittent fasting is that you will drop  

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your glucose relatively quickly maybe not to the  exact level that you're looking for but it will  

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typically drop a good bit your triglycerides will  drop your blood fats but very often insulin is  

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kind of stubborn that's one of the more valuable  long-term markers for insulin resistance so here's  

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what happened to me and let me start with the home  markers the stuff that you can measure yourself  

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at home during the fast so glucose and ketones  and we're going to measure after so many hours  

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and we're going to calculate that glucose Ketone  index that ratio and we're going to measure this  

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in millimoles and I'll explain in just a second  So after 24 hours my blood glucose was 90 and  

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the way you convert that to millimoles because 90  is milligrams per deciliter so you divide the 90  

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by 18 and you get 5.0 so now you have glucose in  millimoles so you can compare that to the ketones  

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which are usually given in millimoles when you do  the finger prick and at that time my ketones were  

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0.5 so I was not in ketosis when I started this if  you start off being in ketosis so that you're kind  

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of at this level of 0.5.8 when you begin you'll  probably get some more some higher numbers quicker  

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so we divide this out and we find out that my gki  was 10 which is not very much autophagy at all  

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after almost twice as long 44 hours my glucose  was about the same and my ketones hadn't moved  

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much either my gki was seven so still not very  significant if you had started out in ketosis  

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then by 44 hours you would probably see a much  much lower gki after 56 hours though the glucose  

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had still not changed much but now my ketones were  really getting up in there so 0.7 is just starting  

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to get into ketosis 2.4 is significant nutritional  ketosis and my ratio is now down to two  

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a few hours later at 72 hours now my glucose is  dropping a little bit as the ketones go up the  

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body doesn't need as much glucose because  the brain relies more on the ketones so  

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now the body doesn't have to engage in so  much gluconeogenesis or making new glucose  

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and at this point my ketones are up to four and  my ratio is right around one and they've done some  

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research where they found that you can reverse  certain tumors and the level where that starts  

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happening was around a gki of one and very often  you'll see that the ketones are kind of sluggish  

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in the beginning but then they really pick up  speed especially if you don't eat anything at all  

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and after 80 hours my glucose was still about the  same but my ketones were up to 5.6 and my ratio  

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now is below one so even more significant ketosis  and probably most likely like we don't know for  

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sure about autophagy but we can say pretty certain  that that is a very deep state of autophagy after  

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90 hours my glucose starts dropping significantly  and my ketones are going up a little more so now  

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I'm at 0.6 and at 98 hours just before I went  to the lab my glucose was 558 in milligrams 3.2  

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in millimoles and my ketones were up to 6.5 which  is probably the highest that I have ever measured  

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some people will measure up to maybe seven or  eight but beyond that you want to be really really  

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careful because then that might indicate that you  are actually having type 1 diabetes but if that  

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happens if this goes even higher and it becomes a  problem then you're probably not going to see the  

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glucose drop at the same time and that's where  it can get dangerous so this is still perfectly  

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healthy and normal and at this point now my gki  is 0.5 and I know that I probably have a very  

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significant amount of autophagy but then let's  look at the blood work and when you look at a  

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number of different markers we're going to look at  glucose control electrolytes and cholesterol and  

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lipids so when it came to glucose when I started  I had 90 and when I went to the lab they measured  

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55 and some people would say that that is too  low it's definitely below the normal range on  

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on the lab because they cut it off like typically  at 70 or 75 but again when your ketones go up you  

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don't need that much glucose so that is perfectly  fine and nothing to worry about even if you get  

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into the 40s or even high 30s if your ketones are  high and you're feeling good that's not a problem  

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the A1C is more of a long-term marker so we don't  expect that to change so I did see a little bit  

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of a drop 5.3 to 5.1 and in only about four and a  half days that's probably more of a change than I  

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would expect but we also have to keep in mind that  there are there's a margin of error so this might  

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be five point closer to 5.2 and this might also  be closer to 5.2 we don't know know exactly what  

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those numbers are and I also measured insulin  which I always do and I started off at 3.2 and  

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I finished at 0.9 so the normal range goes from  about two to five so 3.2 is right in that optimal  

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range 0.9 is really low but that's to be expected  after four days of fasting but what it also means  

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is that when your insulin tends to drop that low  then you're not a person that has to be extremely  

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strict with carbohydrate not as strict as someone  is trying to reverse diabetes or a metabolic  

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condition it doesn't mean you should start eating  bread and rice but it means you don't have to be  

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as strict and you can probably have 50 60 70 grams  of carbs and still maintain perfect metabolic  

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Health triglycerides are blood fat and when you're  not eating then I'll obviously they have to come  

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either from converting glucose or from burning  body fat and since I'm not eating any glucose  

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either the body is not going to convert glucose  into triglycerides so these are coming entirely  

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from the body fat and 60 is a pretty low level  and my triglycerides actually went up a little bit  

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but again within the margin of error we would say  that this is no change at all and a lot of people  

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would think that when you're not eating anything  then the triglycerides would be super super low  

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but we're burning body fat it has to get into  the bloodstream to get into the cells and it's  

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not going to change much if you're already fat  adapted because all the fat that gets into the  

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bloodstream is going to also get into the cells  relatively quickly so that's why there's a quick  

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turnover and this is a very stable number and then  one of my favorite grid markers for determining  

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insulin resistance is Homa IR homeostatic model  assessment of insulin resistance so you take the  

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glucose you multiply by the insulin you divide by  405 if you're measuring the glucose in milligrams  

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and a typical really good number would be 1.0  that means Your metabolically Balanced that you  

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are insulin sensitive you're not too extreme  in either direction and I started out at 0.7  

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so I was a little bit on the insulin sensitive  side but after four days of fasting I was at  

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0.1 now that's not something to brag or write  home about that's just saying that this was an  

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extreme State then after four days of fasting  the body is going to have very very low glucose  

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and also virtually no insulin because there's  no glucose in the blood stream to push into  

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the cell so everything is kind of on the back  burner there and here's a super important one  

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to understand when you're fasting because one of  the first things that's going to happen is when  

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you lose some glycogen that glycogen binds water  and when you lose water you also lose minerals  

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and the minerals that we want to watch for are  sodium potassium chloride and CO2 so these are  

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technically minerals per se but this is what you  watch on a blood test the other minerals that are  

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of Interest are calcium and magnesium but as  far as pH and the the main big electrolytes  

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these are the ones we're looking for and sodium is  a positive ion it has a positive charge potassium  

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has a positive charge but chloride and co2 have  a negative charge and when CO2 shows up on your  

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of blood work they're not actually talking about  carbon dioxide because the body has this mechanism  

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where it instantly dissolves and it goes back and  forth between bicarbonate and carbonic acid so  

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don't worry about the names just know that when  CO2 is on your blood work what they're really  

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talking about is bicarbonate which is a buffering  agent it's alkaline and it helps neutralize acid  

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and here's why we care about that because now we  can take the positive ions and we can take the  

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negative ions we subtract the negative ions from  the positive and we get something called anion gap  

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and this is a measure of your acidity because  the higher this is the more hydrogen ions the  

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more positive ions you have and the more acidic  you are so if you do a keto diet or if you do a  

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fasting diet intermittent fasting then you tend to  run a little bit acidic which is not necessarily  

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a problem but once you start fasting you could  end up on the acidic side so when I started out  

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I had sodium was 141 potassium 4.9 chloride 101  and CO2 was 25. so we subtract the negative from  

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the positive and my ion ion Gap was 20. but after  four days I had sodium had dropped potassium had  

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increased a little bit chlorine chloride which  again is sodium chloride it's table salt sodium  

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and chloride go together so if you notice  the sodium and the chloride dropped together  

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and the CO2 was the the biggest difference here  because as I turned a little acidic the body was  

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using up the bicarbonate to buffer the acid and  that's what happens if you run a little acidic  

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then you're gonna deplete your bicarbonate and  therefore my anion gap went up to 27 and that's 20  

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isn't necessarily a problem even if it's a little  higher than typical but 27 is starting to get a  

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little too acidic so what you want to do is you  want to take an electrolyte powder and I designed  

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a powder specifically for this it's called you  light we'll put a link down below and when I did  

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my live stream about that powder I told everybody  that the main minerals in there are the ones that  

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are a little harder to get like like potassium  and magnesium and calcium and therefore I put  

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quite a bit of those in there along with some  other things but I didn't put a lot of sodium  

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because that's just table salt and you don't  have to go and pay expensive money expensive  

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products to get sodium you just supplement with  some table salt so what I told people is you take  

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the electrolyte powder and then you take some  salt on the side you always drink water and you  

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put a pinch of salt in as you go unfortunately I  didn't take my own advice which is why the sodium  

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and the chloride drop so much I basically  forgot about that so don't forget about it  

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so basically once you do a fast like this you  want to increase your salt your sodium chloride  

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and it's also a good idea to take some baking  soda because that is sodium bicarbonate so then  

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you replenish and you give your body some extra  bicarbonate and you don't need a ton of it but  

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if you're fasting I would probably do like half a  teaspoon a day and then we get to the cholesterol  

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and the lipids which is where there's probably the  most misconceptions everybody thinks that it is a  

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certain way and it's kind of the other way around  and my total cholesterol went from 220 to 255.  

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so that's a huge shock to most people because  where's the cholesterol coming from if you're not  

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eating anything because we hear so much about you  need to restrict your dietary cholesterol because  

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then that if you eat a lot of cholesterol that  raises your blood cholesterol well I ate nothing  

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zero calories and mine went up and the reason  is first of all your body makes cholesterol as  

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needed the other reason is that you actually store  some cholesterol in your body tissue so as you  

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start burning body fat then your cholesterol can  actually go up a little bit and then my LDL went  

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from 146 to 169. so both total cholesterol and  LDL which we hear all the time are bad both of  

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those went up so does that mean that fasting is  bad for you well you hear so much about fasting  

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about low carb about how we have to eat bread  and we have to eat rice to give the brain power  

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so there are so many myths and misconceptions  that it's not so strange if people would draw  

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that conclusion but these two numbers and we'll  talk about this in detail the total cholesterol  

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only LDL are completely irrelevant what we want  to focus on are some other markers and one of  

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those is HDL and that one weighed from 63 to 76.  so when we look at a ratio of total cholesterol  

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to HDL which is a very common ratio to assess  cardiovascular risk we see that I was at 3.5  

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which is a good number and I went to 3.4 which is  a slightly better number but as long as you're in  

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this range then you don't really have to worry  about it and if your cholesterol is really high  

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like 350 400 that doesn't necessarily mean that  you are unhealthy and then you will probably never  

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hit this ratio and you still don't necessarily  want to worry about it so what you really want  

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to look at is the ldlp which is the particle count  normally this LDL is measured in kilogram it's the  

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total amount the total mass whereas what really  matters is the LDL P the particle count and also  

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we want the particle size the the LDL particles  that are smaller than 20.5 nanometers those are  

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the ones that can actually create some damage  and that reflect a lot of oxidative stress and  

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inflammation so usually we hear that HDL is good  and LDL is bad but in fact there is good and bad  

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LDL and what I would say normal and damaged LDL  so a healthy LDL particle should be between 21  

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and a half and 23. they could be a little outside  that range but the majority of them should be in  

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that range and here's why the particle count is  much more important than the actual amount of  

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milligrams so if we have a container imaginary  container and we stuff that full of small LDL  

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particles we could fit a whole bunch of these  small LDL particles in there that be a high count  

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for a give in volume and then if we had another  container and we stuffed that one full with larger  

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particles then for a given volume we would  fit much much fewer so even though they might  

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look the same or this one might even be a little  higher in terms of milligram this is a much better  

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situation than this because it's the number that  counts so having a bunch of large LDL is totally  

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okay whereas having a bunch of small ones is  not so great so how did they go from large  

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and normal to become small and there are things  like insulin resistance chronic inflammation and  

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oxidative stress these are the main factors that  will damage LDL and Shrink them overall we would  

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call these string three things poor metabolic  health and these things are what shrinks them and  

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turns them from large and fluffy to damaged and  potentially bad but here's the interesting thing  

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that even though my total cholesterol numbers went  up when I fasted and ate nothing fasting has been  

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known has been shown to reverse all of this and  we saw that with my glucose with my A1C with my  

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insulin with my Homa IR all of those went down and  if this can reverse all of them then let's look at  

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what happened to the size so like I just mentioned  my LDL measured in milligrams went from 146 to 169  

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which is a 16 increase but at the same time when  we look at the particle count it went from 1709 to  

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1222 which is a 30 percent drop so overall we we  can surely see that my particles went from small  

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to bigger and one more way to verify that is to  count the small particles the ones that are less  

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than 20.5 nanometers and that went from 351 to  less than 90 and that's just how the lab reports  

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them when they're so few they can basically not  count them then they just put less than 90. so  

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percentage-wise if you look at the small LDL  compared to the total count of LDL I started  

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out at about 20 percent and I finished at less  than seven percent and another way of looking at  

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this very often you might hear that the APO B is a  much better marker much better indicator for heart  

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disease risk and what does that mean well the APO  B is a protein and each LDL molecule has exactly  

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one and it kind of winds its way in and out of the  cell membrane so one LDL mod molecule equals one  

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APO B protein and that's basically the exact same  thing that I'm showing you that if my LDL particle  

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count went from 1709 then the apob proteins also  reduced by the same amount and even though I had  

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a dramatic change I went from 20 small particles  to less than seven I didn't start in a very bad  

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place because the average is right around 53  percent that's the cutoff that they consider as  

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average Health when you have 530 particles out of  a thousand total but in my mind the percentage is  

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more important than the total number so overall  we can definitely see that we had a change that  

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we know going from large to small indicate it's  oxidative stress inflammation and increased risk  

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of heart disease so during four days of fasting I  dramatically reversed that Trend and here's what  

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I would recommend about intermittent fasting  I would suggest you stop snacking there's no  

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reason whatsoever for snacking especially high  carb snacks then I think that a good number of  

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meals for most people is to eat once or twice a  day I typically eat somewhere mostly two times a  

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day sometimes once a day depending on schedule  mostly and if you are not trying to reverse a  

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condition if you're more active if you're insulin  sensitive or if you have trouble eating very large  

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amounts of food at one sitting if your absorption  if your digestion doesn't work doesn't tolerate  

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very large meals then you can try breaking them up  in smaller meals and maybe eat three times a day  

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I would still suggest that you eat those three  meals within an eight to ten hour time period  

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And I would suggest that you combine that with  anywhere from 20 to 100 grams of carbs per day  

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and again this is a general range it's pretty  wide but it depends on where are you starting  

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from are you trying to reverse diabetes then you  definitely want to be at the lower end of this if  

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you're more insulin sensitive more active a larger  person then you might be closer to a hundred all  

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depends on your goal and where you are on the  Spectrum so at some point I would suggest that  

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you find out how insulin resistant you are to get  some blood work figure out your home IR now if you  

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just stop eating sugar and bread and you drop  60 pounds in two weeks you don't strictly have  

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to find this out because you're getting results no  matter what but if you are trying different things  

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and you don't get the results or your weight  is stubborn or your Plateau then it would be an  

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excellent idea to figure out how insulin resistant  are you are where are you on the spectrum know  

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what your home IR is and how it's changing then  I would suggest that you skip a day entirely  

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and you do a 42 hour fast and the reason I say  42 hours is if you have dinner and you skip  

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a whole day then the morning that you wake up  after that you've done 36 hours so if you don't  

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eat right away you wait till lunch then you have  somewhere around 42 hours and I would do that for  

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most people just get a little autophagy I would do  that maybe once a month maybe twice a month if you  

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are reversing insulin resistant if you're a  diabetic then you can do it more often I would  

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say to do it maybe once a week or even twice a  week it all depends on how things are moving on  

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their own if you're not getting the results do a  little bit more and then like the fast that I just  

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finished here I would suggest that you do a three  to five day fast maybe every quarter maybe twice a  

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year so two to four times per year and the reason  for that is that you get a great cleanse you get a  

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great reset you get deep deep autophagy and you  can potentially clean up or prevent some cancer  

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cells in the process if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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