I Ate 100 TBSP Of BUTTER In 10 Days: Here Is What Happened To My BLOOD

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This is me loading up on butter at the grocery  store because in the next 10 days I'm gonna eat  

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100 tablespoons of butter to see what all the  saturated fat will do to my blood. Hello Health  

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Champions. Today we're going to talk about  fat In the blood also known as triglycerides  

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and about the blood work that I did before and  after eating 100 tablespoons of butter in 10  

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days and I did this because I wanted to see  what would happen we keep hearing about how  

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bad fat is how saturated fat will clog up your  arteries and increase your blood fats and cause  

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insulin resistance and diabetes so I wanted to do  something sort of extreme just to see what would  

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happen I went and looked at some of the websites  about how to get answers what causes high levels  

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of fat in the blood and the answer was pretty  straightforward most people have high blood fats  

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because they eat foods with too much fat and they  say the reverse is true also how do you treat this  

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how do you undo high levels of blood fats and  that is of course the best way the number one  

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way is to eat less fat and here's what I ate  during the 10 days 1420 grams of butter but  

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of course you have to eat some other things as  well so I ate some meat and some fish and eggs  

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and lots of vegetables with that but all in all  I eat 2 200 grams of fat or 220 grams of fat per  

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day and most of that was saturated 1170 grams of  saturated fat so that saturated fat accounted for  

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42 percent of my total calories now if we check  with some general guidelines they typically come  

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in around 10 percent of saturated fat and one in  particular the American Heart Association says  

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that we should eat no more than five percent or  maybe six percent of our calories from saturated  

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fat so basically I ate a little more than eight  times as much saturated fat as you're supposed  

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to and I was thinking that really has to create  some damage right and I agree with them that high  

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blood fats are not a good thing high blood fats  can cause problems heart disease and pancreatitis  

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diabetes strokes and obesity are associated with  metabolic problems where we see high blood fats  

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the question is is this caused by eating too much  fat now in a little trial like this there's three  

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possible outcomes either my blood fats would go  up as the standard model would predict and if  

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that's true then it seems like the standard model  is pretty much correct that we should list listen  

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to that and we should follow that however if my  blood fats would go down or stay the same then we  

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worry that there's something seriously wrong with  that standard model or at the very least that it  

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is incomplete and doesn't really account for all  the variables that matter now please hear me when  

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I say that more isn't better and just because I  had certain results doesn't mean that you would  

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have those same results you need to understand  the mechanisms and the things that I will talk  

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about and apply them in your case so that you can  have an outcome that you want eating a hundred  

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tablespoons of butter is not something that you  want to do long term because it is too limiting  

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it's called a stunt and I did it to hopefully  get some people's attention so that we can start  

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thinking and questioning some of the guidelines  which ones are true and which ones do we need  

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to modify and when it comes to fat and lipids in  the blood we need to understand how does it work  

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how does the body transport them how does the body  regulate them what are the different factors that  

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make blood fats go up or down what's the basic  purpose first of all fat and water doesn't mix  

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so if you put a drop of oil in water it's going  to float on the surface pretty much forever  

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and the same thing holds true in the body the  blood is mostly water so we can't just put the  

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fat straight in there because it would Clump  together and it wouldn't go anywhere so in the  

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body there's something called lipoproteins where  we have proteins that carry the lipids and they  

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look pretty much like this this is a lipoprotein  and they've solved this issue of water solubility  

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beautifully because there is a membrane on  the outside and these green things those are  

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the heads of phospholipids so the green portion  is water soluble and those yellow little things  

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are fatty acids sticking to the inside so the  outside of this is water soluble and the inside is  

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fat soluble now these are still super super tiny  they're measured in nanometers and on the inside  

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they carry the triglycerides and the cholesterol  and we have different kinds so we have VLDLs, LDLs  

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and HDLs basically and we want to think of these  in terms of size that the VLDL is extra large in  

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nanometers it measures about 40 to 80 nanometers  the LDL is like a medium size about 19 to 23  

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nanometers and the HDL is small or extra small 5  to 15 nanometers so when something is extra large  

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it's because it contains a lot of fat this piece  in the middle here with the fat the triglycerides  

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and the cholesterol that part is huge and then  as they get smaller they contain less fat in the  

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middle in proportion to the surface membrane and  the proteins which are these colorful balls and  

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the body makes these lipoproteins to distribute  and regulate fat and cholesterol in the body so  

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we start off with a really big VLDL, very low  density lipoprotein and this one is jam-packed  

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with triglycerides with fat and along the way its  purpose is to distribute this and it's so full of  

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triglycerides that it's basically this leaking  these fats all over the place and that's a good  

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thing because it's delivering fuel to the cells  of the body and it delivers mostly triglycerides  

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by far but it also has a little bit of cholesterol  to deliver and 90 percent of all the triglycerides  

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that you find in the bloodstream are going to be  carried by VLDL so when we measure triglyceride  

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on a blood test it is really indirectly these  lipoproteins we're measuring and primarily VLDL  

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so the VLDL and the triglycerides are going  to be almost the same indicator but with a  

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different units and then what happens as this  is floating around in the bloodstream then it's  

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going to release a lot of this fat along the way  and the cells will soak it up and then this cell  

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this lipoprotein shrinks so it goes from being  a VLDL to a regular LDL and at this point it's  

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going to be about 21 to 23 nanometers it's still  going to be a good size it's medium but it's on  

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the large size and this is a large fluffy LDL  this is what they're supposed to be but if this  

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LDL sticks around and it takes a few more laps and  there's a lot of stress there's a lot of oxidative  

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stress and inflammation and too much sugar in  the bloodstream now this LDL gets damaged along  

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the way and it shrinks a little bit further and  now it becomes an oxidized LDL or a damaged LDL  

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and now we're going to see it at about 19 to 20.  so the more of these small ones you have the more  

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damage there they can cause but the whole point  is the VLDLs become LDLs after they unload their  

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cargo the other lipoprotein that's manufactured  in the body it's called an HDL and it starts out  

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super super tiny and then as it goes around its  job is the opposite of the VLDL. The VLDL unloads  

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and the HDL collects so the HDL is supposed to  increase in size as it collects and picks up  

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some triglycerides but mostly cholesterol that has  been used in the body and it brings it back to the  

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liver for processing and recycling so we want  the VLDLs to be small indicating that they have  

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unloaded their cargo we want the LDLs to be large  indicating that they have not been damaged and we  

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want the HDL to be as large as possible indicating  that it's actually doing its job of picking up  

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that extra cholesterol there's a lot of confusion  about how this is associated with heart disease  

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because most people and most doctors believe that  high triglycerides and high LDL always go together  

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and this is true in some cases it is pretty  common but it is not the way it needs to work  

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this is what it looks like when it's associated  with high insulin when we have metabolically poor  

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health then yes we will see high LDL High total  cholesterol high triglycerides at the same time  

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but only in the presence of high insulin what we  see a lot when we start changing things around  

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when we're metabolically healthier it is that  we can have high LDL and low triglycerides and  

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still be metabolically healthy and the reason is  that we now have low insulin so in the presence  

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of low insulin we see the opposite relationship  between LDL and triglycerides so triglycerides  

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are a very good indicator of insulin resistance  of metabolically poor health now there's a lot of  

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confusion about why triglycerides and VLDL build  up and get elevated and the number one reason  

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reason and really the only reason that they build  up is that they are not being used the body makes  

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them for a reason they're there to provide  fuel but they're not being used up because  

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there's too much of something else that has  to be used first and here's how this works  

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first we eat some food and the fuel that we derive  from the food can be in two forms it can either be  

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fat or it can be a carbohydrate and if we eat the  fat now it can go directly into the bloodstream  

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and it floats around as fat or triglycerides like  we talked about and it can be available as fuel  

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for the cells needs no conversion or we can eat  carbohydrates and this carbohydrate gets into  

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the blood faster that's what carbohydrates do and  they raise blood glucose and if I had a penny for  

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every time I heard that carbohydrate or glucose  is the preferred fuel I'll be very wealthy but  

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it's not that it's the preferred fuel it's the  fuel that has to be used up first because high  

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blood glucose is dangerous to the brain and it  is very very tightly regulated because it causes  

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damage when it gets too high that's why if the  body has the choice between fat and carbohydrates  

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it's always going to use the carbs first because  they can cause damage if they go to high levels so  

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the more carbs you eat the less likely that you're  going to use the fat that is also floating around  

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in the bloodstream at the same time but it doesn't  stop there you can use some of the glucose some of  

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the carbohydrates you can use in the moments you  can store a little bit but most of it it has to  

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be turned into fat so you eat the carbohydrate  becomes glucose and then that turns into fat so  

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now we have two sources of fat we have the fat we  ate and the carbs we ate they both float around  

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as fat except we have to use the carbohydrates  first so there's no reason we can't ever get to  

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the fat but there's one more factor that makes  this situation even worse and that is once the  

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carbohydrate is inside the bloodstream it needs  some help to get that glucose into the cell and  

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there is a hormone called insulin and that opens  the gate between the bloodstream and the cell to  

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let that glucose in so short term that's fine but  if we eat a lot of carbohydrates then this insulin  

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is going to be chronically elevated because it's  all ways trying to get that glucose into the cell  

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so now the insulin is pushing it into the cell but  it also is preventing that fat from being used up  

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so now we have on so many levels it's difficult  for the body to use that fat and that's why it  

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builds up however if we don't eat the carbohydrate  if we eat primarily fat then the body is going to  

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start burning the fat first and whatever fat we  put in the bloodstream gets used up and our VLDL  

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and our triglycerides never rise and there are  endless lists of food that they suggest that we  

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can eat that they are good to lower triglycerides  and lower blood fats and I'm not even going to go  

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through all these there's dozens on this list  and there's hundreds on various different lists  

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but what I want to point out is that these Foods  seem very very random we don't get any explanation  

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as to why these Foods would do that what do  they have in common so I want to ask why what  

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is it that these foods are supposed to do and  here's the answer if they don't raise glucose  

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and if they don't raise insulin then they're okay  they could be beneficial for other reasons if you  

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don't have a glucose or a triglyceride problem but  if you put it on the list to lower triglycerides  

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that's the only thing that you're concerned with  how is it going to affect glucose and Insulin so  

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here's where I ate during these 10 days I kept a  spreadsheet and I had 78 of my calories from fat  

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15 from protein and seven percent from carbs so  the standard model the general wisdom of the day  

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would say it would predict that my triglycerides  would go way up because I ate so much fat almost  

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80 percent and that would also be reflected in the  vldl we're going to look at both markers and then  

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it would predict that my insulin resistance  would increase because that is what they  

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say and also that because fat is such a strong  contributor to obesity then I should also gain  

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some weight and here's what happened to my insulin  resistance markers my weight went from 185 to 185  

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no change at all and I might add that I did not  have time to exercise a whole lot I did a few  

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push-ups I went for a couple of walks but that's  about it my glucose started off at 95 and after  

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10 days it was down to 84. my insulin started  at 3.5 and it went down to 2.8 and I might add  

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that an ideal range for insulin is between two and  five whereas a diabetic is going to be more on the  

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range of 25 to 30. and if you calculate something  called HOMA-IR or homeostatic model assessment of  

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insulin resistance you're taking into account  the glucose levels but also how much effort how  

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much insulin it takes to keep the glucose levels  down so you multiply the glucose by the insulin  

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you divide by 405 and an ideal number would be  somewhere around one so anything from 0.5 to 1.5  

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would be ideal and very insulin sensitive and I  started out at 0.82 and after 10 days of eating  

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butter I was down to 0.58 even though we're  supposed to increase insulin resistance with  

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saturated fat and I ate eight times as much as  I was supposed to again nothing I recommend but  

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obviously does not have that predicted effect of  worsening insulin resistance and then let's look  

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at normal and healthy levels of triglycerides so  these numbers come from Kaiser Permanente that's  

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an insurance company that ensures people they look  at various different risks and they know that if  

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people have high triglycerides then they're very  risky to ensure they say that optimal for an adult  

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is less than a hundred milligrams per deciliter  and then they also say that younger people like  

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teens would be less than 90 and pre-teens would  be less than 75 so the general idea is that these  

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numbers naturally and normally go up as we age  but I would rather say that younger people have  

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less because they haven't lived long enough to  get clogged up and congested whereas if you keep  

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burning through the fat that you eat by keeping  insulin down there's no reason we shouldn't have  

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these low numbers all the way through our lives  and they also say that a normal risk not optimal  

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or ideal but just kind of average normal would  be 150 to 199 but keep in mind most people are  

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metabolically challenged challenge these days  they have some degree of insulin resistance  

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so let's take a look at my numbers and again  optimal is less than a hundred so I started  

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off at 56 and after eating butter after stuffing  my bloodstream with saturated fat for 10 days it  

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was at 54. and again these triglycerides are  carried by the vldl so we confirm this finding  

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the lab range would be 5 to 40 with anything over  20 being way too high in my opinion and I started  

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off at nine and after 10 days with butter I was  still at a nine so I think we need to challenge  

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the standard Model A little bit and understand  that it's not about the fat it's not about the  

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saturated fat it is how high we're driving the  insulin with the other Foods we're eating at the  

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same time I think Mark Twain says it best what  gets us in trouble is not what we Don don't know  

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it's what we know for sure that just ain't so and  we've heard these things so long that they become  

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truths even though it may not be so so keep  in mind we want to focus on the key factors we  

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want to look at insulin and VLDL when it comes to  understanding fat in the blood and we don't want  

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to focus on LDL by itself we want to understand  healthy versus unhealthy LDL but the number itself  

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means very very little and it is not about how  much saturated fats you eat eat quality food of  

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a wide variety and understand the mechanisms as  they apply to you but now here's the thing one  

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of the best ways to find that perfect balance for  you is to know your Baseline and if you didn't see  

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last week's video that's where I was talking about  how you can do blood work and if you understand  

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what those markers mean you can catch imbalances  much much sooner and you can get a truer picture  

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of where you are for example if you're more or  less insulin resistant you can also find out  

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some markers that most people don't test for most  doctors never test for things like homocysteine or  

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ferritin and if homocysteine and ferritin are high  then you can actually aggravate insulin resistance  

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you can promote insulin resistance simply by those  two markers being elevated and because most people  

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have no idea and unfortunately most doctors have  no idea I'm about to launch a a blood work course  

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where I'm going to teach over eight weeks and  help you understand your blood work so that you  

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can truly take charge of your own health get some  blood work and understand what it means so you can  

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get a baseline make some changes and then monitor  the results and understand it better than you ever  

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have before so if you check out the links down  below they'll take you to where you can find out  

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and learn more about that course if you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one and if  

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you truly want to master Health by understanding  how the body really works make sure you subscribe  

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