Human Health And Disease (Don't Ignore Signs and Symptoms)

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Health versus disease coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. As a

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society we don't understand really the very basics of what health and disease

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is so I'd like to take a few minutes and share something that we do in the office

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as part of our health seminar. And it's an analogy with a car instrument panel

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So most people come into our office because they have some sort of pain and

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they hurt in the shoulder they hurt and the neck and they think that the problem

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is in the neck or the shoulder. What we try to tell them is that the symptom is

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not the problem. The symptom is there because there's something that isn't

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working right. And rather than treating the shoulder or the neck we need to

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treat the thing that isn't working we need to restore that function and even

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though that's such a simple concept we've been conditioned to the opposite

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for so long that it's hard to grasp sometimes so an analogy I like to use is

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that of driving in a car you're driving down the highway and you're making good

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speed and the car is humming along and then all of a sudden you get a message

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you get a warning signal and a warning signal is kind of like a symptom it's

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not the problem it's trying to tell you of a problem

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okay and this particular signal tells us that if we don't fill up gas we're not

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going to go very far so the signal is telling us something about something

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else just like a symptom in the body does and if we have more signals more

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messages come on then we know that there are more things that need attention

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we get more information there's more things to take care of I always ask how

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many people think that this would be a good idea duct tape a handy man's

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solution now we can't see the signal telling us of the problems so the

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problem must be gone right not really everyone laughs at this because they see

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the absurdity in covering up signals and it's equally absurd to cover up symptoms

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because if you cover up the symptom you're allowing the problem to get worse

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so let's say that you think the tape is a good idea and you keep driving and

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your car comes to a grinding halt and you say darn it that was bad luck next

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time you get some warning signals you say hey last time was probably just bad

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luck let me try it again so you cover it up again and you say darn it the car

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crashed again so let's say you were really really stubborn you weren't so

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bright that you try that a thousand times how many times do you think that

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the car would spontaneously fill up on gas and get better correct zero a

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thousand times out of a thousand the problem would get worse until it didn't

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work at all anymore well the moral of the story is the

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body works kind of the same way when we cover up symptoms we are allowing the

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problem to get worse so if you get this saying you've gotten... you understand a

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lot you cannot create health by covering up symptoms anymore than you can

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brighten a room by covering up the darkness think about it how would that

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work can you it's awfully dark in here let me

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cover up the darkness and make it light it's not gonna work why because light

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has certain properties health has certain properties light is measurable

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it has energy frequency and vibration all of those can be measured and

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quantified they exist darkness however is the absence of energy frequency

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vibration darkness can't be measured it only exists as the absence of light and

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health and disease are the exact same thing that health is when we have

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sufficient function energy frequency and vibration the body is energy frequency

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and vibration the body is also self-correcting and self-healing so if

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we have sufficient energy frequency and vibration the body will take those

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resources and create homeostasis or balance or health if we don't have

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sufficient resources there is the absence of the measurable things the

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absence of the function and disease is the result but disease doesn't really

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exist just like darkness disease is only the absence of the proper function it

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doesn't exist as a real entity and yet we have 40 50 thousand labels of disease

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and we try to treat the disease and in doing that we always make it worse

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because the problem is lack of proper energy frequency and vibration the

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problem is lack of sufficient resources and of course there's some toxicity and

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interference as well so I hope this helps give you a different picture on

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what health is what life is how the body really works and understand that there

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is a time and a place for medical care that's called a crisis a

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life-threatening crisis but for the most part the thing that they call disease is

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a lack of appropriate function and the only goal in health care is to restore

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that appropriate function is our only goal return to normal and the body will

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do the rest if you enjoy this kind of content make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything

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and above all please share this information because there are millions

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of people dying and there's trillions of dollars being spent and there's needless

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suffering going on because people don't understand these very very basic things

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thanks for watching

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