How To Treat Knee Pain Naturally

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This video is about knee pain and why you may not need that surgery or that injection

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or that medical intervention.

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If you have knee pain, can't run, you can't do the things that you want to do now what?

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Most people think that they need to go get an MRI or an X-ray and that whatever shows

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up on the X-ray is the final word.

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If it looks really bad then you are screw'd and you will never run again.

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You will never do the things you enjoy.

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If it looks good then they don't understand why they have pain.

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We have to start asking the right questions.

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How is a knee suppose to work.

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What does a knee normally do when it works?

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A lot of people think that a knee just sorta wears down.

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You go in and they tell you well there is a lot of wear and tear here.

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Well that's the wrong perspective.

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Knees are suppose to wear down and they are suppose to build back up.

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So most people if they run they usually use both legs.

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Why does one knee hurt more than the other?

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Because there is an imbalance in the body.

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Your knees constantly wear down you replace 90% of your cells in one year.

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You replace 100% of molecules in your body every seven years.

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So if you had knee pain... if you take an MRI and that knee looks terrible well you've

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replaced that knee dozen of times in your life, so it is not a problem of wearing it

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down, even though it can be so excessive wear the problem is why isn't it healing?

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And this is such a unknown concept to such a forgotten idea that in our healthcare system...

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if someone actually gets better we think there is something wrong.

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We spend 3.

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2 trillion dollars (2015) on healthcare, but if somebody gets better we think that they

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got the wrong diagnosis in the first place.

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No these things can't happen.

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If someone gets better there must be something wrong.

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We want to change that way of thinking.

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We want to think that the body is suppose to heal that things are suppose to get better.

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Thing wear down and they rebuild and if they don't get better that is when something is

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What is that is suppose to work about a knee?

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Well first of all a body part cannot work any better than the part of the brain that

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controls it.

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So whether it's an knee or an elbow or neck or a spine the stability of that is only as

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good as the muscles that are balancing and controlling and stabilizing and moving it.

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The range of motion is only as good as the brains ability to control it.

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So that is step one.

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In order for the brain to control and manage the body parts you have to give the brain

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enough information.

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You have to have what is called proprioception.

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That is the feedback from the body parts and from the environment to the brain.

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So if the brain has a complete picture then the brain can control the body.

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So far so good.

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Then we need a proper circulatory system because if we are going to rebuild.

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.. if we are going to wear down and rebuild that knee over and over now we need circulation

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so we can bring nutrients and the building blocks down there so that we can remove the

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waste products and the broken cells and the debris.

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And then we also need for that blood to contain the proper nutrients.

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And in this day in age there is hardly a person on the planet that has a complete nutrition.

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Because we eat processed foods we eat refined foods and we think we are doing okay if we

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exercise enough we don't gain weight, but those nutritional deficiencies from that processed

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food they catch up with us.

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It might take 10, 20, 30 40, 50 years before they show up, but during all that time we

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are wearing down the reserves.

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So just because you don't have symptoms doesn't mean that you are not missing nutrients.

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What does the knee need primary?

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Well cartridge and connective tissue which is what cartridge is, is primary built up

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of protein called collagen which's major component is vitamin c.

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We are not talking about acorbic acid.

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we are talking about vitamin c complexes.

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The way they occur in food, the way nature made them.

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So there are a few products out there that are truly natural.

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One that we use is called Standard Process, but just understand that ascorbic acid is

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not vitamin C. Collagen is a great source, of course is from meat, but also from things

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like bone broth.

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So either drink the bone broth or take some supplements made from bone broth.

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Don't get tricked into thinking that bone meal that you buy in the store has anything

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to do with what you want.

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Those are just severely depleted, they have taken out everything of value, it is basically

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just a ground up calcium powder.

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Though there are a lot of things that have to work, but the basic idea we want to get

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is that it is not abnormal when the body gets better.

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Just because a MRI shows something or doesn't show something is not a death sentence.

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You have to look at what is suppose to work and you have to make it work again.

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You have to ask what is the body need to fix this and you have to give it to the body so

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it can fix it.

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A lot of times it's gone too far because we have gone decades without the proper balance

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without the proper nutrition and we have worn down our health reserves our nutritional reserves.

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So that puts us a little bit behind the curve.

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We have some catching up to do, so once you start doing the right thing don't expect miraculous

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instantaneous results even though that can happen, and also you might need a little bit

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of help.

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There maybe things that are putting your body out of balance or interfering and look for

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someone in your area that...

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I would recommend someone like a chiropractor who does applied kinesiology who is very skilled

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in whole food nutrition.

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What we do is called Nutrition Response Testing and applied kinesiology those are the things

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that I know the most about.

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I know we get excellent results with these things, but just look around for someone in

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your area.

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But again bottom line is the body is suppose to heal, and we have been mislead we have

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been lied to.

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We have a healthcare system that is not a healthcare system, but a sick care system.

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It's a crisis intervention system, it is a disease management system and while there

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is a place for all of that.

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They are great at putting together a broken bone, they are terrible at understanding what

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is suppose to work in the body and help the body bring that, fix that, give that to the

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So I hope this helped please comment below, hit the subscribe button so you can stay tuned.

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We want to make lots more of these videos to try to help people understand the truth

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about the body, the truth about healthcare.

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That you are not a lost cause there are ways, but we have to understand how the body works.

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Thank you.

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