How To Stop Carb Cravings On Keto (& Sugar Cravings)

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How to stop carb cravings on keto coming right up a lot of people are learning

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that sugar and carbohydrates is a bad idea in excess that they drive blood

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sugar they drive insulin up they drive insulin resistance and insulin

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resistance is related to not just obesity and weight gain but to the

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majority of degenerative disease that we have in the Western world and in their

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quest for low carb a lot of people come across keto or at least and initially

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they try to cut their carbs back but in the process they find out that they have

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cravings that they don't feel so good they feel like like they're deprived

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when they cutting back the carbs so when you have a craving that's really about

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two things one is your sort of starving your body is trying to tell you that

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it's it's missing something that it used to have and that's energy and the other

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is addiction that sugar and carbs they act as drugs just like alcohol is a drug

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and that they can act differently on different people so some people can have

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a drink or two and then stop and be fine with that whereas others have a certain

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addictive personality or they develop an addiction and therefore once they start

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they can't stop there's no limit there's no moderation to it and carbs are the

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same way for some people where the addiction is very great they just can't

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have a little bit as soon as they open the floodgates a little bit it just

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keeps going and as far as the starving part if you taught your body how to

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depend on carbohydrates if you have fed it the average standard diet the weight

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mericans have been eating for the last 30 40 years which is 3 to 400 grams of

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carbohydrate per day most of its sugar and refined dead carbohydrates then

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you've taught your body to live on very very simple

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and it doesn't know how to convert if you just cut back the carbs and offer it

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fat it doesn't know what to do with that you've gone too long so you have to

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gradually re-educate your machinery your metabolic machinery knows how to use

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carbs it doesn't know how to use fat so when you all of a sudden just cut that

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pull the rug out from under it and you eliminate the carbs you leave it with

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nothing you took away the only thing that it knew how to use for fuel and to

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maintain blood sugar now you took it away so your body is left with nothing

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and your body is in essence starving whatever you have cravings that just

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means that you're not in ketosis yet okay once you're in ketosis your body

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knows how to burn fat for fuel and the ketones is a byproduct of that it's it's

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the evidence then you're in fat burning that your fat adapted and if you have

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cravings that means you're not there yet and the primary reason is that you

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haven't cut your carbs low enough that you think you're really low carb because

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you've gone from from 3 to 400 grams maybe down to 50 or 60 which is really

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low compared to what you used to do but it's still not low enough it's still

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enough carbohydrate to drive enough insulin that you're not getting insulin

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sensitive and starting to burn that fat for fuel if you're close and you've

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already kind of started then I would suggest just cut make sure you get down

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below 20 and hang in there for a few days and and see how it goes

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if you're not quite there depending on where you are you you may or may not be

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ready for that so how do we get into ketosis and there are two basic ways and

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they're different proponents for and arguments for for each way some people

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say do it suddenly from wherever you are just cut out all the carbs go in

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hardcore just get it over with in five to seven

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days you'll be feeling a lot better you'll your body will be fat adapted you

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won't have the carb cravings and that's true for some people some people will

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take a little bit longer and others can get it done in two to three days but a

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lot of these people again depending on how big of a jump

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they took they're gonna get the keto flu which is I did a video on that

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explaining in more detail but it's basically just the body's reaction to

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changing really really fast the big thing though is in my mind it's

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not that this can't be done there isn't a good idea that to get it done the

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quickest but you don't have a habit yet okay there's a couple of habits to make

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this long-term to make it sustainable there's a couple of habits you have to

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develop you have to convert your physiology you have to convert your

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metabolic machinery from one fuel to another but even more importantly I

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think is that you don't have the lifestyle habits yet you haven't learned

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to cook good satisfying recipes you don't know what foods to choose how

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often to eat what what foods to stock up and select and and you don't have an

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arsenal of a good variety of different satisfying foods and because of that

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there's a tendency in most people to at some point go back and when people do

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things suddenly that there's a psychology to that when people go the

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whole xxx diet then they say oh you can do it for 30 days just just do it and

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when people get that when they do something suddenly there's a psychology

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that says I can do this but it's not going to last forever that you're kind

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of giving your weight yourself the option of stopping at some point and

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then the whole thing was pointless and that's typically what happens if you

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change something too fast if you shock your body too much then even if

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you're feeling better you just don't have the the habit it's not a routine

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that you can maintain yet so even though this works for a lot of people I in my

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experience in my office we are more proponents of the slow method and so

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wherever you are if that's three to four hundred grams of carbs per day or a

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hundred and fifty grams of carbs per day just cut that back gradually figure out

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what the worst thing is that you're eating if it's donuts or beer or sugar

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or pizza or grain or rice or oatmeal what whatever is the thing that's

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keeping you up at that level figure out what the big stuff is and then cut it

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down gradually change it reduce it by 10 or 20 or 30 percent per week and before

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you know it you will you will have lowered your carb count dramatically and

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these numbers were counting net carbs which is total carbs - the five are

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subtracted in where that also allows you to do is as you take one thing out you

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replace it with something good and you give your body some time and you give

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your lifestyle routine a chance to adapt and make that a habit you develop some

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new recipes you go online you look for keto and paleo recipes you look for

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grain free recipes and you make yourself you you make a deal with yourself to

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look up two or three new recipes and you can look up some some fat bomb recipes

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something some rewards okay but you need a good variety and it needs to be lots

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of vegetables lots of healthy fats and and moderate meats and once you learn

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how to do that then there is no suffering and you're developing a

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satisfying lifestyle that you can maintain and during that time as you do

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that and you start getting more nutritious more satisfying food in your

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body you'll notice that you don't feel like having snacks anymore

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there's no need to top off your blood sugar every couple hours

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first cut out the snacks and then as you get down to three meals a day all of a

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sudden you notice you know I'm not so hungry for breakfast anymore I just

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think I'll skip that and you you skip it you might put in might make a

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bulletproof coffee put some MCT oil and some butter in it and they'll give you a

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little bit of fuel without triggering any blood sugar butter and MCT oil have

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a virtually zero both glycemic index and insulin response then you're down to two

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meals a day and now you start shrinking your feeding window so you push it 30

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minutes you push it an hour shorter and before you know it you're in

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intermittent fasting and now you're really kicking in in teaching your body

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in about fat-burning and insulin sensitivity so now what a lot of people

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do before they know it they find themselves around 60 grams of carbs a

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day and this is what happens this is how we do it in in my office we do it

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gradually we want to develop some habits we want to get the lifestyle into it not

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just shock value and now once you're at 60 grams that's the time if you want to

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get into ketosis - go for it you make the transition all at once you convert

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you and for some people that just means cutting out one more thing maybe they're

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just cutting out a little bit of potato or a little bit of rice or something

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whatever it was that that contribute their their main carbs and now they

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haven't really changed much at all so there's no huge shock for the body

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there's no big transition for your physiology and now you can probably get

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into ketosis in a couple of days you don't get the keto flu you're not

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suffering and now if you had any carb cravings left earlier now I guarantee

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that you probably won't have those more than a day or two if you get down to 20

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grams of carbs they may already be gone even before that so like

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this channel is is all about I want to emphasize that it's about health okay

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that's the only reason you want to do any of these things you want to be

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healthy you want to have a high quality life for as long as possible weight is

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just one of those things that are gonna go away along with getting healthy so

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don't be in a hurry put health first follow these steps that I outlined so

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that you can do this long-term there is no change that is worth it if you're not

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going to keep it up so if you can't develop the habits and a good variety

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and the satisfying foods to allow you to keep it up then why do it in the first

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place then you're just shocking and tossing your body around and smacking it

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around a little bit so don't do that so don't cheat if your ancestors didn't

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have it then it's like it doesn't exist just just cut it out don't look back

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don't allow yourself to think of that thing as food again give this a try and

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let me know how it works for you if you have any questions suggestions feedback

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let me know I'll do my very best to answer that if you have suggestions or

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questions that might end up in other videos let me know that as well and I'll

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take that into consideration share this video with as many people as you can

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because it's about helping people get healthy 19 out of 20 people you know are

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going to die early from something related to insulin resistance and

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processed foods so do them a favor and let them know about this stuff thanks

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for watching

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