How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease (You May Have A Fatty Liver)

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how to reverse fatty liver disease what it is and why do you want to know about

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this even if you don't think it relates to you coming right up

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the fatty liver that sounds like something alcoholics and old people get

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right well it used to be that mostly alcoholics got fatty liver disease but

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now most people who get it is what they call non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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and we're going to talk about what the liver does and what the mechanisms are

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and why you really want to know about this it is very very tightly linked to

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insulin resistance the mechanism is is basically the same for the most part

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just like insulin resistance it is a matter of degrees so you can have a

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little bit of fatty liver or you could have severe family ever just like

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insulin resistance you can have mild insulin resistance or it could progress

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all the way up to diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes type 2 if we talk

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about mild to moderate to severe we want to think about the liver as an organ

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that has a lot of reserve capacity the the body is amazingly adaptable okay it

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doesn't break down at the first sign of trouble it starts to stress a little bit

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but it has a lot of reserve capacity it can deal with a lot and the liver is one

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of those organs that could be 80 maybe 90 percent dysfunctional clogging up

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fatty before it really starts breaking down before it can't perform its job

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anymore and before it starts showing up on blood tests that's why this blood

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tests often give people a false sense of security because you get a blood test

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and the blood test comes back and you say oh my liver enzymes are normal well

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it's because the liver can still keep up you haven't pushed it far enough into

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severe fatty liver that it starts to totally break down and the end stage of

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liver disease is called cirrhosis this is where you start getting

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scoring and in these cases it might even lead to cancer and you'll be a candidate

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for a transplant at this point but even if it never gets to that point the

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greater the degree of fatty liver that you have the more severe the health

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consequences just like insulin resistance it depending on how we define

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it the official definition of insulin resistance is with an a1c over five

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point seven and that puts over a hundred million people in this country alone at

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moderate insulin resistance the same is sort of true with this that there's

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maybe twenty thirty forty percent of people with severe fatty liver but that

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probably puts a majority of the population at mild to moderate fatty

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liver so I don't have exact numbers but just judging on the prevalence of

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insulin resistance and how tightly the mechanisms fall together then it's not

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too far-fetched to draw that conclusion so let's talk a little bit about what

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the liver does and the liver is an amazing organ it is a chemical factory

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it performs most of the chemical transformations that take place in your

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body it's this little lump that sits under

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the rib cage on the right hand side it is between three to five pounds in most

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people and it's a very large organ it wraps around the whole side and when

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people get liver problems and fatty livers very often it gets sensitive and

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tender because it starts to swell and kind of stick out under the rib cage a

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little bit so it does over 500 different things over 500 different chemical

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functions and transformations and procedures but we're going to just focus

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on two broad categories and one is it takes all of the food that comes into

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the body and it processes it so everything that you eat goes into the

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gut and then it goes in to a big vein that leads straight into the live

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it's called the hepatic portal vein the main thing that it does is it takes

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sugar and turns it into glycogen and fat okay it does a lot of other things as

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well but for our purposes we're gonna focus on that because that's what drives

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this mechanism of fatty liver so whenever you have excess blood sugar the

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excess turns into glycogen and when the glycogen stores are full then the rest

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of it turns into fat so with our modern diet the liver has pretty much turned in

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to a fat Factory that's all it does all day long is just to turn sugar into fat

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and that's what drives this insulin resistance and this fatty liver process

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other thing that it does is it detoxifies and everything that you put

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into your body that's foreign that's a chemical that's a harsh substance that's

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a foreign substance the the liver has to detox it it has to take that poison and

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has to transform it by taking stuff away and adding things making it

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water-soluble and harmless so that you can get rid of it you can dump it in

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through the gall bladder into the gut into the bowel and eventually just expel

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it and get rid of it the more the liver gets overwhelmed the harder it is to

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keep up with all of this so the mechanism is that whenever blood sugar

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goes up insulin goes up and insulin pushes the sugar into the cells

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primarily into the liver because that's where the food comes first

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then the insulin goes up it pushes it into the liver when the liver doesn't

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have room for more like again it turns into fat and then we eat more sugar and

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it turns into fat and eventually this fat starts building up and the liver

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gets overwhelmed then of course the toxins if we at the same time put in a

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bunch of toxins then that makes it just that much harder because now the liver

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as more to do it has more tasks to perform and alcohol is another thing

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that turns into fat and that's why alcoholics get fatty liver because they

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drink a lot but if you drink some and you eat a lot of sugar now you're kind

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of creating the same effect there another thing we want to be aware of is

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all of the toxins and this is something that didn't exist in our society hasn't

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been on the planet for most of human existence but now we have pesticides and

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herbicides and chemicals and plastics and chlorine and over-the-counter drugs

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over-the-counter drugs see may seem harmless to most people you pop a little

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pill for your headache or your fever but over-the-counter drugs are responsible

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for 16,000 cases every year of acute liver failure so we don't want it we

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want to take these things seriously and have you ever thought thought about why

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they tell you don't take tylenol if you had a drink it's because the burden

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increases okay if the liver has trouble dealing with one thing and you give it

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to at the same time it's twice as hard so now we have sugar and we have toxins

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and we have alcohol and we have over-the-counter drugs and then they

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sprayed your lawn with pesticides and you breathe in something else and you

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have some chlorine in the water now there's hundreds and thousands of

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different sources that become a burden on the liver

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okay so sugar is what drives it but all these toxins are what makes it harder

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and harder for the liver to keep up also the solution is kind of obvious you want

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to add things that help the liver nutrients and things that give the liver

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resources without becoming a burden eliminate all the things that become a

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burden it's not so difficult once we think about it we want to stop alcohol

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and alcohol and sugar they're both the one of these things

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that is not a toxin per se but the dose becomes the poison because we're

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designed to have a little bit of sugar in the fruit we're supposed to have some

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sugar in the vegetables but we're not designed to have half a pound a day

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we're not supposed to have I fructose corn syrup virtually injected in an IV

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into our bloodstream there's no the body has no defense against that similarly we

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haven't had pesticides or chemicals on the planet very long we haven't had

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drugs we haven't had over-the-counter medication we haven't had any of these

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things so we have overburdened the liver tremendously compared to what it's been

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used to for our forefathers now when we talk about sugar it's not just the white

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stuff out of the bag even though that is the worst okay table sugar sucrose and

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high fructose corn syrup those are especially evil because sugar is 50%

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glucose and 50% fructose and fructose is something it's a kind of sugar that we

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can tolerate that's really good in really small amount so in nature

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fructose occurs in fruit and if we get just a few grams a day then that's

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perfect because it doesn't raise blood sugar much and it doesn't mess with the

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body but once we start getting up into above 5 or 10 grams a day and we'll get

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into 30 40 50 60 70 grams which has been the average for the last few decades

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that fructose can only be processed by the liver okay sugar is glucose and

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fructose the glucose can go into any cell in the body it can go directly in

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and the cell can use that but fructose can only be used by the liver there's no

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other cell in the body that can do anything without fructose if you eat 200

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grams of sugar a day then 100 grams can be spread evenly over all the cells in

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Vonnie but a hundred grams of fructose has to be metabolized by this one little

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organ that's about three to five pounds which is maybe two three percent of your

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body weight that all of a sudden has to take care of half of the excessive sugar

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that you're putting into your body so fructose that's why fructose is the

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number one factor in driving insulin resistance and fatty liver disease

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because it gets into the liver the liver has to metabolize it it turns it into

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glycogen but as soon as the stores are full it turns it into fat but the sugar

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just keeps coming it keeps coming fructose is is especially evil because

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even though it doesn't drive insulin it overwhelms the liver very very quickly

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the other sugars are bad they're not as bad but they're very very bad because

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everything sugar everything carb especially simple processed carbs but

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all carbs turn into sugar and they drive insulin and insulin is what packs more

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of the sugar into the liver that turns into fat so that's why you have to stop

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the alcohol and the sugar if you have some amount of fat buildup in your liver

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then you pushing the process in the wrong direction and it cannot recover if

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you keep doing that then of course drugs complicate it they become an additional

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burden on the liver so if you have prescribed drugs that you have to take

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then you have to take those but talk to your doctor if it's really necessary and

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start learning how to heal your body so that you can have that discussion and

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maybe get off of them eventually the other thing that is a enormous burden

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because anything foreign that the body doesn't recognize the liver has to

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transform and one of the worst things are man-made fats so we're talking about

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anything hydrogenated especially margarine and trans fats

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and shortening and things like that but also the so called vegetable fats and I

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call them so called because they're not made from vegetables they're made from

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seeds and nuts and they're requiring a very very heavy amount of processing

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when you turn corn and safflower and canola into oil you have to process them

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with harsh chemicals very very high heat and they turn out very very different

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from the fats that occur in nature and now they again become foreign to the

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body they become something that the liver has to process and becomes an

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enormous burden on the liver the good stuff then is everything that's not that

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so good fats those are natural fats where the molecules have not been

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altered those are things like olive oil extra virgin olive oil grass-fed organic

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butter coconut oil those are wonderful wonderful fats they provide good energy

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without being a burden on the liver and good fats they're very satiating that

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very satisfying they provide you energy without providing any burden in addition

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to that they replace a lot of the carbohydrates so if you're going to cut

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back on carbohydrates that drive insulin and and fatty liver you need to replace

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it and fat good fats natural fats is the best source of energy that doesn't put a

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burden on the body or the liver vegetables are something that you want

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to eat in mass because they contain nutrients and Fido factors that assist

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the liver okay the liver loves vegetables

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especially the leafy greens but any of the vegetables if you remember my video

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recently on my faith my favorite 15 keto vegetables those are all vegetables that

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you can eat as much as you like and your liver will love you for it so the

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absolute most important thing is to remove the stuff that destroys the liver

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and then to start putting in the food and the nutrients you can also give

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the liver some specific nutritional support and these are things like

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turmeric or curcumin or milk thistle in our office we use muscle testing so that

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we can determine for each person exactly what is optimal for them so we use

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mostly standard process but we also have a lot of different homeopathic and

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herbal formulas so I wouldn't just go out and start indiscriminately spending

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tons of money on everything that he called liver support but see if you can

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find someone who is skilled and trained who can assist you in finding out what

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would be right for you so this could be a good add-on but again 80 90 percent of

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it lies in taking out the bad and putting in some of the good so I hope

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that you can see how this actually relates to almost every person in this

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country because if you've been eating carbs and processed foods and you live

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in a toxic environment like we all do then this is something that you should

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be concerned with and it is what's mostly tied to the epidemic of obesity

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and diabetes that we're seeing if you are obese chances are that you probably

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80% of those people have severe fatty liver and if you're diabetic then the

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numbers are about the same so it's one of the most important epidemics that we

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have is that of obesity and diabetes and this is just one of those factors that

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can become a huge problem in itself but it is part of the mechanism so we want

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to understand this if we're going to beat diabetes and insulin resistance and

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get us healthy as possible please share this with as many people as you can

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because this is not a rare occurrence this is to some degree this affects the

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majority of the population you'd like to learn more about this and you haven't

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subscribed already then please do so so that you can get updates when we post

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more videos and please check out our playlist and our other

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videos on insulin resistance on diabetes on carbohydrates etc because they all

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help build a picture to help you understand this and other conditions

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