How To Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally For Weight Loss And Stress Relief

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how to reduce cortisol well cortisol is a stress hormone so in order to reduce

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cortisol we have to reduce stress and stress has been linked to every disease

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condition known to man and because stress is often a result of

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a lifestyle it's a way of life that we have adapted then in order to truly

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reduce stress we have to change our lifestyle so today we're going to talk

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about not just what the steps are but why they work and once you understand

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that then you can turn your lifestyle into one of stress reduction and learn

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how to get truly healthy coming right up

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I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympian and if you'd like to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything

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stress is an enormous topic and cortisol is super important and people have

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different reasons but since so many people have issues with weight they want

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to lose weight and cortisol is part of that picture that's where a lot of

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people start looking at cortisol that's where they're we get their attention but

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in order to reduce cortisol we also have to change the whole picture and that's

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kind of just a side benefit that once you reduce cortisol and you understand

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the bigger picture you don't just change one thing you get a trickle-down effect

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that can be tremendously beneficial some people look at cortisol because of

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adrenal fatigue chronic fatigue syndrome they just don't feel right other people

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look at it because it's involved with insulin resistance weight gain and also

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with type 2 diabetes and like we looked at a recent video on Cushing's disease

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with which is an extreme cortisol level it can also be involved with muscle

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wasting so once we address the root the core issues

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we turn around all of these things all at once so what is stress well stress is

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a response from your sympathetic nervous system so your autonomic nervous system

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the part of your nervous system of your brain that manages everything about your

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body everything that you don't have to think about is your autonomic nervous

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system has two branches and the sympathetic nervous system responds to

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things that threaten you when there's some threat real or imagined the

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sympathetic nervous system revs you up it increases resources so that you can

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defend yourself so you increase your heart rate your blood pressure you you

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body wants more blood sugar for quick fuel so that's where cortisol comes in

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cortisol goes up to raise the blood sugar but you also increase muscle

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tension you increase LDL cholesterol because LDL cholesterol is part of wound

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clotting and during a fight flight situation you might get situation where

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you start bleeding so all of these things are part of the stress response

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but there's a balance that we have to understand that the parasympathetic

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that's the other than sympathetic it handles your digestion it stimulates

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immune responses it's responsible for reproduction function and it's

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responsible for healing so the key takeaway here is that you can defend

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yourself you can activate the sympathetics and defend yourself or you

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can activate the parasympathetic and heal but you can't do both at the same

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time you can do a little bit of one or the other but the more you do of one the

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less you do of the other that's just how we are wired and we're going to look at

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that so even though the sympathetic is a stress response that doesn't make it a

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bad thing it's not like a mistake in the way the body is created the sympathetic

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nervous system keeps you alive in emergency

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situations it's just that we're not supposed to have emergency situations

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all the time and it's designed for bursts of activity so if you get chased

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by some some wild animal if you have an emergency you're supposed to engage that

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sympathetic to a very high degree and then you're supposed to be done with it

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but in our modern life style it doesn't matter if it's a real short threat or if

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it's a long term imagined threat so financial pressures and bad news and

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overwhelm at work and feeling overwhelmed insufficient all of those

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are stresses they activate your sympathetic nervous system and we

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develop chronic stress so I don't have any exact numbers but just to give you

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an idea I would guess that were designed probably for 10 or 20 percent burst

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sympathetic activity and the rest of the time 80 90 percent we we should be in

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parasympathetic but with a modern lifestyle it's kind of the other way

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around we don't have many of those extreme burst activities but we have a

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little bit of stress a little bit of sympathetic activation most of the time

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so it's like this balance is reversed we've developed habits and we have

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become stuck in sympathetic dominance so this is why stress is so destructive

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this is why the things that the sympathetic develops like heart rate

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high heart rate high blood pressure high cortisol muscle tension cholesterol

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that's why those are things that people take the most medication for because

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you're sympathetic drives those things when they become a chronic habit that's

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the stuff we end up taking drugs for they become chronic degenerative

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diseases the next thing to understand about

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stress is that most of the time that you have stress you're not aware of it

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because stress can be many different things anytime your sympathetic nervous

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is activated you have stress could be something chemical it could be an

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infection it could be toxicity could be long-term low-grade toxicity or it could

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be something like food poisoning you could have dis glycaemia unstable

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blood sugar for which the body has to compensate with cortisol that's a lot of

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stress stress can be mechanical being sedentary is a form of stress having

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passed trauma like slips and falls and car accidents is a form of stress having

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a spinal stiffness having a lack of spinal movement also known as

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subluxation in chiropractic is a form of stress and we will look at that in just

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a second we can also have emotional stress and that's what people usually

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talk about when they mean stress that's when you have an emotion that you don't

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like when you feel bad when you have fear anger when you're feeling

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overwhelmed when you have feelings of grief and those are obviously types of

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stress but they're not the only types of stress they're not the only thing that

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activates that sympathetic that stress response so we want to think of this as

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a triangle where every part is equally important we have chemical we have

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structural we have emotional stress it's sort of like three legs on a table if

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you have a three-legged table you can't balance the table on two legs you can't

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balance the table on one leg you want to start addressing all sides of the

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triangle to create balance in your life and now we're getting to the really cool

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stuff this is what true stress management is what is it that manages

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stress in your body well it is your brain and specifically it is your

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frontal lobe because stress is lifesaving stress responses are

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life-saving when something threatens you you're supposed to react you have to if

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you don't you're a sitting duck and whatever threatens you gets you so

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stress responses are necessary and life-saving but the

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frontal lobe has the ability to determine when it's time to turn it off

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if the frontal lobe doesn't work so well then stress responses just kind of come

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and they're acting unopposed and they go on much stronger and much longer than

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they're supposed to that's why different people have different stress tolerance

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that's why they manage stress differently some people act very calm in

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stressful situations and some people completely freak out

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that's depending on how well is that frontal lobe working and what is it that

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the frontal lobe does well the frontal lobe inhibits it turns things off it's

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like a light bulb that the brighter it burns the better it is at turning things

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off it's like turning off the darkness if you will and the way that we're wired

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is that the frontal lobe can turn off the sympathetic stress response and the

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sympathetic nervous system in turn is wired to turn off the parasympathetic

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nervous system why is that because the body has limited resources so in a

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stressful situation you're not concerned about digestion

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that's the liability you'll be wasting resources on digestion if there's

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something threatening you so your body is wired that any time that you have a

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threat you turn off the parasympathetic nervous system so even though the

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parasympathetic helps you digest and defend you from immune issues and it

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helps you reproduce and heal it is not an asset in an emergency the frontal

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lobe turns off the sympathetic stress response so indirectly the frontal lobe

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turns on the parasympathetic s-- it turns on digestion it turns on immune

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system it turns on reproduction it turns on healing so by turning off the thing

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that was turned on you turn it on and this is just how

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we're wired that's just part of the design but we can use it to our

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advantage because if we understand this then we can use this to control stress

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so let's talk about the solutions but we're not just going to talk about the

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solutions we want to understand why they work because if you understand what the

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mechanism is then you'll start noticing in your life when you start apply you

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become more sensitive and that's how you truly can turn it into a lifestyle which

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is necessary if you want long-term results so the way that you can manage

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stress is primarily through a few different mechanisms it's by doing a

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pattern interrupt so why is that important because the reason that you

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have a stress dominance is that you're stuck it's become a habit the brain

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doesn't quite know it's done so much of it it just gets stuck in that habit and

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what we want to do is interrupt that pattern the other way we can manage

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stress is through brain stimulation just like we talked about if we increase the

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activity of the frontal lobe then we manage stress we can also do it with

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nutrients we can give it nutrients we can give the brain nutrients that help

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it function better and we can give nutrients that are innately calming to

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the brain and then we can have certain lifestyle modifications that are going

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to affect hormones and neurotransmitters such as growth hormone and cortisol

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primarily so let's look at the list number one aerobic exercise aerobic

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exercise is fantastic because it is a pattern interrupt it gets you away it

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gets you out it gets you moving all of those are pattern interrupt it's

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also brain stimulation because 90% of what stimulates the brain the signals

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they get to the brain 90% of those are from movements and

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you're also increasing oxygenation which your brain loves and you are starting to

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you not getting tremendous amount of growth hormone from just walking but

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you're getting just a little bit you're also reducing insulin because

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your muscles become more insulin sensitive during aerobic exercise so

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it's a fantastic way to reduce stress and reduce cortisol of course the next

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thing you can do is another type of exercise and this might seem

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counterintuitive because this is kind of the opposite of aerobic exercise this is

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extreme high intensity interval training and this will stimulate cortisol but the

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trick is to do it for such a short duration you do it 15 seconds at a time

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you do a few repetitions of 15 seconds until you get exhausted until you max

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out your heart rate and then you have increased your growth hormone by 3 to

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400 percent and growth hormone opposes cortisol they work against each other so

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you can do things to reduce cortisol or you can do things to increase growth

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hormone and you can accomplish the same thing so even though you produce

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cortisol with hit the trick is to keep the duration so short that the growth

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hormone benefit far outweighs the cortisol downside if you're really

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really fragile though if you have just totally burned out your system if you're

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feeling sick you're feeling bad you're not fit then you might want to hold off

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on the hit or you might want to do it extremely carefully because this is a

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stress on the body and some people are just not at a point yet where intense

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exercise is a good idea so if you have any question marks about that then hold

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off on the hit number 3 recover exercise can be beneficial but just

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because it's beneficial doesn't mean that more is better and it's the

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contrast between exercise and recovery that helps your body heal so anytime

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that you exercise you want to allow enough recovery and you never want to

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exercise so much that your body starts feeling fatigued or worn down number

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four Yoga Yoga is fantastic it is a pattern interrupt it is brain

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stimulation you stretch you teach your brain about paying attention to

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different things it's a different mindset

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highly recommended just don't get into the modern versions of yoga where they

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turn it into something intense something upbeat fast moving because that defeats

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the purpose of reducing cortisol breathing exercises number five very

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very powerful because your sympathetic and your parasympathetic nervous system

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are tied to your breath when you breathe in that's a sympathetic activity when

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you breathe out it's a parasympathetic activity so if you do a slow breath in

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and a slow long breath out then you're balancing your sympathetics

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and your parasympathetic so the trick is keep your out-breath

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about five seconds or even a little bit more but at least five seconds that

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gives your parasympathetic nervous system five whole seconds to engage and

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you're in training a pattern there number six meditation very often tied to

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breathing but meditation is more about paying attention to your mind it's about

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changing your focus which increases frontal lobe activity so it's a pattern

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interrupt it is brain stimulation and it's about finding a profound place of

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peace and in doing that in reaching deeper and deeper levels of of Pia

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that you're getting more and more pattern interrupts and brain stimulation

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and you can start undoing by finding that deep piece you can start undoing

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past stresses also number seven mindfulness often associated with

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meditation it's even called mindfulness meditation which it is but mindfulness

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goes much much further than that it's something that you want to turn into a

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lifestyle habit it's something that you do all day long if you can remind

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yourself every minute as you get better and better it runs more an automatic

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remind yourself every minute to pay attention to how you feel make how you

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feel the most important thing that there is and start looking on the bright side

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that's what mindfulness really is it's a it's a way of life eight celebrate

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whenever something good happens don't just brush it off and move on to the

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next thing take some time pat yourself on the back

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milk it take a minute to really sort of celebrate and appreciate and and soak in

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why that was so good and take a moment to just feel good about it and now

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you're building momentum number nine appreciate look around you into your

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wonderful life look at how beautiful nature is look at the good things in

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life there is few things as powerful for feeling good and undoing stress as

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appreciation you cannot appreciate and be stressed at the same time number 10

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read make it a habit to read or if you're reading challenged then listen to

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something get a good audio program most of the time you're limited to your own

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mind your own thoughts but when you read or listen to something uplifting you

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have a third party put in good stuff in your mind it's a pattern interrupt it

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helps build your momentum it helps you change perspective it helps you build a

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positive outlook over so I can't emphasize that enough take 10

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20 30 minutes every day and build yourself grow yourself

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number 11 positive people notice how you feel around people and give yourself the

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Liberty to avoid the people who make you feel bad the people who pull you down

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the people where you feel like there's a shadow coming as soon as you get in the

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presence give yourself the freedom to avoid those and instead find the people

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to make you feel good find the groups of people the organizations where where

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positive people hang out and go there on purpose number 12

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essential oils they have become extremely popular in recent years but

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how do they actually work and the thing to understand I'm not opposed to

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essential oils at all I think they're great but a lot of people use them as a

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form of nutrition which they are not they don't add anything that the body is

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missing what they do is they provide a pattern interrupt

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they smell is very very powerful it's the most primitive is the most

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fundamental of all human senses and it has profound impact on the brain so when

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you smell something and you pay attention to that you're interrupting a

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pattern you are stimulating the brain and you're changing your focus you're

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paying attention to something else you're getting a timeout and it's very

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very powerful it doesn't have to be essential oils but anything that serves

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that purpose can be excellent there are also homeopathics of flower

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essences we use several in our office that have excellent effects in calming

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you down you can also use herbs number 14 that there are adaptogenic herbs like

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ashwagandha and ginseng and kava and they help your body calm down there they

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have safe medicinal effects number 15 smile and laugh give yourself a moment

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when you're sitting in the car just put a big silly grin on your face and smile

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for no reason at all and just notice just ask yourself how good could I feel

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right now for no reason at all put a big smile on your face and just let that

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emotion right just let that state go for a few seconds and you'll have a state

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change you'll have a pattern interrupt and you'll feel better if you do that on

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a regular basis you can have long-lasting effects you can build

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momentum allow yourself to laugh for no reason or watch a funny movie number 16

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sleep sleep increases growth hormone especially if you get a couple of hours

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of sleep before midnight and you need to get enough sleep and you need to have

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certain regularity to your sleeping times it's very beneficial for your

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recovery and for growth hormone which again opposes cortisol another way to

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raise growth hormone is number 17 intermittent fasting whenever you go a

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period of time without food then your increase in growth hormone so if you

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just go from three meals a day to two meals a day

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you're just making more growth hormone you are reducing cortisol but you can't

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get very good results with that if you're eating a lot of carbs because if

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you're creating a blood sugar rollercoaster then every time your blood

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sugar dips in the low end then your body makes cortisol to compensate so you need

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to be fat adapted and have stable blood sugar in order to benefit optimally from

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that intermittent fasting which brings us to number 18 stable blood glucose so

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that goes together with number 17 unstable blood sugar is a stress it

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stimulates cortisol whenever the blood sugar is low number 19 there are

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specific Newt that help your brain and your adrenal

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glands work better your adrenal glands of course are the ones who respond to

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stress your brain detects the stress it sends signals to the sympathetic nervous

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system and it's the adrenal glands that carry out the orders of the sympathetic

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nervous system so when you have a lot of stress you're wearing your adrenals down

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and you want to give them the optimal nutrition so vitamin d3 and number-20 B

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vitamins primarily b1 and b5 but don't get the synthetic stuff you want to get

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it from food and you want to get it the best natural source that you can take

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sort of as an isolated source is nutritional yeast it's taste great I

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love it you can put it in smoothies you can sprinkle it on things it's got kind

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of a cheesy flavor excellent source number 21 we are still in the nutrition

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category those are minerals minerals not only provide necessary nutrients for the

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brain but they also have a calming effect on the brain

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magnesium especially is generally considered calming it helps the neural

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membranes regulate ions better potassium and calcium are also very important

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minerals number 22 DHA which is docosahexaenoic acid don't worry about

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the name it is one of the two most important parts of fish oil so the EPA

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is in anti-inflammatory the DHA is a brain building nutrient that also has a

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calming effect an anti stress effect number 23 there are a couple of adrenal

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points that you can stimulate you have if you go to your belly button and you

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go one inch over on each side and one to two inches up on

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side then those are your adrenal reflex points these are points that have been

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identified in applied kinesiology as early as the 1960s and they relate to

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the adrenal gland so if you take and you rub those you put a finger on each and

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you rub them for a few seconds and then you just hold them while you relax you

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will notice pretty soon 10 20 30 seconds that you start getting a pulse right in

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the skin and as you hold it longer that pulse increases and you're actually

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allowing the adrenal glands to calm down so it's a direct treatment that you can

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do a couple of times a day you don't have to rub very hard because they tend

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to get tender if you do number-25 you could get a pet they are very very

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calming they have a good energy about them spending time with a pet focusing

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on the pet interrupts your pattern and it changes your hormone balance it

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really helps you reduce cortisol levels and you could also get a hobby

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you could go exercise you could join a chess club you could join a choir

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anything that you consider fun anything that's your idea of fun is going to help

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you feel good it's going to help your pattern interrupt and have tremendous

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benefits so even though this videos about how to reduce cortisol it's

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important to understand that you never reduce one isolated thing that cortisol

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is just one component of the stress response which has a multitude of

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components and once you learn how the bigger system works and you start

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bringing the whole system back to balance

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then you will reduce cortisol every one of these steps will reduce cortisol but

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if you understand the bigger mechanism then you understand how you can turn

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this into a lifestyle you can reduce the bigger picture of stress and you can

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really start undoing ambass and disease if you watched a few of my

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videos already then you know that we have several videos on a lot of these

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different topics but if you feel that there's a topic that I haven't covered

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as completely as you would like then please let me know in the comments below

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which one of these would be your number one choice to see more elaboration on

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and whichever I see the most comments on I'll go ahead and do a video on that if

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you enjoy this video you're gonna love this one

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so make sure you check that out and until next time thanks for watching

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