How To Prevent Diabetes. Are You At Risk? (#1 Health Threat EVER!)

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how to prevent diabetes in this video you will learn not only how to prevent

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diabetes but also how to prevent the earlier versions called pre-diabetes and

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insulin resistance diabetes is the greatest medical threat the world has

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ever seen but it is preventable and even reversible more than one-third the

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population today has insulin resistance also known as pre-diabetes and seven out

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of eight people are heading in that direction but as big a problem as

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diabetes is an even bigger problem is that as far as prevention is concerned

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they're measuring the wrong thing and the standard treatment for diabetes and

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pre-diabetes and insulin resistance at best can solve one problem but in the

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process they create another problem that can be just as severe this may be the

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greatest health issue that we are facing today because it is so widespread and so

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misunderstood but before we're done today you will understand the mechanisms

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involved and you will know how to prevent and even reverse diabetes coming

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right up

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I'm doctor Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympian in the decathlon and

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if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything so it is well known that these are huge

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huge problems today and I got these numbers from some publications from the

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American Diabetes Association that today in the United States we have 30 million

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diabetics and on top of that there's 8 million who are undiagnosed we have 86

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million pre-diabetics and pre-diabetic means that if you don't change something

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you're most likely going to have diabetes in about five years or so and

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90% of those people do not know that they have it if we want to go a little

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further then we can also say that even if you're not officially in the criteria

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for pre-diabetes anyone who is overweight is probably most likely

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having some degree of insulin resistance and is heading in that direction and 87%

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of population in the US would account about 250 million people so that's the

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scope of this problem that the 30 million that are diagnosed that's just

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the tip of the iceberg and even so those thirty million accounts for one out of

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five healthcare dollars the diabetes healthcare is 20% of the total

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healthcare diabetes related costs and when we take the older population in

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Medicare it's one out of three Medicare dollars so we're all paying for this

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indirectly through lost production through suffering through increased

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health in health insurance costs and through taxes on the Medicare so it's

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not just a human suffering but if these 30 million grow into several hundred

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million then it's going to be a huge huge financial problem as well today

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each day we will get forty six hundred and sixty new

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diagnosed cases of diabetes we will have two hundred and ninety five amputations

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today and we will have a hundred and thirty seven new cases of kidney failure

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that will be end-stage and required dialysis for the rest of their life but

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then some people say that well you keep telling us to eat less carbs but in Asia

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they eat lots of carbs their whole diets are based on on rice and they don't have

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any diabetes well that's a myth think again that was true while food was

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scarce but today when food is less scarce the two countries that are

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growing the fastest are India and China which are traditionally very dependent

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on rice and carbohydrates so today there's almost three times as many

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diabetics in India as there are in the US and in China there's almost four

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times as many diabetics there are four hundred and fifteen million diabetics in

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the world today and in China they're getting close to 50% pre-diabetes so

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this is not a limited problem it's not a cultural it's the fact that we eat too

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many carbohydrates and because food is no longer scarce then those

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carbohydrates are creating insulin resistance and diabetes we can eat a

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certain amount or a fairly large amount of carbohydrates as long as food is

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scarce because if there's enough time to the next meal then we're gonna store

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some food and we're gonna burn off the food before the next meal but more food

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is no longer scarce carbohydrate is not a food that we can tolerate some of you

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have seen this but for those who are new we'll just do a quick review that the

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mechanism of developing diabetes and insulin resistance is sugar and when we

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say sugar we mean all forms of carbohydrate because grain and rice and

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potato they are starches and starch is only ten

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minutes away from becoming sugar it has very

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very high impact on blood sugar and therefore very high impact on insulin so

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sugar in all its forms drive insulin when insulin goes up and it goes up

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frequently and it goes up to high levels frequently then that insulin is going to

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store excess fuel into the cell when the cell can't handle anymore the cell

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becomes insulin resistant because it says I can't handle any more fuel

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diabetes is nothing but and we're talking type-2 diabetes of course is

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nothing but a late stage development of insulin resistance it is an adaptation

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and we've talked about that in some other videos we'll give you a link and

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some references at the end the authorities are very aware of this

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problem of the scope of the problem so they're creating more and more campaigns

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to inform the public of how big a problem this is so I've got these

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numbers from a couple of those publications and each time they say join

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us to learn how to fight this costly disease come and learn how to combat

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this costly disease at diabetes org slash Congress published by the American

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Diabetes Association and that's all good and well that they're trying to inform

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but what are they trying to do what is the end goal what is the treatment well

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unfortunately the treatment consists of eating more sugar and exercising and

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they tell you to lose weight and then they tell you to take medication that

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will make you gain weight and everyone who has been on metformin or insulin for

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a while knows that it will make you gain weight that's what insulin does it's a

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storage hormone and they confuse it because they tell you to lose the weight

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they've seen skinny people have less diabetes but they get it backwards the

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fat is not causing the insulin resistance the insulin resistance is

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causing the weight gain so when you take medication

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that will drive the fuel into the cell you're increasing insulin resistance

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you're increasing weight and you're making it impossible to reverse this

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process as a result I've had many many people come through my office and say

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that oh yeah I have diabetes but it is okay it is being managed I'm seeing a

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doctor he has it under control and under control means that they're suppressing

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blood sugar and in the process this person can look forward to living ten

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years shorter have more complications and spent two hundred and fifty thousand

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dollars in the treatment of their disease if they get diagnosed by age 50

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until the time they die that unfortunately is what it means to manage

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the disease so how can the problem be so misunderstood and the main reason is

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that we think diabetes type 1 and type 2 are the same thing when they are total

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opposites and we need to realize that even though there are 415 million people

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and they're expecting that to double in a few decades this disease or this

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adaptation this condition did not exist 150 200 years ago when they discovered

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diabetes when they first started talking about diabetes they talked about some

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mysterious thing where the blood sugar was incredibly high and all of those

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cases were type 1 that was when some process had destroyed the pancreas and

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they had lost the ability to make insulin and if you don't have insulin

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you can't get the blood sugar out of the bloodstream anything you eat gets into

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the bloodstream but it can't get out and now the blood sugar is go sky-high and

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they get really high blood sugar and they have no insulin so in that case in

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type 1 diabetes insulin will save their life it is absolutely necessary but then

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they think that type 2 diabetes is the same

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thing type 1 is kind of a disease if you want to call it that because something

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is broken type 2 is not a disease nothing's broken it's all working we're

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just pushing the system into an impossible place so type 2 diabetes also

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has very high blood sugar but unlike type 1 type 2s have a lot

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of insulin they have too much so when we treat it with insulin we make the

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problem worse so these are two completely different

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things one requires insulin one should never have any more and here's the

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problem with focusing on the blood sugar thinking that the blood sugar is the

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problem blood glucose blood sugar is actively controlled your body goes

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through an incredible amount of effort to keep the blood sugar within a certain

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range it really really loves to have it between 80 to 120 anything above that it

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will pump out and it will store for future use when blood sugar goes down we

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can retrieve it convert it into blood sugar and energy so our entire fuel

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economy in the body the physiology around energy is around keeping the

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blood sugar within a certain level storing the excess retrieving it when

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it's too low but keeping it in there it's a managed variable so when we

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measure it we measure it after it has been controlled it only tells us if it's

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being controlled or if it has failed it doesn't tell us where it's heading so as

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an analogy right now in Georgia it is very very warm we're in July and in

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the American South it's been averaging about 95 degrees Fahrenheit everyday

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that's about 35 degrees Celsius for those of you or abroad and let's say

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that someone asked us could you do a little study could you measure your

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temperature in Georgia because we want to figure out how

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much air conditioning how much electricity were going to need to keep

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it comfortable inside so okay I'd be I'd be glad to I'll measure the temperature

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so then I measured the temperature and I get it back to them and I said well I

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measured 72 degrees it was 22 degrees Celsius 72 degrees Fahrenheit and they

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say that's impossible where did you measure and I said in my living room

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that's where it's comfortable that's where the the temperature has been

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controlled okay do you see how ridiculous it is to measure a variable

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that has already been altered that's what we're doing with glucose when we're

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measuring the glucose we want to measure the factors that influence the glucose

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we want to measure the insulin we want to measure how hard does the body have

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to work at controlling that glucose so here's how insulin resistance develops

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we talked about the mechanism sugar insulin the cell starts resisting that's

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insulin resistance but how do we measure that well let's say in year one we

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measure glucose and we measure insulin and they're well balanced we have

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balance between where insulin sensitive then five years later we measure again

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and the glucose is the same because it's a controlled variable that the body has

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suppressed it it's working to keep it there

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but insulin went up to double so the cells are becoming resistant because it

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takes twice as much insulin to manage the blood sugar and then five years

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later the glucose is still the same but it takes three times more so if we only

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measure glucose we're not getting any useful information it's like measuring

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the inside of the living room to figure out how hot it is outside okay we're not

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getting relevant information you can't measure the suppressed

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variable you have to change you have to measure the variable that is change

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based on the demand and the effort so next we want to understand something

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very very important that there really two problems and traditional diabetes

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care handles one and creates more of the other so the two problems are on the one

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hand blood glucose elevated blood glucose and on the other hand elevated

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insulin resistance because these have different effects they cause different

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problems so if we let the blood glucose run rampant then we're going to have

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what's called micro vascular disease or micro vessel disease that means the tiny

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tiny blood vessels in the body they're gonna swell and get inflamed and they're

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gonna have problems which is going to cause blindness because we have lots of

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small blood vessels in the retina in the eye we're going to have kidney problems

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kidney disease because we have lots and lots of tiny blood vessels in the

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filtering apparatus of the kidney and we're gonna have neuropathy because

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there's lots of little blood vessels around the fine nerve endings in hands

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and fingers especially it is super super important to control the blood sugar

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because otherwise we're gonna get all of these things but we have to understand

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that in controlling the blood sugar if we control the blood sugar through

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medication we are pushing the extra fuel into the cell who is already overloaded

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it doesn't want it so now we are increasing the insulin resistance and in

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doing that we are creating what's called metabolic syndrome and metabolic

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syndrome is everything else that people die from which is increased blood

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pressure cholesterol chronic inflammation cardiovascular disease

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stroke and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease neurodegenerative diseases

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dementia so we have two different packages of problems and treating one

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will create the other so you have a different choices you can keep eating

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like you're eating and not get the treatment and now you're gonna have the

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blindness kidney problems and neuropathy or you can keep eating like you're doing

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and take the treatment suppress control the blood sugar and get metabolic

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syndrome and you keep your fingers and toes but you get stroke cardiovascular

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disease and Alzheimer's or there is another option and that is you don't

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keep eating the way you have been you don't follow the general guidelines of

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eating 300 grams of carbohydrate in times of food abundance but you change

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something in order to prevent this we have to first understand the mechanism

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that it's about insulin there is there are factors that increase insulin and

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there are factors that allow insulin to drop down and those factors that

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increase our sugar more sugar increases insulin higher frequency of meals

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increases insulin that's so obvious you eat something that drives blood sugar

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then you're going to get insulin the more often you do that the more

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frequently you're gonna put a burst of insulin into the system the less time

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the system is going to have to recover so the opposite of that the factors that

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decrease insulin then is to do the exact opposite you reduce the sugar you reduce

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the carbohydrates that means low carb high fat diets / keto that means

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reducing the frequency of meals intermittent fasting and then you want

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to learn a little bit more about the factors that are contributing to blood

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sugar such as stress that if you're stressed all the time you're going to

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make cortisol cortisol increases blood sugar

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which will drive insulin and also drive insulin resistance and then we have this

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last thing and I recently did a video you're welcome to check that out about

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exercise because exercise can work both ways that you do want to increase your

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exercise it is a good thing but you want to increase the type of exercise that

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does not increase cortisol because if you exercise a lot that increases

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cortisol you'll actually be driving insulin resistance while you're trying

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to reverse it so you have to understand this and then you have to measure the

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variable that matters which is insulin the insulin is going to change

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relatively soon compared to the glucose you could measure insulin and find out

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in the very early stages how where you are on the insulin resistance we've got

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some videos on that as well on Homa ir and you could save yourself ten years of

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not having to reverse something and backtrack you can actually prevent it by

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measuring it and addressing it early if you already have diabetes if you're

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already diabetic what do you do you don't do anything different you measure

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you see where you are you understand the mechanism and you reverse the adaptation

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you reverse that mechanism and you may have to do more to reverse it you

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probably have to do more to reverse it than you did then someone who just needs

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to prevent it because you have more momentum you have more degeneration it's

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been going on longer you have less reserves there's more habit in the body

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and so on and so on but it doesn't really change anything the principles

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hold it's the same and once you apply them you can start measuring and see if

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it's working if it is great if it's not do more cut the carbs further increase

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the time of fasting and as long as you apply these

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principles it will work so unlike the medical model where they treat one thing

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and create the other when you do this you improve both because you're

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addressing the root cause you're not doing a cover-up you're not trying to

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push the body from one place to the other you're allowing it to do what it's

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supposed to do if you enjoy this kind of information and you're new to the

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channel make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so we can keep

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this information coming your way and please please please share this with as

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many people as you can click those little links underneath and post it on

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Facebook and Twitter etc because this affects most people in the world the

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majority of people in the world are affected by this or are heading that way

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this is something we as a world we have to figure this out we got to get the

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