How To Never Get Sick Again - Dr Ekberg

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We are heading into the time of year called cold and flu season.

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I'm going to tell you the two things that are the true cause and how you can avoid it.

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We are coming up on the end of October.

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We are about a week away from Halloween which is often called the beginning of the cold and flu season.

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But what's really going on?

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Is it just that as the birds head south the flu virus and the cold virus head north?

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Is it just their time to come and attack us?

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Or is there something else going on?

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Well traditionally disease, colds, fevers, were blamed on pathogens called virus, bacteria, yeast, fungus, etc.

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But what we know about these pathogens today is that they are called opportunistic.

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That means that it's not so much about the pathogen, the virus, the bacteria, but more

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about the resistance of the host.

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So if you have a really strong immune system then the bugs can't touch you.

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But if you have a little bit of a lessened, a little bit weaken immune system then you

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are a susceptible host.

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And the pathogen will take the opportunity and it will set up shop and it will proliferate

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and give you a cold or flu.

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Everybody knows about the immune system and everyone wants a strong immune system, right?

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So I'm going to tell you the two things that more than anything else screw up your immune system.

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And it just so happens that right about this time of year we start getting more of both of those.

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And the first one is called stress.

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So stress is something that inhibits it dampens it depresses your immune system.

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And any student knows this because around time of midterms around finals when all the

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students have more stress then all the students start getting more colds and flus and they

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start coughing and sniffling.

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And I am sure that you can relate anyone who has had a lot of stress can testify.

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In my office almost anytime someone comes in and is sick they can also tell me what

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was the stress that happened just before.

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So what can we do for stress?

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Well we are coming up on a season with all the parties and the dinners and the shopping

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and all these events.

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And people constantly tell me that this is the most stressful time of year, but it doesn't

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have to be that way.

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You can decide how much stress you want.

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You don't absolutely have to participate in all those events.

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And if you do well keep it simple and in between you learn some relaxation exercises.

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There is some simple breathing exercises you can look them up on the website.

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Five minutes of breathing can reset a whole day of stress.

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So that is number one.

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Stress is a huge huge suppressor of your immune system.

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And what's the other one?

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Well if you have been watching this channel for awhile I think you might be able to guess it.

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The other number two factor or the other huge factor is called sugar.

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Two teaspoons of sugar will suppress your immune system for at least four hours.

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A can of coke will shut down your immune system for a day.

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And what happens on Halloween?

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Do you have maybe more than two teaspoons of sugar?

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Possibly ? And do your kids have a little more than two teaspoons of sugar?

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Halloween is kinda of the starting gun for the sugar explosion to follow all the way

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up to New Year.

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And all the parties and everything, so we load up our systems with sugar and we suppress

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our immune systems.

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And of course we become more susceptible to colds and flus.

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So start learning more about sugar.

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Start learning more about how you can reduce the amount.

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And when we talk about sugar we are not just talking about the white crystalline stuff

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that you get in a bag.

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We are talking about all carbohydrates.

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Because all carbohydrates stimulate the insulin response.

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Anything that increases your blood sugar is going to stimulate and insulin response.

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So rice, bread, pasta, cookies, waffles, you name it... if it is, especially if it is refined.

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So if it is white, sugar or bread that is the worst, but even brown rice and all these

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other things also increase your blood sugar they trigger an insulin response and therefore

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create inflammation and suppress your immune system.

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The mechanism for getting, for activating your immune system depends on a little shuttle

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and sugar competes with that shuttle it competes with vitamin C for that shuttle to get and

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go and activate your white blood cells.

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I used to have, when I was younger I didn't understand it.

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My birthday was on Christmas day and I would every time 10 years in a row I would get sick

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on my birthday.

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And it took me awhile before I realized that maybe that is because we ate like a pound

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of candy on Christmas?

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So don't let it happen to you and learn to plan ahead so you just might avoid the flu

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and the cold this season.

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If you have any experiences let me know comment down below, subscribe to our channel, to stayed

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tuned for more information on health.Let me know if you had other experiences.

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Have you also noticed how you eat a bunch of sugar and you have a stressful event and

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then bam you get sick.

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Don't hesitate have some fun let us know and let others know how works.

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Thank you so much.

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