How To Make Swedish Meatballs - Pewdiepie's How To Make Swedish Meatballs Inspired

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Swedish meatballs. You want to know about Swedish meatballs?

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There are thousands of recipes out there on Swedish meatball even PewDiePie has a cooking video on

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meatballs and I thought I'd give you one that I like that is healthy as well as

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delicious a lot of times with Swedish meatballs if they're served out of a

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buffet then they're served without gravy if you have them as a dish for a meal by

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itself then they usually do have gravy so we're going to give you the version

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with gravy in Sweden they put equal parts ground beef and ground pork because pork

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is so hard to find a good quality like a free-range pork we're gonna go with

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ground bison that way we get all grass-fed meat in here so opening those

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up I'm also gonna do a lot I'm gonna do about 16 servings all at once because

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this freezes really well and while you're cooking you might as well do a

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lot and then you have food for a long time and bison is an excellent meat and

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readily available I got this one at Costco and while it's a little more than

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then the cheapest ground beef it is certainly not a whole lot of money for

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for grass-fed meats we'll be using three eggs and these are grass-fed they're

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free-range pastured eggs they go out and eat grass and they eat bugs and we're

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as well as some seeds but they are allowed to live like chickens at the

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post oh and they have found that those kinds of chickens have four or five

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times the amount of vitamin E and Omega threes and all that good stuff so we're

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going to put an onion in here and some people cook the onion before they put it

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in with a meat and you could do that but I'm going to chop this very very fine

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and we're gonna put it in raw that way you get more flavor the onion is a bit

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stronger so that that's why you don't want to use a whole lot so I'm only

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going to use about a hundred grams of onion for almost four pounds of meat and

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when you cut the onion you cut off the answer slice it in half and then you

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look for where the tight end is and you put it away from you and then you go in

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and your cuts very very fine depending on how finely chopped you want

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it but this time we want it very finely chopped so I'm gonna cut as close as I

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can and then when you cut it this way now you already have it mostly chopped

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so again we're gonna because it goes inside the meatballs we want the pieces

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very very small so that we don't make the meatballs fall apart and then I

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usually discarded just the last little piece that's a little harder

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so this is already pretty finely chopped

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garlic is optional and we're gonna put it in raw so if you use it use it

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sparingly because it's very potent when you put it in raw and the meat like this

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so I'm using three cloves for just under four pounds and then when you put in

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some cream and some bread crumbs all stuff gluten-free bread crumbs we made

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these ourselves from leftover ends of the bread we don't need a whole lot of

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looking for you but or bread but the bread we eat is gluten-free so you can

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make your own from the leftovers so you want to soak some bread crumbs in cream

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this meat is very lean and you want to try to add a little bit of fat in there

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so we're going to do that with cream and bread crumbs and

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really you want to do that kind of early so it gets a chance to soak for about

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ten minutes we'll use 4 tablespoons this is two

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tablespoons each, each measure so We're going to use heavy whipping cream and we always

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try to find a grass-fed mildly pasteurized version of cream when we can

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so let's do half a cup let's see how that works so if you start with this

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instead of meat that's probably a good idea because then this can sit for a few

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minutes and the bread crumbs can soak up some of the cream and then jell a little bit

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this has been congealing for about 15 minutes and it is ready to go in here. So this adds a little fat and helps keep the balls together.

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and then it's time to get the hands dirty you could use an electric beater

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but it's kinda quicker just to get a little messy so again this is a lot of

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food but I prefer it's a little more work to do a lot but then you can freeze

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it and have food for a long long time so you only cook every couple of weeks I

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keep many servings of a few different things in the freezer so there's always

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something to grab.I don't always have time to

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cook everyday so the weekends I might do a little extra. Salt jar, So here is one

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teaspoon not quite sure how much goes in there but they'll add it all up and let

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you know in the text below the video so now we're gonna roll the balls and

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I'm gonna use this tray it helps to have a little bit of water on your fingers as

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you're rolled up so you pick up a little piece like that and you roll and you

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place it on the tray so there's no set size for this that's this kind of a size

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that I like just a little bit smaller than a golf ball

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some people make them a lot smaller than this even this brings us to the last of

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these so we go right around 50 balls here and I'm gonna cook this in just a

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little bit of coconut oil it's not to add any fat it's just so we want to

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totally stick I we're not going to use a nonstick pan I'm gonna use a stainless

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steel because I wanted to stick a little bit so we get that browning effect then

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I'm gonna wash it out and save the flavor for the sauce put in just about a

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tablespoon so being Swedish and making meatballs

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called Köttbullar of course we have to use IKEA cookware so stainless

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steel is a good choice of cookware if you use any kind of non-state can make

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sure that it doesn't have any of the bad chemicals and them

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and the purpose now is not to cook them all the way through

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if that happens fine but we really just want to brown it for flavor they're

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gonna finish cooking in the sauce afterwards so this is the one thing that

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takes a little bit longer when you make a lot of food because you can't cook

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them all at once we've had three or four frying pans I suppose you could this is

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gonna take a while I'm probably gonna make five batches or so so just wait

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till the heat gets up till they start browning and then you're gonna carefully

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roll them around you want those to stick a little bit that's how you get the the

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browning effect and the flavor then we're gonna use for the sauce

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so they're only going to be a few minutes we don't want to fill the

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frying-pan up all the way because this one that's coming apart because then

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you don't get the brown then they just boil in going to up the heat a little bit

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more and we'll give you all the numbers we're gonna make some mashed potatoes

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with part potato part cauliflower and some avocado in it so once you finish up

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and you have a very nice rich delicious meal it's still gonna be around 10 grams

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of carbs per serving with with the mashed potatoes still a low carb meal so

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now that we have it brown I'm just going to transfer it over to a bigger cooking pan

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and these are not holding together as well as I would have liked as they

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usually do Then we use some water

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so we want to get it nice and brown but we don't want to burn it we don't want

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to get it black and in the pan because then we're ruining food and creating

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toxins then we pour that in over the meatballs and you can even go and

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rinse the pan in between so this stuff doesn't stick around and get burned so

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we got the pan clean and we're ready for the second round you can get the

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finished balls in there and we'll put the lid on this and keep it warm it

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doesn't really matter they're gonna be cooking in the sauce for a little bit

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after that and coconut is not only a healthy oil it is because it is

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saturated it is more heat stable than most on the fats butter can be used for

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cooking at low temperature so this is a little too hot for butter and olive oil

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is also heat sensitive so even though that's a good choice you can use it when

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you cook at lower heats you did not want to use it for browning things so if you

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just can't stand the flavor of coconut you could try using butter instead at

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cooking at a lower heat mayby you could also use avocado oil that is becoming

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more popular it is pretty heat stable but it is the the one that's okay for

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cooking he has a little bit more process so I wouldn't consider it a super

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healthy oil but it's certainly better than

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than the vegetable the mass-marketed vegetables so now this has a lot of meat

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flavor already but even so we're going to put a little bit of bone broth in

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there for good measure it is very nutritious

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lots of good protein so we use two cups and I'm gonna use that instead of water

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for the last wash out of the pan and then I'm going to let that reduce for a

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bit because we're gonna add a good bit of cream and sour cream so we don't want

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to get we want to have the sauce really rich and creamy as much concentrated

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flavor as we can but still have a good volume we want to have several

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tablespoons of sauce per serving so while we wait for that to reduce all the

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meatballs are in here we want to treat them very tenderly because they're still not

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done cooking so we let the bone broth cook here for the last of the contents

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from the pan and it's gonna clean up the bottom of the pan and also get electric

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overall constant rate so we'll reduce it down to maybe a half a cup or something

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like that we're gonna get a good amount of liquid from the cream give me a

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really rich delicious cream sauce so we're gonna use two cups of cream and

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two cups of sour cream and

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let's add that one here's the whipping cream

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and here's the sour cream so we're gonna stir this very carefully

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it doesn't mean a whole lot of help to mix just go in around the edges and let

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time do its thing

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and then we'll leave that alone for a while of the bone broth reduces we just

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want to barely bring it up to a boil and then essentially let it sit there that's

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going to finish cooking the meatballs

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and it's not kind of over cook or overheats anything so while we wait

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for that we're gonna start on mashed potatoes alright so for mashed potatoes

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we're gonna use half potato half cauliflower and almost another part like one

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part potato one part cauliflower and a little bit less avocado that we're

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gonna use about a half so just to make it cook quickly we'll cut it and a few

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pieces and this is a we're gonna use the skin because it is a clean potato with

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thin skin and it is organic so most of the nutrients are in the skin anyway it

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goes in a steamer will throw the bell pepper so this is for two servings even

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though we're making a whole bunch of meatballs we're gonna freeze them and so

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we have one serving today and then I'm just cooking enough mashed potatoes and

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the avocado we're going to add toward the end when all of this is cooked so

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right now we're just going to put this little stove and get that started

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Woman: It's cauliflower not bell pepper. Dr Ekberg: I said cauliflower the first time right? Woman: yeah but you called it [snort laughing] bell pepper.

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so the bone broth is reduced we got a lot a nice flavor in there let's run off

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of that heat and we'll add it to the meatballs

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so I'm putting all of the shavings all the little pieces in with with the sauce

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if you don't like that you can filter it through a little sip but I love that

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stuff I think it adds to the sauce to have just a little bit of texture so now

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we brought this up it's nice and warm and again it doesn't need to boil it's

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it's on the on the verge of boiling so that's warm enough to finish cooking the

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meatballs so we're going to turn that all the way down and put a lid on it and

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wait for the potatoes to get ready that looks really good we just need to

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put some finishing touches on this sauce is a little thin so we're gonna thicken

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it a little bit and we can also add some salt so soy sauce you can use Bragg's

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aminos and put a couple of tablespoons in there and see how that does and then

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we're not using wheat flour for this we're going to use potato starch so

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we'll put that in a little container and we'll add water to it and then we stir

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and once we have it nice and flowing we'll add a little bit of that liquid to

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it and keep it moving so doesn't form clumps in there

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stir that around it's still a little thin but I don't want it too thick if

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you like it's thicker you can add a little bit more let's give it a taste

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here that is delicious so we'll just keep that for warm keeping and let's

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check how the potatoes are doing so we poked the potatoes and they are not

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quite done they are a little bit they stick a little bit too much so we'll

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leave it on for about four or five more minutes so now the potatoes are done and

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the way that you know is you poke them and they don't stick to the to the

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little metal poker here so they're nice and soft

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and then we'll put them in here

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mashing them a little my hand first and then we're going to add one tablespoon

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of butter and two tablespoons of cream - the salt and the avocado and then we'll

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and there we are to a little taste and they're delicious so now we're getting

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ready to serve

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there and then you want to serve these in the authentic Swedish way he is with

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pickles and these are dill pickles they have no sugar added so we'll just slice

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them and in Swedish this is called saltsgurka there and here if you really

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want to make it authentic I don't definitely recommend this

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because as low carb as this meal is the whole meal has about 10 / 11 grams of

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carbs and if you add this has 9 grams of sugar per tablespoon like most jams but

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these are Swedish lingonberries or who are rue de ligon as son ve gallis

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they say well we're gonna put a little bit on here for make it an exception but

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realize even the tablespoon of this will basically double the amount of carbs and

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the whole meal that's how how Low carb this meal is

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to start with

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And then we bring on the meatballs and we're serving my mind a deep dish because I like

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plenty of sauce so because these are pretty good-sized I would think that

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about three or maybe four is plenty for for one normal serving

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there and then be generous with the sauce because that's the good stuff most

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people think that nutrition is about avoiding things and that while that is

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true that you want to avoid the bad stuff you want to make sure that you get

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enough the good stuff nutrition is about eating by eating the right things so

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often I have patients and I ask them how how they're doing on the nutrition

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program and they say oh I'm doing great I'm hardly eating anything and they're

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kind of missing the point it's not about not eating it's about eating the right

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things and when you do your body knows what to do with it and it's not going to

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start stuffing away fat in your fat cells

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