How To Lower Blood Sugar And Reverse Your Diabetes
Did you know that following the guidelines of the American Diabetes
Association will give you diabetes? Stay tuned and I will explain how that all
works. [Intro] Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and by subscribing and
following these videos we will show you everything that you need to know to
master health and get healthy and stay healthy.
I have so many patients asking me what am I supposed to eat? I read this article
and I went on this website and I talked to my doctor and they all told me to eat
low-fat and high carb and and I'm pre-diabetic what do I do and it's
really really tragic that still in this day and age the physiological principles
are so definitely established we know exactly the mechanism and yet the
official guidelines are in direct opposition to what gets you healthy
there's a great book called the Schwartz pine principle it's a medical doctor was
allowed herself to think for herself and she found that if she had pre-diabetic
patients and she gave them low-fat high-carb diets they developed diabetes
every time and then she thought about it and she turned it around and she gave
them low carb and high fats and high protein and they reversed the diabetes
this has been established since 1850 even before we knew what insulin was or
how it worked they knew that you reverse diabetes with
low carb you lose weight with low carb no doubt about it and then we figured
out how insulin works that insulin is a storage hormone that insulin develops an
insulin resistance which pre-diabetes is develops only in response to sugar
carbohydrates and yet to this day we hear that we're supposed to eat low fat
and high carb so we've developed this fear of fat that
totally deprived us of any logical thinking we're so afraid of this fat
that whatever it takes just eat low fat because after all it can't be good can
it but yeah I hear what you're saying but that it just can't be good and yet
there is no scientific evidence ever that a high quality fat causes any kind
of disease yes trans fats processed vegetable fats
vegetable oils corn oils full of toxins because of the processing those are not
good fats good fats are butter extra-virgin olive oil coconut oil
natural fat they will not harm you here's something to understand though
insulin is a storage hormone so whenever you eat sugar or carbs your body
produces insulin insulin takes the sugar out of the blood and puts it into the
cell the cell uses what it can but it can't use a whole lot so it converts the
rest of that into fat and then once your eat more sugar and your insulin stays
high now that insulin tells that cell to hold on to the fats as long as you have
high insulin there's no way for your body to retrieve that fat and use it for
energy so what your body is supposed to do is to have a balance between fat
storing and fat burning but when your insulin is high the prevalence is to
store the fat store the fat to store the fat and then of course you get hungry
because you have no access to that energy
now here's a little trick that you kind of have to keep in mind that even though
fat is good and carbs are bad you can't eat carbs and fat at the same time
because eating the carbs will store fat and keep you from retrieving the fat so
it's okay to add in a little bit of fat while you learn to eat less carbs but
you can't keep eating more of those because the carbs are still going to
store that fat so what you want to do again you reduce the carbs over a period
of time and everyone is different so I don't know what it's gonna be for you to
reduce that insulin resistance but a great weight great thing to measure is
your a1c measure it reduce your carbs see what happens as you get closer to
5.0 your insulin resistance goes down and then you can eat as much healthy fat
as you want and not only will you not gain weight you will also not develop
diabetes if you're pre-diabetic you will reverse it and that is the only way
insulin resistance is pre-diabetes it is triggered by sugar and carbs so some
people think yeah yeah yeah I don't eat any sugar and they think it means
they're not eating these little white cubes or they're not spooning sugar out
of the bag to eat but any carbohydrate will trigger insulin and bread is just
one step away from sugar sugar is already sugar bread is just ten minutes
away from sugar once you eat it and you start digesting it it turns into sugar
and it's going to trigger insulin so it doesn't matter if it is brown rice or
whole grain bread while those are while whole grain is better
and white toast it is still a carbohydrate it is still something that
if your insulin resistance or if you want to avoid insulin resistance then
you can't go that way you cannot eat a whole lot of grains
some people can get away with it they're lucky there we're not all all
the same so what carbs do is they increase your
blood sugar fat does not stimulate your blood sugar there may be a point or two
but it does not create a lot of volatility in your blood sugar so if you
want to run the test the reason I mentioned that a 1 C is that it's a
long-term measure of your blood sugar whenever you have sugar in the blood
some of it gets stuck on your red blood cells so what they measure is hemoglobin
a1c it measures how much of that sugar gets stuck over a period of time and
since the red blood cell lives about three to four months the a1c gives you a
really good average of how much sugar was in your blood over a three to four
month period once you start cutting back and if you measure after a month then
you might have come down a little bit and your real improvement is bigger than
it shows because some of that sugar was already stuck in the first two months so
you can measure it it's an inexpensive test but I would probably suggest you
measure it every couple of months and if you can drop a tenth or two every every
couple of months you're doing really well so how do you know if your insulin
resistance what what are some of the signs and symptoms if you will when one
one classic sign is if you get tired after eating a meal it's because your
body can't process it properly and the blood sugar shoots up and then your body
expends a lot of energy converting that blood sugar in
to triglycerides or fat so that's one thing but you can have many different
presentations and a lot of people have what we call a rollercoaster blood sugar
so one other thing is irritability or the inability to go for several hours
without a meal your body is designed to create level blood sugar and when you
don't eat it has mechanisms to maintain blood sugar from stores of fats and
glycogen but if your body can't do that if you get irritable if you get hungry
if you get lightheaded if you get headaches if you feel like you have to
eat something every two to three hours then you probably have insulin
resistance along with hypoglycemia because you've taught your body to rely
on sugar or carbohydrates for energy relying on sugar you increase your
insulin levels and now you can't pull energy out of your fat stores so your
body doesn't have a backup for energy and that's why you have to keep putting
all that food all those snacks primarily sugar and carbs because that's what your
body has learned to live off so now you depend on it your body is gonna protest
a little bit anytime that it's used to once it has a habit once it depends on
something it's not going to give it up without a little bit of a fight but it's
not as bad as you think so what you want to start with is increasing fat and
protein move away from the carbs gradually and before you know it you'll
find that you have a little bit more stability and then you can come back
further and you increase the fats and a healthy person you should be able to go
six to eight hours without fainting or irritability or anything like that your
physiology is the same as your ancestors and they did not wake up to toast and
tea they did not have a breakfast buffet they went out hunter-gatherer tribes to
this day they have to go out and something and catch something before
they can eat and that's what your Physiol physiology is adapted to we feed
our pets once or twice a day we don't feed them every two hours because
they're adapted to to their food supply and in nature it works even better
because they don't eat things out of a can that's how it works with the food
and if you hear someone say anything different they really are not very well
informed there are things that we can discuss there's things that are a little
bit controversial this is not controversial anymore
so take the time and read a couple of good books find find some books that
actually talk about the principles and explain the physiology if you want to
know more you can stay tuned to this and we'll come back to these topics and talk
more about it but one other thing that you want to keep in mind to reduce
insulin resistance is exercise and we're not talking exercise to burn calories
and lose weight we're talking about activating the body making your muscles
do work makes them more sensitive to insulin there is a physiological change
in the receptors there's something called a glute 4 receptor on the muscle
and when you start using that muscle it will take more blood sugar in with less
insulin so insulin resistance is what we've been talking about all the time
insulin sensitivity is the opposite of that so exercise will make your muscles
more sensitive so they will take that blood sugar they'll burn that energy
without the insulin so you want to cut your carbs reduce your carbs and your
sugar you start with the worst ones the what we call the white trash the white
flour the white sugar anything processed that is completely devoid of nutrients
but then you follow through and you reduce the what they call
quality carbs that still are not a good human food we've been told for so long
that carbs are necessary carbs are glucose is what your brain runs on well
it doesn't work like that your body can make glucose from all sorts of things
and in the absence of glucose your body will prefer something called ketone
bodies which is what you have every morning when you wake up or after a fast
or a period of starvation we're very well adapted to using things besides
glucose they tell you that carbs are necessary that is not a fact there are
essential fatty acids fat there are essential amino acids from protein there
is no such thing as essential carbohydrates that is a myth and a lie
you can live for years and years without a single gram of carbohydrate and you
will do really well and you would not develop diabetes or heart disease or
anything like that ask the Eskimos they do it all the time
and if you are worried about eating zero carbs then you don't have to worry
because everything almost has a little bit of carbs when you eat your spinach
and your lettuce and your carrots and your cauliflower and your broccoli and
your kale they all have carbohydrates it's just the best form of carbohydrate
because it's not a grain it's fibrous and water rich so it's absorbed almost
infinitely slow it has virtually no impact on insulin that's why those carbs
are they have close to a zero glycemic index
so to sum it up what do we eat you cut back the sugar first you cut back grain
second you eat as much vegetables as you like you eat as much healthy fats from
avocado and nuts and healthy oils and fats like we mentioned the butter olive
oil coconut oil and you eat a moderate amount of protein and you get the best
quality protein that you can you want if you want to eat an animal which I'm all
for in moderation make sure it lived like an animal supposed to live animals
were supposed to live in the wild they eat grass they have a healthy life that
he have lean bodies and they have a very develop a very healthy fat ratio omega-6
to omega-3 the animal was healthy then it is healthy for you to eat it as long
as you have a good digestive system so hit that subscribe button if you're not
already following this channel by following we will keep feeding you good
information we want to help you understand the body understand health
understand physiology so you're not a victim to the fats and the trends and
the misinformation if you have questions if you have concerns please give us a
comment let us know what you want more information about and we will do our
very best to answer these questions and provide information that you can use
thank you for watching