How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Night With This Diet: Doctor Reacts

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hello health champions today we're going to take  a look at a video that talks about how to lose  

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belly fat in one night if this works it would be  a dream come true for billions of people how to  

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lose belly fat in a single night wow did you see  that the transformation from one to the other in  

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a single night now this video got over 40 million  views and it comes from a channel that has over 10  

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billion channel views so i'm expecting for  this to be some really high quality information  

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belly fat is more than just an irritant that  makes your clothes feel tight how can it bring  

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health problems you might ask here is the answer  some fat is there right under your skin [Music]  

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while other is deep inside around your organs  liver heart lungs this type of fat is called  

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visceral fat and this is the very  type which is bad even for slim people  

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now that was a little disappointing i had been  hoping for a real explanation but all they really  

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said is that this fat is bad because it's deep  inside and because it's called visceral fat now  

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the thing they did get right is that this is also  bad for slim people because it's not only about  

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your belly fat thin people can get this too and  here's how that works when we have things like  

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stress then we make stress hormones when we  have a poor diet now we make other hormones  

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especially one called insulin the stress hormones  called cortisol and the combination of cortisol  

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and insulin lead to hormone imbalances  and when we have hormone imbalances  

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over a period of time now we start to develop  diseases so we do get diseases from these  

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hormone imbalances because any imbalance in  the body means something isn't working right  

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and this is what gives rise to these different  things and these hormone imbalances in this  

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poor diet and stress is also what gives rise to  this visceral fat but this doesn't make the fat  

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bad it's the circumstances that give rise to  the fat that is bad but again you should know  

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the measure because too much of it can cause high  blood pressure heart diseases and even some types  

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of cancers when they say that visceral fat causes  high blood pressure and heart disease and certain  

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types of cancers they're falling prey to a common  misconception where we confuse the association of  

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something with the cause of something the  people who do the research on these things  

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they understand the difference between a cause and  association so in their papers they always write  

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associated with but then the people who write  about the research who are laymen or science  

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writers they always call it a cause because it  sounds more dramatic but it isn't a cause and it's  

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really important that we understand the difference  between cause and association because otherwise we  

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don't know how to address it we don't know how to  reverse it if we don't have that clear so what are  

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the actual causes well we have body stress which  is just a very general way of saying imbalances  

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and hormone imbalances and so forth like we talked  about when we have body stress meaning we have  

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hormone imbalances we have toxicity there's  things interfering when we have deficiencies  

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the body needs certain things that it's not  getting that is a body burden or a body stress  

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and then to that we add inflammation and we add  insulin resistance and when we have these together  

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then these are the things that cause  disease so here we have the actual cause  

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not the visceral fat or anything like that so  now we get visceral fat and we get cardiovascular  

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disease we even get some types of cancer and  we get high blood pressure so these result  

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from having these but then these things also cause  visceral fat so here's where the confusion is that  

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a cause is a one-way street it goes  from the causative factor to the problem  

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but visceral fat is not the cause of this that the  arrow goes both ways and when we don't understand  

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this now we start attacking the wrong thing now  how to know if you have too much of belly fat  

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there is a straightforward way to do it get  a measuring tape and put it around your waist  

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now if you are a woman and your waist size is less  than 35 inches relax everything is fine however if  

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it is more than 35 inches then you definitely  should consider this diet and if you're a man  

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then the waist size less than 40 inches sounds  pretty okay while more than 40 inches should  

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alarm you now while it is true that your waist  circumference your belly size is a very strong  

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indicator of visceral fat and metabolic problems  it is not the only indicator and as they just  

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pointed out a little bit before slim people  can get this too so you could be super skinny  

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and just have a tiny little belly pouch and that  is a result of visceral fat even though the rest  

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of you is just super skinny and to say that as  a female if your waist is less than 35 inches  

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you have nothing to worry about or the same  thing for a male if your waist is less than 40  

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that's a bit simplistic too and when i keep in  mind that a lot of people watching this particular  

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video are actually kids so it's going to depend  on your size and your age so what if you're 12  

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or 14 years old and you are 4 foot 8 or 4 foot 10  then that 35 or 40 inch waist is not going to be  

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a very good marker so rather than that we want  to take a look at just a few pieces of blood work  

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and then match the two together and when they  do blood work the very first thing they look at  

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is blood sugar and it's not a terribly good or  bad marker i would measure it because it's so  

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simple but it fluctuates too much and it takes 15  20 years before it really gets out of control so  

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a much better marker we want to look at is called  a1c which is a three-month average that can start  

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telling us if we have some metabolic issues  then another one that i talk a lot about is  

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insulin because that shows us more of  the underlying problem which is insulin  

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resistance even if your blood sugar is well  controlled if it takes five times more insulin  

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than normal to do it you're still very insulin  resistant even though your blood sugar and your  

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a1c are still looking normal and two more markers  i like to look at are triglycerides and vldl  

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very low density lipoproteins and they are  triglyceride carriers so these two markers  

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go hand in hand but it's good to have two ways of  looking at it to confirm so you don't have to get  

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super complicated about these but make sure that  you get these on a blood test and get them on your  

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kids too because as we eat worse and worse and we  eat more and more sugar and we move less and less  

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these problems start happening to people who are  12 13 14 years old as well there are two types of  

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shapes a pair size when the hips and thighs  are bigger than your waistline and an apple  

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size when your waistline is wider than your hips  and thighs so you want to be the size of a pear  

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or the size of an apple well hopefully neither  and i'm sure this was just the slip of the tongue  

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they said size when they actually mean shape  because they talk about pear shape and apple  

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shape where the apple shape where you have your  weight higher up is usually associated with more  

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visceral fat and that wouldn't be such a great  thing so if your measurements show that you have  

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too much of extra fat around your waistline even  if you are not obese or heavy then you should  

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consider some ways to say goodbye to it sounds  like an uphill task huh don't give up that fast  

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you'll be surprised know that this  task can be accomplished within one day  

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now that's so exciting i don't know about you i'm  on the edge of my seat i can't wait to see what  

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this is going to be so are you ready to hear the  most amazing diet ever here's how you can do it  

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you should start right in the morning 8 am drink  a glass of warm water with some lemon juice in it  

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good start after a couple of hours take another  glass of warm water with apple or orange juice  

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in it all right so let's talk about what's  happening here and why this might actually work  

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so if we wake up in the morning and instead of  having breakfast we just have something to drink  

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that has no calories or no sugar or so little that  it doesn't matter now we're going to basically  

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continue fasting so during the night when we don't  eat we are fasting and then if we wake up in the  

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morning and we have a big breakfast we're going to  raise blood sugar and this blood sugar is going to  

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require insulin and insulin is going to take that  sugar into the cell and part of that is going to  

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be converted to fat and as long as insulin is high  it's going to be very difficult for us to burn  

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the body fat which is the purpose of this whole  diet and by only squeezing a tiny bit of lemon  

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into the water let's say it's a teaspoon or two  that's less than half a gram of sugar and in your  

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bloodstream is already circulating three to four  grams of sugar so another half a gram is not going  

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to make a difference it's going to be a blip that  doesn't even register so then we go another couple  

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hours but next time we drink something according  to the diet now we mix in some fruit juice we have  

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apple juice or orange juice and they don't tell  us how much but if we have 5 or 10 grams that is  

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pretty significant so now we get a blood sugar  spike we get an insulin spike and we break this  

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nice momentum that we have it's still going to  work because we're eating so few calories there's  

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so little fuel coming into the body so it's still  going to work but this little spike here is rather  

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unnecessary it's just to satisfy the sweet tooth  and it's a little defeating because we're trying  

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to teach the body to burn fat instead of  carbohydrate and sugar but the body when  

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it gets the sugar it's less likely to continue  burning fat then at noon get yourself a cup of  

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green tea not bad after an hour you should drink  a glass of cold water with carrot juice in it at 3  

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pm take a cup of your favorite tea do you like it  so far at 5 pm have a glass of your favorite juice  

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so we're still on a pretty good track the almost  fasting continues and we have some more tea and  

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while we're having tea or water or coffee with no  calories or sugar this line keeps going down the  

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blood sugar and the insulin keeps going down and  then we have water with carrot juice again and we  

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have another little spike like we did before and  then we have some more tea and we're back on track  

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but then for some reason they tell you to have  your big meal of the day if you will and you drink  

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a glass of your favorite juice and what happens  now is they again don't tell us how big that glass  

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is but it's pretty easy to get 30 or 40 grams of  sugar in a glass of juice and you're gonna get a  

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pretty significant blood sugar spike and insulin  spike so this still works because the calories are  

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so few but it's unnecessary to fluctuate to create  this blood sugar roller coaster you'd be much  

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better off actually just having water and maybe  having an avocado or something that's very very  

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low sugar and it's still going to give you a  little bit of satisfaction after another couple  

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of hours take one more cup of green tea at 9 pm  grab a glass of water with grapefruit juice in it  

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we are almost there finally after another hour  at 10 p.m you should finish the diet the way you  

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started it have a glass of warm water with some  lemon juice in it and then after this you continue  

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drinking tea and then you have a little bit more  of the water with some juice and then you have the  

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water with just some lemon juice just a tiny spike  insignificant blip so overall you're basically not  

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eating anything it's so close to fasting that you  might as well just fast throughout the whole day  

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and if you did that you wouldn't have these  small spikes of blood sugar and you'd probably be  

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much better off because the sugar just makes  you hungry and gives you cravings for things  

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it is probably hard to believe but your tummy will  become flat in just 24 hours moreover your body  

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will get rid of all the toxins wow a flat belly  and get rid of all the toxins in your body in 24  

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hours that's pretty amazing so it just makes me  wonder why am i spending so much time explaining  

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these things on my videos and why did i waste all  that time going to school when there are brilliant  

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pioneers like this just paving the way  for revolutionary breakthroughs but  

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in the end it's all about results right so did  they get any results what are people saying  

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so here's one that says i tried it and i  lost two and a half pounds so it worked  

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right that must be proof that it's working the  next one says i can't believe it actually works  

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i did this diet yesterday with high hopes and  today i stood on the scale and i lost three pounds  

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so with those fantastic testimonials it seems  like this is really the thing right but let's  

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talk about what actually happened so when you fast  which this diet is pretty much just pure fasting  

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you're not really eating much of anything your  body still needs energy it's going to use up about  

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2 000 calories and we'll just use that number some  people are going to be 1500 some are going to be a  

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lot more depending on size and activity and some  of that is going to come from fat and some is  

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going to come from carbohydrate if you usually eat  very low carb it's going to be a little bit more  

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calories from fat but if you eat like most people  like a standard average diet with bread and pasta  

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and a little bit of everything you're probably  going to burn about 50 percent of your calories  

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from fat and 50 from carbohydrate so a thousand  calories of carbohydrate is about 250 grams it's a  

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little more than half a pound and where does that  carbohydrate come from if you're not eating any or  

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if you're just eating a little bit of sugar you  did get a few grams through the juice but you're  

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still going to need a lot more energy from some  place else and the body stores glycogen it takes  

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these glucose molecules and it links them together  and it kind of builds a tree and it puts that in  

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the liver so you have a little bit for backup  and you have enough glycogen to last you for  

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24 hours or even a little bit more as you start  running out your body will start conserving that  

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and burning more fat but let's say that you use  up 250 grams which again it's a little more than  

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half a pound of glycogen so first of all that  is where some of your weight loss is coming from  

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but then what we need to understand and this  is the key and this is why you're going to  

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lose weight on the scale every time you  restrict something for a short period of time  

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this glycogen which is the first backup fuel for  the body every gram of glycogen holds on to about  

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three to four grams of water all right so one  gram of glycogen holds on to three four grams  

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of water that means 250 grams of glycogen is  going to hold on to three to four times that much  

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so right now we're talking two to three pounds  of water plus the glycogen and this is exactly  

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where the weight loss is coming from and then  furthermore you're going to breathe out several  

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ounces maybe half a pound of water you're going  to breathe out during the night as you're sleeping  

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and then usually first thing you go to the  bathroom and you void your bladder so two to three  

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to four pounds is typical any time you cut back  in any way and what about the fat then did we burn  

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any fat at all absolutely so half the calories  came from carbohydrate and half came from fat  

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so if you're burning thousand calories of  fat there's nine calories per gram of fat  

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so roughly 100 grams or 110 grams which translates  to about three and a half ounces of fat so some  

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people might say now well that's a total waste  of time i wanted to lose three pounds well we  

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have to realize that's not possible it's just not  the way it works so 100 grams of weight loss from  

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fat is still pretty good that's how you can lose  a pound a pound and a half maybe even two pounds  

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a week and if you can continue doing that steadily  you have a solid weight loss plan now the problem  

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is that the plan promoted in this video is nothing  like a solid weight loss plan it's a one day plan  

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and furthermore it even though you're just burning  a hundred grams of fat it suggests that you can go  

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from this to this in one day and it says you can  go from this to this in one day or from this to  

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this in one day by losing 100 grams of fat let's  look at a couple more testimonials or comments  

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here so someone else says i'm happy for you it's  commenting on one of the people who lost weight  

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i've always tried to lose weight because the  kids in my school bullied me and so did my dad  

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and my brother i'm trying this diet tomorrow and  i wish everyone else the best of luck with their  

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weight goals so this really got to me this is a  real thing there are millions of kids out there  

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this video got 40 million views there are millions  of kids out there who are trying to lose weight  

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they're insecure they have emotional problems they  get bullied and then there are videos that suggest  

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that you can transform yourself by burning a  hundred grams of fat over one night and the  

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problem is that the people who make these videos  they don't have a license to lose they don't have  

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any expertise they don't have anyone to be  accountable for they just have to put up a crazy  

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video with some crazy claims and therefore they  can get away with outright lies in doing so they  

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distort everyone's expectation they feed into this  idea that we have through every magazine stand and  

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all the rumors and all the diets that somehow  you're going to create these miraculous results  

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if you just find this one little secret and then  the kids try this and they lose three pounds and  

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then as soon as they start eating they gain all  that water right back and now they're wondering  

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what's wrong with me because apparently it  worked on somebody else and now we feed into  

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the idea that one day diets are okay that they  can create results they get away with promoting  

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weight loss that isn't fat loss and of course  everyone realizes because they think this is just  

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one day they think they're going to get results  they don't expect to ever having to do this again  

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but this is not sustainable because this doesn't  add any nutrients there's no plan in here for how  

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you're going to sustain this so basically what  they're training people to do is to get on this  

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eternal yo-yo path that everyone has tried and  everyone has failed and i know someone's going to  

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compare this to intermittent fasting and say that  they're the same thing so let's just look at them  

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a little bit side by side here that this diet that  they've been promoting here is the best thing that  

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you can say about it is that it's almost a day of  fasting but other than that it pretty much fits  

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every other useless diet out there in that it's  all about just eat less and they think that if  

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you eat less then you're going to burn calories  but they don't understand that the body adapts  

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that you lose a little weight initially and then  it comes back and you gain it back and then some  

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and in doing that you set yourself up for an  eternal yo-yo pattern of dieting and these facts  

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combined with the fact that people don't  understand what they're doing this is what sets  

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people up for eating disorders so if we ever want  to get past this we have to start understanding  

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how does the body work what happens when i do  this or that and what i talk a lot about is  

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intermittent fasting which is time restricted you  still eat food but because you focus on certain  

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windows you end up eating less food overall but  the whole focus is on real food on eating nutrient  

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dense foods when you eat so that you get all of  your nutrients in but in a shorter time frame and  

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when you also start understanding the mechanism  when you do something and you know what's going  

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to happen to the body and why then you can have  realistic expectations that you know that a  

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hundred grams of fat loss per day is okay because  it translates into a pound a half a week and then  

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as you learn about blood sugar and insulin  and you combine this time restricted eating  

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with low carbohydrate or limited carbohydrate  higher fat now you're stimulating less insulin  

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you're eating real food that keeps you full longer  and here's the biggest difference of all when we  

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understand these things now we can turn it in to  a lifestyle we can do something that's sustainable  

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not a one day almost one day of fasting and then  have no idea why all the weight came back the next  

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day and we tried again and we yo-yo and we get  frustrated and this next comment really got to  

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me she says seeing most of the comments remind  me of when i was 13 and how i felt about my body  

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i'm now 22 and i still feel the same she still  feels the same because nine years later she hasn't  

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found any solid solutions and then she ends with  a positive phrase and she says we'll get through  

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this one day but the only way that we're gonna get  through this the only way that there's going to  

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be some change is for people to stop watching  these stupid lies and for the people who know  

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to start spreading the truth if you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one and if you  

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truly want to master health by understanding how  the body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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that bell and turn on all the notifications  so you never miss a life saving video

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