How To Heal Your Eyesight Naturally | Vishen Lakhiani

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I'm sharing this because way too many of my friends have come to me to ask me how

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to help them improve their deteriorating eyesight. And they dread the thought

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of someday wearing glasses. When I tell them that I healed my eyesight

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in about two weeks, from 20/40 to 20/25, that's around a two lines improvement

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in an eye chart, they want to know my secret. So I created this video to help my

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friends and to help you guys on the Mindvalley channel understand how you too

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could improve your eyesight. Basically, I was able to go from wearing glasses 40%

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of the time to 4% of the time. So, my issue with eyesight started when I was

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9 years old. I started wearing glasses and my eyesight rapidly deteriorated to the

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point where my myopia or shortsightedness was -7.00. That basically means I couldn't

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recognize a face this close to me. Now, when I was around 28, I finally had LASIK,

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and LASIK restored me to 20/20 eyesight. But as you know, when you go for surgery,

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sometimes things go wrong. That's what happened with my

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LASIK surgery. Basically, it went awry in my left eye and this left

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me with astigmatism. Over the next 12 years,

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my left eye started getting worse and worse, and then my right eye decided that

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it too had to deteriorate to catch up with my left eye. And 12 years after my LASIK,

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I found that I needed glasses once again. And so I had to go back to the doctor and

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figure out what to do. Now, the doctor told me that as a man

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in my 40s, LASIK would no longer be an option, so I was faced with two choices.

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Deal with wearing glasses, which I totally disliked,

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or try to heal my eyesight myself. Now, what happened then was,

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I was in a conversation with my friend Dave Asprey, the famous biohacker,

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the founder of Bulletproof coffee. And Dave told me how working with a vision

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coach for one hour a week for 12 weeks totally got rid of his bad eyesight and

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allowed him to function without glasses. I was intrigued, so I started researching

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the natural healing of eyesight. What I'm going to share with you is what I

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found and what I'm going to share with you is my advice for what you can do to help

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restore your eyesight so you can, if not get rid of your glasses,

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reduce the amount of time you do have to wear glasses.

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Now, I'm still experimenting. I've been doing this now for over a year

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and although it's not perfect yet, I want to share with you what I know

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because I believe this is going to help a lot of people. So, in this video,

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I'm going to cover a number of different things, but if you're looking to prevent

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bad eyesight developing in your kids, or if you're looking to heal your vision,

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or if you're looking to prevent the onset of age-related vision problems

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like farsightedness, or if you're looking to reduce your use

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of glasses, pay attention because I'm going to share with you everything I've

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just learned. So the first big mistake people make is that they go get their eyes

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checked at a store that sells glasses. This is never a good idea.

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The machines at that store are not accurate. I did a simple experiment.

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I had my eyes checked at one of these stores and then I went to a real clinic,

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a real doctor, and the difference was almost 40%. I decided to take the doctor's

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prescription, as should you. You see, your eyesight varies from day to day,

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from year to year. Some studies on children found that a child could

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naturally move from shortsightedness to farsightedness year over year,

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but here's what happens, if you picked that particular slice

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of time where your eyesight is, say, 0.25, and you go to an optician and you get

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glasses for that, it locks you in. The glasses become a crutch.

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So what you want to do is go to a real doctor. A true vision checkup could take

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up to an hour. In an eyeglass shop, right, they'll do it in around 15 minutes because

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they want to move you through and sell you glasses. Go to a doctor and get your

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vision properly checked. Now, the second tip is this,

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after you get your actual prescription from the doctor, get a lens that is one

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step lower because like I said, your eyesight actually fluctuates.

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You could be at 0.5 in one day when you're really stressed out and after

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a relaxing weekend, your eyesight could actually improve. Studies are now finding

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that emotional states, that stress influences your vision.

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So if your doctor tells you that your eyesight is, say, 0.5 myopia,

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shortsightedness, don't get a 0.5 lens. Get a lens that's 0.25,

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that will still give you an adjustment, but it gives you room for your vision

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to improve. If you get 0.5, your vision cannot go below 0.5,

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it has to get worse. So, what's happened is you've effectively

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created a crutch. You've created a barrier to your vision getting better.

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So always go one step below. So this was the first thing that many

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vision therapists recommend. And this was one of the tools I used

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to get my shortsightedness from 0.75 to 0.25, which pretty much means I don't need

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glasses most of the time. Now, the next thing you want to do is that you

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want to install a basic eye chart in your home. So I have something like this on the

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door of my study. William Horatio Bates, who lived in the early part of the

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20th century, did a study on school classrooms. He would hang an eye chart

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on a pillar in school classrooms and what he found is that in classrooms where kids

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had that eye chart, and the teachers were trained to get the kids to go and just

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look at the chart and see how far they could read once a week,

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the amount of cases of nearsightedness was dramatically reduced.

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At the beginning of that period, 6% of the children were nearsighted.

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By the end of the year, only 1% were nearsighted.

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Now because of the success in this one school, the system of using an eye chart

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in classrooms was introduced to all schools in Grand Forks, North Dakota,

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where Bates worked. These schools used charts continuously for eight years

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with as many as 2,000 schoolchildren. And there was an unexpected result.

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The kids actually began to see better than normal. Children who already had normal

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sight, 20/20, were now able to read at 20/15 or 20/10. It was nuts.

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You must have an eye chart installed in your home for you and your kids.

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Adults can do the same thing. Now, here's another really important tip.

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Studies on kids found that if you allow your children to sleep in a room that is

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absolutely dark, that means no nightlight, no door ajar with a light

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out in the corridor, your kids are less likely to develop

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vision problems in the future. Now, this study blew me away.

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It was done by the University of Pennsylvania on around 479 kids.

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Now, what they found is that sleeping in a dark room, if you have your kids sleep

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in a pure dark room, they are less likely to develop

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bad eyesight. So here's what happened. They divided these kids into three groups.

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Kids that slept in a dark room, kids that slept in a room with

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a nightlight on, and kids that slept in a room with the lights turned on.

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And then they traced these kids to see what type of vision problems these kids

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would develop. Now, they found this. Of the kids who slept in a darkened room,

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only 10% developed nearsightedness. Of the kids who slept in a room with

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a nightlight on, 34% developed nearsightedness. And of the kids who slept

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with the lights on, 55% developed nearsightedness. So this is an important

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conversation you've got to have with your children if they are afraid of sleeping

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in the dark. The dark is phenomenal for sleep and science is showing that it has

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a correlation with helping kids retain good vision. Now, the final tip is this.

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Hire a vision coach or take an online vision course. There are numerous vision

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courses out there. I've been experimenting with many of them. I even have a vision

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coach who has helped me. We've spent around five hours together

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and the results have been really, really, really promising.

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Now, a course means you got to have the discipline to do it yourself.

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Typically, you've got to do these courses every day. If you do a vision coach,

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you'd spend an hour with them a week and then you'd spend around five minutes a day

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going through the exercises that they prescribe. Whereas on a course,

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you typically are spending between 10 to 20 minutes a day watching a video and

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doing the eye exercises which are being prescribed. Now my tip is

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don't get obsessed with the Bates Method. The Bates Method was popular

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in like the 1930s, and a lot of people talk about the Bates Method because it was

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the first method to really heal vision. So much more research has happened.

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It's been almost 90 years since that book was released. And today,

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modern vision therapists and newer courses on vision know so much more.

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So, avoid the Bates Method. It works, but it works slow. There are much faster

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ways to improve your vision that have been developed in the last 90 years.

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So I hope these tips helped you. Go ahead and share this video with other

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people whom you feel need to hear this to improve their vision

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and good luck on your vision quest

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