How To Feel Happy All The Time - User Manual For Humans S1 E15 - Dr Ekberg

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Welcome everybody

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Thank you for coming I'm thrilled to see all of you here. We are going to have some fun

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We are getting to some of my favorite topics here.

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We're up to part fifteen of User Manual for Humans,

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so by now you should be starting to get an idea on how to take care of the human.

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So tonight's topic is basically how to feel good.

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Is anyone here at all interested in feeling good? okay good

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So let me ask you this also is there anything else in the world that you are

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interested in except feeling good?

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Is there anything at all that you do for any reason

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except to feel good?

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Not really, not really

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So this is kind of a big topic

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and yet

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humans are not necessarily a very good at it

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Even though we all want to feel good, and it's the only reason we do anything

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we don't really have a clear grip on how that happens

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So why do we care

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what makes us feel good and what makes us not feel so good?

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First of all,

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this just bare with me,

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why do we want to feel good?

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First of all

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it's really obvious because it feels good to feel good

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It feels a whole lot better to feel good than

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not to,

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but more so

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feeling good heals the body. When you feel good

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You are reducing stress you are enabling all sorts of physiological processes

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if we do blood tests before and after something that made you feel good

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you will see that your immune systems will improve that all sorts of things start

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working better in the body

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When we feel good

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if we want to look further

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you probably notice that it's easier to like somebody else

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who's feeling

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Not someone that is sort of full of themselves, but

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we are drawn to people who feel good and when people are nasty and ornery and feel bad

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we sort of

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we don't want

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to deal with them.

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Feeling good is really contagious,

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and just in general it tends to make things workout really well in life.

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The next is one of my favorite poems

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by an indian

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guy called Rabindranath Tagore.

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He says, "I slept and I dreamt that life was

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I woke

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and saw life was service.

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I acted

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and behold, service was joy."

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And that kind of puts it in

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perspective. That's basically what we're going to talk about.

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That it's not so much what you do, but it's how you interpret what you do.

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the saying is if you can't do what you like then learn to like what you do, okay

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so that's basically the same thing.

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Because life is about joy.

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There's really, we all said it, we don't

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Everybody wants to feel good and there's no other reason that we want to do anything, so life is

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about joy

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and the more that you start kind of searching for the purpose of life

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the more you probably come up

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with a conclusion that life is joy. The purpose of life is to feel good.

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Joy is our natural state

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And this is a big one

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Joy is its natural and it will be our natural state until

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we interfere with it

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so if nothing else is going on

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then joy is present

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and it's the same thing that weíve talked about before with health. That health is present

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unless something interferes

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It's just like water running down hill it's going to keep doing that because it's in the nature

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of water and gravity

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to run downhill until something interferes

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so it is with the health of the body

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It is natural for the body

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To to find balance in health until something is interfered with

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and the same thing is true with joy.

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Suffering on the other hand

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is not very natural.

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And we are going to make it

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really really simple

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And we are going to say

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that suffering

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is focusing on how something is not the way it's supposed to be

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Can anybody find an exception to that?

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I don't think so

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so suffering and feeling that is basically

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we want something to be different than the way it is

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Does that usually work?

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No things are the way they that they are from the time that we observe them that

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is what is

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and yet when we feel bad that we want it to be different

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so it makes no sense whatsoever

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To feel bad so

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it's really just, weíve talked a lot about conditioning before

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and this is just another way that weíre conditioned. This is something that we are taught

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and we can also unlearn it.

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So if we see something and it's not the that we like it

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the obvious solution for most people, for the ego, especially is

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then to make everything in the world the way it is supposed to be, right?

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So you, because if everything in the world is the way it's supposed to be then you don't

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have to feel bad about it.

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It's the simple easy solution

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but when you think about it

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it's kind of a big job

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So you want to arrange everything to your liking then you want to get rid of

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you kill all the mean people in the world

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You get rid of bad weather, the floods and the tornados

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eliminate suffering and disease and death

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When do you think you'll have that done by?

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Alright, so even though the ego and we are conditioned to think that okay

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that thing out there doesn't please me so let me change that

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there is another way

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and that's the change how I feel about the thing

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and we have a certain amount of resistance to doing that because after

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we our right and we don't want that thing to be the way that it is and we can justify

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why we're right

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and we'll argue and we will tell people

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and we'll form associations

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and clubs and write books about why it shouldnít be that way

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but really what we're going to talk about is that it is much much smarter to

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actually just let the thing be the way it is

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and change how you feel about it.

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So here's another famous poem

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Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

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the courage to change the things I can,

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and the wisdom to know the difference.

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And there's a lot that goes into that.

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So when we want to change something

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it basically means that we're trying to have a certain amount of control. That we

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think that we would feel better if we can control the thing out there

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that's annoying us

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when we can control the thing we will feel better and this also gives us

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as we get trained in this way of thinking

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it gives us a controlled mentality

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that we start having the need

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to control

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and when you start looking around at all the things that you want change and

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control then that gives you a lot of stress because now there's a lot of

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stuff on your to do list.

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And we get into the mentality of action and doing

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and even though

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we don't necessarily do a lot about it, we worry about, we think about

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things that we ought to do

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and this is where we we get

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this feeling of 'overwhelment'

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it's more so on a mental to do list than something that we are actually about

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to do. And

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then once you realize that there is a

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a lot more things in the world

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that are out of your control

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than there are things that your actually supposed to do something about

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What you can control, which weíll talk about, is you can control how you feel

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and that is only thing that you can and the only thing you are supposed to control

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So letís just talk about

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how good the world really is,

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and how few things that are that need fixing.

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The world does not need fixing

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it's just right the way it is.

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It's not waiting for you to be born and, and go and take care of it

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So how much effort did you have to go and put in this morning to keep the earth spinning?

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Okay not much, it's doing it by itself.

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You can check that off your list.

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So the sun still rises, water still flows down hill,

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plants still grow,

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houses are still built. This building here

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you didn't have to put one

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ounce of effort into making it. It was just here for you

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Cars are made

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you don't have to make them. Food is produced

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Thereís so many things

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when you start thinking about it when you start appreciating all the things that

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are just there for you

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then you realize just how incredibly easy life is

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That all you have to do is

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go to your job or whatever

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your pass time is and

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do what you are supposed to

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and theyíll give you

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money in the form of credits

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then when you get your credits you get a little plastic card

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so you don't have to pump the gas, you donít have to build the car to grow

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the food you just

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swipe a little piece of plastic

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And things just show up for you

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and once we start thinking the more that we can think of how easy

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life is

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the easier it becomes. Because the emotional burden

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is off our shoulders.

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reality so now the sensible person says yeah yeah yeah but

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just look around look at all the terrible things. I watch the news every day and

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you canít close your eyes

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the reality itís out there. Well

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there are lots of things that are real.

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There are good things that are real

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and there are bad things that are real.

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Just because theyíre bad doesn't mean that you have to pay attention.

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It doesn't

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mean that you have to pay more attention and make it more important

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but because of the way that our society works

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we have something called news

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and they sift through all the things that that happened and everything that's

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news worthy

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is anything that's really bad

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So if there's a million things to the world that happened

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if there's a happy mothers cooking a meal for her daughter or

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a daughter gets an A on a spelling test

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or somebody gives somebody a hug

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somebody gives somebody a

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smile or a hand shake, or lets them in in traffic

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There is millions and millions and millions of good things happening

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but when we open up the paper

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theyíre going to tell us

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who died and who was shot and what else is wrong.

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They're sifting through reality for us they're are giving us

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a tiny tiny tiny little slice

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of reality and they're making us believe that that's what the world is.

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And if we watch the news if we take that in every day

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that's going to be our most global belief. That's going to be our worldview

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and that's how weíre going to wake up and feel about the world

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so it's not about how many

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things that are out there that are bad

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Itís for every bad thing you can choose a good thing

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and whatever you choose to put your attention on

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that is how you will feel.

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have you noticed for example

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last time that you bought a new car or a used car or whatever

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all of a sudden thereís were thousands

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of those cars driving around

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Have you noticed that?

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Or when you buy a new toy or a new piece of clothing or a new bike or a new

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whatever it is

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All of a sudden

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there's just lots and lots of people you notice they have the same one when thereís just more of them everywhere

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and that's just because

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You tune your attention

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to that channel

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and whatever you tune your attention to

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Thatís going to show up more

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that's how the world operates

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So you can tune your attention to the bad stuff and thatís going to show up

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Or you can tune your attention to good stuff

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and that's going to show up for you.

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So it's not how much stuff there's out there because itís all there every bit of it

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Thereís billions and billions of things out there

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but you can choose which ones you notice

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and that's going to determine how you feel.

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So then

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the next

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the next cynic, the

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Complaint, or the

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Or what am I looking for.. the word

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I can think of the Swedish word, but anyway

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So someone says well

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you can't you can't think like that

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you have to be realistic you can't just turn her head and just look at the

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good stuff. That's awfully selfish

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so we're also taught

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that weíre selfish

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if we don't pay attention. That's why we feel

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the need to look at all the bad news because after all if we don't.. if we

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don't partake in it and feel bad about it

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then we are being selfish.

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this is based on a lack mentality when we think that there are limited

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in the world then we believe

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that we can only have something

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if someone else is deprived of it

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that may be hold true for certain

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physical items in certain situations but it's not true for well being

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this is one of my favorite lists here and it really puts things in perspective

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You can't be poor enough to make others wealthy,

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You can't be confused enough

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to give others clarity,

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You can't be angry enough to give others peace,

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You can't be sad enough to make others happy,

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and You can't be sick enough to make others healthy.

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So when it comes to well being what you do does not interfere with anybody else it's the absolute

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That if you feel good about yourself then you have something to give and

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feeling good is contagious. Then you can be a role model you can be example

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and you will actually have something to offer to somebody else [pause]

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so there is no limit to joy and wellbeing

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you don't have to worry about being selfish youíre not depriving someone else

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of their happiness just because you feel happy just because you feel good

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so when you decide that news makes you feel bad and as you start feeling better

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you'll notice that

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you know I don't want to watch news anymore

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That stuff makes me feel bad. It doesn't fit

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with my goal of feeling good

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and you're not depriving anybody else

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by making yourself feel better [pause]

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So, where does joy come from?

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Joy does not come from

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having or getting stuff.

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We believe that it is because every time we get something weíre happy.

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We get a new car, a new diamond ring, new toy, new whatever, new raise, new job

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we get happy but

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it's not the thing that makes us happy

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it's how we feel about it

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it's our interpretation

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of whatever's going on

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And then someone says well

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Iím not materialistic. Relationships, love that's what's

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important so when Iím loved that is when I am happy

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and that's not true either

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because there are lots of people who have stuff that arenít happy there are

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lots of people who are loved that are not happy

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so actually what makes you happy

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is how you feel about something so itís

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being happy is something that you put out

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it's your feeling or your vibration toward somebody

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so whether is a thing or a person that you love

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it's the

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It's the state of loving. That makes you Happy. It's the state of appreciating something that makes you happy.

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all those

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really really good reasons to be upset? [group laughter]

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When you just know that you're right

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I mean there is so many times

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that you just know you have

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a good reason shouldn't you be

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allowed to be upset [Laughter]

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and the answer

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is of course you are

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but why would you want to?

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And that's the whole point.

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That thereís the

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cliche: 'would you rather be right or happy?'

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being right

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never actually leads to anything

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you can never win an argument whoever you

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argue with and you convince them that you're right

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you didn't make them happy you didn't make yourself happy

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you just wasted a bunch of energy and wasted a bunch of time

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When you spill something or break something

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when you watch senseless violence

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if you get rudely cut off in traffic if you lose a job or an important contract

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if you lose even worse

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you lose a relative or a family member

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Those are definitely absolutely really good reasons

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to be upset and

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it's only human

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that that we are. I mean I don't know anybody that can completely be avoid it

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but one way to deal with it is to ask yourself

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well now that i

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now that i see what happened and i'm upset

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how long

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do I

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how long am I obligated

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to be upset? Okay

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because if I spill something

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Well Iím upset

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thirty-seconds some people may be upset the rest of the day but most people would

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get over it pretty quickly they wipe it up they clean the mess and move on

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But if you can get over something after a certain amount of time

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why not get over it right now?

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Why do you have to spend that time

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before it's okay to get over it? (laughs) Okay

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and we have these things that the more severe it is

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So let's just take the most extreme example we lose

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a family member.

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I'm not going to say you that you can't,

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you shouldn't be upset, or that you won't

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but it helps to ask yourself

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what would that person want for you? Okay

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You lose a partner

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would that person want for you to be miserable the rest of your life?

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Would that be their highest wish?

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Or would they say okay you know

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it happened its history I would love for you to get on with your life

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and then we can look at that differently and we can say

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well you know instead of just looking at all the bad stuff and how terrible it is that they're gone

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let's just look at

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appreciating what they were here for

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so maybe then

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we can get over it in

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or have a higher quality of life after a month

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rather than just dragging it out and be miserable 10 years later.

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Because there's some people that you know

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that say the

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moment something happens they say i'll never get over this

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and they make it a promise

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and they never do but

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who's benefiting from that? So

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There's certainly some things that we may say that there's a good reason but

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in the bigger perspective there's not really ever

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a good reason.

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So let's review a little bit.

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is when you want something to be different than it is.

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And we've said you know

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that rarely works because what is what is your arguing with reality

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So in a sense

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you are resisting what is.

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And resistance

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is sort of

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a roadblock

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Thereís a cliche again, What you resist persists.

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And especially this is true with thoughts and feelings because the moment that you

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resist it

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that resistance kind of clings it becomes the glue that holds that together and

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keeps it with you. And

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What we also have to understand is resistance or feelings or thoughts

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not real.

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We make them real

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we think when we have a feeling when we're absorbed by a feeling we believe it's real

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it feels real

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but it's just a feeling.

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There's nothing real about it nobody outside of us unless told them would know anything about it

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Itís a completely internal experience

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their never really about the thing

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but it's our interpretation

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and it's how we choose to focus. How

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we choose to view the thing that weíre upset about.

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So resistance is the same thing as holding on

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or not letting go.

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So suffering is always

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about how you look at it..

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And you can have really really good reasons for upsets

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but you're not going to get any points in heaven or anywhere else for or being

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right or for having a good reason the only one suffering from that good reason

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is the person

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with the feeling.

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And to round all of this up

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all that really matters is how you feel

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right now.

Time: 1423.96

So if you make that decision

Time: 1425.66

that the most important

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Time: 1429.19

is how you feel

Time: 1431.08

then you've come a long way. And if you make that priority

Time: 1434.71

then you can notice

Time: 1436.62

when when you're not feeling good and you have a little distance. You can step away

Time: 1441.669

and say oh I wonder what this is all about

Time: 1444.26

and you don't have to become absorbed

Time: 1446.59

by that emotion by the situation

Time: 1450.6

and what weíll talk in a little bit about

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one technique that that you can use

Time: 1457.21

and one of my favorite sayings by Wayne Dyer

Time: 1460.67

'Change the way you look at things

Time: 1466.279

and the things you look at change.' It's so simple and so profound.

Time: 1473.77

So let's talk about letting go

Time: 1476.07

and this is not something I came up with and um

Time: 1479.929

it's down

Time: 1481.21

on the resources

Time: 1483.19

page itís number one itís called the Sedona Method

Time: 1486.51

and Iím just going to run you through very very quickly

Time: 1490.23

uh... one way of how this can

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Time: 1494.73

That about

Time: 1495.509

what letting go is.

Time: 1497.42

At first you have to

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Time: 1500.62

and make the acknowledgement that you can let go

Time: 1504.659

that feelings are not real that itís something you can just drop.

Time: 1509.69

First you welcome the emotion. Don't resist it just let it be what it is

Time: 1515.38

and then you ask yourself

Time: 1517.5

Could I let it go?

Time: 1520.049

and then you ask

Time: 1522.61

Would I? Am I willing?

Time: 1524.07

and then you ask when?

Time: 1526.34

And obviously you answer it right now cause there's no reason to

Time: 1529.84

postpone it

Time: 1532.49

and then you can dig a little deeper and you can ask

Time: 1535.89

this feeling that I have

Time: 1538.08

is it about me wanting more control?

Time: 1541.04

more approval?

Time: 1542.55

more security?

Time: 1543.98

more separation from something?

Time: 1546.12

Or more oneness, more unity with something?

Time: 1549.24

so I'm not going to even pretend to teach you the technique

Time: 1553.12

But I wanted to expose you to one way of doing this and if you like then that's lots and lots of

Time: 1559.56

resources and he's got wonderful course that that you can order

Time: 1564.039


Time: 1565.7

if everybody put their put your pens down keep your pen actually put your

Time: 1567.34

block down

Time: 1568.91

and find

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Time: 1575.77

a comfortable position.

Time: 1578.88

And then you take your pen

Time: 1582.919

and you grip it.

Time: 1587.35

And hold it really tight.

Time: 1589.669

And this is a feeling.

Time: 1591.95

This is what we do to feelings. We hold on to them we say this is mine.

Time: 1597.21

I'll tell you and I'll explained to you why I feel this way and why I'm so entitled

Time: 1602.169

and why Iím right

Time: 1604.38

but it's just a feeling and we're holding on to it we're doing the gripping

Time: 1609.7

and once you understand that

Time: 1611.909

all you have to do

Time: 1614.11

is just understand itís not attached to you

Time: 1619.36

And just let it go just drop it

Time: 1622.48

And once you can separate yourself from the emotion

Time: 1625.429

and let the emotion come in

Time: 1627.61

And observe it

Time: 1628.68

And then you can drop it. And

Time: 1632.31

if you look back and I think you already see as you look back and review this

Time: 1635.94

and you understand that everything we've talked about your entire quality of life

Time: 1640.659

is about how you feel

Time: 1642.51

and we all said that we want to feel good

Time: 1644.96

so would it be pretty valuable to be able to change how you feel to drop an unpleasant

Time: 1651.73

feeling at will

Time: 1653.23

and you can do it in ten seconds rather than

Time: 1656.88

three days

Time: 1659.88

So everybody pick something

Time: 1661.95

that annoys you

Time: 1663.09

you right now

Time: 1665.19

or on a regular basis okay

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Time: 1674.67

just pay attention to how you feel about it

Time: 1679.039

Okay welcome

Time: 1679.97

the emotion

Time: 1688.91

How does it feel to want to change that? Can you feel the tension that comes

Time: 1694.37

from wanting to change it?

Time: 1697.95

Wanting to control it?

Time: 1699.72

You can keep your eyes open or close your eyes whichever is

Time: 1702.629

more comfortable.

Time: 1706.63

And then

Time: 1708.149

ask yourself

Time: 1710.45

could I

Time: 1711.75

let this go

Time: 1712.99

could I drop it?

Time: 1715.07

And I don't you donít have to drop forever just for now. Just in this moment you can pick

Time: 1719.77

it back up in one minute if you like but just for now could you drop it?

Time: 1726.51

Would you? When?

Time: 1735.76

Did anybody notice a difference?

Time: 1739.929

Did anybody feel a little bit lighter

Time: 1742.539

about that the topic?

Time: 1748.57

Okay and Iím not claiming to give this justice either

Time: 1751.9

but I want to give an idea.

Time: 1755.08

And then what you can do is

Time: 1757.88

You don't just do it once, but you just do it over and over and over

Time: 1763.65

and You do until

Time: 1765.059

you feel a sense

Time: 1767.18

of complete relief

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Time: 1769.749

you don't care one way or the other.

Time: 1772.49

And this feels like a trap to most people because it feels like well you know I really do want to change it

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there are things that I really do care about

Time: 1781.1

but that's the that's the fallacy because we think that we have to feel

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bad about things to change them

Time: 1787.76

when the truth of the matter is

Time: 1789.7

when we let go

Time: 1791.33

we liberate resources to actually deal with it

Time: 1795.24

so what we find is when we feel that we really don't care

Time: 1799.6

then is when things

Time: 1803.029

really start happening instead

Time: 1804.17

so it's worth a try, so then revisit that feeling

Time: 1807.24

if there is the same feeling and if it's still there is less or whatever

Time: 1812.32

Or we can pick another one

Time: 1815.669

and welcome it

Time: 1817.22

Let it be what it is

Time: 1821.71

And dig a little deeper and see if it feels like

Time: 1825.01

it comes from

Time: 1826.37

wanting control

Time: 1828.75

Does it come from wanting approval

Time: 1831.1


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Time: 1834.42

or oneness

Time: 1837.32

and if you don't know which one

Time: 1838.509

Just pick one it really doesnít matter

Time: 1841.24

that's the great part about it

Time: 1845.44

and then just for now

Time: 1847.22

could you let that go? could you drop it? Would you? When?

Time: 1861.59

and one more time see if there's a little bit of feeling left

Time: 1865.16

or a lot of it left and

Time: 1870.21

Welcome it

Time: 1872.54

just let it be

Time: 1876.909

And dig a little deeper

Time: 1879.19

See if it comes from

Time: 1880.95

Wanting control

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Time: 1888.15

or oneness

Time: 1892.35

and then ask yourself

Time: 1894.34

just for now

Time: 1896.2

Could you let it go?

Time: 1901.27

Just drop it. Just let it drift away. Would you? When?

Time: 1915.529

Anybody feel a little different feel a little lightness? Hands up okay

Time: 1927.41

So, it seems really really simple but a lot the

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profound things in life are really simple so

Time: 1935.32

weíll call it a stop right there

Time: 1938.34

and uh...

Time: 1939.86

if you have any questions I'll be happy to take those

Time: 1943.99

Can be questions on anything

Time: 1946.72

Thank you very much.

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