How To Exercise - Why, How & What? - User Manual For Humans S1 E07 - Dr Ekberg

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good evening and welcome to user manuals for humans part 7 today we will talk

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about exercise we're going to talk about why how and what and as usual we will

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not simply tell you what to do but we will explain what happens in the body so

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that you have an understanding health-wise of why why things happen in

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the body and what you can do to exercise appropriately for your particular

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condition first of all exercise is basically for every cell in the body is

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use it or lose it when you exercise you use every single cell every single organ

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system in your body and just to reiterate a little bit talk about muscle

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cells bone cells and brain cells how do you use a muscle cell you put tension on

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it you put weights you put a resistance on a muscle and you will stimulate that

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muscle to be maintained or grow how do you use a bone cell you put weight on it

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in a field of gravity that is that gives the bone and message that it is being

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necessary and therefore needs to make more bone to stay strong for future

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demands how do you use a brain cell the brain is the purpose of the brain is to

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process information to process electrical signals in particular so the

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way to use a brain cell is to send an electrical signal to it we do this by

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strip triggering receptors and we have receptors for light we have receptors

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for sound we have receptors for touch but most of the receptors that we have

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are for the purpose of detecting motion and changes in muscles and joints so

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when we exercise we get a bigger effect of electrical

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on the brain than virtually anything else that we can do we'll go into a

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little bit more detail but basically the very foundation and exercise is use it

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or lose it and because your body is made to be used it is not possible to

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optimize your health without exercise and we'll get into what exercises also

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does not have to be painful so some of the benefits are that you strengthen the

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system in general you reduce insulin resistance which means you reduce the

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incidence of prediabetes we talked about that a few weeks ago please feel free to

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go back and refer to those videos that a muscle that is exercising does not need

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as much or hardly any insulin to accept the sugar into the cell that reduces

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insulin resistance we also and this is probably the reason that most people

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think they need to exercise is to improve circulation this is more of a

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byproduct it is still important but it's not the primary reason we want to

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exercise circulation improves circulation improves oxygen delivery to

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the tissues it improves nutrient delivery and it improves the exchange of

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waste and nutrients in the tissues it also strengthens the heart but most

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importantly it strengthens the brain and we talked about last time how the brain

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has four absolutely necessary forms of inhibition and therefore when we talk

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about stress and we know that the brain inhibits the stress that may be the

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single most important function of exercise

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that exercise stimulates the brain and therefore we can reduce the stress

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directly with that and if we didn't know anything else that would be enough

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reason to to do something about exercise so let's talk about drawbacks and you go

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whoa you mean there are drawbacks to exercise everybody says to exercise what

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could possibly be wrong with it well we can do we can certainly do too much and

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we can do the wrong kind for what we're trying to achieve the first thing that

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we need to realize with exercise and the drawbacks is that exercise is stress

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exercise breaks the body down but at the same time exercise and activity is

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something that we're designed for so even though exercise breaks the body

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down it's a natural form of stress that as long as you get the appropriate

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recovery you will regain strength and you will rebuild the body to a point

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where it's stronger than it was before so yes it is stress but it's a good form

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of stress it can however be bad if we do something that the body isn't prepared

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for and we'll talk a lot about this healthy people can tolerate a lot more

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exercise we can fatigue people which is actually most of the population over 30

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or 40 need to be very careful they cannot tolerate very much exercise and

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especially not high intensity exercise because it is a too-high form of stress

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that it stresses their adrenal system and the hormonal system further and even

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though there's some benefits to it from a fitness point they actually break the

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body down and they become more unhealthy even though they seemingly are doing a

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good thing let's talk a little bit more the circulatory benefits we know that

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with exercise the heart pumps faster and therefore according to the use it or

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lose it principle the heart will respond to that imposed demand and it will grow

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stronger this means that the stronger heart muscle can fill better the heart

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will typically get a little bit larger so it can fill with more blood but the

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main difference in the stronger heart is that it can contract more forcefully and

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expel more of the blood the portion of the quotient of the blood that they're

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sending out and is a larger percentage and therefore the heart beats more

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effectively when the heart beats more effectively then it takes fewer beats

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overall for every minute of your life except during the exercise and therefore

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as the heart beats fewer beats there's this theory that you will actually have

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a longer life and there's certainly no evidence to contradict this the next

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benefit of circulatory benefit is that it increases your blood perfusion that

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you have these big arteries to have smaller arterioles and then you have

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capillaries out in the peripheral tissues and these capillaries they're

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not always wide open they're only kind of open enough for a few blood cells to

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trickle through but during exercise that lasts more than 20 minutes the

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capillaries open up all the way and we have full blood perfusion which means

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that there's a full exchange of nutrients and waste in the tissues and

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we don't really get to that point until we've exercised for about 20 minutes

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there's also enzymatic processes in the body that everything that happens in the

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body to produce more energy to take advantage of oxygen

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and glucose and convert it into energy all those enzymatic and metabolic

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processes are up-regulated that means that they happen more efficiently and

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they happen easier so that we have an increased capacity to do that in the

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future in other words the body simply runs better let's talk a little bit

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about mitochondria in the cells mitochondria is a cellular component

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that actually produces and manufactures all of your energy it is the component

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inside your cell that can take oxygen and utilize it and turn it into energy

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and when you exercise you up regulate the number of mitochondria you will

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literally build more of them in response to that exercise so that you have a

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better utilization of oxygen and you'll have the capacity to make more energy

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for yourself that's certainly something to keep in mind in times of chronic

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fatigue my favorite cartoon is the yen blast Bergen he has this guy at the

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doctor and says for years your teachers kept telling you to settle down and sit

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still you can stop so let's talk a little bit in detail about the brain

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benefits that the brain is composed of tissue made up of cells and these cells

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just like every other cell in the body is use it or lose it if you don't send

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electrical impulses to it the cells will get weaker and have less work capacity

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so if we have the brain up here

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and the brain regulates a body part and

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here's the body part and the body part has receptors and the receptors send

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more information than this information will strengthen the brain and increase

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the brain's capacity to regulate that body part and you get more information

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and so forth so it is like a positive feedback cycle that feeds on itself that

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the brain's ability to regulate this body part is based on the information

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that the brain gets from this body part and if this body part doesn't move then

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the brain gets less information the brain gets weaker and we have a negative

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feedback cycle negative cycle so that's why with exercise we strengthen the

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brain and we increase the brain's ability to regulate and overall we have

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a better body control and with that we have fewer pains fewer diseases and so

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forth and so forth plus I might add better athletic performance and that's

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essentially what you do with athletic performance is that you practice the

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behavior that becomes a pathway that strengthens certain brain cells so that

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you'll be better able to do that future and one of the primary benefits

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of chiropractic is that if we have a body part in particular maybe a bone

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joint somewhere that isn't moving properly this creates this negative

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feedback cycle so that the brain gets weaker and weaker has less capacity to

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regulate this body part until we adjust it and restore these communication

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pathways so the brain benefits the reason people get so healthy and we fix

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so many things with exercise is that the brain gets activated I cannot state that

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enough the number one reason to exercise is for the brain everything else is

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pretty much a side effect so now we will talk about something called ATP

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has anyone heard of ATP you guys actually have very good so ATP stands

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for adenosine triphosphate and it simply means that there's a little molecule

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over here called adenosine that is linked to three phosphate molecules and

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this last bond the chemical bond right over here is what we call the high

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energy bond and this is the way that humans and every other other cellular

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life form uses energy is by breaking this bond we release energy that can be

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made available for work in biological life-forms then once we break this then

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this phosphate shoots off and we have what's called a DP adenosine diphosphate

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which simply means that there's two phosphates attached and now we can't

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have energy available until we use some other form of energy to stick this

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phosphate back on so we have ATP again so this exchange is the energy to put

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the phosphate back on is the energy that we get from food so the only reason that

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we have oxygen and glucose and we eat calories is that we can put the third

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phosphate back on that creates a high energy bond that when that bond is

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released we free up energy that can be used in by all in biology biological

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life-forms and what do we use what do we used ATP for everything nothing happens

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in your body basically without ATP so let's start with membrane transport what

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does that mean well shuttling tiny little molecules across a cell membrane

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requires work the number one thing that the brain does in terms of signaling

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virtually all signaling is just shuttling little molecules little ions

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across cell membranes and that requires work so your brain is two percent of

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your body weight it uses twenty percent of your calories and those calories are

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converted into ATP so that you can shuttle molecules across membranes that

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is what signaling is what else do we do well muscle contraction requires ATP

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heartbeats require so anytime a muscle does anything that also requires ATP and

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biosynthesis those molecules when we make hormones and enzymes and proteins

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and new cells and DNA and RNA those molecules don't just pop together they

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require energy to be synthesized to be assembled and that's also what ATP does

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so ATP is the energy currency in the body now we have just a tiny tiny little

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bit of ATP in the body at any given time this exchange we have ATP we break it

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off and then energy from food puts it back together we actually use our entire

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body weight worth of ATP every day so this popping off and reassembly happens

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about a thousand to fifteen hundred times on the total amount of ATP and

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again a day so if you weigh 200 pounds you're assembling 200 pounds of ATP in a

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day so for any given the base amount that we have at any given time will give

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us about three seconds worth of maximum intensity activity so let's talk about

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how all of this happens where where does the energy come from and why and when do

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we assemble war so visualize the Olympic final in the

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hundred meters you have the guys lined up and they get ready and the gun goes

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off and they take off they have a teepee they have energy for three seconds worth

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of work then as soon as they start breaking off a teepee the body starts

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using glucose to create more ATP otherwise they wouldn't make it to the

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finish line they make them you see all of them just fall flat face at the

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thirty meter line so somehow they make it through so the body makes more ATP as

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it goes and the best source of ATP is called anaerobic metabolism that means

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that we're using oxygen and glucose to make new ATP as we go and that is by far

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the best because one single molecule of glucose can make 38 new molecules of ATP

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the problem is we can't get the oxygen in fast enough and there's only so many

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mitochondria to do this so in a fast sprint race like the hundred meters we

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don't have time to replenish the ATP fast enough so we have some to start

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with we start making more but it's still not enough so now we use another source

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of ATP and that is we made ATP from glucose without oxygen and this is a

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really fast way to do it the problem is we only get two ATP molecules for every

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molecule of glucose so it's 19 times more efficient to make it with oxygen

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but when we don't have the oxygen when available fast enough then we have to to

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make it without oxygen and the problem is that there's a byproduct of lactic

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acid and lactic acid is toxic to the MA and it hurts really bad and we also run

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out of glucose so we can't we can't rely on that source for very long so when we

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look at these sources we have ATP for about three seconds worth of activity

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then we can break down glucose into lactic acid and make it last about one

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minute so that's the guys who run the 400 they're using almost entirely the

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metabolism the anaerobic metabolism that produces lactic acid but they can't go

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much further than one lap because they're they're getting too toxic with

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lactic acid and they're running out of glucose but if you slow down a little

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bit and you start running 10,000 meters and marathons now you're slowing down

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the activity enough that your metabolism your oxygen supply can keep up and that

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is primarily aerobic metabolism and that's a very efficient and because of

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that you can keep going as long as you have fat and carbohydrates in the body

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which is several hours now the other thing that we need to consider is how

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stressful is this for the body so only using ATP is not very stressful because

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it's already there it's just available we just have to demand it and off it

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goes but breaking down glucose into lactic acid and aerobic metabolism is

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very stressful and therefore we can't keep it up very long and it's a huge

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burden on the body the aerobic metabolism the purely aerobic is very

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moderately stressful so we'll get back and talk about what people

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how people should exercise that this is why we want to keep this in mind that

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aerobic metabolism is not very stressful and aerobic metabolism is quite

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stressful very good so types of exercise we've mentioned these but we'll go into

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a little bit more detail aerobic metabolism basically means that we

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exercise keeping our heart rate at or below 120 beats per minute and this is

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not a number carven stone it's not true for everybody there's nursing there's a

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range there's a give and take and you got to figure it out for yourself but

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basically the way you determine is at 120 beats you can breathe comfortably

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through your nose you do not have to breathe through your mouth and there is

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no panting involved you can also if you have someone next to you on the bike or

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running or walking you can maintain a relaxed conversation if you start

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panting and you can only huff and puff and produce single words between your

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office and pubs it is not aerobic metabolism anymore the third or that

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another criteria for aerobic is that we have no lactic acid you do not feel any

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heaviness in the body and there is no burn and aerobic means without air that

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means most of it is still coming from oxygen but we're going faster than what

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the body can keep up with as far as oxygen so part of it has to come

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breaking down into lactic acid this is again it's a range it's a give and take

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it's not an absolute number but from about 130 140 and up then it is I

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aerobic and all the way up to maximum heart rate it's purely anaerobic there

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the closer we get to to maximum heart rate the way we know maximum heart rate

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is roughly 220 minus your age so if you're 50 years old then your heart

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rates your maximum heart rate is around 170 if you're 30 years old it would be

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around 190 just a little thing to to as a gauge anaerobic means we're starting

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to breathe through the mouth or we're starting to breathe through the nose

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with flared nostrils and and sounding really loud conversation becomes

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strained and we also start getting some muscle burn so they're two different

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types of exercise as far as metabolism aerobic and anaerobic other types of

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exercise is also things like weight lifting weight lifting has a different

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purpose weightlifting is putting tension on muscles for the purpose of improving

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muscle tone and or muscle mass so depending on how you do that you can

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either create tone or mass we won't cover a whole lot of that today what

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will we might come back to that and then there's events specific training and

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this is not so much training for improved circulation or burning calories

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or improving muscle strength but it's specific to an event so we want to

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improve a skill and this is all about improving the way that the brain and

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that muscle coordinates their activity to perform that skill what this means in

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terms in on the next slide what this means in

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terms of what we can do aerobic means we keep it below 120 and those can be

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things like walking biking swimming skating yoga tai chi and again we want

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to get a heart rate monitor so we can measure and make sure that that we stay

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below it is possible to walk and get above 120 you can bike and get over 120

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so it's all about the intensity and how fast you go most people get very

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surprised at how quickly they get up to 120 for people are used to anaerobic

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type stuff doing aerobics at the gym and no pain no gain type mentality they will

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not feel that they're doing anything whether they're getting up to 120

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they'll feel like what's the point of this but that is for most people the

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intensity they should be at for the most part anaerobic is 130 140 all the way up

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to max and again I listed the same things walking biking swimming skating

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but I also added running because that's what most people would would incorporate

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and all you're doing is you're picking up the pace and you're making it a

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little bit harder weight lifting again improve tone and mass so if you want to

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improve tone then you want to limit the weights and increase the repetitions if

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you want to improve your mass you have to give the body the message that they

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need to get stronger and you don't give the body that message if you lift half

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of what you're capable of so if you can bench press 200 pounds you're not going

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to get stronger lifting 100 you need to get up into 180 hundred and

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ninety pound range to send the body of the message that we need to get better

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to cope with this in the future that's that's just common sense event specific

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training that is things like golf tennis diving gymnastics javelin pole vault

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very technique specific events and all you're doing is you're practicing a

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particular pathway for the brain to connect to a muscle and like we said

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before that we know in in neurologically based chiropractic that practice does

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not make perfect practice makes permanent so for the event specific

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training only when we do something correctly do we actually improve the

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skill then we are fostering those those pathways that perform it correctly so

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stress versus benefit most people when they talk about exercise and there's

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this enormous misnomer and cliche out there no pain no gain that is that it's

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so far from the truth that it is it should be criminal exercise does not

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mean pain sweat and tears exercise simply means to activate the system the

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purpose of exercise is up to you what do you want with it do you want to lose

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weight do you want to get healthy do you want to get more clarity do you want to

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get more energy are you do you want to get more fit are you practicing for

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triathlon are you practicing for a race those are very different purposes so you

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can't train one way and accomplish all of those most elite training most elite

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athletes are not necessarily healthy they're extremely fit but

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they're always pushing their bodies to the limit and it's on the verge of

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breaking down and their internal organs are not typically very happy about it

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they're being very very stressed so health and fitness are not the same

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thing so if you exercise for health we're simply talking about activating

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the system putting your body through ranges of motion and regular activity

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that it is designed for that will maintain the function and that's what

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help is if you want to get fit then you want to start doing things that that

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will make you fit if you want to run a 10k race you have to practice things

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that prepare you for a 10k race simple as that however if you don't exercise it

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is not possible to optimize health it just won't happen your body and brain is

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degenerating from this use and you're aging prematurely if you do not activate

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your system if you exercise more than your body can recover from then your

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exercise is destructive so we that's the first thing that we said that exercises

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stress exercise will break your body down and it's only during the recovery

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that you rebuild it so fortunately the body recovers pretty quickly so for most

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people working out one day they will have recovered within a day or two

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before they do the next workout but a lot of people who get addicted to

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training from front work out every day they're actually not getting better

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they're they're breaking their body down and they're never recovering back up to

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the level that they started

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now another effect of exercise has to do with hormones and there are two hormones

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in particular there's three really with insulin but we covered insulin before

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we've said that we reduce insulin resistance with exercise so now we'll

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talk about cortisol and human growth hormone so cortisol is a stress hormone

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its main purpose is to raise blood sugar so if we produce cortisol on a regular

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basis as part of a an emotional stress response or lifestyle stress response

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that actually contributes to insulin resistance another function of cortisol

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is to inhibit the immune system so chronic production of cortisol is not a

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good thing as a matter of fact it's probably linked to the majority of

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diseases that we experience in the Western world today because most of

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those are linked to blood sugar and immune system so exercise that is

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stressful will trigger cortisol so therefore we can't do that type of

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exercise a whole lot now let's go to this gets even more complicated

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unfortunately human growth hormone is something that increases muscle mass and

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strengthens bone it increases metabolism and fat burning it supports function of

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insulin producing cells that prevents you from becoming diabetic it stimulates

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the system and it even has anti-aging

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properties so human growth hormone is a very very positive hormone it is it's a

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rejuvenating hormone they even give it two elderly people who are going to

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generated past the point of a functional life and they come back to more function

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so we want more growth hormone and we want less cortisol the problem is they

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both respond to high-intensity exercise so how do we get one without the other

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so this is how it works cortisol is triggered by an aerobic workouts above

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120 beats per minute human growth hormone is only triggered by extreme

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intensity workouts so you have to do running or biking or something to get up

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to within five or ten beats of your maximum heart rate so if your heart

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rates 180 165 isn't enough even though that will make plenty of cortisol it's

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not enough to trigger growth hormone to any large extent another way to do it is

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to lift weights if you activate a large muscle group preferably something to do

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with the legs and you get within ninety to a hundred percent of the maximum

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effort so let's say that you're in the in the leg press machine and you can

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squat 300 pounds there and let's say that you can do 250 pounds for six reps

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well if you take 250 pounds and you at your at least eighty percent of your

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maximum and you do a set until near failure that will

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also trigger growth normal because it's a message to the body that we are under

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stress we need to make we need to grow and reproduce and get stronger so that

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we can we can cope with this in the future or if you do less than than going

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to failure you need to get within ninety to ninety-five percent of your maximum

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effort so here's a little bit of dilemma air and aerobic exercise makes cortisol

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which we want to avoid extreme anaerobic exercise makes growth hormone that we

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want so how do we solve this dilemma we will get to that in the next slide here

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so let's just reiterate from 100 to 120 or so is aerobic exercise this will

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increase fat burning it is has very little impact on fitness so if you're

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looking for fitness aerobic pure aerobic exercise isn't going to do a whole lot

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for you it will burn fat it'll make you healthy you'll activate all the systems

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we talked about but you just won't get very fit on the good side it is very low

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stress there's an insignificant amount of cortisol produced then when we get up

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into the hundred 3260 which is typical and aerobic range now the proportion of

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fat burning decreases we're burning proportionately more sugar because we

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need to get the energy faster it still burns fat but not the same percentage

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this will produce more fitness but it also can trade

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into more stress and like we said the court is all now assuming someone's 40

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years old or maximum heart rate is a hundred and eighty they need to get up

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to about a hundred and seventy-five in heart rate or they need to do some

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maximum form of weight weight exercise this is an extreme and aerobic exercise

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so it decreases the initial fat burning so while you're doing this you're not

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really burning any fat you're running on sugar however because of the growth

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hormone release which can increase up to three to four hundred percent in just a

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few seconds worth of work you will improve your metabolism and you will

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increase your fat burning for the next 48 plus hours and this is why elite

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athletes are so ripped that's why they have such a high metabolism because they

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habitually get into that range of working out so their bodies will state

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will burn a lot of fat not during the workout but afterwards this is very high

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fitness and is extreme stress so now we have the basic picture now we need to

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talk about how do we put this together so that we can get most of the benefits

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without killing ourselves soon when we see these middle-aged women in the gym

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with a personal trainer and they have thin legs and they have a big belly that

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they're trying to work off these people are in

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exhaustion the reason that they have that body shape is they have they have

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exposed their bodies to chronic stress they made a lot of cortisol they've

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exhausted their adrenals which make the cortisol and high-intensity and aerobic

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exercise will make it worse they may lose a few pounds from the sheer effort

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but they will make the condition even worse these people cannot get up into

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the range of making more cortisol if they want to get healthy so that's a

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very very important point to know how do we balance this won't for anybody you

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want to do 80 to a hundred percent of your exercise aerobically if you are

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stressed if you have any sign of exhaustion or fatigue or disease or

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problems you need to give a hundred percent of your exercise aerobic you are

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not ready for an aerobic exercise you can do some weight lifting keep it light

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tone do all those things but you do not you will not get healthier by getting

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into the anaerobic zone you will do for balance for for growth hormone we do

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something called peak eight workouts and I will simply send you to mercola com to

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look that up because he talks very warmly about that type of exercise and

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he will also give you good advice about who can and who can't do it and how much

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to do but basically even if you're in absolute fantastic shape you do not want

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to do that more than twice a week and those workouts do not last more than

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10-15 minutes so they have tremendous benefits for growth hormone but you need

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to limit it because they're also very very stressful

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they break your body down it takes many several days to recover even though it's

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only 15 minutes and we're talking from a health perspective so if you're stressed

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obviously you do not want to do any of the peak aids until your body has has

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recovered you can do as you start getting a little better you can do maybe

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a little bit of weight to to trigger the growth hormone but you probably want to

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avoid the high heart rates then you want to do an aerobic workouts in moderation

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if you enjoy it if you like going to the gym and doing the step aerobics and

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which are actually an aerobics they call them aerobics but they are an aerobics

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because they always get over 120 if you enjoy that and you like some fitness go

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ahead because if you're healthy then you'll get more fit and it's not going

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to hurt you but don't do them every day because you will stress your adrenals

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also add weight workouts this is highly recommended because you will activate

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the body and the brain in a different way you will activate muscles and joints

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very appropriately and if you are not in fantastic shape then just keep the

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weights down and keep everything light and easy and then work your way up and

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just to your to a fitness and health level so that wraps it up for the most

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part of the basic principles again the main thing to understand from this is

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that it's not about blood sweat and tears is about activating the body so

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some of the things that i recommend the warmest are things like yoga and tai chi

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and pilates because they work in the arrow week zone they activate your brain

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you take your body through ranges of motion so from a health standpoint all

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of those probably the best thing that you can do

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and then if you want to add on other more intense forms later than that be

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fine too that concludes our presentation for today so if you have any questions

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all we have to take those and now we'll see you next time thank you

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