How To Eat More Fat With Healthy Keto High Fat Foods (Increase Fat)

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Keto high-fat foods. How do you choose the right foods for the right fat so

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that you can maintain keto as a healthy lifestyle? Coming right up So first of

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all keto isn't so much about eating more fat as it is about eating less

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carbohydrates so just real quick the basics ketones is the result of fat

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burning and it's not that you eat more fat it's that you eat less carbs so that

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the body starts to learn how to burn fats again and then ideally you don't

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want to eat so much fat that your body doesn't have to burn fat off the body so

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if your goal is to lose weight then you can still eat too much fat on keto so

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the goal is to get the body to burn the fat off the body and just supply enough

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fats to feel full so the rule is you start off with vegetables you eat

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moderate protein and then you fill up with fats until you're full but don't go

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stuffing yourself because then your body still isn't going to go burn the fat off

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the body so again it's not about more fat it's about less carbs but we know

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that if we eat about 5% net carbs if we have about 20 30 grams of net carbs we

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end up about 5 percent of calories from carbs and we will get into for most

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people we'll get into ketosis but then we also know that proteins shouldn't be

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more than 20 probably because proteins also can turn into sugar and trigger

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insulin so those are the two things that we're looking for less than 5% carbs and

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15 to 20% protein and then it just means that the rest has to come from fat okay

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so that's the the principle behind it so let's look at at some of the foods here

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so if we eat fat or an oil so here we're talking about butter extra virgin olive

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oil cocoa oil lard ghee some kind of natural fat

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that hasn't been processed so butter evil coconut oil they're basically still

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the same molecular structure as in the plant that grew them or in the case of

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butter of course it came from from an animal

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same thing with lard and ghee they're not much changed we haven't processed

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the fat so much that they are damaged and that's why we want to stay away from

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the vegetable oils the safflower the soybean the canola oil etc because

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they're so heavily processed so these foods they have a hundred percent weight

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by fat oils have about a hundred percent butter is about eighty to eighty-five

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percent but the rest is water so percentage-wise hundred percent of the

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calories come from fat then when we look at one of the most popular keto foods

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avocado it has 15% fat by weight so all of these numbers are in grams per a

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hundred grams so it's percentage by weight and percentage by calories

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avocado is 15% fat by weight 2% protein and 2% net carbs so that gives us 90

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percent of calories from fat 5% from protein and 5% from carbohydrate

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so if we see the we're trying to stay below 5% here out of total calories from

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carbs we could essentially eat all avocado and still stay below that level

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so again we don't try to eat just one food but we want to try to get a wide

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variety of foods so don't just pick one and say oh that's the the best number

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I'm gonna eat nothing but that your body likes variety egg is another very

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popular one 10 grams of fat 12 grams of protein 0.7 grams of carbs there's a

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little bit of carb in the yolk but total we get 62% from fat 36% of calories from

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protein and only 2% from carbs so again if we ate all eggs we'd end up

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a little bit high on the protein we might slip out of ketosis but the idea

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is to get a variety sour cream 20 grams of fat 2% 2 grams of protein 3 and a

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half grams of net carbs percentage-wise we get 89% of the calories from fat 4%

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from protein and 7% from carbs coconut cream is very very close to those

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numbers but it's the vegetable source and we get essentially the same numbers

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there then we look at some of the meat products meat and fish so we get I

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picked just as an example ground beef 15% fat has 20% protein no carbs 62

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percent of calories from fat 38 from protein and 0 from carbohydrate and all

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similar meat products are the same so if you take a fatty lamb chop like French

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cut lamb chops they're gonna be about the same bacon it's gonna be really

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close to the same sardines is going to be really close to the same so what we

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want to emphasize here is that it's the quality of the food that matters you

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need to get this from an animal that was healthy a lot of people will look for

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lean meat and I agree if you can't get grass-fed organic then you should

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probably look for lean but as long as the animal is healthy then you want to

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get the high fat meat because it's tastier and it's more satisfying and as

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long as the animal is healthy then that fat is healthy as well so the the type

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of fat in ground beef is going to be similar to that of grass-fed butter it's

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not going to be identical but health-wise the quality is going to be

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similar as long as you don't feed it grain or toxins or anything that's

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unnatural to the animal it's not going to hurt you then let's go

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to some nuts so three of my favorites here are macadamia nuts walnuts and

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pecans and we see that macadamia and pecans have over 70% fat whereas walnuts

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have a little bit less walnuts have a lot more protein but they're both very

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very good because they the carbs you end up with 3% 2% 3% the only ones that's a

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little higher is the protein in the walnuts the other thing that is really

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good about these three nuts is that they taste good raw you don't have to change

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you don't have to process you don't have to roast these because when you do you

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alter you oxidize the fatty acids so these have a lot of polyunsaturated and

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dye unsaturated monounsaturated fats in them and therefore they're very

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sensitive to heat and oxygen so when you roast nuts you make them less healthy

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the the fats become rancid and get damaged to a point I wanted to talk

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about a few more nuts here and contrast that so cashews is one that you want to

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stay away from I included it here just as kind of a warning example because

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even though it has a lot of fat and protein it's also very high in

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carbohydrates almost a third by weight in carbohydrates so it's got seventy

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percent from fat 13 from protein but almost 20% of calories from cashews and

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that's why a lot of people find it very addictive and it's hard to stop eating

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cashews the other part was again that cashews don't taste very good raw you

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could cook with them to an extent but for the most part cashews are roasted

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and then again they're much less healthy than the raw variety so I would eat

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cashews very sparingly peanuts kind of the same thing they're much better as

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far as the carb value we got 50% fat 26% protein

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7% carbs by weight and the carb percentage of calories is still only 5%

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but again you have to roast them so it wouldn't be my first choice and if you

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eat peanuts which I do from time to time make sure that they're organic and they

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don't have a bunch of chemicals added to them a lot of dry roasted chemicals are

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full of msg chemicals and flavor enhancers and of course a lot of

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commercial peanut butter is gonna have sugar added and it's going to be

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partially hydrogenated so that oils don't separate you want to stay far far

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away from those get the organic few additives no additives except salt and

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make sure that it separates because otherwise they messed with it flax is

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again we've done videos on that before and here it just fits right into the to

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the top class we have 1% of carbs are from carb 1% of calories are from

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carbohydrates they're 83% from fat so again some people are concerned with

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eating too much flax and don't look at this and say oh that's the best one I'm

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going to eat nothing but flax eat a couple of tablespoons a day mix it in

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with a good variety of different food lots of vegetables and and you'll be

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fine I wanted to add one thing at the end here because you can also come up

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with different things you can make your own mayonnaise if you make it from good

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quality oil it's still a very healthy thing and one of my favorites is

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hollandaise sauce it's a super yummy sauce you could eat green beans you

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could eat asparagus you could eat broccoli and just pour on the

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hollandaise sauce and you you've got a meal right there and there's a there's a

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video where I'll show you how to make that and it has seventy percent by

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weight in fat six percent protein 2 percent carbohydrates and calories at 95

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percent fat 4 percent protein and only 1 percent

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of calories from carbohydrates so there are a lot of good food choices these are

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the the healthy fats that you want to emphasize again with the exception of

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the the cashew that I brought in as the exception and there is no reason to

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limit yourself and it is not that keto is just about eating a bunch of fats

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like we have talked about but the fats that you eat very very importantly have

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to be whole food they have to be quality foods if they come from healthy sources

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they're good for you if they come from unhealthy sources or if they have been

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processed if man has changed them in a factory if we had heated them or change

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the chemical properties in any way then it's not a good food anymore so I hope

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this was very helpful please leave your comments share this video and thanks for

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