How To Do Keto Right

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doing keto right I'm gonna explain some basics coming right up hey I'm dr.

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Ekberg we're the Wellness for life and if you'd like to get as healthy as

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possible by truly understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything

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the ketogenic diet is getting more and more popular but what is it really all

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about some people want to eat as much fat but it's really more about how much

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carbs you're not eating so the whole idea is to reduce insulin and insulin

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resistance so when we eat something with sugar or carbohydrate then the body has

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to create insulin to get that sugar out of the bloodstream and when we eat carbs

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we get a quick block blood sugar rise so we need a large insulin response and

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over time that leads to insulin resistance and that's the whole purpose

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of the ketogenic diet is to undo the damaging effects of insulin resistance

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so what is a high-fat diet that's really the crux because most people think that

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high fat is anything over 25% fat because most politically correct diets

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are low fat which means 25% or less so when we get up to a 40 or 50 or 60% diet

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they think that's outrageously high fat but the problem is 60% fat isn't high

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enough because it still allows 40% of calories to come from carbohydrates and

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protein and 40% is going to trigger a whole bunch of insulin still so carbs

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have a very strong insulin response proteins have a slight insulin response

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and fat has zero or negligible insulin response so what most people try to do

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when they want to lose weight is that they just try to cut back on everything

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that's called starvation and the body doesn't like starvation in

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the long run so it's not sustainable and that's why most restriction diets don't

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work deprivation diets don't work so if you

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cut back on the carbs then you have to increase something else and the only

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thing that you can increase without creating more insulin resistance is fat

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now the good news is there are healthy fats fat has been demonized because we

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have all these terrible processed fats we have trans fats and processed

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vegetable oils and shortening and all those fats are terrible they will kill

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you but it's not about saturated versus unsaturated it's about processed versus

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unprocessed so what you're looking for is whole healthy fats things like butter

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and coconut oil and olive oil and even lard if it comes from a healthy animal

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of course you can also include healthy vegetable fats and fish fats from

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avocado and fish and nuts and things like that

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those are all good healthy fats and you can eat as much of those as you like so

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the key is in order to get the ketogenic effect in order to get the body to rely

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more on fat burning than carb burning to train your body away from a carb

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metabolism to a fat metabolism then which is the only way to actually start

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burning the fat that is stuck on your body you have to get very very low carb

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so we're talking some people can get away with about 50 grams of carbs a day

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and they start transitioning into a fat-burning metabolism other people

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they're kind of so stuck in their insulin resistance that they have to cut

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way way back maybe as low as 20 grams a day to help the body to transition and

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make those changes so a ketogenic diet can be very beneficial for most people's

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health for some people it might be the only way

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to lose weight without starvation and if we starve ourselves it's not sustainable

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because your body will protest and you'll go right back to what you were

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doing so how do you get into the ketogenic diet how do you transition

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into it without feeling bad all the time so first you want to try to cut out your

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processed foods they're usually very high car but they're also very low

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nutrient so cut out the white sugar the white flour all the breads and cut out

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all of the processed vegetable oils that have no nutrients and are full of

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chemicals and rancid byproducts those are the things that interfere with your

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health so once you've got those out of the way now you have a more

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nutrient-dense food supply for your body and then once you've done that you're

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less dependent on carbs already or not you're gonna have fewer cravings so now

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you start gradually cutting back maybe cut back 10% per week on carbs and

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increase gradually a protein and fat and then once you're more into sort of like

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a Paleo diet you've eliminated grains you're eating mostly vegetables and meat

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and fish and healthy fats now your body is ready so now you can cut your carbs

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way way down and you want to keep track of your carbs you want to keep a food

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diary so that you know how much is going into your body and now you want to get

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it down to 50 40 30 20 grams whatever is necessary for you and everyone is

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different it depends on how our metabolism or size or activity level how

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insulin resistance we are how long we've had it so the only way to be sure is to

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measure your ketones in some way and you can do that by urine or blood or by

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breath and then the next question is once you're in ketosis you're doing fine

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you're losing some weight how long do you need to keep

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that up how long is a right time well for some people they might want to do it

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for a lifetime for other people they may not need to do it for a lifetime so

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after you've done it for six months or a year or two then you might feel like

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you've reached your health goals maybe you have no cravings you've reached a

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stable weights you're feeling good at that point you can either continue to

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doing it or you can try to reintroducing some carbs and I would do that very very

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gradually and I would really notice how the body is doing and the main reason

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that you would want to do it is just to give yourself a little bit more variety

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of foods so you can still on a keto diet what you want to have is a lot of

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vegetables vegetables are low carb they have a very low glycemic index meaning

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that your blood sugar doesn't rise very much because they have a sugar low

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degree of sugar that is embedded in fiber so it's released very very slowly

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in the body so you can have as much non starchy vegetables as you like on a keto

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diet but again if you've met your weight goals and your health goals then you

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might want to start looking at a more variety of foods then introduce it

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slowly notice the changes and make sure that you don't start developing any

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cravings or insulin resistance or anything like that so at that point

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you're basically transitioning into a paleo type diet and again the number of

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carbs is going to be different for everybody at that point some people may

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not need to stay in ketosis so they might get up to 70 80 grams of carbs a

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day and still be fine with that but it's still a low-carb diet and you want to

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understand that white sugar and white flour will never have any major place I

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mean if you have a teaspoon here and there it's probably not gonna kill you

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but it will never have a place in a healthy diet for humans because it's not

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what we're designed to eat if you enjoy this kind of content

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then share it with as many people as you can because this is information that is

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saving lives and we certainly need more information like that and if you're new

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