How To Do Intermittent Fasting For Health - Dr Sten Ekberg Wellness For Life

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How to do intermittent fasting for health. There's always a good way to do

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something and a not-so-good way to do something I'm gonna tell you what you

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need to know am Doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything so

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there's this huge trend it's a movement of intermittent fasting low carb

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ketogenesis and so forth so a lot of people are jumping on the bandwagon and

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for every video out there with good information there's 10 videos with just

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opinions and people tried something and they said oh it works for me therefore

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it must be healthy so we're going to talk about the healthy way to do this we

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have so many people who are obese and we know that that's not very healthy so we

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just assume that the weight is the cause of the unhealthiness and therefore if

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you lose weight you will get healthier and it doesn't work like that it's not

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that simple there's lots and lots of ways to lose weight in a very unhealthy

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way there are lots and lots of skinny people who are very very unhealthy

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skinny people get diabetes skinny people get high blood pressure skinny people

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get cancer so we can't just jump to that conclusion what we want to understand is

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that the weight is not the cause it's the result of an unhealthy lifestyle

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right those opposed to intermittent fasting they typically say things like

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oh well breakfast is the most important meal of the day you have to get started

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with a good bowl of cereal to get your blood sugar up they say that you should

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eat small but frequent meals to make sure that your blood sugar stays up that

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if you're if you don't eat often enough your blood sugar is going to drop well

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all of these things are only true if you have taught your body to rely on carbo-

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hydrates if you've taught your body to rely on frequent meals and on high

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carbohydrate so that you create a blood sugar rollercoaster because then every

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time it goes up it must come down every time it goes down you've got to fill it

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back up so it's this is the quick swings that are creating the problems and then

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of course it seems like a good idea to top off the blood sugar frequently we

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have the same physiology we share the physiology with our ancestors our DNA is

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the same they never had these things so whatever our ancestors developed and

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adapted to that's what's still normal for us and they never had six meals a

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day or three meals a day they had food when they found it they never had

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breakfast unless there might be some leftovers occasionally and their blood

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sugar was level because they didn't have any carbohydrates or not a significant

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amount of carbohydrates they had no grains they had no abundance of

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processed things and starchy things the proponents of the intermittent fasting

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they say oh this is the best thing since sliced bread it's amazing I've tried

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everything to lose weight and now the weights coming off I can eat anything I

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want and there's so many channels out there with videos where they tell you oh

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look I'm eating anything I want I'm eating garbage I'm eating you don't have

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to give up the food you love and look the weights coming off well that is not

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proof of health and a lot of these people doing it are in their 20s and 30s

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so they haven't had a chance to break down their bodies yet they haven't had a

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chance to degenerate to where this becomes a problem and they're saying

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that this is a way for fast weight loss well I'd like you to get over the idea

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once and for all that there is a fast way to do something it's like trying to

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grow an oak quickly it's like yelling at the grass or pulling on the grass to

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make it grow faster nature a certain pace and if it took you a

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certain amount of time to degenerate or create a certain problem or create a

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certain toxicity or deficiency it's gonna take a while to turn it around the

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body has to rebuild the body has to regenerate and do it the right way so

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please get over the idea of a quick fix if you'd like long lasting results you

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have to create a long lasting solution there is no fad or trend or diet that

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you can jump on and get off and get any lasting results not possible

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so both be opposed and the proponents they have a certain point but they're

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not looking at health and they're missing the big picture of what is our

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physiology designed to do so the opposed people they're they're missing what our

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physiology is designed for and the proponents they are missing what health

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is and how the world has changed how our food has changed more in the last 50

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years than it has in the previous 50 thousand when we talk about health you

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have to look at what health is health is not the absence of symptoms health is

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when every cell when every organ is functioning optimally when it has the

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resources to do the job it's supposed to do to think to focus to produce energy

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to digest food to move to not have pain to regulate blood pressure and hormones

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and to send signals and to maintain and and keep up with everything and make

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sure that the next generation of cells next generation of organs because they

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constantly wear out and are we are being rebuilt that the next generation is as

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healthy and has the same work capacity as the previous that's what health is

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when we have a good health reserve and we main

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that has very little to do with symptoms because symptoms happen many many years

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after we have started on that slippery slope

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after we've started to burn our candle in both ends so to speak so cells

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produce all the work they perform all the work in the body and they are

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interfered with by toxins so if you think you can eat anything and you're

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eating a bunch of pesticides and you're eating preservatives and you're eating

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sugar that is a huge stress because it unbalances your entire hormone system

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then you're missing the point nutrients those are what the body needs

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to maintain to rebuild those cells processed foods don't have nutrients the

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nutrients such as fiber and minerals and vitamin complex --is the way they occur

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in nature not in a synthetic little pill essential fatty acids essential amino

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acids all of those things occur in whole real food from nature but they are being

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destroyed and depleted and nuked out of existence when we eat processed foods so

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sure you can lose weight doing this but you cannot maintain health unless you do

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it the right way so absolutely intermittent fasting is healthy it's one

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of the best things that you can do to reverse insulin resistance when you

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every time that you eat if you eat small frequent meals every time that you eat

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you have an insulin response and you're building up your insulin resistance

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you're telling your body with every meal time to store some things time to store

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something because that's what insulin is it's a storage hormone so one of the

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primary benefits of intermittent fasting is that you help with insulin resistance

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and that is the most important factor in obesity and weight gain but it is not

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the only factor in health it is a huge factor in health but it's

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not the only factor because we also have toxicity and deficiency insulin

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resistance wreaks havoc with your physiology on so many levels and the

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proponents when they find out that they can eat anything that they can do these

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things and the way comes off they are addressing insulin resistance but that

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is not the same thing as health so what I would encourage you to do is to start

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skipping breakfast or even before that actually start reducing carbs so that

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you don't have this crazy blood sugar rollercoaster and then once you're on a

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lower carb diet now you're gonna have less violent swings of blood sugar now

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you're not gonna suffer much if you skip a meal here and there and what I would

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suggest is start skipping breakfast and then you take your coffee or your tea or

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whatever beverage you like in the morning and you add a little bit of fat

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to it so I put I have coffee in the morning I put coconut cream I put a

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little bit of butter and I put some MCT oil some medium chain triglyceride oil

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it's it's an oil made from coconut basically but it has certain lengths of

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fatty acids that are especially beneficial to support you so if you do

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that you will probably find that you don't miss breakfast at all and the

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longer you go the more your body gets used to that the easier it gets to not

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just look for the next meal not to have that craving for the next meal so often

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times I'll have my coffee in the morning and then sometimes I'll have lunch at

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1:00 or 2:00 and sometimes I don't I'll just go straight through to dinner five

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or six o'clock I'll have a big meal and that is all I need to eat but you don't

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necessarily want to try to force yourself into doing this but let it

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happen you start stabilizing your blood sugar

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by lowering your carb then you start eating more Whole Foods and then you go

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into skipping breakfast make yourself a drink with some fats and bulletproof

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coffee and then you'll find that your body adapts it gets easier and easier if

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you want to eat twice a day eat twice a day if you want to eat three times a day

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do that but stay away from the processed foods and over time you'll probably want

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to eat less and less often so once you start skipping that that breakfast and

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even though you're getting some calories with the coffee the bulletproof coffee

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you're getting some some energy from that fat that has virtually zero blood

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sugar impact it has no insulin impact so it's like you're still fasting because

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you're not upsetting your blood sugar your body doesn't really change anything

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and then you let's say that you skip breakfast and you have lunch at 12

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o'clock then however late you have your dinner let's say six o'clock now you had

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two meals in that day that's a six hour feeding window means you're fasting for

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18 hours so if you can get to that point then you're already doing pretty well

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with intermittent fasting some people they take it a little further and they

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start pushing the lunch later or the dinner earlier and then eventually just

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go to to one meal but do it when it's when your body feels that it's right

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so start these changes gradually and then just listen to your body but your

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body won't tell you the truth if you keep doing these things if you keep

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eating processed foods if you keep eating junk if you keep eating small

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meals and lots and lots of carbs and sugar now your body is never gonna tell

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you the right thing it's never gonna give you the right messages because

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you're tricking it with chemicals you're tricking it with things that upset

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hormone balance your your making it unable to give you the right the right

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clues to remember that there is no fast way to health sure you can lose some

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weight quickly but that's not health and if you want to get healthy then you have

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to get your cells and your organs healthy you have to provide them some

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nutrients and you have to stop putting toxins in you're going to take some bad

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out put some good in and stay with nature that is the key whenever humans

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have tried to change things or an alter things I have yet to find an example

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where there is a man-made food or chemical that is good for us leave me a

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comment let me know if you have found a man-made chemical that is healthy but I

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I have not seen any evidence of that I've never seen anything come across my

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path so I would strongly recommend intermittent fasting but don't do it as

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a way of losing weight yes it will do that but just learn how to get healthy

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and the way to get healthy is to eat whole food take a whole food supplement

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take some fish oil do things naturally and then you fit that into the idea of

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intermittent fasting so keep all this in mind and if you enjoy this sort of

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content make sure that you share it with as many people as possible because this

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is real clinical knowledge based on results and physiology this is what

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people need everyone that you know needs this stuff so let them know about this

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don't be shy so let me know if this has worked for you and what your experiences

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are and if you have any questions on whether what you have done is a healthy

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way of doing it or not as always thanks for listening

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