How Many STEPS Should You Walk To Stay HEALTHY?

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Hello Health Champions today I'm going to talk  about how many steps you really need per day for  

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Optimal Health so often we hear that number 10  000 it's 10 000 steps a day as if there was some  

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magical number and the reason we keep hearing that  is that research has shown that people who walk  

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more they are healthier they live longer they have  less disease they lose weight better they have  

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lower incidence of type 2 diabetes cardiovascular  disease dementia and so on but this research also  

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shows that 2 000 steps is a lot better than  nothing and it shows that ten thousand steps is  

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better than five thousand so more steps of walking  more is better than walking less for your health  

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and some Research indicates that people have more  of a hunter-gatherer lifestyle that we can assume  

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our ancestors had they probably take upwards of  thirty thousand own steps a day so that would be  

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how much our bodies are genetically designed for  or how much we would actually need but the problem  

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with all this research and all the people quoting  the research and trying to come up with guidelines  

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is they don't explain anything about why steps or  walking would do this is there something magical  

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about steps so basically these recommendations  now just become something else that we should  

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do but you do not need another should we need to  understand how this stuff works so first you need  

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to light yourself enough you need to care enough  about yourself to want to take care of yourself  

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the best way you can then you want to understand  why steps would help or what other types of  

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activity would help and what it does and then  you can start doing it right so first of all it's  

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not really about steps but it is an indicator of  your overall activity because for a lot of people  

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it's the only exercise they get is walking and  therefore if you walk more than you have a higher  

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overall activity but really what this walking  or activity does is it provides three things  

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one is brain stimulation it provides circulatory  benefits and hormonal benefits now why would brain  

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stimulation be so important because every cell  in your body every tissue works on the principle  

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of use it or lose it resources are precious in  the body so if we don't use something then why  

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keep it around so basically muscles need tension  the purpose of a muscle is to create tension if  

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we do that we get muscles if we stop doing that  if we have less tension now we get atrophy use  

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it or lose it same thing with bones the purpose of  Bones is to resist gravity if we have less gravity  

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or if we have less activity that exposes us to  the impact of gravity now we get osteoporosis  

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now the purpose of the brain is to receive and  process and produce signals so if we have enough  

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signals we're going to have a strong brain but  if we start having less signals for the brain  

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to process now we get brain degeneration which  is just another word for atrophy meaning the  

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tissue shrinks and goes away and if you want to  create more signals for the brain then you need  

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to start understanding where they come from and  the vast majority of signals come from Movement  

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we have three tissues primarily joints muscles  and tendons that pick up different aspects of  

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motion and tension and transmitted to the brain as  signals and motion obviously is all about joints  

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we have over 300 joints in the body and over a  hundred of those are in the spine but it doesn't  

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even end there it's about receptor density it's  how many receptors we have per square inch and we  

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need a whole lot more of them where it's important  so recep chapters increase in density as we get  

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closer to the midline of the body and the increase  as we go from the bottom to the top so basically  

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the spine and closer to the head is where we get  the biggest bang for the buck and even though most  

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of the signals are generated for movement out of  those signals more than 90 percent are generated  

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from the spine and especially the upper portion  of the spine and if you start understanding some  

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of that then it's not just how many steps you  take but it is how you walk and there's a huge  

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difference if you walk actively and you create  some motion in the whole body or if you're just  

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staring at your phone and stepping along like  this it's not the number of steps it is how many  

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signals are generated as you do it so here's  what's happening when you walk if you have a  

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person who's facing this way then the they have  different Curves in the spine and the first first  

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curve in the neck is called lordosis or lordonic  curve and then as you get into the chest it turns  

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the other way and it's called a kyphosis then you  get into the lumbars and now it turns the other  

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way again and then it finishes in the sacrum so  we basically have one two three curves and these  

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act as shock absorbers it's like a spring that as  you're walking and bouncing a little bit then the  

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brain and the head and the tissues are protected  by this spring action and this is one more curve  

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than most other land animals are going to have  if they walk on all fours if they're not fully  

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upright then they only need two curves but with  these three curves we have more shock absorption  

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when we're walking fully upright so therefore your  posture when you're walking is hugely important  

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because if you have a proper posture and your  upright now these curves are going to flow one  

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into the other they're going to cooperate you're  going to get more motion from each little bounce  

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of the spring you're going to get more signals  generated into the brain whereas if you don't have  

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a good posture if you're walking hunched over  and you're looking at your iPad or your phone  

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now you're not getting nearly the same number of  signals generated another thing that matters with  

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the posture is the intensity so you basically have  one if we look at the body from the top now there  

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is one axis through the hips and one axis through  the shoulders so if you're walking in a full range  

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of motion and Swinging your arms now you're going  to have a rotation a counter rotation between the  

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shoulders and the hips and now we're getting more  of that motion into the body the next benefit is  

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circulatory when you walk you increase your heart  rate you increase your circulation and when you  

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pump more blood you increase the oxygenation  you deliver more oxygen and more nutrients  

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to every cell in the body and while the blood is  doing that is also picking up more waste so it's  

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a form of detox it's assisting your body in its  detoxification process but just how much blood are  

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you pumping what is the circulation so let's just  give a couple of examples here that your heart  

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fills up with blood and then when it's full it  squeezes it back out that's called stroke volume  

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the amount and that's roughly 70 milliliters and  on average people have about a heart rate of 70  

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beats per minute so we multiply that out and we  get five liters of blood circulating every minute  

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and that's also roughly how much blood a normal  person has five liters so you circulate all your  

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blood on average every minute at rest but when you  exercise now you increase the circulation so the  

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blood is also coming back faster to the heart and  it's filling up the heart faster and more so if we  

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fill it more the heart is going to squeeze harder  more effectively and we could actually double that  

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stroke volume and if we increase the stroke volume  and the heart rate we could pump as much as 17  

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liters of blood in something as simple as walking  it's not even like maximum effort here and even if  

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these numbers don't apply exactly to you it gives  you the idea that you can dramatically increase  

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that circulation by something as simple as walking  but there are more benefits than just the heart  

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pumping there are other pumping mechanisms from  exercise so when you walk there is a squeezing  

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of the calf and you have veins in the calf that  the muscles squeeze on it and it helps return  

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the blood to the heart and this is very important  mechanism this is also why walking helps reduce  

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varicose veins because we help reduce that  venous pressure in the lower extremity and one  

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more pumping mechanism is in all of the joints so  in every joint you have something called synovial  

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fluid and it's very important for the body to keep  the blood circulation separate from the inside  

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of the joint where the synovial fluid is because  those red blood cells could destroy the joint and  

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therefore the the blood only gets to the outside  of the joint and the inside of the joint is very  

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poorly oxygenated so the the nutrients and the  oxygen are diffused by a pumping mechanism as we  

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move the joint we're kind of squishing that fluid  around and that is how we get new fluid in and  

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old fluid and nutrients and waste out so cartilage  for example has no vascularity there are no blood  

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vessels in cartilage but we still need to get some  nutrients there cartilage heals very very slowly  

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if at all but we still need to get some nutrients  there and this pumping action from motion is what  

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drives that so here you basically want to think  of SpongeBob that if you squeeze the fluid out  

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and then you let go now it's going to suck fluid  back in so that's another very important mechanism  

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from exercise and walking but exercise also has  hormonal benefits and one of those is that you  

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increase growth hormone with all activity there's  a little bit of growth hormone increase and  

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there's also an increase in something called bdnf  brain derived neurotrophic factor and these two  

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put together are essential for making new synapses  for making new Pathways in the brain for improving  

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neuroplasticity and helping the brain learn  and in all the other things the brain does so  

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there's an enormous benefit to exercise for brain  health and another benefit is that it will reduce  

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the dependence on insulin walking you will use  up some carbohydrates that will reduce the need  

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for insulin but more so the cells the muscles when  they're active they don't need hardly any insulin  

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to get the glucose into the muscle so an active  muscle is much more insulin sensitive and it's  

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not enough just to walk if you have a fatty liver  and you're extremely insulin resistance if you're  

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metabolically unhealthy that's not going to be  enough just to do some walking but it's one part  

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of the solution so it absolutely helps now once  we talk about all these benefits of growth hormone  

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bdnf and Insulin I talk a lot about those on this  channel and the most powerful way to address that  

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is high intensity exercise and fasting that's  what's going to make the biggest change in these  

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but like I said every part counts and walking  absolutely helps but what is so special about  

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walking is there anything special because most  of the benefits that we talked about the brain  

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stimulation the circulatory the hormonal we can  get from all kinds of different activities but  

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there is one thing that's special about walking  and that is called cross crawl so we have a gate  

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pattern that when you're walking you're moving one  leg forward and the opposite arm forward at the  

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same time so left leg forward right arm forward  right leg forward left arm forward that's called  

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a cross crawl pattern that's our normal gait  pattern and why is that so important because  

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it is something that is patterned into our nervous  system and it is one of the most fundamental and  

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the strongest the most powerful patterns it has  a huge influence on how the brain is organized  

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and what they have found actually is that there  is a strong connection between babies who don't  

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get to crawl and an increased risk for attention  deficit for an increased risk of Dyslexia and kids  

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who don't get to crawl properly also are more  poorly coordinated they don't have as much  

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coordination and because of that they are more  prone to injuries and hopefully you can see that  

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this is mostly about creating signals at this  point and if we want to create more signals  

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then there are certain factors that influence how  many signals we create so speed the velocity of a  

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movement is highly influential the amplitude if  we make a small motion or a big Motion makes a  

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big difference and the number of repetitions so if  you do it once it's not very much if you walking  

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and you get a thousand repetitions that starts  adding up and the fourth factor is the complexity  

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if we do something very repetitive it's not very  challenging for the brain now walking is great for  

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the reasons we talked about because it reinforces  a very basic organizational pattern in the body  

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but if we want to create more signals overall we  also want to do things that are complex so if we  

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involve more variety it's more challenging for the  brain so arm swing is one factor for complexity  

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and we want to make sure that we swing our arms  that we have a full arm swing and symmetrical  

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arm swing one of the first signs of neural  degeneration such as Parkinson's and dementia  

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is a loss of arm swing when people walk like this  very often it's because their brains don't work  

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well enough to create an arm swing so it's a sign  of degeneration but you can also use it as therapy  

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by swinging your arms more you're creating more  Sigma emails you're reinforcing those beneficial  

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patterns if you want to increase complexity in  other ways then you can walk on uneven terrain  

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because now when the ground is uneven now there is  more adapting more compensating more adjusting for  

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the brain to do so something like Trail hiking  will improve the complexity and if you get out  

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in the wilderness where everything is completely  unpredictable you have to step over things and  

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bend under things now there's even more complexity  there but a lot of activities with varied Behavior  

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are totally fine things like dancing or tennis  and badminton where you move quickly in different  

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directions and you have to use a lot of balance  and Agility all of these are great examples of  

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how to increase the complexity and increase the  signal so if you understand this then it's not  

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about just strapping on some step counter and  getting to ten thousand you can get a lot more  

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benefit with fewer steps if you understand how  this works so my recommendation is that you do  

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something because something is a lot better than  nothing when it comes to exercise and the next  

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rule is that more is better until it is not so  it's very possible to over train and people who  

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get really hooked on an activity they sort of get  addicted to it and that's not what we're looking  

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for if you're over training then you might start  feeling worn down and that's how you can notice if  

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you pay attention to the body if you're losing  some of the spring in your step if you start  

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getting aches and pains if you don't feel fresh  going into a workout or if it feels like you're  

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not recovering properly then it's probably time  to back off and everyone has a different starting  

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point but I think 30 minutes per day of gentle to  moderate activity would be something to strive for  

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and I put 30 plus here because if you keep it  at a low intensity like walking or hiking then  

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you really can do it for hours every day and  you're not going to wear yourself down but it  

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comes down to your level of fitness and how much  time you have on your hand ends and your overall  

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joint health and so forth so just use common sense  but at least 30 minutes probably five six times  

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a day I would not strive for seven times a day  unless it's very gentle because you do want to  

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give your body some recovery and then I suggest  you add some stretching because stretching also  

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sends massive amounts of signals to the brain  but it also acts as a reset so your body and  

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your brain talks all the time the brain gets a  certain sense of the length of the muscles and  

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the tension on the tendons and when you stretch  you're helping the brain create a reset so it's  

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like the brain gets back to a Baseline and starts  understanding the body better and then you want  

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to add some variety because we talked about all  the benefits of walking like the gate pattern  

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that's a special benefit but walking is not very  complex it's not all that demanding it's pretty  

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repetitive so you put the walking the steps in as  a foundation and then you add some variety you add  

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different Hobbies whatever you enjoy doing and if  you're one of those hundreds of millions of people  

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who get blood work every year by your doctor but  no one ever explains to you what it means then  

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you might consider taking my blood work course  I release that for people who want to understand  

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more about their body to take charge of their  health so if you understand your markers and you  

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understand the early changes now you don't have to  wait for it to become a problem if you can catch  

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things like anemia and hypothyroid and insulin  resistance and type 2 diabetes and understand  

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these markers at a very early level then you never  have to develop a problem that's what prevention  

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is and in this course we'll also talk about some  of the reasons reasons and what to look for in  

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terms of stubborn weight why does everyone seem to  lose weight five times faster than you do and also  

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a huge problem is people don't understand the  real risk factors for heart disease they just  

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look at the total cholesterol if it's to over  200 their doctor says here's your prescription  

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for a Statin where total cholesterol is one of  the last things that you want to be concerned  

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with when it comes to risk of heart disease so  by understanding all of this and really taking  

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ownership of your health now you can take charge  and make some changes and improve your health and  

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reduce your risk for disease if you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one and if you  

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truly want to master Health by understanding how  the body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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