How Long Does It Take To Reverse Insulin Resistance?

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How long does it take to reverse insulin  resistance? In order to answer that question,  

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there are several things that we need  to understand, like what are some of  

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the mechanisms of insulin resistance and  how can we measure and keep track of them,  

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so we know if we're making progress. What  if we'd like to make it happen faster? Then,  

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what are some things that we can do to  speed it up? Is there even such a thing as  

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a complete reversal? What do we have to look  forward to, and after we have reversed it,  

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what kind of lifestyle do we have to  adopt to stay insulin sensitive? Today,  

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we're going to talk about all those things so that  you have a really clear picture, coming right up.

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I'm Dr. Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a  former Olympic decathlete, and if you want to  

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truly master health by understanding how the body  really works, make sure that you subscribe and  

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss  anything. This is one of the most common questions  

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I've received, so I decided to make a video to  try to answer as many aspects as possible. And  

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when people ask, they want to know, "Why is my  glucose still high? How long is it going to take  

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for my glucose, my fasting glucose readings, to  change? How long is it going to take for my A1C  

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to come down? My doctor says my glucose, my A1C,  is too high. They want to keep giving me meds. How  

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long do I have to take those meds?" And then they  ask, once they've understood a little bit more,  

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maybe they start asking about, "Well, what about  insulin and HOMA-IR? How long is it going to take  

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for that to change?" And then they want to know  about setpoint. Does the body have a tendency to  

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go back to a certain weight? Does it change its  metabolism to get back to its setpoint? It's like  

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there's a cell memory. And then, finally, there is  the issue of genetics. So, all of these things are  

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criteria that influence the mechanism or the  measurement of insulin resistance. So, we'll  

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deal with those in some more detail, but just a  real quick review to understand the mechanism:  

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that this is a long-term process. There's a lot of  people, whether it's diabetes or whether it's neck  

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pain or some other ailment, and people say, "Oh,  well, it just happened. I was diagnosed just last  

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week. This is a new thing." And when it comes to  health, unless there was a trauma, unless you fell  

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down the stairs or you were in a car accident,  there is no such thing as a new thing. It has  

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developed over time. It is an adaptation.  Blood sugar, insulin, insulin resistance,  

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it's an adaptation. We exposed it to something,  it does its best to balance things out despite the  

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things we're doing to it, but in the end, it can't  keep up with the adaptations. We want to think of  

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the body and insulin as having a carbohydrate  tolerance machine. You have a machine that can  

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process carbohydrate. It has a certain threshold,  a certain endurance of how long and how much it  

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can do that, and if you just push it too far,  too long, then you basically broke it. And if  

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you broke it, then you have to take some more  forceful steps, some more dramatic steps in order  

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to reverse it, then you would have to do just to  maintain it. You eat something, and your glucose  

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goes up. Your blood glucose increases. Then the  body produces insulin in an appropriate amount,  

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in a sufficient amount to get the glucose  out of the bloodstream and into the cell,  

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and maintain a normal glucose level. Ultimately,  the goal of even having blood glucose is to  

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deliver it to the cells. So the goal itself is  not a certain level of glucose; it's to maintain  

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a certain level to maintain a steady fuel delivery  to the cells of the body. But insulin is necessary  

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to get the glucose from the bloodstream and into  the cells. Initially, there is a balance. There's  

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only a little bit of insulin required for a little  bit of glucose, and we are what we call insulin  

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sensitive. But as the years go by, the more sugar  we eat, the more carbs we eat, the more frequently  

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we eat, the more blood sugar there is, the harder  it is for the insulin to get the sugar into the  

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cells because there's more sugar, and eventually,  the cells don't want it, so the insulin goes up  

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and up and up. So after five or ten years, then  the glucose might still be normal because the body  

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is producing enough; it's succeeding at keeping  the glucose at a certain level. And the diabetes,  

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it doesn't happen until we've come so far that the  insulin isn't sufficient. There is no amount of  

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insulin, almost, that will get the sugar into the  cell because the cells have become so resistant,  

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and that's where we get severe insulin resistance,  with pre-diabetes and diabetes. But the thing to  

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understand is that this did not happen overnight.  We're talking decades, for the most part.  

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Some people that are a little bit genetically  predisposed, they have less tolerance, they might  

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break the machine in five years, but other people,  it probably takes 20 years, for the most part, to  

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break the machine, if you will. So now, let's come  back and talk about some of these criteria. So,  

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we know that the problem is too much sugar, too  much carb, driving insulin. The cells resisted,  

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so the glucose stays in the bloodstream, and we  get high blood glucose. So, people want to ask,  

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"When is that coming down?" It's gonna vary  a lot. For some people, as soon as they stop  

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eating sugar, if they just don't put sugar in  their mouth for a week or a couple of weeks,  

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then their blood sugar goes down. Other people  have to be more dramatic. They might cut out all  

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sugar, they might go into ketosis, they might  do fasting, and that will bring it down. But  

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some people do that, and it still stays high  for weeks or even months. Even if the glucose  

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stays relatively high, even if it's reading a  hundred and fifty, hundred and sixty, even 170,  

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but you have stopped eating carbohydrate,  your body is reversing the process, even if it  

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takes months to get there. Because once you stop  putting carbohydrates and sugar into your system,  

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then the body doesn't have to fight so hard to get  it out, so it's not gonna make more insulin, until  

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you eat something else. So we've talked about  this in some other videos on dawn phenomenon,  

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but the point is, that is still the thing that  comes down the fastest. Whether it happens in  

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days or weeks or months, it's still the thing that  changes the fastest. The second fastest thing is  

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your A1C, which is a three to four-month average  of blood glucose. Glucose changes by the hour;  

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A1C changes by the month. So even if your blood  glucose goes from a hundred and sixty to ninety  

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almost in a few days, almost overnight, it's still  gonna take... There's no point in measuring A1C a  

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week later because it'll have changed maybe zero  point something. But in four to six weeks, you'll  

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see a significant change, and in several months is  when you start seeing dramatic differences where  

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you can get into a normal range. Then people ask,  "Well, how long do I have to take medication?" And  

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I'm not a medical doctor, so I can't give you  advice on medication, but just understand that  

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they gave you the medication because your blood  sugar was too high. But once your blood sugar  

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comes down, or once you stop putting sugar into  your system, you basically don't need the meds,  

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or don't need as much. But that's a discussion  that you have to take up with your medical  

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doctor. But the need for meds essentially follows  the glucose and the A1C because that's what the  

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meds are there for, to lower glucose, and that's  why they were prescribed, because you had a high  

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glucose or in high A1C. But now we're getting  to insulin and the HOMA-IR, the measurement,  

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the blood test, to measure how much insulin,  how hard does the body have to work, how much  

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insulin does it have to produce to keep the blood  level, blood glucose level where it is right now.  

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And this is something that takes years, decades.  Remember, the glucose only came up at the end,  

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once pre-diabetes turned into diabetes. Glucose  really shot up. That's at the end of a 20-year  

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process. But now, you've had 20 years of becoming  insulin resistant, so therefore, this is going  

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to change very, very slowly. We're talking months  for some people who are not so insulin resistant,  

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but for people who are very insulin resistant,  even if you do all the things right, you can  

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probably expect it to take years to truly get that  insulin resistance down. Some people might have to  

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do fasting, for extended fasts, three, four,  five days, a week, maybe two weeks, and every  

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time they do that, the insulin levels will drop  a little bit, but you might have to do that many,  

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many times to get it down into a normal range.  Then, number five, cell memory and setpoint. So,  

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this is more of a conceptual thing. That it's not  something we can measure specifically, like where  

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is your setpoint, but we know that there is such  a thing because people's metabolism change. That  

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if you are burning a certain amount of calories,  and then you eat fewer calories, but you maintain  

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insulin levels, then your body will lower its  metabolic rate. It will adjust to try to get back  

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to that setpoint, and you will have a ravenous  hunger. The body will do everything it can to  

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get back to the point where it thinks you need  to be. And we want to think of this as a habit.  

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Your cells have habits. They develop. There's a  certain momentum after you've done something for  

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20 years. There's a lot of momentum, there's a lot  of memory, there's a lot of habit in the body. And  

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these things are good and they're bad. For someone  who has been in really good shape physically,  

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for someone who has had a lot of muscle, and then  they get out of shape, it's gonna be pretty easy  

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for them to get back in shape because the body  remembers. It knows that, "Hey, I used to do  

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that. I used to be that." But unfortunately,  the same thing holds true for being overweight  

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and insulin resistance. The body remembers. And  here, we have to understand that this is going  

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to be years to change this. And the longer it's  been there, and the more severe it's been there,  

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the more dramatic and the longer, the more patient  we have to be to reverse it. There is a very  

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strong genetic component to insulin resistance.  That some people are just born into having an  

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easy time to gain weight. For one example, the  Pima Indians lived in North America, and they  

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had no diabetes. But as soon as they were exposed  to processed foods, they developed over 50 percent  

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type-2 diabetes. So, they had a very strong  component. So, that's unfortunate if you have  

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the genetics for it. But the good news is that  you can still reverse the insulin resistance. You  

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can still develop a lifestyle where you don't have  to have diabetes. The unfortunate thing though is  

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that whatever genes you have, they're yours. You  were given them at conception. You've had them all  

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your life. There's really nothing that you can do  about that. You can't change genetics, but you can  

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change epigenetics. You can change how you express  those. And if you don't give your body sugar,  

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then it's not going to become diabetes. So, the  main theme to understand there is that there is  

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a huge variation between people, but that there's  still sort of an order between these different  

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criteria. So, if we look at insulin resistance on  the vertical scale here, so if we start off with  

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a lot of insulin resistance, and then we start  creating a lifestyle to reverse it, then the first  

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thing that's going to go is glucose, and that's  going to happen relatively fast. That can happen,  

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like we said, in days or weeks. Sometimes it'll  take a little bit longer. Insulin is going to  

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take longer. It'll be months and years. But then  finally, if you want to sort of totally reverse  

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insulin resistance, I don't know that it is 100%  reversible. I think, based on the setpoint and the  

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cell memory, we probably always retain a little  bit of what has been. But the longer that we go,  

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the more the body sort of forgets. The longer we  go without doing something, and we have another  

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lifestyle, the more the body replaces the old  memory with the new. So, there's no definite  

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time here, but we're definitely, certainly talking  years. What if we want to speed it up? If we want  

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this to happen as fast as possible, then wherever  we are, whatever our personal circumstances are,  

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we can still make it happen faster for us by  understanding the order of the powerful tools  

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that we have. So, the first tool we have is  exercise. Just putting your body into motion,  

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increasing circulation, increasing energy  expenditure, changing hormones. We've done  

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lots of videos on that, so understand how to  exercise the right way to maximize the good  

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hormones and to minimize the bad hormones. We also  talked a lot about cortisol and stress, and we've  

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got videos on that. But you want to reduce stress.  If you have a lifestyle that has a lot of stress,  

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you could make cortisol that drives insulin and  blood sugar. So, if that's a big factor for you,  

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then work on reducing stress. And again, learn how  to exercise so you minimize stress and maximize  

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the benefits. And these are in order of the power.  So, the further down the list here we go, the more  

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powerful they become. So, in this order, exercise  is the least powerful. Your stress reduction is  

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next. Now we're getting into the really powerful  ones, and that's a low-carb high-fat diet,  

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to teach your body to go from carbohydrate  metabolism to fat-burning metabolism. And  

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that's done by reducing the carbs in that the  primary fuel available is fat, and eventually,  

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the body starts using the fat. Keto is just a  very strict version of low carb high fat. Keto  

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is low carb high fat, but low carb high fat isn't  necessarily keto. Keto is when you put your carbs  

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so low that your body burns fat, and a byproduct  of that is something called ketones. Ketones  

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become brain fuel; they become an alternate fuel  for the body. And if we can measure ketones,  

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then that's proof that the body has switched  from carbs to fat very significantly, that  

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the vast majority of energy that we're burning is  ketones, is fat, and ketones as a by-product. And  

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the most powerful tool we have is fasting. So, we  can start with intermittent fasting, or we can do  

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longer fasts. I recommend people do it gradually  and look up some of the other videos on fasting.  

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In order of importance, you want to exercise, you  want to reduce stress and cortisol, you want to  

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reduce your carbs, get into ketosis, and do some  fasting. That's how you make it happen faster. But  

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is it even possible to reverse it completely? We  have to understand, what does it mean to reverse  

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it? And that comes back to the criteria. So,  your medical doctor, he's going to be happy.  

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He's going to consider it reversed as soon as  your glucose and your A1C is normal. But does  

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that mean that you can go back to eating normal?  That's a very common question. So, I'm doing this  

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now. When can I go back to eating normally again?  So, this depends on what we think normal food is.  

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What does that mean? The majority of people in the  Western world think that normal is the way that  

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we've eaten for the last two, three generations.  But that is very, very different from how we ate  

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the previous several thousand generations. So,  the way we've been eating, normal, the standard  

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American diet, is not something that you're ever  going to go back to, because that's the diet,  

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that's the diet full of chemicals and sugar and  processed foods, that forced your body into this  

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adaptation in the first place. So, if you do  something to reverse it, to undo the adaptation,  

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you can't go back and doing the thing that caused  the problem in the first place. So, in that sense,  

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if you think that's what the goal is, then it is  not reversible. You will not be able to go back to  

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eat normal. What you will be able to do is to eat  real food and maintain a healthy lifestyle. So,  

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standard American diet is terrible. It has tons of  sugar, tons of chemicals, tons of processed foods.  

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The USDA recommendation suggests that you eat  whole food, that you eat at least 50% of grains  

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from whole grains, and so forth, but they still  tell you to eat about 300 grams of carbohydrate.  

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And based on their recommendations of added sugar,  no more than 10% of calories, 3 cups of dairy,  

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6 ounces of grain, and so on, so much fruit, more  than half of this 300 grams is actually sugar. So,  

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even though the USDA is an improvement on the  standard American diet, it is not enough. It's  

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not enough of a change to keep you insulin  sensitive after you have reversed this. The  

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USDA diet may work for a very small percentage who  are physically active and who have never developed  

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insulin resistance, and for people who lead an  active lifestyle and don't eat too many meals.  

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But it is not recommended. I don't recommend  that. And if you have insulin resistance,  

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then this will push you toward more insulin  resistance. So, while it is slightly better  

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than the SAD because it tells people to  some of the soda and the processed foods,  

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it is only slightly better. There's only a nuance  difference, really, between the standard American  

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diet and the USDA. So, we have to understand that  the food we have been eating is not going to work.  

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You will not go back to that normal lifestyle  because it isn't normal. That's not food. It  

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is fake food. It is chemicals. It's processed  foods. It's imposter food. It's frankenfoods.  

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We need to start understanding what real food is.  So, meat and vegetables, some, for some people,  

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some beans and tubers, roots, thinks that grow on  the planet. I think a lot of people will be able  

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to go back to what's called a low-carb diet, that  might be about a hundred grams of carbohydrate.  

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But you still want to eat mostly whole food. I put  a question mark there because that's not going to  

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be everybody. If you have a stubborn setpoint and  if you have a genetic predisposition, then that's  

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probably not going to be strict enough. I think  most people are going to be able to maintain their  

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insulin sensitivity if you do these things for  a few years and you get your blood values too,  

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and your insulin to where you want it to be.  I believe you'll be able to maintain it on  

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a low-carb diet, which I think starts around 75  grams of net carbs per day. And for some people,  

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again, they might start gaining weight, they might  start increasing their insulin resistance, their  

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HOMA-IR, even on 75 grams. And then you want to  learn how to find the balance in your situation,  

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with low-carb, high-fat, keto, and how much  intermittent fasting do you have to do? Some  

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people might be able to do an 18-6, that they eat  for six hours a day, two or three meals, maybe,  

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or two meals, and then it would be OMAD, one meal  a day. But whatever it is, you have to find out  

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what the balance is for you. And on my previous  video, somebody commented and said that, "Oh,  

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you throw so many options up there. It's like  you're just throwing enough up there to see if  

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something is gonna stick. You don't seem very  sure of yourself." Well, I'm not. I'm sure of  

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the principles, but no one can say what's going to  work for you. What we're... we fall into the trap  

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where we want someone to do a study, and we want  someone to determine the one thing that's going to  

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work, and biology doesn't work like that. If they  do a study and they put people through a low-carb  

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program and they said that the average weight  loss, the average reduction in insulin was 20%,  

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that doesn't mean that everyone had a 20%  reduction. That means some people got a 50%  

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reduction, and some people got a 20% increase.  And you don't know which one you're going to be.  

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That's why there is no one recommendation. That's  why they can never do research and find one thing  

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that's going to work for everybody because there's  always a range. That's why we have to understand  

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several different factors, and we have to be  patient, and we have to understand it's important,  

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that it's worth it to learn and develop  this lifestyle, with trial and errors,  

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that we find the balance that works for us. And  if you enjoyed this video, I think you're going  

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to love that one too. Thank you so much for  watching, and I'll see you in the next video.

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