How Healthy Do You Want To Be? - Dr Ekberg

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Today I wanted to talk about the health continuum because most people when you

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ask them if they're healthy they say yes or no. They think it's a yes or no answer

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They think that health is something that you have or don't have. It's something

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that you are or you're not. Stay tuned and I'll explain I am doctor Ekberg with

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Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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So that you don't miss anything Health is a continuum Health is a degree

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of function, so we want to think of it as all the way from a hundred percent to

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zero percent so on this continuum hundred percent would be the best

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possible health that you can have it's top function top energy everything in

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the body is working optimally and there's probably very few if any people

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like that on the planet the rest of us are somewhere on this continuum all the

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way down to zero percent which is death so the question is where are we and

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where do we want to be so the problem is that we start out in life around

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eighteen to twenty years old we've we've grown we've developed and we probably

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have the most health that we will ever have we have high function we have

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wellness we have optimal health we we sleep well we have energy we have focus

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but then as we go through the years we kind of slip down the scale and a lot of

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these changes are so gradual that we don't really notice and then we get into

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our 30s and 40s and 50s and we think that we're still doing okay we're having

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adequate health we sleep well most of the time or some time and then we have

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fair health and we have trouble focusing and we don't sleep so well we don't have

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so much energy but we still think we're doing okay because everyone else around

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us seem to be having being in the same boat kind of in the same situation and a

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lot of us even at that point we really have any symptoms we just have

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less health we have lost a lot of health but not so much as to develop symptoms

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and then we get down to poor health and then we get into symptoms and now we're

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suffering now we think oh here all of a sudden we think that now I'm not healthy

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anymore but it was a process it was something that we lost over a long

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period of time usually decades it's it was a gradual slip and slide but then a

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symptom shows up suddenly and all of a sudden we think oh wow now this happened

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out of the blue no it didn't we were working our way down for a long long

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time and then we get into the area where we have less and less health so now we

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have symptoms and now we have disability and we have disease and we have loss of

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function we suffer we have pain we can't do the things in life that we enjoy we

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don't have the energy we don't sleep and so on and so on and down at this level

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of course this is where we start using more and more medication more and more

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drugs to treat the symptoms to get past a pain or high blood pressure or

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something like that and somewhere around here is also where a lot of people will

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come into our office and say oh yeah I had this pain it came out of the blue

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and by the way I have I have heartburn and high blood pressure and high

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cholesterol but don't worry it's under control because my medication keeps it

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at a normal level so these people are down here they're on medication for

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their symptoms and their health is slipping and they think they're doing ok

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they they believe that they're healthy because the medication is interfering

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and keeping something at a specific level we have interfered we have pushed

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something to where we think it should be against the body's will and now we think

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they were doing ok so that's one of the mindsets that we have to change we're

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not okay on drug there's something that isn't

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working we need to address the underlying causes in the fine print for

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chiropractic for example the insurance that covers chiropractic they

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specifically say that this plan does not cover wellness care if the symptoms go

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away you can't treat them anymore so what

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that means and it's the same in medicine you're only allowed to treat symptoms so

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if you're near death or if you have a disease or disability or symptoms then

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you can treat the patients but only up to the point of poor health you can't

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treat them any further than that it's not part of the plan and I don't

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think it should be because I think health insurance which isn't health

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insurance but disease insurance should be for accidents and traumas and things

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like that I think that we need to understand that health is our

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responsibility no one else there is no one else's responsibility no one else is

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going to pay for you to get healthy they will assist you to get maybe to hear but

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it's your job to attain optimal health it's your job to understand what health

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is and work your way up to understand what the body needs

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what is interfering with the body what is the body missing and that the body is

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chemical structural emotional it has certain requirements if you provide them

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then the body will continue healing and you will get up to optimal health

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whatever that is for your age as we age it is not inevitable it is not a must

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that we get down into these levels there's a lot of people in their 90's

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and hundreds who are up at this level having functional symptom-free lives it

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is up to us to understand how this works and is our responsibility to work our

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way up so remember health is not something that

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you have or don't have it's a continuum and you decide we're on that continuum

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you want to be it's called lifestyle it's called choices educate yourself

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following the mainstream living by default isn't good enough anymore that

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the world we live in doesn't allow us to stay up here unless we do something by

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choice and understand how this works the reason we're making this channel is

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to save lives to reduce suffering so everyone in the world needs to know this

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information there's very very few people who truly get this who truly are healthy

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so share these videos share the links spread the message you can't change

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people's minds but you can sow a seed help them get that seed and see what

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happens if you are new to this channel and you enjoy this sort of information

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make sure that you subscribe and hit the notifications so that we can keep this

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information coming your way thanks so much for watching

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