How Does The Keto Diet Work? Reversing Insulin Resistance To Weight Loss

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how does the keto diet work as the keto diet is getting more popular it's having

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more people have great results it's popping up in media in various places

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but the most common reaction is people looking confused they shrug their

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shoulders and they say this seems really weird it seems to help people but we

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better hold off so today we're going to talk about how it actually works so that

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you understand why and you can do it the right way coming right up am dr. Ekberg

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I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympian in Decathlon and if you'd like

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to truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that

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you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything so

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in a nutshell the keto diet or the ketogenic diet is when you get your body

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into ketosis how do you do that you reduce carbohydrates so that your body

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starts burning fat and a byproduct of burning fat are ketones which is a great

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supplemental fuel for your brain so when carbs are scarce your brain can run up

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to 75% ketones and that's how the body has adapted to survive in times of

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starvation and when the body gets better at burning fat then obviously you burn

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some fat off the body and you lose weight that's why it works but let's

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talk about some of the more intricate mechanisms that people are confused

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about so the body has three sources of fuel three primary sources it can also

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burn alcohol and glycerol and ketones but the primary fuel are carbohydrates

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fat and protein carbohydrates they are sort of quick they absorb quickly they

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burn quickly and they go away quickly we have a very limited ability to store

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carbohydrate fat is our long-term fuel it is like you put log on the fire and

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it earns and keeps you warm for a very very

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long time and protein is for muscles muscles perform work they're necessary

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for our survival in terms of moving around and producing work so we don't

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want to touch the protein unless we have to we don't want to burn the protein in

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the muscles but if we have excess protein in the diet we can also use that

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for energy so the body can store fuel in different forms it can store a tiny

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little bit of carbohydrates as glycogen about a day's worth it can store almost

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unlimited amounts of fat and it can store protein in the form of muscles but

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like we said you don't want to touch that unless all other options are

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exhausted fat is the body's preferred and most efficient storage form of fuels

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so excess carbohydrates are going to trigger a strong insulin response and

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insulin is going to take the carbohydrates out of the bloodstream and

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into the cell and whatever we can't use in this moment which isn't very much is

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going to be stored as fat fat is also going to be stored as fat and protein if

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excess is also going to be stored as fat so everything that is truly excess get

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stored as fat but the tendency to store these depends on how much insulin they

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trigger the more insulin we have the more the tendency is to put the fuel

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into the cell and since carbohydrates trigger the most insulin then they have

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the highest tendency to store fat to store excess fuel and fat has the lowest

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tendency to store fat so what that means is when we eat fat we use it and we get

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full for a long time and we don't tend to store very much because there's still

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some body fat that we can use for fuel protein has a low to medium tendency to

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be stored the excess can be store if we eat a lot of it then we say

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it's a medium tendency to store it because protein in excess also triggers

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insulin low to moderate amounts of protein does not trigger any insulin so

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that's the basics that we need to understand about how the body uses fuel

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for energy how it stores it and how insulin plays into that now this system

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is setup for survival and humans have been around for a long long long long

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time and other animals on the planet have been around even longer and for all

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of that existence there have been periods of feast and famine we've had

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periods where there was more food and we've had periods where there was less

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food and the body is set up to store the excess so that when we have a famine

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when we have less food we can use the excess we can retrieve the stored foods

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and survive when there is none available we have this cycle this ever ongoing

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cycle of regular variation where we store we use we store we use feast

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famine feast famine and as far as I know there is no animal on the planet that

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has ever had an exception to that that they've had periods where they could eat

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a little more and they've had periods where they had to burn some of the fuel

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off the body where they get a little skinnier and this has never ever changed

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to my knowledge until modern times primarily after the Industrial

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Revolution after 1850 but especially after World War two went pretty much

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every country today don't have much famine so we have a totally new

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situation we've had something now today that we've never had before and the body

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is perfectly set up for surviving feast and famine it knows how to deal with not

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having a whole lot of food and then have periods with more food it knows how to

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deal with that change but it has no idea how to deal with a constant feast it's

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never encountered that it doesn't know how and then what makes it worse is that

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we've changed the type of food not only is food fairly abundant but it has gone

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from whole food from a hunter-gatherer scavenger feed off the earth to

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agricultural and processed foods where we've gone from low-carb two high-carb

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from somewhere maybe around 10 to 20 percent carbs all the way up to 50 60 70

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percent carbs and the majority of those carbs are processed they refined they

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have even stronger influences on insulin and they have less nutrition so we've

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changed the rules and because of this and because we never have a famine

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because we eat more carbohydrates because we need more processed foods the

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amount of insulin responses are astronomical compared to what we've had

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in the past and not only are they high but they never let down because it's

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always a feast so what happens now is when insulin is always abundant we get

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insulin resistance and how common is that well the official numbers are that

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somewhere around a third of the population or so is insulin resistant

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but those are only the documented cases them pretty advanced cases if you look

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at if you understand insulin and you understand that being overweight is

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almost 100% synonymous with having insulin resistance then you understand

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that according to the CDC 87 percent of the population is overweight

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that means 87 percent of us at least have some degree of insulin resistance

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that's how prevalent this is so then we take that and now we add sugar and gray

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and we add the fact that we're eating first three and then we've increased

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that to four five six meals a day because we're encouraged to eat small

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meals and frequent snacks to top off the blood sugar so now what also happens is

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we become carbohydrate dependent we keep putting in that fuel so often for so

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long that it becomes the body has to get rid of that because high blood sugar is

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dangerous and because we're putting in so often the body has to get rid of it

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the body becomes dependent and it doesn't know really how to use any other

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fuel in a in a proper way so now when we top off our carbohydrates every two

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hours we are told to give our kids cereal for breakfast and a mid-morning

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snack and a high carb lunch in the mid-afternoon snack and an after-school

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snack and then a dinner and then an evening snack now this is what happens

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to the blood sugar we get a blood sugar roller coaster we are topping it off

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every couple of hours and with all of that carbohydrate and that frequent

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feeding then there is no incentive for the body to burn fat why would it we

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have to always ask ourselves why is the body doing this as the body stupid or is

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it intelligent is that doing what it needs to absolutely so it has no

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incentive to burn fat because there's all these carbohydrates all these

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starches all these grains all the sugar all the cookies and waffles and crackers

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coming in every couple of hours and that of course fuels the incident insulin

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resistance so we become more and more insulin resistant and what happens then

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with insulin resistance is that the trend the tendency for the body is to be

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in a storage mode because there's always carbs coming in we got to get rid of the

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carbs we got to put those carbs out of the bloodstream because they're

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dangerous in the bloodstream and into the cell the cell gets enough the cell

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doesn't want it increases become more and more

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insulin resistance but what this means is that everything we put into the cell

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because it's a one-way trip we can't retrieve it so not only are we carb

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dependent but we don't even know how to access the fat if we wanted to because

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it's like a revolving door that only goes one way so that's the problem this

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is what we have done that's how we have changed the rules Nature has set up

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rules and we change them three ways we change them first there was used to be

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famine now there's no famine we used to eat pretty low carbohydrate now

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carbohydrate is the dominant fuel source for us and we used to have a mix of

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fuels to use and now we are carbohydrate dependent we don't know how to properly

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use those other fuels so we've changed the rules and kido

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is the reason keto is so popular and so effective is that it is the solution for

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an insulin resistant world when almost everyone is insulin resistant then we

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have to have a tool to undo that insulin resistance and the more insulin

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resistance you are the stronger and more powerful the tool has to be for some

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people it's enough just to reduce the carbohydrates but for a lot of people

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that's not enough they have to reduce the carbohydrates dramatically they have

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to get the carbs way way way low before the body realizes it has no other source

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of fuel it has to start burning fat and it will eventually if forced strongly

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enough so keto is the solution for insulin resistant world when we reduce

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carbohydrates eventually the body will find other sources of fuel and what are

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those sources will fat obviously when 87 percent of us are overweight that means

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we have hundreds of thousands of calories per person stored on our bodies

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in the four fat but we can't get to them with excess

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insulin and with a constant flow of carbohydrates so when we reduce the

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insulin now we get access to those stores we teach the body to become

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fat-burning and as a result we also produce ketones whenever we burn fat we

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produce ketones the more fat we burn the more fat adapted we become the more

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dominant fat becomes as a fuel source the higher our ketones go and we can

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verify those ketones so for a lot of people it's you don't have to get very

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fancy if your hunger goes down and you lose weight and you can go longer

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between meals without being hungry then you don't probably have to measure

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ketones but if you think you're doing the right things and you're struggling a

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little bit or maybe plateauing then you need to

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measure ketones to verify that what you think is going on is actually going on

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so doing keto getting in ketosis means that typically you're gonna eat some

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around 75 percent of your calories from fat 20% or so from protein and about 5%

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from carbohydrates that means you need to cut out sugar and grain and all

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starchy food because if you eat any of those then you will send that number

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higher than 5% it needs to be as low as 5% in order for the body to be forced to

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start looking for that other fuel that it's forgotten how to use 20% protein is

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meat fish chicken nuts etc 75% fat comes from avocado nuts and fats and oils so

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it's not about eating more fat it's about eating less carbs and then you

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just want to increase your fats so that you get full you don't try to eat more

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fat if you're full you need to get satisfied otherwise you're confusing

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your body and putting it in a state of deprivation

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which is not sustainable so there are 10 steps and we'll go through those so you

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understand these really really crystal clear so step one is to change your fuel

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supply that means reduce your carbohydrates and you want to do that

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gradually so your body has a chance to get adapted a lot of people try to go

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cold turkey from 60% high processed grains and sugar straight down to 5% and

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their bodies can have a shock and they feel terrible for some people they

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prefer to do it that way they'd rather suffer a few days and be done with it

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others you can do it slower and not have to go through that suffering number 2 as

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you do that your body becomes fat adapted it learns how to use fat again

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as another source of fuel as you start using more fat than whether it's from

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the body or in the diet you lessen your carb dependence that means you get less

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cravings and now because you eat less carbs you trigger less insulin you're

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allowing the body a chance to reduce the insulin resistance number 5 as insulin

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resistance goes down now you hit access to the body fat and this is the key this

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is the magic that you get fat adapted you lose insulin resistance and when you

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have access to your body fat now your body has an virtually unlimited fuel

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supply the reason that you've been eating so much is that your body doesn't

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know where the energy is you confused it with all that sugar and insulin and it

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stashed away all the fat for future use but it couldn't get to it now that

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you're starting to reduce insulin resistance all of that energy becomes

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available and you have an unlimited source of fuel which means that you

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don't get as hungry why would you have to eat if you have unlimited fuel on

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your body the body doesn't care if you get the fuel from what you eat or from

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the body and that's the beauty of getting fat adapted that's what most

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people miss when they're shrugging their shoulders and they're saying well we

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don't understand how this works and maybe it's about calories yes it's about

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calories but you have all those calories on your body you just don't know how to

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retrieve them until you become fat adapted as you have less hunger you will

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eat fewer calories and this is obviously key but you can't start there this is

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where all yo-yo diet programs fail because they try to reduce calories

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without becoming fat adapted and without reducing insulin resistance if you

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reduce calories without addressing those now you get hungry you feel deprived and

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you lower your metabolic rate you feel terrible and you can't sustain it but

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when you have access to body fat now you eat less because it feels like the

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natural thing to do obviously now weight loss follows if not immediately it will

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eventually when happens now also as you start reversing syndrome X you start

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reversing metabolic syndrome so the high blood pressure and the high cholesterol

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and the cardiovascular disease and a lot of the cholesterol values PCOS and man

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boobs and a lot of these different things are starting to reverse without

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you really trying because you're addressing the root cause which is

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insulin and processed excessive carbs and number 10 is the key there is no

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deprivation this is why this works and this is why it's sustainable unlike any

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other deprivation diet you cannot deprive yourself for the rest of your

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life you cannot deprive yourself for a period of time and expect

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not to go back after doing it for a period of time the keto diet addresses

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the root cause so it's sustainable because you find a

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natural pattern of eating at this point most people find that three meals a day

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is too much because you have all the food on your body you can take a meal

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off your body you don't have to eat all three meals and as you do this you can

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start finding imbalance and you start finding that one to two meals is plenty

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for most people once you've lost all the weight then you can start eating twice a

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day it doesn't really matter but this allows you to find the balance that's

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right for you quickly getting back to these numbers the 75% fat 20% protein 5%

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carb this is not something that you have to sustain you have to sustain the low

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carb in order to reduce insulin resistance but as you start burning more

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fat off your body you don't have to eat so much fat because you already have the

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fat on your body on a 2,000 calorie diet 75% is 1,500 calories that's about 165

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grams of fat you probably want to try to eat that in the beginning while your

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body gets fat adapted but once it is fat adapted and your hunger reduces then you

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keep the carbs low but you just eat as much fat as you need to get full so can

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you do the keto diets for the rest of your life I think you can I think it

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would be safe do most people have - I don't think so I think for a lot of

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people with a strong genetic predisposition toward insulin resistance

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and a very strong predisposition to gaining weight then keto might be the

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best lifestyle keto and intermittent fasting might be the best lifestyle for

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them to sustain but a lot of people who aren't so far over on the insulin

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resistance spectrum they might find a balance that is outside of ketosis they

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might get into ketosis once in a while or a lot of the time but

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I don't think they need to be there all the time they can develop a balance

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somewhere in the low carb area maybe 50 70 80 grams of carbohydrate today

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personally I don't need to be in ketosis but I am in ketosis most of the time

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because that's just the way I eat but also I don't worry about it if I feel

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like I want to have some potato but that's based on my personal genetics

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that's my personal body type it starts with learning and

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understanding the mechanisms and then you try out what works for you and you

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find the balance that provides the best function and the best health in your

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case if you enjoyed this video I'm pretty sure you're gonna love this one

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thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video

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