How Does Chiropractic Work?

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How does chiropractic work? Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So just

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in case you're wondering what this is if you happen to see it throughout the

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video this is called poison ivy it's the end stages and I can't recommend it so

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stay away from poison ivy so how does chiropractic really work so often people

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tell me that oh I believe in chiropractic or I don't believe in

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chiropractic but it's not whether you believe it or not it's do you understand

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how it works it's simple physiology it's simple neurophysiology so first of all

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the brain controls everything about you it controls your blood pressure your

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digestion your hormone regulation your ph balance it controls your thoughts and

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it controls the posture and the muscle tone and everything about how your body

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behaves in gravity and the way that the brain can do that is because it receives

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feedback from the body that's called proprioception and the brain receives

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somewhere on the order of a billion bits of information of proprioception every

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second and the brain turns things on and off in response to that proprioception

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and the sum total is called regulation and it allows the body to return to

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homeostasis and to proper posture so chiropractic is not about moving the

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bone it's what happens in the brain as a result of moving the bone how does the

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adjustment affect proprioception how does the adjustment improve

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proprioception see if the world looks like this but the brain is told it looks

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like that then the brain doesn't have a true picture of reality and the

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depends on how the spine is moving how all the body parts are moving if the

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different body parts are not moving properly if they don't have a full

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smooth range of motion then they're not signaling correctly to the brain and the

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brain does not have a true picture of reality and now the brain cannot manage

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the body accurately so when we make an adjustment we're identifying an area

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that has less than optimal feedback and then we make an adjustment and we

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improve that feedback by putting pressure on receptors we stimulate

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receptors we stimulate pressure receptors and motion receptors joint

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mechanoreceptors muscle spindle cells and in doing that we give the brain more

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information more precise information and the brain has a true picture and the

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brain can do its job so it doesn't matter if you do a twist or pop

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adjustment or if you do an activator adjustment with a little spring-loaded

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pin or if you do what I do mostly called an Arthostim which is a powered

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adjusting tool that pulses 12 to 15 times per second all of it is about

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stimulating receptors giving the brain more information and based on some

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research that they've done an adjustment can increase the activity of the frontal

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lobe by about 30% so you're increasing the activation of the frontal lobe the

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frontal lobe is the main manager of the rest of the body so that is how

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chiropractic works it is not whether you believe it or not it is whether you

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understand it or not the techniques don't matter so much all chiropractic

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techniques work some of the time nothing works all of the time but an experienced

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doctor can find the appropriate solution more of the time hope that helps you

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understand a little bit more about chiropractic please share this video

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with some of the skeptics and then maybe bring them over to a seminar

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that we have every Wednesday if you're in the neighborhood (3480 Keith Bridge Rd Cumming GA 30041) so that we can tell

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you a little bit more about how this works if you're new to this channel make

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sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we can keep

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bringing this information to you and the more people we get this information to

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the more people we can help get healthy thanks for watching

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