Hip Pain Chiropractor - Told To Have Hip Surgery -Walked Without Cane - 1st Chiropractic Visit

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Hello I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg. I'm a chiropractor in Cumming, Georgia and I

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have patient here Bradford Edge and we just like to talk to you for a few

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minutes we'd like to ask him some questions just for other people to see

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what chiropractic can do that it's not just about back pain so this is Bradford

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thank you very much do you want to just tell us in your own words what you had going

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on what you had tried before you came here and and what you noticed when you

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when we started working on you sure I have avascular necrosis which is a

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degeneratinging of the bone I got an injury in the military we really did not

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find out how I received his injury I went through two surgeries a

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decompression surgery done. Then they removed the decompression stem they put

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in my leg and I pretty much been with pain every single day over the past 17

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years. And every day became crutches cane or walker and I'm only 38 years old now I can't go

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to a restaurant carrying my train without having someone to help me when

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we would go to grocery stores I don't do a lot of walking I finally have to

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sit down once again because too much walking it just too much pain on

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me if I sit down too long it's too much pain. I met Dr. Ekberg been coming here

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ever since for about a little over a month and now about six weeks and I've

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never felt this good in the past 17 years I'm able to move and get out and

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enjoy my family that I could not do 17 years so I really appreciate everything he's done.

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Do you want to start telling us how you heard about us

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My wife told me about her friend, a doctor, that helped her daughter out so well so

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I was like sure let's try and I realized there was an hour's drive but after

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coming at one time that I will became a five minute

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drive easily so our drive here is worth it. if anybody that had the pain that

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they want to get rid of that you cannot be too far away what did you notice

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right after the first adjustment after the first adjustment I could even me I

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was pain free immediately I mean I was literally pain free I was able to do

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certain movements with make that I wasn't able to do just as simple things

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is just tying my shoe. I seen Dr. Ekberg on a Friday that Saturday i was at the

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park playing on my kids pain free and that Sunday when i normally would have

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pain after a big day with my kids i'm usually shut down completely the very

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next day it wasn't a case you're like a brand new day all over again I could do

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more things again so just one session one session I saw years come right

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back to my life in one session. can you just stand up for us and show us that. if

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i can finally lift my right leg up straight without going out here usually

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I like to go out ahead and lift my leg up now I just take it straight straight

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up straight up I can do this now I couldn't do that at all and it because

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of the pain in the areas that and that it comes from is like because it's all

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over the whole right side I'm a whole right leg and just just that one

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movement allows me to tie my shoe walk when the with less pain and the be able

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to bend over and pick my kids up and not have a lot of pain if you been to a

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restaurant and you haven't been able to hold a tray right that that that brings

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the picture off the people oh yeah it is I wish my kids could be going to let

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them tell you their version for me because every day they ask can we play

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basketball can you throw the ball If I'm pain it's like I can't

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They can't even sit on my lap sometime I'm in so much pain they can t sit on my

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left I mean you get kids and they get grown so fast they too big to sit in

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your lap so you want to really endure that and a long time I couldn't. You came

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walking in here with a cane right yes I came walking with the cane I walked out

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without the cane because I had no pressure no no pain so I feel tremendous at that time

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and what had the orthopedic surgeons and the people you had consulted previously

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what what had they told you what sort of hope and prognosis have they had for you

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the only hope and prognosis they had was a total hip replacement and they said

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over time that's going to be the inevitable to happen which was kind of

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scary to me because I had two hip surgeries already and they tell me if I can

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continue with the pain tolerance on which they say I have a high pain tolerance to

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continue that because the only thing they can do is a total hip replacement

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that's the only thing they can do it is point in time when he told me and a

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bunch of pin pills which I don't really care too much for. I hear you on

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that so I think what we want to explain also the people is that the difference

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in what we do versus orthopedic because whenever they see something on an x-ray

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that's their reality whatever they can see on a picture that's the reality to

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them we try to look more at the function we're saying well we can see what it

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looks like but what sort of deficiency what sort of malfunction led to that and

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if we can start reversing or changing that malfunction then we may be able to

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restore function even if the x-ray still looks bad right and that's essentially

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what would happen in your case because avascular necrosis basically means that

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because of some sort of trauma you lose blood supply to the head of the femur

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and that femur head is supposed to be nice and round and smooth to fit into

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that hip joint but when it loses blood supply and

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you have necrosis it basically dies and starts crumbling and withering away for

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exactly and then what the orthopedic people do is they look at that and they

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say well we've never seen one turn around so you're just going to have pain

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but they're not looking at what is it that that's creating or what's what sort

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of function is missing here so a hip joint can only we want to ask well why

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did it get like that in the first place were so why does a hip joint get

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traumatized why why does it stop working why does it get traumatized to the point

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where the blood supply can't get there and it starts dying hip joint only works

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as or any joint only works as well as the muscles that are stabilizing it a

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joint has absolutely no purpose unless there are muscles that that can move it

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around and keep it stable but those muscles even though they may need to

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have a certain capacity to to create force they don't decide anything so it's

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the signals from the brain to the muscles then that actually is creating

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that function in the hip joint okay so if there is a problem with a hip joint

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then there's something wrong with the signals from the brain to the muscle and

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that's what happened at some point before you even had your very first

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injury and we don't know when before that injury it happened but there was

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already some sort of malfunction and we can still come in 20 years later and

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start rebuilding that function if we know what to look for I I will agree

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with that you've you've already started that with me I mean it's awesome and

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then that's what I think about your practice is the teaching of for the

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patient I'm a patient I like to be explained what's going

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with me from a doctor's standpoint and that's why I appreciate your practice

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and your company so much is because you break down how the body supposed to be

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and how the body can naturally heal itself and whereas normal doctors they

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they may as quickly give you a quick fix Here is some medicine here some pain pill

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come back later when they run out and that's when I appreciate it I know and

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I've gotten a whole lot better just from understanding had a brain function with

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each body part with the whole muscle thing and I've never been told about the

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muscle with my hip I never was told to get the muscles stronger again that you

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you actually move my legs in motion is to where everyday movement effects that

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and when you allowing it to ease up the pressure whole lot more because you are

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exercising that you are getting the muscle more for me we're doing it once

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again as opposed to just go to the weight room and just lift some weights

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and get that muscle strong it's not only about that yeah so I appreciate you for

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then and the work that we're doing for your muscles is we're using them in

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specific ways to give the brain specific messages so it can help connect in all

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the different directions and that's what makes the difference oh well there

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that's it then that's what it does it makes a big difference excellent well

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we're so glad to have you and I'm so glad we can make a difference for you

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yes thank you. we'll keep working on it I know we will thank you so very thank you

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