Heath and Stress - Your Cumming Chiropractor Dr Ekberg

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This ... I can... I'm willing to bet that you have never heard it really explained as

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to what those things really are and how they really work so we're going to try

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to put it all together for you and and why is this a big deal well they

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say that we have the most advanced health care system in the world and

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that's arguably true but are we actually getting health out of that health care

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system that's the question well let's look at some statistics we spend just

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over two trillion dollars a year in health care and yet when we look at how

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well we're doing health-wise we rank 37 out of 39 countries on the

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industrialized list and most of what they do is they give us a bunch of drugs

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and they say that well you have this this symptom you have this problem so go

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ahead and take this drug and that'll get you better

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well if it actually got you better and then you would take the drug you would

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get better and you could stop taking the drug right well that's not really how it

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works you gotta keep taking it for the rest of your life so drugs aren't really

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a measure of how healthy we are they are a measure of how sick we are and in this

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country we have 5% of the world's population we take 55 percent of the

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drugs and we spend two trillion dollars doing

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it so we're going to talk about why why this is and what the reasons are and

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what we can do about it they have estimated that there's about 1

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million deaths per year that are due to the healthcare system due to medical

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care that's the number one cause of death in the country and that's a huge

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astounding number but if you break that out that's the same as having 7 jumbo

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jets crashing with no survivors every day throughout the year and next year

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and that's just the United States do you think that me any planes taking off

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tomorrow if that happened today and yet we keep going to the hospitals we keep

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going for four more meds so that may not be the way to go and then there's talk

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about health care reform but health care reform it's not a question of whether

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the system works it's just trying to get more people access to the system so I

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think it's a good thing that if you break your leg that someone takes care

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of that that's wonderful but we need to look at the overall picture of the

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health care system so why why has it gotten this way why is it this way and

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it's because we have the wrong model we don't understand the human body we don't

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understand health and we don't understand that the real reasons for why

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things go wrong

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and here's one of the main reasons we're treating symptoms we're not addressing

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causes and if you have something like pain or high blood sugar or arthritis or

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anything else that's a symptom or that's a problem all it means is that there's

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something that isn't working right and if that thing that's supposed to work

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was working you wouldn't have the problem it makes sense but there is no

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drug there's no pill that you can add to the body and make that thing work again

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so what drugs are doing is they're just covering things up they're not

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addressing the source of the problem and it's not making anything work better

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again it's sort of like the fire alarm goes off and you're put in earplugs are

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you fine now no the building's still coming down all right you just don't

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know about it until it's too late if you're driving down the road and your

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gas gauge says you're running out of gas you can put a piece of tape over the

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pesky little thing and then you can see it you're still gonna run out of gas and

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if we keep ignoring indicators the problems will always get worse they not

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that I know that they ever get better so it's not that drugs are a bad thing

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it's just that we have to know when to use them they can be lifesavers when

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there's emergencies and acute pain if I break the leg I'd like for someone to

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give me some drugs and put it back in place but when we use drugs for chronic

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conditions that makes no sense at all because we're making

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worse so when we're talking about that thing that's supposed to work that isn't

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working when we have a problem what is it that's supposed to work well in the

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body when we talk about what's working we're talking about function and there's

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three levels of function in the body and the first level is passive tissue these

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are things like bone and cartilage and connective tissue and fluids and fat

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cells and blood cells they're all important

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they give the body's shape and structure but in terms of function in terms of

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action they don't do anything then there's the active system and that's

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your muscles so that's your your voluntary muscles to move around

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it's your postural muscles it's your heart

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it's your intestinal tract it's your eye blink even your blood vessels have

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muscles they can contract so that when they contract your butt blood pressure

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goes up when they relax your blood pressure goes down because that's a

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normal mechanism in your body so that your body can choose what to do in

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different situations but even though muscles perform all the work in the body

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they do everything in terms of moving things around they don't make any

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decisions whatsoever none they only contract when they get a signal and they

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relax when the signal stops so when we talk about function we're talking about

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the regulatory system which is the brain the central nervous system and all the

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cells called neurons so if we truly understand the system then we see that

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the passive system that's a tertiary system

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three levels removed from where the function is and if you think about it if

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you go and you get a diagnostic test a medical test that could be an x-ray or

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an MRI or a blood test or a liver test or a tissue sample all they're checking

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is passive tissue they're only measuring effects and these tests don't tell you

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anything about why it got that way in the first place so it's not that they're

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useless it's just that they're not telling us why why it happened and if

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we're truly looking for health and prevention we want to know why it got

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that way muscles are also in effect they're secondary but the primary and

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the cause is the regulatory system that's where all regulation and all

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function occurs in the body so this brings us to a startling conclusion that

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if you get chopped or stabbed more you fall down the stairs during a car

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accident or maybe if you have some severe deficiency of vitamin C or

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protein so you get scurvy or beriberi or something then there's one cause and

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it's kind of obvious the thing hit us right there that's where it broke that's

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where it hurts we know what the cause of the problem was but outside of that

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everything else is a brain problem everything else because it's about

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regulation everything that's supposed to work is working because of how your

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brain regulates things and that depends how your brain interacts with the

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environment so has anyone ever experienced stress a few alright and has

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anyone heard of or or done a Google search on conditions related to stress

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like oh we're not quite there yet all right we'll get back to stress so now I

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need a volunteer someone who's done eating know just by name is check just

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by name so what's your name list good to see you so we're gonna face each other

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and sort of Facebook from sideways so if you hold your arm up for me nice and

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strong and I'm gonna push down on it and I'm not gonna push super hard but I want

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you to lock that arm and make a really strong response

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and that's nice and solid and you can all come up after the talk if you want

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to have this verified because some of you won't believe this and but if you

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think about what we just said about passive tissue that's the bone active

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tissue is the muscle and regulating tissue is the brain so when I'm pushing

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down and she resists all three of those systems have to work and they have to do

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their part now move your left leg forward like you're taking a step there

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and we're going to do this again hold real nice and strong just like before

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did you notice the difference okay and I'm not yeah so why would that happen

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No that's the first guess I guess with

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everybody complains they look at the brains doing something different

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exactly that's the first part the bone didn't change the muscle didn't change

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it's the signal from the brain to the muscle that changed so the muscle test

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first of all is not really a muscle test it's a snapshot of brain function if we

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do it like I just did which I don't really care if you can resist five

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pounds pounds or 50 pounds I just want to see if it's working so the other

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thing that we can see is that when you put your leg forward that apparently

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changes something about how the brain does business with the arm and in this

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case it's very simple because I don't know many people that walk like this so

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the brain is gonna try to correct that and it's going to say this arm is in the

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wrong place it needs to swing back so the other arm can go forward it's called

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a cross crawl pattern and we've all done it since we started formally and we've

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done it so much it's one of the strongest patterns in the body but it

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shows us a lot of imported information it shows us that a muscle test is about

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the brain it shows us that the brain operates on input on feedback and that

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feedback the information coming from the rest of the body and the environment is

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what determines the sort of output produces okay so we can check this real

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simple if you put your left leg forward again and your right arm now you're

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still sort of off-balance but let's check the hold strong and that's working

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now we can just do real quick and check what about the other way so now if you

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stay where you are and you keep that arm straight and I'm

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gonna pull out cuz this is the muscle that pulls it back and hold strong and

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that's not working so this was Rockstar

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Games reflex pattern but think about this now when I build insurance they do

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not allow me to treat an area where you don't have a complaint because they

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don't understand these things but we just showed that if you have a hit that

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is not sending the proper feedback to the brain that can shut off your

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shoulder so you can have a shoulder problem because someone hit you on the

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hip and those are just a couple of body

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parts we mentioned the complexity of the system is outstanding you have a hundred

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billion brain cells they receive a billion bits of information every second

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and every bit of that information has to be responded to it always turns

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something on or turn something off and the sum total of all that turning on and

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off that's your health that's your function

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so thank you very much so with that we will talk about stress because stress is

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some of that input that the body has to process that turns things on and off so

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if you look up a condition of conditions related to stress you'll find things

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like cancer hypertension heart disease diabetes allergies arthritis pneumonia

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headaches back pain fibromyalgia chronic fatigue ulcers interval bowel chronic

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infections there's basically nothing that's not related to stress how can

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that be how can something intangible something nebulous like stress have all

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of those detrimental effects on the body how can it shut down and cause damage to

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all those things and it comes back to brain and feedback

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so we're gonna spend some time here here's a very all-inclusive illustration

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this is your part of your brain the cortex is the most modern the most newly

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developed portion of your brain it's the thing that looks like a walnut with all

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the folds that surface layer is the cortex it's the most unique thing about

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us as humans that's the most the thing that sets us mostly part from other

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animals it's been developed mostly in the last few hundred thousand years

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below that we have the brainstem and it doesn't really look like this but I'm

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just picking a couple of places to help illustrate what we're talking about the

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brainstem is the same in all mammals the complexity is very little different from

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a mouse to an elephant to a human it is hundreds of millions of years old and it

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deals with things like survival and animal instincts and an instinctual

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behavior so when we have stress when there's stress in the environment or in

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in emotional stress just inside us we have

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Chemical stress structural stress and emotional stress the body doesn't care

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which one it is it's just stuff that we have to deal with and that stress sends

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a signal and the first place that signal is picked up is in the brain stem the

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primitive animalistic portion of the brain that deals with survival and as a

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reflex that brings them the sympathetic which is the portion responsible for the

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stress response sends out a signal to turn on that stress response and first

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thing that happens is we start a cascade of things like your increasing heart

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rate you get an increase in muscle tension you get an increase in blood

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pressure and all of those things sort of makes sense because let's say the stress

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is grizzly-bear it comes charging out of the woods and

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it's heading for you now you're going to need some heart

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activity to pump the blood to make sure that you can get away the muscle tension

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you get ready for fight flight you're gonna have your some muscle get ready

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for action your blood pressure goes up because that helps the blood move along

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quicker then as the bear gets closer your infinite wisdom of your body says

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we're going to need lots of energy for this so let's raise blood sugar and

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there's a hormone called cortisol which is a stress hormone that primary

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function is to raise blood sugar and while it's doing that it's also creating

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insulin sense insulin resistance it reduces your insulin sensitivity so

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that you can keep that that blood sugar up for action

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and then you check out the claws he bears coming closer he's kept pretty

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sharp claws so your infinite wisdom body is saying there may be some bleeding

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before this is all over so just in case I'm going to start preparing and I'm

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gonna increase my blood clotting factors and make sure I can close that wound

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quickly if it happens and part of that wound clotting is cholesterol it's one

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of the most important components both in blood clotting and in wound healing

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tense and tissue repair so does this ring a bell does that look

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like anything people take the medication for that's about 80% of the top-selling

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medications it's high blood pressure high cholesterol blood thinners and

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diabetes drugs and so far we're only a few seconds into this we haven't eaten

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anything we haven't done anything all we did was observe a bear coming out coming

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charging toward us that's what stress does and because the

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body has limited resources all the resources in the body are carried by

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blood and every one of us has about a gallon and a half so there's only so

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much to go around so if you send all the blood over to these places then you have

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to borrow from someplace else you have to shut down some other things in order

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to make all of this available so the stress response is hardwired to turn off

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the relaxation response and what does the relaxation response or the

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parasympathetic do well it only does some random little things like digestion

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immune function reproduction healing and they repair those seem like pretty

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important things don't think those are the things that keep you alive tomorrow

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wouldn't that seem like a pretty stupid thing to shut that down well we're not

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really concerned about tomorrow yet cuz there's a bear right so that's the way

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the body works whenever there's a stress work there is a potential threat to your

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an immediate threat to your life and in for the survival value you're going to

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shut down everything that can't help you survive that bear if it doesn't help you

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fight the bear it's not important right now

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so your digestion and your immune system and all of those things they're going to

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be put on the backburner okay now it seems like we're screwed yes

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because here's the environment sending these signals and were hardwired to shut

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to turn on all the stress stuff and turn off everything keeps us alive till

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tomorrow so there's got to be a way to to break this this cycle and there is

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and this is where the cortex comes in again the cortex is our awareness it's

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our higher functions and the cortex is wired it has the ability to when

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appropriate to turn off the stress response so if there's a bear actually

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coming at you that's not a good time to turn off the stress response but if you

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realize that hey there's nothing to be stressed about then that's a good time

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turn it off and then the cortex will do that here's the problem the more stress

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we have the more that balance will be shifted away from the cortex to the

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brainstem this has to do with blood flow also that when we have stress the blood

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flow goes from the cortex to the brainstem that's why the more stressed

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you get the more stupid you get have you ever been really flustered and you can't

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think of anything to say there's this stupid person in front of you and they

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need to hear it and you can't think of a single thing and then it comes to you

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later that's because all the bright all the

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blood went away from your cortex and down to your brain that brought down to

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your brainstem and you were getting ready for a fistfight instead of saying

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something clever all right and so the more stress we have when we have chronic

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stress when we get into patterns of chronic stress which we basically all do

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then the cortex suffers and the cortex loses blood flow and it gets weaker

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because of it so how do we get the blood flow back to the cortex how do we ramp

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up texe again and now we have to understand

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something called use it or lose it this is the most important or one of the most

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important principles in your body use it or lose it you have 50 trillion cells

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give or take every one of them you have for a reason

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your body doesn't keep cells around arbitrarily if you use them they're

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gonna get another chance if you don't they're gonna get flushed out and

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replaced by something that you do need so when you go to the gym and you do

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some biceps curls you're putting some tension on that biceps that tension is a

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signal to make a bigger muscle use-it-or-lose-it

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then if you hurt that arm you put it in a cast then that muscle atrophies and it

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does so very quickly well the same thing holds true for every cell in your body

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muscles we sort of understand because we can see them the brain we don't

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understand cuz it's hidden away how do you use your brain then what does the

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brain do it processes information it receives information from the

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environment and by the time it gets to the brain it's in the form of electrical

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signals so all the brain really does all day long is to process electrical

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signals and the more of it the brain gets the stronger the brain gets the

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less it gets the weaker it gets that's what degeneration is that's where

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Alzheimer's comes from that's where all degenerative diseases

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the only problem is we don't understand much about how the brain or until

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recently how the brain works most people say well to use your brain you need to

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do crossword puzzles and play bridge and stay mentally active and that's not a

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bad thing it's just that that's only a tiny tiny portion of your brain that's a

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conscious intellectual portion of your brain that's actually about one

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millionth of what your brain does so doing the crossword puzzles you keep

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that one millionth really strong which isn't bad but it's not doing much for

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what we're talking about turns out 80 to 90% of what your brain

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does is to process information related to posture and movement in a field of

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gravity that's the most important thing there is because if you can't do that

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then you will fall down you'll hurt yourself if you don't know where your

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body parts are you'll lose them so the majority of what the brain does is to

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process that kind of information and the brain gets it from two places

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it's from muscles and joints muscle spindle cells and joint mechanoreceptors

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send information to the brain so you can do amazing things like that on a good

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so muscles the joints send information to the brain and this seems like a

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trivial thing but this is the majority of the stuff that keeps the brain alive

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and where then do we have most the largest number of muscles and joints and

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receptors in the body if you had to pick one throw me some guesses hands are a

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good guess but not quite

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back back and neck especially

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back-back provides a majority the back has spine has 25 or so movable segments

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there's three joints per segments there's a dozen muscles there's hundreds

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of muscles in this body not only that but that information is so crucial to

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the brain and to your organism because your spine is literally the backbone

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it's the foundation around everything that you do and then on top of it you

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have your head and so the neck which has to integrate all that information as is

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as important in terms of information as the rest of the body put together so

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that is where most of the signals come most of the signals come from that

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stimulate and keep the bulk and the strength of your brain alive so does it

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sound like exercise is a good thing okay and you don't exercise to lose weight or

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you for your heart or for anything those are trivial side effects you

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exercise to keep your brain strong when the brain works better everything works

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better all right so where does where does chiropractic

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come into this well first of all chiropractic works because we have the

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greatest input on the brain by addressing joints in the spine it's not

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the only place we do work but that's where we can make the greatest

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differences in the brain but let's say that these bones are

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moving like this and that movement sends the signal to the brain has anyone ever

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been hurt ever fallen down ever sprained an ankle been in a car wrecked

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slept wrong okay so if there's a little glitch somewhere where it's supposed to

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move like this but instead it moves like that what happened to the signal that's

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supposed to go to the brain it's going to be altered it's going to be less of a

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signal as a result I kid you not that brain is shrinking not as dramatically

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as we're showing here but it is shrinking literally physically

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absolutely so the job of chiropractic because if you do exercise on this it

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will benefit you you will send more signals on both sides but you won't

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clear the imbalance a lot of times sometimes you will but by the time you

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have a few hundred of these which we all do then the body's not going to be able

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to clear all of that on its own that's what chiropractic comes in when we clear

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out that problem we restore that motion now with the proper motion we can get

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the proper signal the proper signal can start rebuilding the brain and now we

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have a system that is capable of responding the way it's supposed to

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that's why chiropractic works and if you take a brain scan before an adjustment

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you see the the amount of squiggles here is the amount of brain activity and

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after an adjustment there is a change and it's not about moving a bone it's

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not about a bone out of place it's about what happens in the brain what happens

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to the feedback and the processing ability on the brain afterwards so the

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brain works better pain relief is just a bonus

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what fits your busy schedule better exercising an hour a day of being dead

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24 hours that's unfortunately what happens a lot of times we get caught up

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we need something really dramatic something life-threatening a wake-up

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call before we reduce the stuff that we're supposed to do all along so

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instead of talking symptoms and disease we want to start talking function if you

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have a hundred percent function and processing ability in your nervous

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system that's the best health you can have the worst health you can have is 0%

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functioning that's called dead and if you have one live person you have one

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person that found out that 10 seconds ago

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they're both have a body they both have muscles they both have blood sugar they

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both have a skeleton we can run x-rays we can run MRIs we can take blood tests

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they're going to look pretty close and one is alive and one is dead what's the

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difference it's their processing ability the dead one doesn't have any more

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signals it doesn't process any information any

Time: 1940.63

so what we want to talk about rather than symptoms is how regardless of where

Time: 1947.12

along this scale we get a symptom let's just do all the things we need to do to

Time: 1952.25

get the function up to a close to 100 as possible so here's the cause of disease

Time: 1959.08

it's distorted input the improper feedback from your body and improper

Time: 1967.09

inappropriate processing improper stress responses from the environment and

Time: 1973.57

nutrition lack of proper building blocks if you have this you cannot get sick

Time: 1981.73

what's required for health I love this one you take a plant and it's not

Time: 1988.6

looking so happy what do you give it water water you gave it water it's still

Time: 1996.88

not so happy what's next sunshine you do those and it's still wilting a little

Time: 2003.33

bit nutrients in the soil last check check where it's growing yeah

Time: 2013.009

so a five-year-old can tell you these three things and these are requirements

Time: 2021.269

for health they're not suggestions they're not stuff that you do on a good

Time: 2025.32

day when when you have the time they're requirements if you take a thousand

Time: 2030.69

plants and you give them two out of three for a couple of years how many

Time: 2036.179

plants do you have left zero because if something's required you got to have it

Time: 2043.849

you can get by for a while you can get by for a few weeks

Time: 2048.51

humans can get by for decades but if you talk an optimal function you got to have

Time: 2054.089

all three what a humans need nutrients movement and purpose how do we do that

Time: 2062.129

eat better move better feel better and feeling better is a skill it's something

Time: 2071.7

that you can learn you don't wait around for the world to look the way you want

Time: 2076.95

it before you appreciate it because that's gonna take a while you practice

Time: 2083.27

appreciating what is so that's not the topic for today we don't have to have

Time: 2088.049

time but this is this is essentially it so there are some appendices if I didn't

Time: 2099.599

I thought some of this was going to be printed out but if you if you like a

Time: 2103.289

printout of this I'll be happy to email that to Erin and you can get all the

Time: 2108.69

notes for this plus some appendices to help explain some of the things

Time: 2114.869

this concludes what I had to say and I'll be happy to stay around for any

Time: 2119.17

questions or demonstrations or anything at all that you like to do

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