Heart Rate Variability HRV Pt4 3/3 User Manual 4 Humans

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into the neurology of this and talk about what what does it really do how

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does this really matter and affect and change anything so the first thing that

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we need to understand is is what neural plasticity is this was the greatest

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discovery of the 1990s it was a breakthrough there was a revolution in

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the understanding of the brain that it as plasticity it changes it grows

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stronger and it grows weaker and it makes new synapses and it breaks old

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synapses and that's how behavior changes we all know this intuitively or at least

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through the principal use it or lose it so we understand that if you don't use a

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muscle it's going to atrophy if you go to the gym and pump iron is going to get

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big and strong if you don't do anything with it your couch potato or you put

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your arm in a cast the muscle goes away and that makes a whole lot of sense

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because the body wants to allocate resources to the places where they're

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being used so if you're using one arm and not the other the body says why

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should I waste valuable resources rebuilding a body part that has no

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purpose that's just hanging around

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astronauts know this because when you send somebody into space and there's no

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gravity the body says well in this environment the skeleton is virtually

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useless so I'm not going to devote valuable resources to replenish the bone

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because here in space I don't need it so astronauts have been believed about a

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two percent bone loss per month pretty dramatic but we also have to

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understand that brain cells have the same faith that a brain cell is only

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going to be replenished it's only going to to be make new protein and stay

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strong if it has a purpose so that's how the brain evolves that's how we get

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better at the things we do and we forget about the things we don't because the

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body is not going to replenish something that has no purpose and the brain cells

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that are not used they get weaker and they become unstable and stability in

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the nervous system is one of the key features of a functional nervous system

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is that the nerve cells are strong and stable and we also heard the expression

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practice makes perfect anybody's heard that well I'm afraid it's not true

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practice does not make perfect practice makes permanent and anybody with a bad

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golf swing can can you can affirm that because anything that you do over and

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over and over whether it's right or wrong becomes a pattern in your nervous

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system it becomes a habit and you can't break it because that's the only way the

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body and the brain knows how to do it that's why bad habits are so hard to

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break and what is a skill and a habit well where does a skill reside some

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people think that they talk about muscle memory and they talk

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Oh will I have the dancing legs or whatever but it's all in the brain and

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nervous system every bit of it you have a hundred billion brain cells and the

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way that they communicate with other brain cells is through something called

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the synapse so it sends out a little tentacle and connect to another brain

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cell and the brain starts making patterns and each of the hundred billion

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brain cells make about 5,000 connections on average so you figure out the total

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number of someone who's a mathematician it's a lot okay but those patterns those

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synaptic patterns determine all your behavior all your habits all your skills

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resigned in those patterns so now let's talk about this in terms of breathing

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and coherence because people say well when I relax and when I do a breathing

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exercise and I practice feeling happy I feel really good for the five minutes

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that I'm doing it but I feel it's a waste of time because I can't do that I

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have a life I can't do it all the time so is it only good during the five

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minutes or do I have to do it all the time and here's the answer it's right in

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neuro plasticity that during those five minutes you are creating new synapses

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you are strengthening those cells that are lying dormant that are responsible

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for the parasympathetic outflow for that healing response if you are always

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stressed than those cells are virtually never stimulated but if you just take

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five minutes a day you're giving those cells literally a workout they get

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stronger you creating new synaptic patterns and the

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more that you practice those patterns the more likely they are to fire on

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their own when you're not thinking about it so the more that you practice these

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things and their recommendation is somewhere between I usually say five to

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ten minutes once or twice a day and if you can do that for three to six months

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you will probably never feel the same again you will probably lift yourself to

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a level of feeling wonderful with no return so that is that's the benefit of

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all of this and that's how it works long-term that you can actually rebuild

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and recreate your nervous system just by practicing these things and that's about

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it for the basic presentation and thank you all very much for coming and if you

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have any questions will be more than happy to answer those we will also take

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and run a small demo so that you can see this in action as well alright

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