Health Is Simple (Disease Is Complicated)

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Health is really simple, but how does it work? Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything

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everybody wants to be healthy everybody it's this big catch word everybody wants

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to be healthy it's a good thing but very few people understand it and as a

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society we think of health as the lack of disease we take better care of our

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cars than we do ourselves we take our cars in for service before they break

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but we wait until something happens then we have a symptom before we do something

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about the body for the most part so we want to change our way of thinking about

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what health is and health is when everything is working the way it's

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supposed to when there is adequate function in the body and disease is the

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lack of function disease cannot happen if everything is working the way it's

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supposed to disease cannot develop the function in the body is everything that

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the body does to maintain all of the systems and all the actions and the

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digestion and the immune system and the movement and the thought and so forth

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all of that is function there's something generated that results in that

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function think of that as light light is something that we can see we can measure

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it we can quantify it we know what what it is and function is the same way it's

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something that's there it's something real but darkness doesn't exist darkness

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it not is not measurable there is no source of darkness darkness is the lack

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of light and disease works the same way just like darkness

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it's disease is the lack of function so if you think of function as light and

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the body then disease is simply the absence of that light or not enough

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light okay so if we understand that then it makes no sense

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to treat the disease that would be like going around to treat a shadow okay we

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have a light source and we have something shading something creating a

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shadow and then we wouldn't go in and try to treat the shadow do something

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about the shadow we remove the thing that's shading it and that's how we have

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to start thinking that the body has an infinite intelligence that manages and

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balances things and if something isn't working there's something interfering

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and we now have to get rid of the thing interfering we have to provide the

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things that create function we have to remove the things that create

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interference so think about a plant so here we have two flowers and we have the

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sun shining on them but there's a fence that's shading one of them so the plants

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in this case really like a lot of sunlight so the one in the Sun is very

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healthy it's colorful it's strong it's very very resistant to wind and stress

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but this one growing in the shade it doesn't get what it needs it's not

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getting the Sun the water and the soil it might get water and soil but it's not

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getting enough Sun because there's a fence shading it so it's very pale and

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very weak so what would we do in this case it's really really obvious right we

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just go in and we remove the fence or we remove the plant into the Sun where it

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can get the things that it needs but if we think from a medical mindset of

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treating symptoms with drugs by treating the problem rather than creating a

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solution then we might go in and say oh that plants really really pale you got

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some paint I think we need to paint it because it looks really pale yeah that

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that's good so now for a little while if we do a really good job it will look a

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little better but it won't be any healthier because there's a lack of

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function it's not getting the things that it has to have and then we said

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well it's it's kind of fragile it's almost

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falling over by itself I think we need to go in and put some struts give it

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some some crutches support it a little bit and again that's not gonna solve the

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problem we couldn't even go one step further say oh let's give it some more

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water let's give it some more some better nutrients let's plant it in

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better soil but if it's not getting the Sun it has to have then it's not going

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to be a healthy plant so the same thing works with humans that we don't

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necessarily have those exact requirements they're similar but we have

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chemical requirements because humans are we have a chemical aspect we have a

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physical aspect we have an emotional aspect that can change physiology and

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function so we have chemical physical and emotional requirements so these are

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the things that create function these are the things that the body has to have

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to produce the appropriate energy and signals and communication and so forth

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nutrition from whole foods provides the resources the fuel and the building

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blocks movement and signals create the signals that the brain and the body has

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to have use it or lose it anything that you don't use is going to degenerate

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it's going to atrophy if we don't have joy and purpose we're going to be in a

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constant state of stress our body is going to start shutting down and we're

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not going to function at optimum so these are the things that create the

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appropriate function then and these are the ones we want to create more of we

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want to put more of these into our lives then the other thing is the things that

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are interfering and these we want to reduce such as toxins heavy metals and

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medicine because these are all foreign to the body they are not things that fit

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into in normal physiology that the body actually needs for fuel or building

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blocks these are things that either interfere or treat symptoms medicine

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work to reduce a symptom by blocking signals the body wants more signals it

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wants function not less and so even though

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medicine can treat a symptom which can be a good thing in an emergency it does

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never produce more function physical if we're sedentary if we have physical

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trauma if we have poor posture all of these interfere they reduce the amount

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of motion that creates signals that is the juice if you will for the brain the

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nutrient juice for the brain emotional if we have stress despair and overwhelm

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constantly we put the body in a state of stress which will shut down it's very

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destructive we can't get the body into a state of rebuilding as long as we have a

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lot of these present humans have chemical physical emotional needs

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plants have sun water and soil needs anything that's not there we could try

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to raise a plant with water and soil but and not enough Sun but it's not going to

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be a healthy plant in the long run if we try to just add physical and emotional

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support but we're toxic and efficient we're not going to be healthy if we eat

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right but we're worried we're not going to be healthy in the long run so optimal

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health depends on addressing the body holistically addressing all the factors

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that influence health so health is not the mere absence of disease disease is

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the lack of enough function just like darkness is not enough light so how many

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people have a dark switch at home I didn't think so

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okay there is no source of darkness there is no source of disease there is

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only lack of function and lack of light so we have to start understanding what

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biology is and how the body works we have to stop thinking in terms of

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symptoms even though emergency intervention can save a lot of lives the

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emergency wants the emergency is over we have to start looking at rebuilding the

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body by giving it what it needs that's the only way we can build optimum health

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and long run so if you enjoy that please let me know

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write down your questions your comments etc please share this with as many

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people as possible because if they start understanding this then we can be a true

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health instead of just treating symptoms and if you're new to the channel and you

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enjoy learning more about this make sure that you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that we can keep this content coming your way

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thanks for watching

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