Health Care Comedy - Parody Song + Speech

Time: 47.3

so many incredible speakers how do you have you round that off especially last

Time: 55.26

to hear Jimmy and Jerry so leave it to an introvert Swede so I'm maybe the the

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most serious guy in the crowd so I thought that since we've been doing the

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usual or thirteen seminars it's time to stop doing the usual and everyone's

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already said all the serious stuff so I'm off the book I heard some good

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quotes and it just brought to mind one one of mine it's a Mark Twain he says

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what gets us in trouble is not what we don't know it's what we know for sure

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that just ain't so and everything that we stand for in nutrition response

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testing and that we know all those medical myths every one of those is

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stuff that just aims so

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once once we learn this this technology and once we get to certainty we we get

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into practice and we really start feeling good it becomes fun to practice

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you have you have confidence so I'm just going to share one one quick clinical

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story I just had three weeks ago a guy comes in he's 40 years old he's working

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at Starbucks and he for 10 months he hasn't been able to lift the milk jugs

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anymore so he had some hernia surgery and three

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months after that his biceps muscles started work stopped working

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on both sides and he went to Emory of Atlanta which is like the Mayo Clinic of

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or John Hopkins of Atlanta the prestigious where they know everything

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and they did the workup and they spent at least $30,000 to determine that he

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had not did not have ALS they ran all the diagnostics the nerve conduction

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studies he had severe degeneration and inflammation and then he said you know

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this started just a few months just a short while after those surgeries do you

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think scars could have something to do with it and I tested him for blocking

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sure enough it was blocked two scars and then I tested his biceps muscles and on

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the left side it held just a tiny little bit I could push it down with with two

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fingers on the right side I could push his biceps down with one pinky finger

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and then I put some wheat germ oil in his hand and the muscle was rock-solid

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and he has gone almost a year spent $30,000 and here we have tools that can

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do what no one else in there that's powerful so take take that with

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you and know that you can do things no one else can so big that's enough of the

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serious and we want to give some some recognitions here everyone said such

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beautiful works I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time we all know pretty

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Yulin is is a legend he is a genius so thank you and I'm on all my classmates

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we have seen such incredible changes such transformation so it's really

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heartwarming and I some people say they can even see them in me but I think that

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the single greatest transformation that we have seen so far would have to be dr.

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Brad when I met the guy about a year ago he could barely form a complete sentence

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you would ask him the simplest question and he would just bite your head off you

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ask him can I do this is that no and is this a good idea

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he says duplicate and now just look at the guy in less than a year

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a drill sergeant to a teddy bear in that short time that has to be the greatest

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transformation I swear yesterday I saw a small child

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showing him love and affection so kidding aside he's one of the smartest

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guys I've ever come across so not only does he know all the answers but he has

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14 different answers for every question and he has also 14 different

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personalities so to continue the not doing the usual seems I can do this with

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shaking hands

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I just thought I'd sum up what what we've learned here and and what

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everything we do is about some people think the food is donut sincere when you

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mentioned vegetables they think you're queer low-fat dairy and Marjorie and I

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broke those sodas with half a they eat 16 tons of pizza here that much sugar

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climbs through the stratosphere but no need to worry simply calculate an extra

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shot of insulin to combat

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my neighbor is a healthy guy he's quick to say sit eight to 11 grains and

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starches everything his low-fat cookies go in the electric cart provided for

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free at the local wall after 16 thousand cans of Mountain Dew

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he lost all his teeth he can no longer - says it's not a problem because you see

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his health plan pays for sugar intravenously he says his wife is

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grateful for her excellent health and how she can't contribute to her surgeons

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well they just removed her spleen and after that good deed they cut out up

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some more parts that she didn't they took her gallbladder out and half a

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dozen toes every month there's more of which they can dispose she says that her

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kidneys won't be a missed since Medicare pays for her dialysis now if you think

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this sounds crazy then there is still hope then we can teach the people to lay

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off the dope I think people are tired of drugs and knives they're willing to

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change now to save their lives they're asking us if there is some

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recovery sorry they're asking us if there is some discovery that possibly

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could aid in their recovery we tell them with a straight face that

Time: 598.66

the Cure is complete it's an ancient secret all the veggies

Time: 635.83


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