Health And Stress Pt1 5/5 User Manual 4 Humans

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what do humans need

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humans have requirements of

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on a structural chemical and emotional

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those are needs the requirements

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so we need to simply put we need to eat

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move well

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and think well

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those are requirements you cannot

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reach optimal health you cannot realize

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your potential

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with two out of three

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on a regular basis so what does it mean

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to eat well it means you eat real food

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and we'll have another seminar on food

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it means food that nature produced

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we developed in nature we are a part of

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nature we cannot eat things we cannot

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thrive on things that are not from

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we cannot thrive on laboratory chemicals

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secondly we need to move well that's the

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exercise that we talked about that

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activates the receptors

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but it's also if we have

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if we have limitations

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moving well also involves chiropractic

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because if you have a joint that isn't

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that's a bottleneck for that information

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doesn't matter how much you exercise if

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that joint isn't moving there's still a

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part in your brain that's that gets

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so eat will move well and then think

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we need to feel good

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that's not an option

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feeling good is a requirement for for

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and that means we need to

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make it a priority to feel good if we

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don't know how then we read the book we

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do something to help us with some

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positive input to make us feel good

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watching news isn't working

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that's not part of the feel-good part so

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that's the requirements for health

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plants need water sunshine and good soil

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humans need to eat well mood will think

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not optional

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we're getting close to to wrapping it up

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so now we want to talk about

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what is required

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to restore health

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if we have some issues what do we need

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to do to restore the function and the

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so first we want to interrupt the

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whatever isn't working in the body

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is due to a pattern that is running that

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is not in your best interest whether

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it's making

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too much or too little stomach acid or

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whether it's a muscle in the neck that

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is turning a vertebra or keeping it

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whatever it is it's a pattern

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and the first thing we want to do is to

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interrupt that pattern that's step one

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the second thing we want to do

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is to start restoring balance

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in the nervous system and that's

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specifically particularly the balance

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between sympathetic and parasympathetic

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so we want to give the body a chance at

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healing by reducing the stress

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and the best thing we can do there again

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chiropractic adjustments to interrupt

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the pattern and follow it up with

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breathing exercises

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this is why you probably have heard me

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talk about breathing

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in this office

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the heart rate variability

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is one of the best indicators there is

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on future health potential

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and the breathing is a way that we can

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we have direct access to the balance of

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sympathetic and parasympathetic function

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third thing we want to do is to rebuild

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whatever areas in the brain have

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declined have degenerated

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we need to try to rebuild them in order

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to restore the full function

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so if you have if you sprained an ankle

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10 years ago

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ever since then you started limping a

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little bit

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and then the ankle got better and you

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didn't think much about it but ever

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since then you changed your gait just a

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little bit

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that you're pushing off three

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millimeters less on that leg

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that means that there's less movement in

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the hip and there's a difference between

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the incoming signals of your left and

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right brain

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something as subtle as that will create

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a difference

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is it significant we don't really know

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but if you have hundreds of those events

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they all add up

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how do we rebuild strength in the

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nervous system

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again the chiropractic adjustment

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it sends a fireworks of activity of

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stimulation to the brain

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and because we have different

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chiropractic techniques we tend to find

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where is the weak area we either check a

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short leg we do a muscle test we look at

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some neurological function

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if we can change

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some expression of function

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then we have helped balance out an

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underlying imbalance

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and what's the fourth thing we want to

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reduce stress because stress is

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ultimately the thing that caused the

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problem in the first place

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and what is stress

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stress is lifestyle and perception

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so we want to make sure that we get

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adequate rest we want to make sure that

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we feel good we don't want to work 80

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hours a week

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and live on coffee and cigarettes

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we want to we want to give the body a

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fair chance that's the smart lifestyle

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and the second thing is perception and

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this is a lifelong process but it's

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probably the best thing and the most

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important thing that we can do for

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ourselves is to gradually

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work on changing the outlook that we

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because it's not the traffic

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is stressful it's our perception of it

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and the same holds true for every person

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that you meet every judgment that you

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ever make

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piece of bad news or or

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aggravation that you ever come across

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it's a perception and it doesn't mean

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unless you give meaning to it

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but that's that's a choice and it's

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something we need to work on

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and then there's a little cartoon in

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here as well

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i love this guy

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he's got lots of funny stuff if you want

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to look him up on the web

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says what fits your busy schedule better

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exercising an hour a day or being dead

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24 hours a day

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i think that's kind of to the point

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because so many times

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yeah you know all that stuff it's really

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but you know i'm so busy i just never

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get to it there's so many things to do i

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gotta feed the chat i gotta go to work

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and if we nev if we don't make it a

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priority it never happens

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so if we wanna be healthy and happy we

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gotta set the time aside ahead of time

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and make it something important and then

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we always have time for the important

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who wants to feel better

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i'm sure you all have someone in mind

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you already thought of

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that you think yeah

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they got it they have to know this stuff

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they need to know this so

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that's why we started this series of

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talks so that

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you can come and learn we're going to

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try to change the topics and keep

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expanding on this

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and also for you to bring in new people

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so that we can have a growing crowd

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that's really the purpose of

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everything that we're doing here to

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raise the awareness of

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of health and well-being

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feel free to write down some names of

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people that you think could benefit from

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from knowing this stuff

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feel free to bring them next time

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so thank you very much

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for your attention and uh do you have

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any sort of questions feel free

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i covered everything too well

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and i wonder why i got that board

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we'll learn to write on it eventually

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