HbA1c Test and What HbA1c Normal Range Means

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Today I want to talk about hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) the levels the charts how to read

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them and why A1c may be the single most important marker on a blood test and yet

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it's often not even measured I going to explain everything that you need to know

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Hey I am doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. A lot of people have

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heard about A1c and glucose and insulin resistance and diabetes and they know

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it's a big deal so we're gonna explain all the different pieces you need to

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understand to make sense of all of that so first of all why is A1c measured?

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well blood sugar is important but blood sugar can fluctuate tremendously

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especially with a diet of refined foods so if you measure something at a certain

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time then you could get a very different reading depending on the time you pick

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so measuring glucose is difficult because it changes by the hour or even

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by the minute so what they found was that the red blood cells these are red

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blood cells they're floating around in the bloodstream and if there's a lot of

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sugar in the bloodstream meaning high blood glucose some of that sugar is

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gonna get stuck to the red blood cells to the hemoglobin and if there's more

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sugar in the bloodstream there's going to be more sugar stuck to the hemoglobin

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so they can measure the percentage of hemoglobin with glucose stuck to it and

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they come up with a measurement hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). So how did they do this

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simply they took 500 people they did a long study they measured the glucose and

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the A1c at varying times they plotted all of this and they came up with a

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remarkably straight line so they knew that there was a very strong correlation

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a very tight relationship between glucose and a1c then they came up with a

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formula so now we can measure one marker a1c and get an average

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of what the average glucose is because a red blood cell lives about three to four

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months and during its lifetime it gets more and more sugar more and more

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glucose stuck to it so depending on how much glucose is stuck we can measure and

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figure out pretty much exactly what the average glucose was so now we have a

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much much better measurement because even if it goes up and down a lot we can

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still figure out what it was on average and that's much more important to know

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than knowing what it was over here or over here so now we can create a chart

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and we can figure out we know that an average glucose of 91 is equivalent to

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an a1c of 4.8 average glucose of a hundred is equivalent to a 5.1 and so on

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and they have defined normal as being anything up to a 5.7 between 5.7 and 6.4

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is pre-diabetes that means that you don't have diabetes yet but you're

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probably going to get it and above six point four or six point five six point

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five and up is called diabetes they've defined that as diabetes but here's the

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thing to understand that even though they have imposed these sharp

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delineations they've put these these limits and say here it is this thing and

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here it's something else it's all gradual okay here it does very little

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damage and here it does a tremendous amount of damage because we know

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diabetes it's just a label at one it's got over a certain point but diabetes is

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associated with blindness with amputations and with kidney failure it's

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the leading cause of all those things it's devastating in in today's society

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but if we understand that the higher the number the more of these complications

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we have then we also understand that a 6.4 is not as good as a 5.1 there's a

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huge difference so we don't want to just look at this number and say oh good I'm

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normal if we're after optimum health we want to understand this and try to bring

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it in to the optimal range which in my experience and opinion and belief is

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somewhere between four point eight and five point one so then people say well I

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had my on my last blood test they measured my glucose and he came back at

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a 90 so does that mean I have an a1c of four point eight no because when they

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measured the glucose that means that was your fasting glucose level they caught

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it at a certain time and we don't know where on that scale it was but if you

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have an average glucose of a hundred that means a lot of times it's going to

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need to be lower than that and sometimes it's going to be higher than that so for

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example if you wake up in the morning and you have a fasting level of 80 and

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then you eat something like something healthy like an omelet or some avocado

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then it's probably going to gum up a little bit but not tremendously it's

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probably going to stay in the 120 range and then as your body digests this over

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several hours it's gonna gradually come back down again

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your average level there might have been a hundred even though you're fasting

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level was an eighty so that's the thing with the a1c it measures the average so

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in a good day it will look like this for people who aren't quite so healthy but

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still considered normal they might look something like this so

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they wake up and they're starving they have hypoglycemia they're lightheaded no

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energy they need to get something in them before they start functioning and

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so they have some cereal and a doughnut and low-fat milk and now it jumps up to

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a hundred and eighty and then it comes crashing down because of all the insulin

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required to get this blood sugar out and it comes up and down up and down

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throughout the day and yet their average is a hundred and twenty which by the

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official guidelines is still normal it is not even pre-diabetic but this is not

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healthy because this is toxic to the brain and

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this level is toxic to the brain so here's sort of how it works this is not

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an absolute but just like a scenario to give you an idea normal would be average

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of a hundred and within a very tight range then we start eating some

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processed foods and the blood sugar goes crazy but when it comes crashing down

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the body still has some reserves we release some cortisol to bring up the

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blood sugar the liver is working so it can break down some glycogen and get the

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blood sugar up so we never totally crash but if we keep doing this now we develop

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even larger swings and at the bottom here we get something called reactive

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hypoglycemia because now the organs are little too tired that are a little worn

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out to keep up with this abuse so now we get even bigger swings but we're still

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considered normal maybe pre-diabetic maybe we're getting

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into this range and then eventually the system just can't keep up at all it

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can't get the sugar out of there quickly so now we have type 2 diabetes

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maybe insulin dependent or non insulin-dependent but the blood sugar is

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so high on average so consistently high that the pancreas can't create enough

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insulin to push this out into the cells so now even though there's some swings

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we have a steady high level and we're in diabetes so again it doesn't happen like

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this every time but it's just a scenario of how this thing's can can happen over

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time so what we want to understand is that even if the average isn't too

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terribly bad we're still creating damage we're still not producing energy at a

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steady level we're not functioning at our optimum and we're still developing

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inflammation with all this insulin so there's lots and lots of different

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different drawbacks to this scenario over this even though we're still

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considered in the normal range and the other thing to understand about a 1c is

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that because these blood cells live about 3 to 4 months these values

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don't change very quickly so if someone says how do I bring down my a1c as fast

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as possible well you start eating real food you eat you avoid the sugar and the

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starches but it's still gonna take a while because let's say you start off

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with a blood sugar of 180 and if you kept it there for a while

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then your a1c would be about eight so you realize hey I'm killing myself this

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is not a good thing let me change so you start eating real food and after a month

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your average blood sugar as they measured with frequent pinpricks is

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about a hundred and fifty and then in month three it's a hundred and twenty

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five and in month four it's a hundred so then you go and you figure oh look I'm

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gonna go get checked and my a1c should be about five no it's not going to be

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because you still have some of the blood cells from previous months that were

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still swimming around while your blood sugar was really high so even if you

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follow this scenario and you're getting very healthy very quickly you're a 1 C

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is going to be maybe 6.5 so the moral of the story is yes you definitely want to

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do this but the a1c blood test may not reflect the true value because it's

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lagging behind the if you get a 6.5 after four months you're actually doing

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a whole lot better than this 6.5 is indicating so be patient with it and

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realize that this is something you definitely want to keep track of but

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it's not something that's going to change very quickly you want to have at

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least the six or a nine month horizon on on getting this leveled out so we don't

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do a whole lot of blood work in our office but I think there's a few markers

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that are worth keeping track of and maybe at least get a baseline so that

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you know where you're starting so you know what's been been going on and a1c

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is one of those markers that we highly recommend and then we suggest for people

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to get so while I was searching for a few questions on

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Google I donned on me how many misconceptions there are out there so

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one of the questions was what's a good a one see if you have type 2 diabetes

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there is no answer to that because it is never good with diabetes but the problem

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is people have been labeled they have been said oh look you have an a1c of 7

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or 8 you are diabetic here's your medication instead of understanding that

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this is physiology this is an adaptation your body has adapted to a long term

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insult and if you stop the insult your body can reverse it so there is no good

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a one-seed level for diabetes the only good way is to reverse the diabetes by

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giving your body some real food and some good exercise and a healthy environment

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and other people are asking how do I bring down my a1c quickly and again we

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sort of talked about this that it isn't gonna go quick because there's gonna be

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a lag but regardless you're gonna have to do the right things to get your body

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healthy that's the only way that you can develop health and sustain health we

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want to get rid of that idea of a quick fix ok you have to address the

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underlying conditions you have to handle the cause of the problem and I can't

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tell you how often I have people come into the office and they say oh you know

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I have diabetes but my doctor says it's being controlled all right what that

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means is that they are managing to keep it at an eight or a nine instead of a 14

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so they're not going to develop as quickly as terrible complications as if

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they didn't do anything but that's not a solution that's not

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keeping it in control we have to understand that the body can heal if we

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do the right things and the right things is to not listen to government

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guidelines because they believe that grains and sugar and processed foods are

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necessary in modern okay if you want to reverse this then

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you get off sugar you get off of all the white flour but also you get off of all

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the grain and all the processed foods you base your food on vegetables you

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fill in with some protein and then you eat healthy fats until you're full

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that's how you reverse this stuff because if you stop putting things in

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the body that will cause blood sugar spikes then you will start reversing

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this situation and what we've been talking about is a big problem because

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there is probably less than 10% of the population that are in a good level

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somewhere between 4.8 and 5.1 we have 50% or so at a level above 5.7 but again

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in my mind I think 5.5 to 5.7 is like pre pre-diabetes it's not a place you

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want to be if you're looking for optimal health just because something becomes

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normal in the sense that most people have it that doesn't make it a good idea

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or healthy just because you don't have symptoms yet doesn't make it healthy so

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please share this information with as many people as you can because the more

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we can get the truth out about how the body works and the optimum lifestyle the

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better we can help people have quality of life if you have any questions let me

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know I'll be more than happy to answer questions or make videos on additional

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topics and if you have some experiences if you've been measuring your a1c s and

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you have some feedback for me please share that as well I'd love to hear from

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you thanks so much for watching

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