Hand Tremor Treatment Natural - Master Health

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Hand tremor treatment is there a natural way to handle it? I'm gonna explain. Hey

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I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So in a previous

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video I had a viewer with hand tremors who said that his hand tremors improved

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after he did some breathing exercises that I had recommended for cold hands and

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feet so he had both cold hands and feet and he had hand tremors and he wanted to

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know was it possible that working on one could improve the other. So the answer is

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absolutely yes. And in this video we're gonna take a look at some of the

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mechanisms behind that what happens when you're breathing is you're affecting the

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frontal lobe so the frontal lobe is the action part of the brain it's the

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executive part it's the thinking part abstract thought it it manages it's

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where motivation is most of the things that make you human is because we have a

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larger and more sophisticated frontal lobe than any other animal on the planet

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and something that's really important and we'll get to also in a second is 85%

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of what that frontal lobe does is it turns things off it inhibits things so

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that's that little blue line here it shows where things if it's a minus sign

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it means it inhibits it turns things office with the plus sign it means it

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turns things on so let's talk about a stress response let's say that you're

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standing in the street and you're not really paying attention and you see a

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bus coming at you you glance over and your body wants to get out of the way

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you don't even have to think about it the the the action is taken care of for

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you because there is a sympathetic or a

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fight/flight response that's gonna kick in and save your life so just to

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simplify things we'll call the upper brainstem the sympathetic and that's

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your your stress response so that stress response before you even

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really have a chance to think about it it's going to increase your heart rate

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it's going to increase vasoconstriction and the combination of increased heart

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rate and vasoconstriction means your blood pressure goes up and the blood

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travels faster out to the muscles and the body parts that can perform work and

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get you out of the way you also get more cortisol because cortisol increases

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blood sugar and blood sugar extra blood sugar is good in an emergency your body

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also up regulates LDL low-density lipoproteins the bad cholesterol which

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of course isn't bad it's absolutely appropriate for different situations and

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if you're in an emergency there's a chance that you're gonna get injured

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cholesterol is part of wound healing and clotting mechanisms so your body makes

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sure you get plenty of it and you're also going to breathe faster because you

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want to get lots of air into your lungs to provide oxygen so all of these things

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happen instantaneously in order to save your life while you're doing that the

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upper brainstem the sympathetic inhibits the lower brainstem the parasympathetic

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and the reason it does that is that you have limited resources in the body you

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only have so much blood so the brain has to decide the brain stem actually

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decides where does this go where is it best used in this moment so if you got

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to get away from a bus then it's best used in your circulatory and your

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muscular system if you're at rest if you just had a good meal then the blood is

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best used to digest food and to support your immune system and handle

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reproduction and healing it's an either/or it's like a seesaw when you

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have a stress response the red area and you're sympathetic kicks in and it's

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going to turn off that parasympathetic the feed read system so that you can get

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that blood so you can get those Reese for the emergency this is what happens

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the sympathetic is always going to override your parasympathetic because a

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bus comin at you is always more important and digesting your last meal

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this is important but if you don't get away from the bus you don't get it

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second chance now the brain the frontal lobe has the ability to override this

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so first the sympathetic kicks in it turns off the parasympathetic and then

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the frontal lobe takes a look the executive function it evaluates and it

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says okay getting away from that bus was a good idea but now we're safe let's

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calm things down again so now that frontal lobe which is 85% inhibitory

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turning things off it starts to inhibit that stress response so now your heart

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rate comes down your vasoconstriction releases so that you get

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more vasodilation so you get more blood flow into the periphery so all of these

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things go down and now that the frontal lobe inhibits the sympathetics then

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that's the same thing as stimulating the parasympathetics because if you turn off

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something that turns off that's the same thing as turning something on so now

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you're kicking in your digestion your immune system reproduction and so forth

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so these are two different states whenever you're stressed then your body

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is going to favor the sympathetic side and part of what it does there it's also

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going to send some take some blood away from the frontal lobe because you don't

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need all of that right now the frontal lobe the

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parasympathetic is associated with calm being calm having peace being creative

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having abstract thought being able to do things and having fine motor skills so

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if you're if you are painting or if you're making a watch or a model

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airplane you do that best in the parasympathetic

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the sympathetic the the stress response it's more about reaction it puts you

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back into your animal instincts because you don't have to think you just have to

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act just have to get out of there and therefore gross motor skills are

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much more useful you just need to make large movements and when you have a

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tremor that's when the brain doesn't inhibit certain things the the ability

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to have no movement is when things are inhibited when that frontal lobe is

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strong enough to turn things off that's when you have no tremor tremor is

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associated with stress and with gross motor skills and everyone that has the

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tremor can probably attest to the fact that when they're stressed it gets worse

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so when you do breathing exercises when you slow your breath down especially the

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out-breath then you're going to activate your parasympathetic nervous system

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you're going to activate your frontal lobe you're going to bring the blood

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flow back into the frontal lobe you're going to develop more inhibition and

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more calm peace creative fine motor skills you're going to improve all the

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things that have to do with healing so once you start understanding all these

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mechanisms you understand how ingenious the body is and that they're very very

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few variables really that's so many conditions whether it's cold hands or

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tremor or an ulcer or a poor immune system or erectile dysfunction that it

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all fits into this model and also high blood pressure cold hands and feet high

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cholesterol all of this fits that same model and it's not going to fix

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everything but a simplest thing as breathing can start improving all of it

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so it's a central mechanism that we're looking for and that's what holistic

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health is all about it's understanding the central mechanisms and helping the

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body return to normal hope that was helpful thanks for watching if you

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enjoyed this sort of content and you're new to the channel make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell and also please share this because this

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is things that people are suffering from all the things that we're talking about

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the symptoms the degenerative disease the high blood pressure medication the

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cholesterol medication the antacids there is a reason if we just help the

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body get back to normal you don't need those and you're allowing the body to

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function the way it's supposed to so share this information with as many

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people as you possibly can if you care about them and you want to help them

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live better lives thanks for watching

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