Hamstring Stretches For Lower Back Pain

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A lot of people have tight hamstrings and sometimes those hamstrings can

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contribute to lower back pain. But then it might hurt to stretch the hamstrings

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because of the lower back pain, so I'm going to show you a safe way that you

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can get it all done. Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and by

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subscribing to our channel you will learn everything that you need to know

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to master true health. A lot of people want to stretch their hamstrings but

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then when they sit down on the floor and try to stretch them they find that their

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back hurts. So how can you stretch it safely without aggravating anything?

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I'm going to show you something you can do at home we're going to talk about the

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hamstring muscles and show you how to do it. I'm gonna use a couple of boxes here

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and you could use a kitchen table or anything that's appropriate height for

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you you want to start kind of carefully and then you can work your way up so a

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lot of people when they sit down and they try to stretch then they're back

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rounds out they put a lot of strain on their lower back so you want to do the

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stretch standing up and let me show you right here and by doing this now you're

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maintaining your normal spinal curves and then when you lean forward to

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stretch toward toward the leg you don't want to round your back out again you

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want to keep your chest up maintain your lumbar curve and then carefully lean

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forward so it doesn't look like I'm stretching a whole lot here but it is a

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tremendous stretch actually I could easily round out my back and reach the

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toe but this is less of a stretch on the hamstring then this is now there's two

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main hamstring groups one runs on the inside from here up to the pelvis and

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one runs on the other side from the knee up to the pelvis so by adjusting your

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hip position you can emphasize one more or the

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so if I want to stretch the outside I'm gonna turn my hip over toward that

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direction so I'm gonna close the hip down and now when I stretch I stretch

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almost entirely on the outside if I want to stretch the inside I open up the hip

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so that my foot is facing about 45 degrees out and now when I lean I'm

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stretching mostly on the inside so then of course you want to alternate and do

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both sides equally you maintain your posture you carefully lean forward and

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there you have a wonderful stretch now step two you want to add a little bit

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more to this so instead of just holding the stretch you want to add a

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contraction this is what's called a PNF or proprioceptive neuromuscular

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facilitation so now I'm gonna get into my stretch I'm going to hold it for

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about ten seconds and then I'm gonna push the heel down into the support so

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you're not going to see any motion because this is what's called a static

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contraction but I'm starting to push that heel down so there is a pretty

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strong contraction and I'm maintaining it and you want to hold that for about

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ten maybe fifteen seconds then you relax the muscle and then you lean another

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couple of inches and you hold that again for 10-15 seconds

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so here's a wonderful way that you can get a tremendous efficient hamstring

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stretch and put absolutely no strain on your low back so let me show you the

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stretch again straight from the side so you can see exactly what it looks like

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and I'm going to start with the hips facing forward turning the hips forward

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and then I'm stretching the lateral the outside part of the hamstring the most

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and I am keeping my posture upright I'm maintaining my arch in the back and then

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I'm leaning forward and the better you keep that arch in the low back the more

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the stronger that stretch of the hamstring is so even though it doesn't

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look like much of a stretch I'm getting a tremendous stretch here so again we

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would stretch for 10 push down for 10 relax for 10 and go a little further

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okay now let's show with your other leg okay upright lean forward

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and then if we're going to do the inside now I'm turning I'm opening up my hip so

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that I'm getting a 90 45 to 90 degree angle on that foot and now you can even

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stretch sideways like this if you like and now we're getting a only a stretch

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on the inside you could turn a 45 degree and go a little bit in between and you

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can do all the angles in between then you're really getting to every portion

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of that hamstring muscle it's a perfectly safe stretch even if you have

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low back pain because you're taking the low back out of it completely let me

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know how that works for you I'd love to hear from you if you have any questions

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or suggestions don't forget to leave comments down below and hit that

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subscribe button so we can keep this material coming your way thanks so much

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for today

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