Guided Relaxation Meditation For Stress Relief And Healing - Dr Ekberg

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we'll start a guided relaxation here and the purpose is to provide relief from tension

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relief from thought and relief from worry sit comfortably in a relaxed

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but upright posture you want to sit tall without effort or strain breathe softly through

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your belly if you have a tight belt you can loosen that if

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you like and you can keep your eyes open or you can close them whichever you're

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more comfortable and for right now just allow yourself the luxury of a few minutes

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just to relax and feel good this is just for you and let all the worries of the day this

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fall away take all the burdens and all the worries

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that you've been carrying carry them you've been carrying on your shoulders

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or on your back just set them aside just put them down just for now it's okay

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they'll still be there if you want to pick them up later then open your mouth

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slightly and put the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth then you take a

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really deep breath fill your lungs all the way in as much as you can and then

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slowly let the breath out through the teeth with a whooshing sound

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make it a really really long out breath and take one more breath like that all

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the way in and then let it out very very slowly

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then close your mouth breathe through your nose slowly and relaxed

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breathe through your belly and let it expand comfortably with each breath

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while the shoulders stay relaxed as the breath expands your belly let it

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continue a little bit up into the chest just a little bit you don't have to fill

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your lungs all the way and breathe in and out slowly i'm going

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to count for you i'm going to breathe count to four on the in breath and five

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on the out breath so breathe in one two three four make a short pause and out one

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two three short pause and one two three four

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and out one two three four five so continue that about the same rhythm

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practice that for just a couple of breaths

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unless you have the rhythm down now you want to add a positive emotion to this

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you can think of something that makes you happy pick a flower a child of puppy

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a situation anything that works for you or you can just be happy for no reason

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at all and that's called bliss is when you're happy for no reason

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whether is joy in the mirror state of beingness

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just focus on the breath and how you feel

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and if there's a thought or an emotion or attention then just let it drift away

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like a cloud in the sky so just keep letting the thoughts drift

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away and when a thought comes back up which

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it will don't beat yourself up just acknowledge it let it drift off and

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return your focus to your breath feeling good

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peace and joy is your natural interstate there's no

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effort involved you don't have to do anything just relax

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and just be the peace with every in breath we can breathe in a

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subtle joy with every out breath you let go more

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tension so with every breath

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allow yourself to find deeper the bird levels of relaxation

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allow yourself to believe that this well being

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can get better notice your breath again

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and notice how your entire body expands ever so slightly with a breath the

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entire periphery of your body grows and shrinks with each breath

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now can you imagine how the inhalation fills your entire body not just the

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lungs but everything that expands is filled with air

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and then can you imagine that when the air leaves your body it leaves behind

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nothing but space

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by your entire body feels like space as you breathe out

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then imagine or visualize all the space around your body

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the space in every direction around you

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so the inside of your body is all space outside your body is all space

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then try to imagine that the space inside your body is continuous with this

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space outside your body

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how the continuity of space inside you and outside of you

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obliterates the edges of the body

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so in this moment you're one with space you don't need your body just allow

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yourself wonderful experience just being one with space

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can you imagine how fast you are as the space inside you extends in every

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just allow yourself the luxury of resting in this moment

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as the space and the peace that you are

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just rest as the silence that you are

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and then can you allow yourself to accept this moment just for now not five

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seconds from now or five minutes from now just this moment right now can you

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accept it and just let it be exactly what is

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can you welcome this moment and realize how complete you are how in

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this moment you don't need anything

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there's nothing that you can't cope with in the present moment

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there are never any problems right now in order to find problems you have to

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think and travel by thoughts to some other imaginary moments

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that they don't exist right now

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everything you need is right here right now in this moment

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and this is the best moment there is

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because it's the only moment there is

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can you feel that this is the best there is

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nothing can ever exist at any other time than right now

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and right now all as well

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so remain relaxed in this moment but allow yourself to start feeling the

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presence of your body notice feel the presence of your hands feel the presence

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of your legs

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and realize that your body consists of cells trillions of cells

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it's more than just a group of cells or a bunch of cells it's the community of

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cells a wonderful intelligent perfect

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community just working for you every one of those trillions of cells

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can create another perfect healthy cell

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your cells can be in a state of fear and protection or they can be in a state of

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love peace and healing

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your cells are listening to you they're listening to your thoughts

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they're determining their behavior and their state based on the thoughts you

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so take a moment and send them a message all this broadcast that they are

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perfectly safe

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your cells want to relax and join you in this moment of well-being

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let the broadcast radiate and vibrate after every single cell in your body

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can you feel the tingle can you feel the cells vibrate

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then can you imagine that your heart is the broadcast center imagine a warm

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golden light magically appearing in your heart and spreading throughout the body

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the warm golden light feels so good and it's making everyone of yourselves get

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all warm and relaxed you're getting so relaxed now you're starting to relax

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even at cellular level the wonderful healing energy is filling every cell as

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they let go of tension and toxins

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yourself becoming clean strong all tension fear is gone replaced with

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peace courage energy and enthusiasm the cells are energized but there's no

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effort on your part your cells know what to do all you have to do is relax and

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breathe your cells don't need any help they just need you to get out of the way

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and then relax and

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all the wonderful little cells know exactly what to do

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that's what they're designed for it is built in

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growth and healing relax

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and breathe then bring your attention back to this room and the chair you're sitting

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in take a few breaths a little bit deeper let yourself slowly return to the

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physical world and allow yourself the possibility that you can take this

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wonderful feeling with you as you move into the rest of the day and know that

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there is no shortage of peace you can access it as often as you want move your

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head a little bit stretch a little bit move your fingers wiggle your toes open

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your eyes take a new fresh look at life

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how many people found some sort of inner place you haven't seen before or it were

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a deeper relaxation and some peace at a better level good so what I did here is

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there's lots of these programs and tapes and things I made this one up just based

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on ideas that I've gotten from other places and things that work for me so

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when I lie in bed at night take five minutes and I just watched my breath and

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I tell myself some of these things I picture myself I ask what what sort of

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broadcast would my cells one right now when they want one fretting over

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tomorrow or would they don't want to know that all as well and one that

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really works for me is to think of this moment just accept this moment just for

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now and this is the best moment there is because it's the only moment there is

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and as soon as we think oh well you know that's not really true because yesterday

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I had a really great moment no because that's history the only moment is now

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and as soon as you're comparing to something you're judging if you can get

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yourself to the place where you feel this moment right here is the best there

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is because it's all there is then that that really gets me that that piece hope

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this has been helpful welcome any ideas or suggestions about what you liked or

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what didn't work and I'm planning to make a CD of this that will make

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available awesome so thank you so much for coming and where you see you next

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