Guacamole Recipe Keto Paleo Vegan Vegetarian and Raw Recipe

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today I will show you how to make a guacamole that is a thousand times

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better than the store-bought and it is so simple

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stay tuned hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and by subscribing to

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this channel and following us you will learn everything that you need to know

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to master true health today we will show you how to make guacamole it is one of

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my favorite things to do you can have it as a dip you can have it as a side dish

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there's really no way to mess it up but I'll show you how easy it is we're gonna

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start with some avocados we'll have some fresh lime fresh onion garlic like to

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use fresh cilantro but I didn't have any so when I run out I freeze it to keep some

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for backup we'll have some tomato salt and pepper and if you like a little bit

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of hot spice you could use jalapenos I never keep those around so I'll just use

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little hot sauce we'll start with avocado and these have

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been sitting in the fridge for a while so I don't know how good they are this

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one was really nice actually but if you don't if they gone a little brown or

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grey then you can just scoop out the nice part it doesn't really affect the

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end result so there we got to cut out cut away a little bit

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and you could use an electric mixer but when they're really really right then

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they mix so easily you can just stir it in see it's a little bit like a gamble

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this one's not great but it's we can salvage some of it and avocado is one of

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these wonderful wonderful foods that nature makes because it's so enjoyable

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in its natural form and it is so rich and satisfying it is nice and creamy it

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has lots of fiber lots of essential lot lots of good fats

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and it's one of those things that mother nature really got it right so there's

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two of them I'd like to make a little bit extra because once I make it eat it

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it keeps for two three days so you want to you can make a little bit of extra

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and that one looked really nice too now if you buy it in the store and it

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keeps for a week or two then you have to kind of question how that happens

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because really really fresh food it spoils very quickly that's just Nature's

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Way of reclaiming things that if it doesn't spoil then that means that the

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pathogens the bacteria and so forth they don't really want it so you always have

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to ask if if the bugs don't want it then is there is it really something that

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that you want to eat so the fresher the better but the

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fresher means it has a shorter lifespan also this one is just a little bit

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firmer so I cut it in pieces before I I put it in there and then we're gonna

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have some onions and I want to chop so I'll just make some cuts down the side

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and about 1/4 onion I think is about right for three avocados we're

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gonna chop up the cilantro this garlic clove is pretty big so we need to cut it

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in two to make it fit in the garlic press

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I love garlic yes most things taste better squeeze some

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lime in there so we'll start with one wedge of lime and then I'm gonna mix it

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up and taste it and see if it needs more

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and just slice Tomatoes you want either a really sharp knife like this or

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something serrated otherwise you'll be cursing

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over the tomato so you cut it dice it little bite size and there's no rule for

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this however big and chunky you want it I know in restaurants they like to

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keep the pieces as large as possible so it looks like they actually put some

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real food in there and that's that's a good thing and two tomatoes might have

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been a little more than what this really needed but again it's hard to mess it up

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as long as you get the proportions even remotely close you will be okay

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some salt some pepper like fresh ground black

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pepper there's always a little more aroma to it when you grind it fresh

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and then we just put a little bit of hot sauce I use schritica but pretty

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much any hot sauce would work fine and then we're gonna stir this up

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and if your avocado is like I said if it's really right then it will mix

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pretty easy if it's a little bit firmer then you can cut it in smaller pieces

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before and you can also use an electric mixer I do that sometimes but these were

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pretty right so we're just gonna leave it at that

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and that looks fantastic we sometimes use it with organic corn chips if we

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want to use a little dip you can use it with some some crackers and of course we

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try to find low-carb gluten-free crackers and or you could just dip

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vegetables or you can have it as a side dish so we're gonna have a little taste

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here and that is delicious that was a big garlic clove so for some people that

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might be a little bit much that was almost like 2 or 3 garlic cloves we're

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gonna add a little bit more lime

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and a little bit more salt

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and that is very very good like I said homemade guacamole very

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difficult to mess it up try it and enjoy it so let me show you what this looks

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like up close will give you a little zoom in shot and make sure you subscribe

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and follow our channels you can stay tuned for more ideas on cooking but also

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principles and understand how health works

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