Glycemic Index Explained

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Glycemic index explained. Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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you've probably heard of the term glycemic index but what is it and what's

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really a good number to look for so first of all glycemic index is a

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measurement of how quickly something that you eat turns into sugar and how

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quickly it is absorbed into the bloodstream and results in increased

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blood sugar levels so glycemic means sugar if you start looking for these

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different values and you find all these different values then it's because

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everyone is different and this is not some scientific standard it's a trial

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and error you give one person some food you measure their blood glucose and you

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see what happens and something completely different could happen in

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another person so I wouldn't go looking too hard in investigating this because I

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think it is of limited value but nevertheless it's a good idea to

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understand conceptually another important factor is that we rarely eat

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one food by itself so while I don't recommend a lot of baked potatoes it is

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a big difference if you eat the baked potato dry and you scoop it out and

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leave the skin behind you're going to have an astronomical glycemic index

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whereas if you drench it in sour cream and put and butter now the butter and

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sour cream is going to buffer the body's response it's going to make it absorb

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slower and lower the glycemic index so the number is not a truth in itself but

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it's a good thing to understand so when they make these measurements in people

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they use blood glucose as the standard so glucose is pure sugar the way it

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appears in the bloodstream so when they make these measurements

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on people they use glucose as the reference because glucose is the form of

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sugar that circulates in your blood it's the pure six carbon ring of sugar that's

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the way that your body ultimately uses it once it's getting the blood stream so

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if you take pure glucose which is the same thing as dextrose or grape sugar then that

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number is a hundred by comparison sucrose or table sugar which is half

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glucose and half fructose will rank at 68 because fructose is absorbed a whole

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lot slower and therefore the number will be significantly less so then you look

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at things like wheat bread and baked potatoes and french fries that some

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people think are good complex carbohydrates and you find that they

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raise your blood sugar more than if you were to take a bag of sugar and eat that

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white crunchy stuff straight out of the bag with a spoon then you would raise it

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at a number of 68 if you eat wheat bread baked potato or

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french fry you raise it by over seventy five in some cases so when we talk about

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sugar we don't just talk about pure sugar we talk about the things that turn

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into sugar any carbohydrate at all anything from the plant kingdom is going

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to turn into sugar some things turn into sugar almost immediately and some turn

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very very slowly so if you look at asparagus spinach tomato broccoli those

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are non starchy vegetables they have a lot of water a lot of fiber and a little

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bit of sugar in them and the fiber slows things down so their glycemic index is

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very low it's in the single digits so these are foods that even though they

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are carbohydrates they're non starchy and you can eat these in any amount that

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you want they're not going to screw you up and then for comparison obviously

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which is never included in any glycemic index

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table and it sort of makes sense but because they don't have any carbohydrate

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in them so their glycemic index is close to zero but it's almost like they don't

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know that people eat these things they only focus on the the grains and the

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potatoes and the cereals but meat fish eggs are close to zero and glycemic

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index again meaning you can eat as much as you like and not have any glycemic

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any blood sugar responses so it's not entirely true because everything you eat

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does impact blood sugar a little bit but it is very very limited so if you follow

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our channel for a little while you know that we promote a diet of low

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carbohydrate moderate protein and high fat such as a paleo or a keto diet and

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then we focus on vegetables and meat and high quality fats all of which are very

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very low on the glycemic index list generally a high glycemic index is

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considered anything above 70 medium is considered 56 to 70 and a low glycemic

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index is considered anything below 56 and anyone working with paleo or keto

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and has some clinical experience of diet work and nutrition work would probably

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agree that that's outrageous so these are not absolute guidelines but just to

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give you an idea of where I think they should be I think a low glycemic index

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is below 10 I think a medium would be 10 to 30 you'd get some semi starchy

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vegetables in there and high would be anything over 30 those things will

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impact your blood sugar significantly so just for fun to kind of put this in

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perspective I would say that the thing that they call low I would call super

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high what they call medium I would call crazy high and what they call high is

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just pure sugar boom so realize that the

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guidelines have been put together by the same people who promote the food pyramid

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and that in this country we have an epidemic of diabetes and degenerative

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problems that are just going completely out of control and it's not going to get

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any better as long as we think that this is the guideline so thanks so much for

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watching if you enjoy the sort of content make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell and please share this content because this

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information is life-saving tell as many people as you want so we can help people

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understand how health really works thanks for watching

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