Food For Humans Pt3 3/3 User Manual 4 Humans

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smells on earth eat the basically they eat anything that they can catch pick or

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gather so all of those are foods that are purely produced by the planet by

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mother earth and they eat anything that is or was recently part of a living and

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breathing ecosystem here on the planet so if we look at food in that

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perspective we can see the stark contrast between that and anything that

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we pick up in the grocery store so what do we want to feed Homo sapiens well

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first off we want to have a good protein source we want to eat meat fish fowl any

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sort of animal that runs round but we want to eat the animals that had a

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natural life and that have been fed and eating things that are natural for them

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so most of the beef or all of the beef that you buy in the store is corn-fed

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and corn is not a natural food for a cow account would never select cord to eat

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if you give him a choice but in those food raising plants they don't have a

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choice so they eat the corn and they get really sick and they need medication and

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chemicals to to tolerate it so that makes the a beef of food that just not

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very suitable it's not a quality food then we want to eat nuts and fruits and

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berries and we're going to eat them in the form that nature produces them one

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of my favorite pet peeves is when ever they say made from because whenever they

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say made from whatever it is if it's made from Apple's well if it's not an

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apple anymore it's not an apple anymore so when you make something from

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something it's totally irrelevant when you mess with it it's not what it

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used to be and it can to provide the nutrients and participate in your

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ecology the way that it did before and we want to eat vegetables and roots like

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carrots and potatoes and different things and we want to eat very limited

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whole grains we can eat some we can tolerate a little bit but we're not

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really made to eat a lot of reims so let's just give an example of that let's

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talk about wheat there's an epidemic of wheat and tolerance and celiacs disease

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and and what could that be where could that be from well let's look

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historically 10,000 years ago and the time period were looking back here our

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ancestors probably ate some wheat but they had two kinds of weeks they were

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called Emmer and einkorn and they had forty percent protein then 9,000 years

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ago there was a natural hybrid and we had a third kind of weed called triticum

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something and that was all the time that was three leads all the way up to modern

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times and today and in the last few decades it has exploded into 25,000

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types of wheat and they have this happened with hybridization by mixing

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species but more disturbingly it's happening with genetic manipulation so

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they go in and they through manipulation they insert and extract genetic traits

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and genetic code from these foodstuffs and we don't really know how they're

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going to interact with a Lonnie long term because they've never been part of

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the food chain it is not a natural food anymore and if you look at one thing the

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the traits that they try to develop is not flavor or nutrition

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is resistance to weather and pesticides those are the basic things that are

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interested in developing and in doing this they're changing important

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characteristics of the food it's not the same food anymore it doesn't have a

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natural genetic makeup and one example we can talk about is the protein it used

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to be back here there was forty percent protein today normal weeds the average

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wheat has twelve percent protein so it's just not something that comes from

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nature anymore and of course the fast food industry the next cartoon here our

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challenge is to convince the public that heart attacks are sexy they can just do

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that then well they're pretty close they're pretty close so when we talk

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about food priorities there's so many different things to keep track of what

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do we do where do we start well the first thing that I want to recommend and

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these are my opinions i would say balance blood sugar if you're just going

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to do one thing with your with your food choices you want to balance blood sugar

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that means you lower sugar starch and alcohol and get good quality vegetables

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protein and fat secondly you want to eat more Whole Foods more live foods and

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more raw foods that's the way all other animals eat them that's the way they

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occur in nature that's the way they fit the best into your biology that means

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you eat less packaged less processed and definitely less additives and chemicals

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as well thirdly if you want to start getting a

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little more picky then you want to start trying to balance your pH and that means

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you want to try to get it in the alkyl n direction because most people today are

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very very acidic that most of the things we eat such as grain and protein and

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processed foods are very acidic the alkaline foods are going to be fruits

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and vegetables and anything that is naturally water rich and then lastly you

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want to start trying to reduce the poison and increase the nutrient

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concentration you want to try to raise the quality of the food that you eat and

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that means you want to start looking for organic food you want to start looking

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free-range and local and sustainable foods and what this does is the poison

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obviously doesn't belong in your body it interferes with your my own biological

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processes and also when you feed a plant or an animal or a vegetable or a very if

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you feed it artificial nutrients then it basically gets bloated and big and

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pretty but it doesn't have much nutrient content in it so when you eat organic

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and local and sustainable then you're increasing your nutrient concentration

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as well as reducing the poison so let's real quick go over and talk about what's

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required to maintain health so what would you say if you're

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trying to race a plant and the plant isn't doing too well what was the first

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thing that you're going to give it water okay so now you're you're feeding your

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watering your plant but it's still not doing very well what's the next thing

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that you think of appropriate some wood sunlight exactly so now you're giving it

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water and sunlight and it's still not very happy what what are you thinking

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soy exactly because plants need three things you can ask a five-year-old so

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not trying to make you look bad here finder old will know that you got to put

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the plan to the soil and you have to give it water you have to give it some

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light so for the life form called plants those elements are required how many

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times if you try a million times to raise a plant you give it two out of

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three you plant put it in the soil but you're saying no I'm just going to give

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it some like no water how many healthy plants are you going to have zero cactus

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yeah exactly and and it doesn't matter which ingredient we remove if something

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is required we cannot get a healthy plant long-term with with two out of

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three and the same thing holds true for humans so what do humans need humans

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have nutritional needs we have structural physical movement needs and

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we have emotional needs so what this means is we need to eat well we need to

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move well we need to think well and eating

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well we've talked about what that means you eat real food and less poison moving

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well means just what it sounds like we need exercise we need to move our

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physical apparatus is designed for movement it does not function without

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movement and if you try to withhold movement for any length of time the body

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degenerates the whole system every aspect muscular neurological everything

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degenerates and think well that means we have to feel good we have to have a

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purpose we have to have most of our thoughts or at least some of our

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thoughts need to be positive and hopeful if we're always feeling bad if we're

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always depressed and we're stressed than our bodies break down as well so these

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are requirements on humans eat well move will think well and of course movement

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if you have a body if you have a spine and a body that where the joint range of

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motion isn't what it should be that exercise is not going to go all the way

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exercise will help but it will only be partially beneficial because if the

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joints aren't moving that's that's a bottleneck that's a limitation in the

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function and communication of the body the signals cannot and develop and be

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generated the way that they should and that's a different scent

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we'll take a whole whole seminar on on that part alone and so overall that that

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concludes what we have to talk about for tonight we try to keep it simple and

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brief and lastly we would like you to think about anyone that you know who

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would like to feel better I think that should be ninety-nine percent of the

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population that can benefit from because most of them never got a user manual and

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we're trying to compile one piece by piece here for you so we want to thank

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you very much for your attendance and if you have any questions will be happy to

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take some questions at this point

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