Food For Humans Pt3 2/3 User Manual 4 Humans

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that way it will give you diabetes and it will give you heart disease so not

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only is it not good for you will actually create diseases eating that way

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it says two to four fruit servings of fruits three to five servings of

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vegetables and then you get meat poultry fish dry beans two or three servings

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milk yogurt and cheese two to three servings and then at the top fats oils

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and sweets enjoy sparingly so let's take let's take a look at that on the next

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slide and let's see what those food nutrients what are they good for what do

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they do for us so fat is one of the most important fuels that we have because

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it's a high quality fuel that is absorbed very slowly it sustains blood

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sugar and it's a very very healthy way of getting your your fuel fat also acts

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as energy reserves that's how the body stores them fat is a major component of

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your hormone system so cholesterol and quality essential fatty acids are very

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very important for your hormone for your endocrine system fat is also structural

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it acts as insulation in both for for thermal insulation and electrical

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insulation for the nerves so fat has a whole lot of different functions and

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some of them are are unique to fact we cannot do without it and that's why they

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have something called essential fatty acids protein protein also has a bunch

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of different functions it can act as fuel it can access reserves and half or

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more of the of the hormones in the body or called peptides that's a subclass of

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hormones and the proteins are also structural because

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your muscles and all your contractile tissue is made of protein entirely so

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protein and fat both have very important and widespread and unique functions and

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you cannot replace with anything else carbohydrate on the other hand is fuel

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only that's the only thing that carbohydrate is good for so in terms of

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survivability and essential food stuff you can do fine without carbohydrates

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you can live in long long healthy life with virtually no carbohydrates but you

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cannot survive without fat and protein so in terms of importance just looking

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at that fat and protein a very important carbohydrate not very important and yet

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in the food pyramid they say fats and oils enjoy sparingly and for some reason

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as if there was something bad about them they put fats and oils and sweet in the

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same group as if they were related they have nothing to do with each other and

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sweets yes those are processed carbohydrates you need to stay away from

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them but fats and oils in a natural form the way they occur in nature is maybe

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our most important nutrient so food pyramid forget all about it and next is

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the cartoon there's this kids do giving this report he says the four basic food

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groups are stuff that make me fat stuff that will make me sick stuff that will

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kill me and stuff that I'll eat anyway so that's kind of how people feel about

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food that there's been books written about why you can't eat every single

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kind of out there so what what do you eat I mean

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everything is bad right the old us for you for decades that meet this bad red

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meat is bad and fish as bad as got heavy metals and sugars bad and fat is bad and

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this and that bad so let's just forget all about that and start talking about

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what food really is and what good food really is so good food is food that

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contains fuel and nutrients for energy and building blocks that can be

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converted to human tissue and think about that because this nail was food a

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month ago this piece of skin was carrot or egg or spinach or something last

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month so the whole purpose of food is to provide building blocks and to provide

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the stuff that can sustain the body and give it fuel and materials for

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regeneration next good food is food that is recognized by your enzymes and

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receptors so if you put something in your body that the receptors and the

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enzymes doesn't know what to do with it doesn't have a good key or puzzle piece

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fit then your body won't know what to do with that so when we take a natural food

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that has those proper pieces and we change it then the body doesn't

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recognize anymore it's not a proper food a good food is food that will not wreak

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havoc with your physiology and hormone balance so primarily again we're talking

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about insulin sugars starches and alcohols will mess severely with your

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blood balance and therefore with your insulin

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which is one of the foundation key key factors in your in your endocrine system

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and good food is food that your DNA recognizes so we have spend a little bit

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of time talking about this that ultimately everything that you put into

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your body has to be broken down into smaller pieces and those smaller pieces

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have to be able to cooperate and fit and mingle with digestive enzymes and with

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your body tissues so your body has developed over tens of thousands of

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years and all the physiological processes and all the molecules have

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developed a certain fit over time and it has done that because Nature has

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provided a certain kind of food and that's how it is with every animal in

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nature they are adapted over eons to their environment so whatever it occurs

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in nature are things that fit your body that you're supposed to have and it

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can't be any other way because then we wouldn't be here so when we talk about

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history when we talk about a DNA we need to realize that the DNA of humor mo

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sapiens is virtually unchanged for the last forty thousand years there's been a

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mass of articles in literature and physiology literature's that state this

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fact and they all agree for 40,000 years our DNA

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has not significantly changed so when we think about that that means any food

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that introduced in the last forty thousand years is new to the body it

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doesn't recognize it and any food that has been changed is not recognized by

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the morning so we look at this at this diagram here of historical adaptation so

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if we have a timeline of 40,000 years that's a long long time forty thousand

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years this is the period of time that we have blend on earth and for most of that

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or since our DNA changed last and during that time we have mostly eaten off what

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the land provides we have been what's called hunters and gatherers and so

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those types of foods agree very well your body knows what to do with them and

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it can it can function in a stable manner on those foods then we look at

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the most not the most recent but the the major significant event in human history

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is called agriculture and it occurred about 45 thousand years ago give or take

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and when you look at it in perspective to the total range of time that we're

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talking about the 40,000 years it is still a blink it is still a very very

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short time four thousand years is nothing when it comes to to evolving DNA

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so even though the Egyptians started agriculture and that seems like a really

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long time ago it's not very long because we have the same physiology they have

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now let's look at the time period that we have had processed food and grains

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processed grains that's about a hundred and fifty years so for the last hundred

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and fifty years or so we've had quite a bit of processed foods but it still

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hasn't been dominating a food supply and then for the last 50 years and the last

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even the last 20 and that's such a short time that if I was to write it

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proportionately be so thin that you couldn't even see it and that's when the

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dominance the majority of our food supply has been severely processed and

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altered and there's an abundance of sugars and starches and not to mention

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all the additives and food so frankly our bodies our DNA has absolutely no

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idea what to do with that food and it has become most of the food that we eat

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and that's why we are in such a bad state as we are so think about this what

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what are the other animals on earth eat the basically they eat anything that

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they can catch pick or gather so all of those are foods

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