Food For Humans Pt3 1/3 User Manual 4 Humans

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good evening and welcome everybody i am Dr. Sten Ekberg and i'm excited to have

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you here we're going to talk about user manual for humans part three and today

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is the first and if possibly be some more talks on food for humans so i call

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it food for humans so that it's kind of a little funny but we want to start

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thinking about about humans how many people here realize that you are an

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animal hands up okay so basically if you're not an animal then you must be

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either mineral or plant and we tend to forget that we are humans and that we

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are animals and that's why i phrase it that way that we're part of nature we're

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part of biology and the food that we therefore also has to be fitting for us

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so when we talk about food there's two aspects of it and most people focus only

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on the physical matter of food they talk about the components and what the food

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can do for us in terms of fuel and what the food can do for us in terms of

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building blocks and the building blocks of protein and carbohydrates and fat and

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then there's some minerals and vitamins as catalysts

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and it's well enough if we put it into the body but there is also the other

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aspect of food is the act of incorporation we have to bring it into

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the body somehow and there are several steps involved there in the first is

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mastication that's chewing we have to start preparing we have to make smaller

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pieces of the foods our bodies can start using it the second part is digestion

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where we continue to break the food apart and then we start attacking it and

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making it smaller smaller pieces with secretions of digestive enzymes and then

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we move it around with peristalsis that's the movement of the intestines

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that move the food forward and they kind of turn it around and once all that is

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done we have to absorb the food and after that we have chemical processes of

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building things up called anabolism and that's simply another word for building

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up and then whatever part of the food that we can't use we have to get rid of

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and excrete and if we don't excrete it properly then we get toxic so excretion

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is also the first form of detoxification so we want to talk about everybody here

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knows that you're supposed to eat more vegetables and you're supposed to eat

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less sugar and don't drink too many beers everybody knows that but we want

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to focus on are the wise we want to ask the question why don't we want to do

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that or do we want to do that what is the process in the body what happens

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when we eat certain foods so next we we put food in to our mouths and then it

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enters the digestive tract so what is the digestive tract and the simplest way

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of looking at it is that it's a long tube it has a hole in one end and it has

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a hole in the other end that's what the digestive system is and it's important

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to understand that because just because you've put something in your mouth does

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not strictly mean that it is inside your body and when I say that I mean that the

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functional tissue of your body is inside the cell the machinery and the decisions

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and all of the regeneration and the DNA everything that that it has is part of

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that complex machinery is inside the cells and unless we can get the food

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stuffs inside the cell it's not really going to do anything so we put the food

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in one end of the tube and it comes out the other end of the tube and whatever

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we extract of the food to make use of is an active process and that's very

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important to understand because if we don't have that active process if that

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active process isn't working properly then we're not going to absorb a whole

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lot of nutrients theoretically it's possible to put things in one end and

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have every piece of useful thing come out the other end and eating was

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basically useless what we also need to understand is we talked a lot about

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sympathetic and parasympathetic where the stress fires off the sympathetic

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and the parasympathetic nervous system handles the processes of digestion so

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what this means is when we are in a state of stress we are sacrificing our

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parasympathetic nervous system and we are not able to absorb very much

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nutrients from the food so you can be stressed and eat the perfect diet and

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not absorb very much useful nutrients so that's crucial to understand because

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everybody talks about Oh eat this eat this eat this nobody talks about take a

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five-minute siesta take a five minute breathing session relax before during

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and after your meal so you can actually use the food weight gain there is we're

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going to touch very quickly on a few misconceptions and we're open to

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questions and then we're going to expand on them in future sessions but weight

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gain is when your food is absorbed faster than it's used so it's not so

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much how much the quantity of food or calories that you eat that will make you

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gain weight but there needs to be a balance between how quickly the food

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enters your bloodstream relative to how quickly your body will use it so any

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excess portion anything that you absorb faster than you burn the excess has to

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be stored and the human body is very limited in storing energy it can

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basically do it in two forms and one is as glycogen that's a carbohydrate

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storage and the muscles and the liver but you can only store maybe a hundred

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to two hundred grams that's about four five six seven hundred calories worth

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anything more than that you have to store as fat your body has no other way

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of doing it so the excess typically gets can

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to that and you have an unlimited ability to store fat if you store a

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couple of million calories of fats very very easily but only a few hundred

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calories of carbohydrates and that's why the excess so quickly gets turned into

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fat also we know us we must understand that the only thing that can store fat

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on your body the only thing that can store it energy is called insulin

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insulin is a hormone that takes sugar from the blood and takes it out of the

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blood and into the cells so without insulin you cannot store anything and

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that means unless you trigger an insulin response you cannot have a fat gain the

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weight gain is caused by foods that trigger insulin and which ones are those

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there anything that raises blood sugar anything that gets absorbed into the

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bloodstream quickly and this is primarily sugar starch and alcohol so

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anytime that we eat those three we jack up our blood sugar very quickly anytime

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we stay away from those three we're going to have a much more level blood

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sugar so weight gain is not caused by the number of calories it's caused by

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how quickly those calories are absorbed and therefore weight gain is not caused

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by eating fat because fat and protein do not trigger an insulin response they're

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absorbed so slowly into the body that you do not evoke an insulin response and

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therefore those two foodstuffs fat and protein are not very much

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responsible for weight gain I have to read when I I look for a food pyramid

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and I found this article on the champion of champion breakfast and breakfast

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number one skim milk half a banana one serving of oatmeal with no calorie

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butter spray Splenda and a dash of cinnamon so right away we have skim milk

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we've taken away the fat that gives us a sense of satiety we're talking about

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pasteurized milk probably which is very very unsuitable for human consumption

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half a banana is a sugary fruit that will raise your blood sugar one serving

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of oatmeal will raise your blood sugar splenda is a pesticide so you're eating

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all this processed altered food that is no good for humans that jack up the

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blood sugar and then you dash some pesticides on it and this is in most

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people's eyes a very suitable and healthy good diet breakfast breakfast

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number two two egg whites plus 1 egg yolk and egg yolk and a dash of skim

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milk scramble no calorie cooking spray add a half a cup of skim milk and a

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slice of whole grain bread with no calorie butter so all the way through

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they're talking about take away everything that gets you satiety take

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away all the fat that makes you feel full and instead everything that they

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suggest is low-fat altered milk and grains all of which will raise your

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blood sugar get converted into fat so it doesn't

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matter how much or little fat you eat your body is going to make what it needs

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and the more carbs that you eat the more fat you're going to make the food

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pyramid and the classic view is at the bottom is the foundation we have bread

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we have pasta we have grains cereals so forth and they're telling us to eat 6 to

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11 servings per day of this stuff and the more that you study this stuff and

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the more you talk to people who really know they're going to tell you this

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