Food Additives - User Manual For Humans S1 E12 - Dr Ekberg

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welcome and thank you for coming I'm excited to see you here tonight and we

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in this office we try to teach people as much as possible in in addition to just

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adjusting delivering the chiropractic care we also try to bring it as much

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knowledge as possible in all of the the aspects that support health so one of

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the basic things we teach is that you have in order to get have health you

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need to eat well you need to move well and you need to think well so today

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we're we will talk about number 12 here in our series will be about food

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additives so this is part of the eating well and what are food additives food

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additives is basically anything that they add to food that if you were to

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visit a farm a hundred years ago those things didn't exist it's it's a they do

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it because they have either taken something away from food so they try to

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replace flavor color or aroma or they try to improve if they think that nature

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didn't do a good enough job they they try to add on some flavor to it that

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maybe will make it sell better and the other reason would be to extend shelf

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life will will cover all of these and give you a perspective on what all of

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this is about what does what does it imply when they talk about shelf-life

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what does safe when they talk about safe food additives what does that mean and

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with all of the preservatives that they add to food what does that actually mean

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so instead of just telling you eat this they'll meet this will try to give you

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perspectives that you can make make some smart choices for yourself the first

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thing is my favorite question is is it safe when you hear when you read

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articles you hear on TV you hear that they have determined that

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something was safe how did they do that I've always wondered so in in the slide

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I found a few I went to WebMD and searched on food additives and so they

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had I just clicked a few few sentences out and these are citations there's

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quotes the truth about seven common food additives so they claimed to know the

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truth first of all then they say if like many Americans you stock your pantry

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with processed foods you may worry about how safe food additives really are and

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then they go on to say a scare over a food additive may linger in our minds

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long after researchers find that there's actually no cause for alarm so in other

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words they've determined it to be safe and I think this is kind of humorous

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because basically what they do is they take a poison and they feed it to a lab

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rats and they determine how much they have to give the rat before it dies to

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kill the rats then they back off and they see how much do they have to feed

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the rats before it gets sick and anything below that level is safe

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because it doesn't give you any symptoms and that is basically in in principle

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I'm simplifying a little bit but that's basically how they come about with

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things that are safe so I have at the bottom of slide two here is it safe to

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skip exercise for a week yeah I mean you can skip exercise for a week and you're

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not going to have a whole lot of symptoms so that would be safe the

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question though is is that a good idea so it's not that the question is that

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safe is not really a good start with we'd rather ask is it a good

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idea so is it possible to prove that something is damaging to your health I'd

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say so yeah you give somebody something and if they get sick it wasn't good for

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you so it's very easy to prove that

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something is bad but how do you prove that something's not damaging you give

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it to a million people and nothing happens and you give it to a million and

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one and they get sick then it wasn't good so what I'm trying to say is there

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is no way for anybody to prove that something is safe it's not possible

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because everyone is different and we just don't know the long-term effects of

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anything so instead of using the those words we just want to try to start using

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we want to think about we want to have a philosophy about it and we try to use

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some common sense about what what to use and not to use so even if it doesn't

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kill you immediately it may still not be a good idea to eat it and then on number

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four here is one of my favorite cartoons the last organ there's the guy talking

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to the doctor and he says everyone knows food is bad for you but I don't know

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what else to eat and if that's kind of scary

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but that's almost a point where we've come that everywhere you look there's

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something wrong with the food what do you do so there's probably no food that

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they haven't written something about it being bad for you so what what do you

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eat well we've talked about these in previous previous lectures and basically

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all you try to do is eat as natural as possible eat food the way

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that nature made it for you so we're not going to stay on that topic today but

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when we talk about food additives also we want to start asking some questions

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like if they add something to a food doesn't that's the substance that they

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add does it have any normal function in the human body so food has a purpose we

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talked about that a few times ago who was supposed to nourish it does things

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for the body movement does something for the body movement creates impulses and

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signals that stimulate the brain so there's a purpose for movement a spine

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has a purpose a spine protects certain sensitive areas and it creates a certain

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mobility and stability and it sends impulses so all of these things were

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created by nature because they have a purpose but when you look at artificial

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color that is it has no purpose in the body it doesn't belong there is no

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function there's no way that you can make a case for that molecule to be

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entered into the body so it's it's a foreign entity and therefore it's a

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stress to the boy same thing with artificial sweeteners and things like

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mercury and heavy metals no one can make a case for that ever being a good idea

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to be put into the body and one quote that I really like by Albert Einstein he

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says God does not play dice with the universe

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and what I take from that is that everything that nature has created and

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we're part of nature has a has a purpose and all the food that nature created

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belongs in the human body there's there's a relationship that makes sense

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but when we start making things in the laboratory it doesn't make sense anymore

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it just doesn't fit there's no molecular fit but the things

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they make in a lab to to fit in the human body so there's a lot of text on

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the next one we're not going to run through all of it we just want to cover

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a few types of food additives then we'll talk about some of the main ones and and

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we'll we'll make a few more points so types of food additives there are

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anti-caking agents for example they keep powders from from sticking

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there are anti-foaming agents so that the food won't fall I've never had an

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issue with foaming food myself but it must be there antioxidants inhibit the

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effects of oxygen on food that can be a good thing food coloring are added to

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replace colors that are destroyed during processing

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so again nature makes beautiful colored food it's it's very colorful yeah red

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bell peppers and oranges and there's great color but when we process the food

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and destroy the nutrients in the color then we have to add color back to make

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it look appetizing emulsifiers allow water and oils to remain mixed flavor

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additives give food a particular taste or smell and and so on and so on I'll

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let you read the rest of it yourself here we don't need

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go through the list I'll come back to most of these so just to make a few

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points on each anti-caking agents again they keep powders from sticking so

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things like salt for example they they frequently use use anti-caking so the

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cheap salts they do something called sodium aluminosilicate or sodium

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ferrocyanide okay they don't sound good to me I don't know

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about you but those are those are synthetic they're chemicals and they

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just don't belong so in more expensive salts like sea salt and high brand

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things they use calcium carbonate which is a naturally occurring thing in the

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body and if we add something that that has a place in nature normally then that

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wouldn't necessarily be a bad food additive I mean we can make a case for

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it but when they make it in a lab from from silicone and from toxic substances

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there's just no case to be made anti-foaming agents again prevent

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foaming so in chicken nuggets they put something called poly dimethyl siloxane

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okay does it belong and did you know by the way chicken nuggets does not have

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even half of its chicken there's like 37 ingredients most of

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which are chemicals okay so just kind of start raising being

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being aware of what they're doing to our food so that you can make some some

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intelligent choices and silicone oil is very often added to cooking oil to

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prevent foaming and deep-frying so even if they call it they say oh we use all

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vegetable oil or old peanut oil chances are you're still getting some silicone

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because they they don't want their their fries to fall the antioxidants that we

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talked about a little bit last week oxidation is a natural process but when

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it happens too much it creates free radicals and those can be destructive to

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human tissue and they also make food deteriorate so what they often do is

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they add antioxidants to food and some of those are actually not that bad

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because they can add something like ascorbic acid which is vitamin C that's

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a natural antioxidant so it's not really going to mess with you much in terms of

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being a food additive something else that's very common is something called

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tocopherols which is basically vitamin E both of

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those are natural but then if you start reading the list of ingredients on any

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processed food that you buy for the most part you will find one of the following

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you'll find TBHQ which is tertiary butyl hydroquinone those are those are

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basically toxic they're petroleum products

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BHA BHT you'll find all of those in mayonnaise and dressings and so forth

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when you have something with unsaturated we have fats that have unsaturated bonds

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that means those those bonds those unsaturated places on the molecule

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they're nutritious for us because they have the

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ability to react so they perform a function in the body because they are

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unsaturated but because they're unsaturated they also have a tendency to

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react with oxygen so they're more sensitive so that's where they often

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added vitamin E for example so when you have unsaturated fats with oxygen heat

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and light that's where oils get rancid and create free radicals in the oils so

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some of the exam what they do then is even though they start off with a

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vegetable oil or something that's reasonably good they strip it of a lot

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of those nutrients they sort of sterilize the oil from nutrients so that

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it'll have a better shelf life so it won't go rancid that fast so what we'll

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get back to this also to help you think a little bit more about that emulsifiers

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these are some this is something else that's added to virtually every food

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that you buy and it's not necessarily a bad thing the more natural emulsifiers

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are egg yolk and lecithin and lecithin is something that your body makes so

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when you eat a fatty meal your gall bladder is going to release bile which

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essentially consists of less of them and the less of that helps the water and the

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oil mix so that you can digest it easier so when they make a food where they want

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the fats to be dispersed in in water in fluid then they use less of it so most

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any product you see they're going to say something about less than that that's

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probably not a terrible thing some other natural emulsifiers are honey and

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mustard and some other stuff you want to stay

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away from is another very popular one called sodium steroidal

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to lack delay which is purely synthetic and this is one of those cases where

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when I started off saying how do they and safe so this is one example where

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they feed this to rats and there are no symptoms when they feed it less than

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two-and-a-half percent of the diet so I mean that's that's a pretty substantial

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amount to to not have any symptoms but there is a lethal dose that if you give

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more than thirty grams of this per kilogram then you basically kill all the

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rats and so they say okay well this much will kill the rat this much will not

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give any symptoms so we'll reduce it a little bit more and we'll call that safe

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and that's what they do with with a lot of the things that they add to food and

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they call it they call it safe it's FDA approved as a food additive what they

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figured out that is in the u.s. they're not allowed to use more than half a

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percent in any food and in Canada they decided well you know we think half a

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percent is not so good we think that's dangers we'll call it three point zero

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point three seven percent but here's the question do you think it has no effect

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or do you think it has a sound effect it's pretty obvious when you think about

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it and then the next question is if you take a tiny little amount of something

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that has a some effect and then you get it from a hundred different foods and

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from multiple different sources and it's in virtually everything that you eat do

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you see how that could be a significant factor in the decline

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people so taking one thing in calling it safe and then allowing people

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manufacturers to put it in everything so you get a hundred times that it's not a

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great idea I know this is slightly depressing so the reason we do I don't

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want to sound like doomsday but it's hard to avoid on this topic because

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essentially there still is a solution and we'll get to that toward the end but

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just just bear with me for a little bit here food coloring is used to replace

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color that was destroyed in processing or to make food pretty or more

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attractive when they think that well you know this food isn't colorful enough to

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sell so we'll make it red or blue or green or they use it to mask

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natural variations so sometimes in margarine or butter or something that

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sometimes in the summertime is yellow sometimes in the winter is white well

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let's make it all yellow so people can't tell the difference that happens quite a

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bit also and there are some things called natural colors and I put that in

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quotation marks because they're basically allowed that they are derived

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from nature but they're basically allowed to do anything they want to it

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in the process so it may not be very natural before it ends up in your food

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so caramel coloring is brown that's based on sugar and natto is reddish

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orange based on a seed chlorophyll is green from blue-green algae for example

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there's something called cochineal which is red which comes from an insect I

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don't know what you but I don't find bugs that that appetizing

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so they go down the list and there's some things that they derive here but

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even though they call it natural food color sometimes what they do is they

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dissolve this natural food color in a solvent either hexane or acetone or some

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of the color they know what they don't have to tell you that they used acetone

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to give a better penetration of this color into food because the acetone is

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defined as a carrier substance so they don't have to they don't have to label

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that so even natural colors you don't really know what what they're doing with

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it and even those so-called natural colors

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even if they're properly derived some of them like Ananta which is a sieve

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continuum which is an insect and carmine which is also insect they're very common

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as severe allergies they've been known to give people anaphylactic shock

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so even natural you got to be a little bit careful with and again if nature

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puts some nice color to it in the first place why mess with it so if you eat the

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whole unnatural food you're in pretty good shape

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flavor additives and it's the same principle you want to add back or

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exaggerate some kind of taste or flavor that was lost in processing and I won't

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read all of this but I put it in there for you what a natural flavor and it's

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like cut this straight off of the some regulation on that family

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so natural flavor and is anything that comes from the essential oil all the

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arrests in essence extract protein hydrolysate

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distillate yada yada yada derived from a spiced fruit fruit juice vegetable laden

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blah-dee-blah portion or fermentation products thereof

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so they can do basically anything they want to it they start with something

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natural and there is no limit to what they can do to it and if they add it to

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a food is still called a natural flavor so you have to be a little cautious to

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two things from it when they call them natural flavor additives same thing at

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back or exaggerated taste and smell here are some of the artificial ones butter

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is actually when you have a buttery flavor from something it's actually

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dying diacetyl ester when something tastes or smells of banana it's actually

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isoamyl acetate and there are some good books on this that if you read and look

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into this there is an industry in this country that is so big that if you buy a

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processed food there is probably nothing that you taste that comes from a natural

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flavor that they take the food apart the private of all flavor and then they use

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these artificial chemicals to put the flavor back in so most people especially

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kids they hardly know most food tastes like anymore they're so custom so

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habituated to these artificial flavors that you give them natural food and they

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don't even like it so beware and then another one is flavor enhancers

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and these the number one thing is called monosodium glutamate MSG and these what

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they do is they they enhance the flavor that's already in the food so they

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basically trick the brain into activating cells brain cells but when

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you taste something you send a signal to the brain and if you add MSG to it you

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strengthen that signal you amplify the signal so that the brain perceives that

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this has more taste the problem with this is that MSG contains something

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called glutamate or glutamic acid which is a neurological stimulant it's it's a

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excitatory neurotransmitter that the body uses to send messages but if you

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add it artificially it stimulates that brain cell to death and it's called an

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excitotoxin so if you go to a Chinese restaurants and they put a ton of MSG in

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the food and it tastes really really good but an hour later you feel like a

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train wreck then those flavors were stimulated those

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brain cells were excited until they fatigued and failed and you all but went

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to sleep so you damaged some brain cells when you do this and people can be more

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or less sensitive to it but it's a huge issue and it's very well worth paying

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attention to so here's another little dilemma because people are getting more

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aware of MSG and trying to avoid it they have invented 50 plus names for msg so

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now if you look for msg they might even stay on the

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on the product that contains no MSG but instead they call it hydraulic

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hydrolyzed protein or authorized yeast extract or any of those totally generic

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terms that basically means it has MSG in it and then even FDA when after if

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Campbell and Heinz for a number of years but it was just too hard to to keep

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track of it they try to find them for a while and then they said no it's too

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messy we just won't deal with it so I put on on the slide there go go research

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it on the internet find out there's you can easily print up a list of 50 things

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that they call it and just do your best to to avoid those the first to watch out

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for especially are salty snacks and soups and dressings because they

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adversely it's almost impossible to find a ranch dressing for example without msg

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it's so common that the flavor that we know as ranch dressing is basically msg

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now we're getting to some of the fun stuff preservatives and why do they add

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preservatives to food and the answer is really just one they want to improve

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shelf-life and that makes sense from a money perspective because if food spoils

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you have to throw it away but if it stays edible if it stays fresh

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for a year then you can sell all of it before before it goes bad so it reduces

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spoilage and makes food cheaper but what does it mean to improve shelf-life if

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you put something to do it of food away and it doesn't spoil what does that mean

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it basically means that they have made it so unattractive

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that they have made it lethal to microorganisms because microorganisms

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were the things that were and and oxygen and so forth are the things that make

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the food deteriorate so if you preserve a food and nothing wants to eat it then

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it has shelf-life right but what it also means is that if it has shelf-life it

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cannot sustain life and the the preservatives that they add they're

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basically a poison that is designed to kill off things that have a similar cell

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membrane and and cell structure that you and I have so you think if it kills them

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if the food gets so unattractive that they don't want to eat it it probably

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doesn't have much value for you anymore okay so think about preservatives in in

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that sense so preserve is basically to contaminate something and then

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artificial sweeteners now we're getting to the stuff that if you have if you

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didn't hear anything else I say just just listen to artificial sweeteners

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there's three kinds that are the most common on the markets they are the pink

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the blue and the yellow pack that you find everywhere and then the pink is the

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sacrament sodium saccharin which is also called sweet and low the blue is

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aspartame or NutraSweet and the yellow is the latest that's called Splenda or

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the chemical name is Rollo's so what we have to understand

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about these is that they were all developed by pesticide companies these

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companies were in the process of developing poison to try to kill

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something when they found that this powder that was floating around in the

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air all of a sudden was very very sweet it was extremely sweet so now they say

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okay we'll take it we'll modify it this way to kill bugs and we'll modify it

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slightly this way and make commercial sweetener and the FDA turned down I mean

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FDA is is they let a lot of stuff through but they turned down aspartame

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eight times before it was finally approved and it was based on some study

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that was funded by the manufacturer of aspartame since then aspartame is

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responsible for more FDA complaints when people have something outrageous happen

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to them they go blind or deaf or they something happens and FDA gets a formal

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complaint that doesn't happen much but since aspartame was introduced aspartame

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has accounted for more complaints than anything else than everything else

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combined in more than 50% of the complaints in our asthma team

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so these are very very potent neurotoxins and aspartame or NutraSweet

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when it breaks down in the body it both it breaks into four different things it

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makes asparagine which is a natural amino acid

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and that further further fall down into or becomes aspartate aspartic acid and

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like I said this is a natural thing it's a neurotransmitter but just like MSG if

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you add it externally to the body then it becomes an excitotoxin it stimulates

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the brain to death it also breaks down into phenylalanine which is important

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for people with phenylketonuria but this is the also a precursor for

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neurotransmitters so again if you add it externally you shift the normal balance

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and you have a brain imbalance as a result the really good stuff it breaks

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down to though is methanol wood alcohol that's the stuff that pretty much

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guarantees to turn you blind if you get drunk on it and some desperate

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alcoholics have been known to drink methanol and they don't see ever again

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that's how how bad this stuff is EPA says that more than seven point eight

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milligrams per day is unsafe and yet one died and soda contains 16 milligrams

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more than twice the safe EP limit per can

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and finally it it becomes formaldehyde you know what formaldehyde is it's what

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they it's embalming fluid all right you want to drink that I don't think so it's

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such a potent carcinogen that the World Health Organization says you can't have

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any more than 0.5 parts per million I mean those are such infinitesimal

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amounts and and yet they sell this on a regular basis and you have people

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drinking a six-pack per day and it shows up they do have health problems

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sucralose is the last one the Splenda and we were told cheerfully that this is

Time: 1925.779

a natural product it's made from sugar oh yes we modify it a little bit but we

Time: 1931.51

just use a natural compound we use chloride to to modify it well again if

Time: 1939.279

it's made from sugar it's not sugar anymore who cares what it used to be

Time: 1943.809

after they modified it but chlorine is not in sea salt chlorine is not salt

Time: 1952.59

salt is in the form of chloride and chlorine is a poison and a carcinogen

Time: 1961.179

that you make in a laboratory it's a poison gas it's an extremely potent

Time: 1966.549

bleach and if you inhale a little bit of chlorine gas you'll pretty much won't

Time: 1972.34

have any

Time: 1975.059

any surface of the inside of your throat again I mean it pretty much has ripped

Time: 1980.529

it out now when they start with sugar they start with a carbon molecule and

Time: 1988.48

then they jam on a chlorine molecule onto it and this kind of bond does not

Time: 1995.289

exist in nature it is very very unnatural and it is extremely toxic all

Time: 2001.2

the other when they do this they it makes a compound called plural carbon

Time: 2006.539

and all of the other plural carbons are poisons and insecticides there's some of

Time: 2013.799

the most potent and you may have heard of another one another chloro carbon

Time: 2018.75

called DDT okay that was banned in 1972 they replaced it with dye ldren that was

Time: 2027.57

banned in 1974 and all these are chloro carbons just like Splenda old friend was

Time: 2034.59

banned in 74 chlordane was banned in 88 flight trichloromethane was banned in

Time: 2041.039

2002 and then they make Splenda in 2007 and they put it in all sorts of healthy

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diet foods and they say oh well it's just made from sugar okay don't don't

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buy into that it's just a matter of time before they start finding just as many

Time: 2059.82

things as with any of the others so this was the depressing part I apologize

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but it's even more depressing to think that you didn't know this stuff and you

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went on to eat it and your life quality suffered for it so what do we what do we

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do with all this well realize that you want to eat a minimum of processed

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packaged food because it all contains all this stuff so the more that you can

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eat Whole and natural food if you're out go to reputable salad bars when you eat

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food at home try as much as possible to eat the whole food the way that nature

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made it that's the simplest and the best advice that I can give real food is

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perfect just the way it is there's no need to add color or flavor or aroma or

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anything to food that nature may because it's already perfect and if something

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spoils if you have lettuce if you have spinach if you have all these things in

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your house that's oil it's because they have nutrition food is supposed to spoil

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that's what happens if it has nutrients they will degrade because nutrients

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interact with things so if things don't spoil they have no nutrients it's

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basically as simple as that and the other thing that I would like to

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say at the end is to encourage you that you have power because manufacturers

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only made things that they can sell and if you don't buy them they'll stop

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making them guaranteed so when you put your dollars when you vote with your

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dollars and you start buying the healthy stuff when you start buying

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the processed stuff I guarantee you nobody in this country what anything was

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blend up for a month they wouldn't make it anymore

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why would they so it all starts with with the individual and one person can

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tell another person and we can become more aware and we can spread the message

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and that's the only way anything has never changed really sorry for the for

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the dismal tone of the message but again we're better off to be aware and be able

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to make some intelligent choices then then to just be ignorant so at the end

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here I have one cartoon it's this guy at the corner he says holding is sign up

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since standing on the freeway says we'll work in low calorie all-natural locally

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grown blue the free whole food with minimal packaging so the awareness has

Time: 2248.14

to reach that guy too that's when we got it made thank you

Time: 2252.7

very much and I'll see you next week

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